The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 21, 1913, Image 2

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Publlshed daHy except 8unday by the
Herald Publishing Compauy of
Klamath Falls, at 11R Fourth 8t.
College Men's Chorus in Comedy
The Temple Theatre
"U a Japanese Tm Gaid,"-
Edison Scenic
"When tiio Desert Was Waft"
Vltagrapb Dram
'Sally's Guardian,"
Kalom Comedy
"Tho Understudy,"
Sells Drama
Entered at the postofflco at Klamath
Falls, Oregon, tor transmission
through tho tnall an second-cliM
Subscription tortus by mall to any ad
dross In the United States:
One your ,... $6.00
One month ................. .60
MONDAY, APRIL 81, 1818
Dry Slab Wood, 1 it-Inch. .SeVAe
Dry Kir Slab, 10-Inch . . . .14.00
lO-lnrli lloly Wood t.ftO
1 a-loch greeo Ftee Slab. .98.75
18-terh greea Fir Stab .
O. Peyton. Minify
OOkw, US Pte. Ffcea MSB
We hats Just received front the
East a carload of ntarbls
meats, all new deslgae.
We also manufacture
meats to order
Bare Island
MMHmMtil and Stune Co.
418 Etoveatfc St.
Block Wood
Pre get aM Blade of K,
ivyaaTS Huw CvTa) as aVosa) ib awSWanU
last leave aa order. IH dourer
Qreen Slab, Wood
16 inch
Block Wood
Dry Slab Wood
io inch and 4 foot
Limb, Body Wood
4 ft., 16 in. and 12 in.
Leave orders at
O.K. Transfer Co.
lWiie87 Cor. 6 and Mala
P. C. Carlson
Weather Conditions for April
Dato Max. Mln. Weather
1 62 3 PC Cl'dy
2 SI 45 Rain
3 47 31 Cloudy
4 49 31 Windy
C 44 30 PL Cl'dy
C. it 35 Clear
.. .50 38 Clear
3 63 30 Clear
J ...63 34 Clear
10 $8 34 Clear
11 64 40 PC Cl'dy
13 61 38 Pt Cl'dy
13 54 33 PC Cl'dy
14 '.....53 16 Rata
15 .?"..... 60 2 Clear
16 69 36 riClear
17 64 38 CUudy
IS 58 31 PCCU'y
19 57 37 PC Cl'dy
I1HE Northwestern has at last had
L to come to iu It reaslUes that a
newspaper without readers Is not a
very desirable possession, area It It is
equipped with a $60,000 plant, so it
has decided to attempt to bolster up
Its subscription list by means of a
The voting contest Is on of the dis
carded methods which la years past
was used by newspapers to persuade
people to take a paper. The Herald
has used this method in years past,
but like all modern newspapers it
has proven the unfairness of such
methods, and thrown it la the discard
along- with other ancient aad wora
out schemes of circulation gettlag.
Tho contest might be all right la a
small, old settled community, where
the fair contestants are well known
to all of the residents, aad where they
cun secure the assistance of their
friends to secure votes aad subscrip
tions, but In a community Ilka Klam
ath Falls today. It is rather a Ques
tionable undertaking for any youag
girl to engage la.
it takes good looking girls to make
a success of a contest In a new com
munity filled with strangers. No one
ever heard of men soliciting votes In
n contest, which proves that it is not
the value of tho paper that brings in
tho money, but the subscriptions are
bought by the loss of Innocence and
self respect of the pretty young girl
who Is forced to approach all clai
of men In her efforts to wla.
Grocery buying should have
careful attention. It's easy to
make a mistake. Wa believe
better groceries are the cheaper
groceries. Careful buvar ateo
know this. Grocery buying I
your business and
is our business. We sell only
"bettor" groceries, anfl we soil
them for the least money possible.
Van Riper Bros.
Phone 85 i
Lulled Press Service
ROUE, April 19. Thousands of
people here refuse to believe bulletins
that Tope Pius is Improving. They are
sure he Is dying.
Tne reason given is the secrecy
mlantalned by Cardinal DelVal, the
papal secretary.
