The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 03, 1909, Image 2

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" . Issued Dally, Except Sunday, bjr the
W. O. SMITH, Editor
Dally, by malt, one rear.
Dally, br malt, lx months.
Dally, br mall, thre months
Dally, br wall, one tcoath
Dailr, delivered br carrier, one week . .
i.... 3.50
, .... 60
, . ... SO
WASHINGTON. I). U Congress
next wlujer will hare to determine
whether or not bond .hall bo issued
br the government to raltc $10,000,'
000 or more to hasten the completion
of federal Irrigation project now un
der way. It has become evident that
without some inch assistance work
ob wany of the projects will drae
along Indefinitely. There Is only
110,000,000. available, and there Is
Immediate demand for $?." 000,00.
Unless some method Is 'provided tor
Incresulaz the amount to be expended
next season, the work of the reclama
tion service will be seriously crip
pled and many settlers now residing
oa unfinished projects wilt be sub
mitted to more or less hardships.
Salt Lake City. Every milch cow
la Utah is to undergo the tubcrcllne
teat aad all havlns tuberculosis will
be killed. This announcement was
made br the State Board of Health.
The opinion was expressed 'that SO
per cent of the cows are Infected.
' Portland. Walter II. Moore, pres
ident; W. Cooper Morris, cashier, and
E.rB. Lytle. Henry A. Moore and Leo
Prttde, directors, of the defunct Ore-
tfa3 Trust and Savings Bank which
two years ago closed Its doors, a
Iwteefc, were all arrested and taken to
jail. The arrests were the result of
a sudden and unexpected recommen
dation of the grand Jury.
Topeka. Wash. Justice Mann
discharged the case against Tom
Pike, charged with having tho "mak
ings" on his psrson. The judge said,
Is'part: "In my opinion this cigarette
law Is Invalid, unconstitutional and
farcical. Although I do not approve
of cigarette smoking. I do not think
t Is unlawful."
Topeka. Kas. Statistics prepared
by the U. S. Board of Agriculture
show that (ho earnings of poultry In
the Untied States In one year were
greater than the value of cither the
cotton crop, wheat crop or swlno out
put. Tho value of the egg output for
a single rear amounted to more than
Jackson, Miss. President Taft was
loudly cheered on his arrival here.
In the course of his speech at the fair
grounds he advised young men to
take up farming, and said that rural
Ufa was free from the nerve-wracking
strains of other pursuits nil tjnded to
Increase tho natural span of one's
TM Htve N. Instinctive Impulse t.
tntte in. VV.Ur.
It has turned out, under the search
ing experimentation or recent years,
that much Unit we bate supposed to
be Instinct In Is not Instinct
at nil. Por example, the youticiluck
provesMo have no Instinctive Impulse
to filler I he mater, doe not rwosiilic
the element tiy night and Is. In short,
to precisely Ibe same slhittllou as n
chick until, by happy ctuuir, II eels
Us legs wet. . Wet legs, however, mid
the lift of the water on the Isxly at
once start up the swimming- reaction,
aud uway sjllstbc duckling, as chick'
ens and children do not,
The rhlrk. on Its part, has a definite
Instinct to iwvk at any small object
that catches Its eye. That tubes care
of Its feeding Itul the chirk tins uo
correspond lug Instinct to drink and
would die or thirst ticrore It would
rccoguutc water by sight iitone. Drluk
tng It has to lenrn for Itscjf by peck
ing at dewdrois or spots 'or light on
the surface of the water or'imrllcles
at the bottom f Its cup. Even the
hen. contrary to crncrnl belief, proves
to have mrinsjlnetire fear of the wa
ter for ber offspring. A ben that has
wised- a few broods of ducks mid seen
them take to the water become highly
distressed when a subsequent hatch of
chickens do not swim. In fact, hens
have been reported under these cir
cumstances to tend their chicks to the
waterside and push them In. Mc
Clurc'a Magaxlne.
Athens. Greece. The early abdi
cation of King George Is expected,
Slnco the attempted revolt In the
navy last week he has been winding
up his affairs and Is merely waiting
for a favorablo opportunllr to quit
the throne without disorganizing the
The Detroit "Free Press" thinks
that since Dr. Cook's pemmlcan was
mado In Chicago, the Doctor's tale of
the hardships he had to endure Is
probably not exaggerated.
"A Los Angeles man has left a
fortune to a girl who refused to
trnfrry him," says the Buffalo "Ex
press," and tho Washington "Herald
observes that "greater gratitude than
this hath no man."
I Helping the Town
stMdlng Ptsc. .1 the Flying Fish In
th. srgass. Sta.
In the middle of tbe north" Atlantic
there Is an area of comparatively still
water almost eual to coutlueutal
Europe In extent and more or less
covered with dodtlug seaweed. It was
kuown as the Uar de Kargaco to Co
lumbus und the enrly uulsutora and
tbe Sarguiuo ca of imsieru geog
The doutlug seaweed was formerly
supposed to have grown near Ibe lis
bania and Florida shores und to have
drifted to Its prvscut posltluu. It Is
now, however, known to grow and
propagate Itself where It Is found, lu
It are found globular masses of weed
containing tltti eggs and known as dsb
Investigations show that Ibe floating
weed of tbe Sargasso sea Is the chosen
breeding place of species of Dying dsb
The. rgga found la tbe nests were at
trlbuted to certain siecles of flub found
resting on them, but careful examine-1
tlon of toe eggs shows that they really
belong to flying tltb.