The pope slept well from midnight
on. He was still weak when be
awoke, but shows signs of Improvement.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaa? vaaaaam
r'k.wttasssssssssar ssraBB.ia m tsbbl-ibbbbb-ibw r .BassssssassBBBasasssssssssssssBMsasssssssssssssssssi
sssssbbt VLsaaaaaaaaaaav mar fsssssf aaaaaaaaaaaamT FSmaaar t J- v rr aVl aaaaama
atmmT , JOa-mmmPF' "MMkKrWffL bVS.M'JwbW
saaaar mW .rfaaaaaaaaaaaammr .?Ssfflvrsf? BaCJafH- P Asaaaana aaaVCaaaW
W. fs,3ammaaavW' .''?. . llWR.' Ja-aPjama-aSM
sssaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaasaVflaalaH '
mnaE5ESEE!XBamamWWlaWWmaWBmwammWaWmmmmm.- I
Imi '
AMiMUon'a toUsV of her lead.
"Come onl" I hear her holler,
Ah Fame's atradgta' down the j,,
A-beggla' we to feller,
Hut stHitt'lttiw I ran't seem to hrr
, .Above the wlller'e swUtila',
An Peary sIiomUV la my ear,
"Ctmte on aa' go a-lUhla'i"
TI10 Otiii M(ru
J.:B Chimbcri, Prop. Phone-00 Uaiw.
IUIi Rah IUy slngtag the soag hit, "Her Kyra An Illue Fur Yale," In
htUol at Hottstoa'n uKn house 8tunl:iy aad Haaday.
The Herald, delivered at your
siore, office or home, 60 ceate
a month.
Vmnm Directory
Jji9UUrrt estfc t'lly, Town and
- TMs, fXrui eescripuva Kmcn 01
seah !.- Umttloa; population, tel
Mit, (MBetee' see banking- point)
.complioa by
What's the Matter
With the OkJ Watch?
it's not getting any younger, you
know, and once la a while It Beads
a rest and overhauling. Railroad
watches are cleaned and overhauled
once a year to insure accurate time
keeping. Why not bring youra la and
tit fas give It the attention that is
necessary for good time keeping.
Watcluaake,, Jeweler aad Engraver,
8. P. Watett laaaector
Trust to tho authors, Adams,
Hough and Howard, for the catchiest
of music nnd tho nemo of novelty In
tho successes that they regularly give
to tho stage, another of their pleasing
musical offerings Is "Tho Prince of
Tonight," full of melody and splen
did humor, coming to the Houston
opera house Saturday aad Suaday,
April 36 and 37.
Tho play la a bright sparkling con
coctlon of the wry best there Is In
two hours of music mirth and melo
dy, and the balnuco ot the time de
voted to the unfolding of a pretty sen
timental story. There Is aa excellent
cast, lots of pretty girls, who are good
singers and dancers, and a gingery lot
of chorus men that get their work
The Friar of Tonight." lo
over In manly slyle. Tho scenery Is
correct ot the locatlun and the trans
formation scenes are ieallderlng. The
cuittunes ar a work of art. There
nro several musical numbers that
make tho head nod and foot tap,
amoug them, "I Wonder Who's Kiss
Ing Her Now," "Tonight Will Never
Come Again." "Her Kyes Are Illue
for Vale," and a score of other.
(8peclal Correspondence)
I.OItELLA. Ore.. April 11 Mrs.
Fred Thompson has been on the sick
list for the past few days.
0 a e
Will Duncan and Levi McDonald
have returned from a week's trip in
tho.vlclnlty of Alturas, Calif.
William Nitre has bees visiting
Langell Valley frleads this week.
F. J. Downe Is here with a party
doing some surveying on Miller
Creek. He Is going to locate the high
est point at which It will be possible
to divert the water for the Horsefly
Warren Kllgore and family return
ed Tuesday from the Silas Kllgore
ranch near Oleae.
Mrs. William Fordaey of LoraUa,
ho has had a very serloaa lllaeaa.
Is now able to be about agate aad to
take charge ot the Lorella postofac.
Extensive preparations are being
made by the ladles of the Lorella
Methodist church for aa eaterteia
ment aad boa social at the school
house on soon.
There was a time, so I am told.
tang years ago, In days or old,
When all men's hearts were tiled
with hate. '
They sought to tear and devastate,
And soak their brother la the eye,
And cheat him when he came to buy.
Itut this black spirit of the past.
Wo're glad to say, la goae at UaC
For now. Instead of bruising flsts,
We meet with broad philanthropists.
Each one Intent on giving more
Than over's been bestowed before;
And that their purpose may not fall.
Thoy do It through the bargala sale.
The dally papers teem with news
Wherein these men eipress their
About their varied merchandise
And facta about their sacrifice.
They tell of prices cut In two,
And goods marked down (and this Is
For you may purchase what you will
And ask It placed upon your bill;
There's not a merchant la the towa
Who'll ever fall to mark It down).
They seem possessed, though money's
To give us goods below their cost.
And so, when trust In man gets frail,
Wo're braced up by the bargain sale.
I marvel now as I reflect
About these facte and their effect
Upon these great unselash souls
Who've ripped their fortune full
of boles.
And slaughtered stocks and failed
with tears.
And kept It up these many years.
My mind with awe becomes Immersed
To think bow much they had at flreC
Old Rockefeller's wealth seems slight.
While poor Carnegie's fades from
Oh, you who knock, aad bawl, aad
And say the cost of living's high,
Co get a paper; cease your wall,
And read about the bargala sale.
I absolutely guaraatee all say wora
o give entire satlsfactlua.
GEO. II. HAYDEN, Optlciaa.
JC-tf Koom 116, 1. O. e: F. Bdg.
3. K. Wllahlre Is a
visitor. Ho came in
Klamath Falls
from Ashland
Modern Hornet
A four-room modern hoase oa Hie
hill at 91.830; easy terms.
A four-room modern house la Nltli
ofs Addition at 81.860! . .
You will seMem, If ever, have aa '"""'" c"7
Hotel Arrivals
Awerrkaa Hotel
It. A. Ilroyles, Keno; Mrs. Georgia
Andrews, ranch; John Knott, Crater;
Hsmul Currier, Han Fraaclsco, Wa.
Flick, Sacramento; L. Lundsea aad
son, llonanta; 8. M. Miller, Illy; J. K.
Wllshlre, Ashland: N. Collett, Tower,
Minn.; Itobl. Clark, Tower, Mlaa.;
Marvin Underwood, llonansa; 8. C,
Davenport, Chlloqula; Chas. Krwaale
and wife. Malta; llalpb Felrasld, Sac
ramento. Hotel Mall
Italph Dullard. Chlloquln; Edward
fisntry., Crescent; L. Define, Algoma;
C. U Mosetry, Han Fraaclsco; C. K.
'Monahan, Han Fraaclsco; Anna D.
Crane, Klamath Agency; E. W. lluras,
Mt. Hebron; Geo. C. Clsrk, city; the
Musical Stanleys, New York; J. C.
O'llanlon, Portland; F. Long, Port
land; 8. (I, lAindon, Sao Fraaclsco; R.
U. Nelson, Han Fraaclsco; Oeo. R.
I'heneger. DorrU; W. M. McKay.
Alice Crenshaw; C. D. Doaaoa. Al
goma; W. C. Wilson aad wife, Mer
rill; II. T. Howie. Winters; Earl Doug
las, Orovllle; J. A. Thoratea, Saa
Fraaclsco; J. W. Ulaaey, Portland;
C. F. Jackson, Portland; C. L, Hue
sell, Portland; C. E. Hemerau, Sacra
mento; Louts llolle, MC lleeroe; 8. A.
Drown, Crystal.
Ed Cookman, Agency; W. II. Shad
ley aud wife, Agency; D. M. Ramsey,
Montsar, Mo.; Oscar Farao, Dorrls;
(J. C. UDaln, Algoma; It. M. Cramer,
Portland; William Constlalsen. Port
land; D. J. Htatea, city; Carl Calvin,
city; Sam Combe, city; Jesse Forbes,
llonanta; It. V. Uerthelsdorf and fam
Uy, Montaer, Mo.
It. J. Knoi, Chlloquln; Mr. aad
Mrs, II. J. Johnson, Han Fraaclsco; C.
D. Ilrltt, Han Francisco; Mr. aad Mrs.
T. II. Anderson, Chicage: J. F. llrock-
T. II. Chamberlain, Han
imVat laH m
-tat fl rimaalUnVK: gaT'"U' I
Spring is lite Season
To Inslall n,w ,ni Bod t
11 your home. ., m m
l.ry l kaiMnx .l, ,k. I.
11 '"''' lMi.,r si , J?
wi. ohmmuSj;
tight r and you will hate aZT
I'flc and prompt ,. ... "
iritiiti utk from
IKw J. XamwaR, Fisaldsal F. M. Ilahh, Vlre-l-res. aadTfaa.
Bert E. Wtthrew, Heerrtary
Surveyors and Irrkjation Lngineef
Map. Plaas, Hlarariais, Ktr. KUtMATH, PA I.I A, 0MM8V
opportualty to bay good
Kood locatloas at each lew prtcee.
il'2MalnNt. llmeN
it .. A , .. m .. mm . .
I iuiiui j. m, vetee, oaa rraacisco;
L-. 11. weuer, uraau I'i
sssaaal smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaml
luet aow, E4taoi tmtauta Re
Ml'HIU MOl'al
Hole KrpreaeatSsH si sb
n.n (lay a VSt IWa, 81
Mrlnwuy aad ether Useag r
m, Other ataam at aea
si I'l-hr. Teniae, aad anas,
Agrary foe alaatr md waa
aeMlag MarMass, (awTa
nrlier. Vktor aad Kdmaaa
utiU aad Macblaes. 8sess,la
llunriy aad litters.
It. MADrtK. l-isfjissw
710 Meat M.
ottl. airt a-wlame KteeravaU
Headquartert for
Full Strength
Lowest Prices
Make Us Prove It
We dare not exaggerate to yon. We are aeyendent tmoa
your patronage. To get It we must have your trtut and confi
dence. We make the following statement! with full under
standing of what they mean to us. You art safe when you
twiievc la these wjtteaeats.
For the Bowels
If you oaly knew ss much a we
aad those who have used thees know
about iUxall Ordsruts, you would
be a eathufiasUe about reooaiBMod
lag Ultra as we are. Tbty tasU Just
like candy. Thar act so Mail and
so pleasaoUy thai the takJag of Uwra
is a plaasur.
Even ahildrto like Retail Order
a; aad you know that if a aaedi
k sppeals to a child, it will appeal
to growa-uM.
of howel III and
klp chamsloass, dispel Uues aad
auk you fl bapny by their sulsa
id tooic, tritanalBg aad straeiha
Uf affwt upon tie twwabt TW
an v irae ue 1
t aatumlly raadts frem iamjala
aad iaactiv bowels.
a SDort tltnm
luuslly auk unorcmsty the coo-
uaura um 01 pnyaies and puruUvr,
thus tending to stop such unhealthy
habits a may have ba formed.
Make Us Prove This
We do not uk you to take our
word for this. We want you to tusks
us prove it, aod at no cost to you.
Buy a bos of Retell Ordorlles si
jur store. Use them once, or use up
the whole bog. Then, if you are
not thoroughly caUsAed, luit coma
back empty handed and tell us.
Without obhgatiag you or qucUoo
lag you we will return tbo tuoni-y
you paid us for them.
Doesn't that Indicate that Reisll
uraeritea are at lut wortny of trial 1
Doesn't It prove our faith in theinr
Doesn't it merit your eon&dencer
Could any offer b awr fair to youT
OfiftSTtnAMrtarSiSieiu nd
ad persons. Retail Orderlies ooroe
" w"l,r' """ ' " I IINDFRWOOIVS Cnrner M"n
Oo to the new City Laundry. 131 I mtr
Fourth street. Phone 1G4. 31-lt maaaaaaassaaawBaaaswm
, rtaansanW'
ia eoavealaot
boss. la.Ublsi
300 J
. .- T "T"!. -"I
SO UUeU, too.
iket ska tla
Oci M tablet,
Rmsil Ordstaesae this ejaletly,
without griping or euug aaassa,
pamiag or Meessir loossaetsTTaey
atlooTrcostaad lesssisshsssiiss
CAOTIONj Flm bear 'taadad tUt Retail Orderlies are not sedd by all
sJsU. You eaa buy ' OrdSSss only at Tb Retail Htoret.
PViaitamaWM araifeev
Star Drug Co., Inc.
The Rexall Store
There Is a Rexall Store la nearly e very town aad city la the United
States, Canada aad Great Britain. There Is a different Resell Remedy
for nearly, every hamaa ill each asp eclally designed for the partleular III
for which It is recommended.
Tho Resell Storao are imerlea'a gveateet drag
Are You Looking-
For a Home, Farm or Building Lot
We will trade yea a home in KwHiaUt Falls for leW form, or a farm
for (. n home te towa. If -ear homo la toe amaH wo wU trade for
a larger one, or if it la too large we eaa faraleh yon wWh a eaealler
ae. lfyowlhtoeetasMriMerty te ae part of the ekf fer.a
dlffereat locaUoa, wo eaa, aeeemmodate yoa. Wa ewa hoaeee aad
property 1a all parts of Use etty. Come te aad see W.
Between Main and Pine on Seventh Klam-th Fa
" .'