Apparently, .however, tbe flying flsb
do not make tbe nests themselves.
Eacb end of tbe egg of these fish Is
furnished wltb bnnebes of very long
fllaineolary tendrils, and by means of
these tbe finely divided branches of
tbe Sargassum weed have been mugbt
together In globular masses. Tbe eggs
may be said to bare made tbelr own
nest linden Field.
Hs Thought Hs Wss Firm and Knivs
H. Wss Cantldirsts.
The young man had entered Unit
i mysterious realm culled matrimony.
and Hi It wns his llrnt offense his ra
ther was huudlug him some internal
uhlce ns to how he should treat tho
young wire.
"When you hnve.nny little differ
fncea of opinion, tny mm." lie said In
the ly. "If jou cun't persuade Mar
garet that j mi urc rlclit-niid jou prob
bly can't, for thoy nre nil about nllUo
-you must compromise, lie llrm, yet
'jo considerate ami compromise."
"Yes, father," replied the son.
i well remember a little ocrl
nice, and n reminiscent expression
ramo over the old man's face, "on the
very threshold of the married life of
yonr mother nml myself, nnd It was
I he basis of nil future disputes. It
wns this way: 1 wauled to spend the
summer, our first vacation together. In
Maine, and jour mother wanted to p
to Saratoga. That as thirty years
ngo. But I shall never forget how tlrni
nnd yet linw considerate I was with
your mother nnd how we compromised,
avoiding nil dispute. We stayed from
Saturday noon to Tuesday morning nt
liar HarlHir, and theu we spent the
rest of the summer nt Saratoga. Yes,
Indeed," the old man added, with a
sigh, "that's the only way to deal with
a woman. You must In llrm. hut U
willing to compromise n little once In
awhile, ns 1 have done with j our moth
r." New York Tribune,
D.sth Ofttn Unkind In In. MsnMf of
TI..I. T.Untt Oil.
Of the ...onnrcl.s ttlw " relate,
m-r Knglaml the d)s of I to
Korinan eou.iuest nearly ciue-.U.irtcr of
I en I li-
roar as ear aa a baak fas yoew osra cosaiaa- X
ty Increase Ike coasaiaaHr'a power to do hasleess. It
anhelaatlal burners waat to borrow as.aey Ustre la aaere to
It jrow soak yorr momej away from hosae U la
: to other taraarra, merchaats aa4 snaaafartarera.
Maaey likUeai at botue eslo. m
rUcrw ta bank H is pat to work la ways that brio alL
First National Bank
of Klamath FaUa
la a good baak to asjt yoor aaoary ia aafc aad reUablo.
1 A Savings Account
'- ' ateaaa
". 1 jfirti
-i -f,i
U a rata day f aad, a Ufa Insraaee aoUry, a akk keaedt, a
faatral keaesK, aad aa eld age psaatea. There ia ao ferfettara
elaswo fct the yaaaaook, aad it la aader the owaer'a coatrol at
all tiasea. It wlsl tide him over alckaeaai It will care for hla
CaasBy whea be mast go; it wttl aee him(lirojd old age, aad
hary aim wbra be diea. It la a simple, baalaeaa aroyoallloa.
early, aad keep it ap. aad,lako laaaaa aa Urn desert, t
aapply hhaaa he Josjraeya
Host la tho time to opea aa aeceaat with tba
.viij' ' JT1I,,
Trait ana savingi book
i ,:V ' ,
j "Vf "
WjitiiiiJM HUM Mllltsf
" Bismarck and 3.
Bismarck bad an Inteuse aversion to
13. but a veneratlou fur Ibe num
ber 3. Ills reasons for bis pre
dilection were that be served three
masters: be wns responsible for and
fought In three great wars: be signed
three treaties of ieaee: be arranged
tbe meeting of three emperers: be es
tablished the trlplealliauce: In tbe
Krannvl'russlau war three horses were
klllitl under blm: be bad three names
(Blsmarek. Seboenbausen and Laneo
burgi: be neiiulred three titles (count,
prince, dnkei: tbe ancient arms of bis
family are a leaf of clover nnd three
oak leaves. Ills family motto. "In
trtnltate robor" (-Strength In Irln
l'T". was surely lu Itself suuVlrnt to
give a leaning In this particular dlrec
tlon. So rlosely were bis feelings as
sociated wltb tbe triple uumber that
tbe caricaturists represented blm with
three hairs off bis head, tie bad three
Their Signs Constitute One of th
Sights t LanJon.
The American In l'iul on Id rlrl
visit to Unit marvelous cllyt Is slrm-l:
by Ibe number of xlu nvr !i""
wltb the royal nrms 'ptlutisl Iheri-oii
and nnnniinclng tint ihf tnnle- n
Is a purveyor (u llwlr iujJ-iW-. t,
when Ibe mailer Is sifted, the numln r
la not mi large.
Olllelnlly, uet-onllng lo the lindo'i
News, (here are hImiii -.ii iruilosmei
In London wbo told lb royal wurraM
and nre entitled lo ue the royal arm
as u shop sign, with the Hcniinpanyloa
words. "By royal apisiluimeut." Tbe
royal warrant has to be received.
Igued and scalrd in due form; other
wise. If ,n tradesman styles himself a
purveyor. to a meiniier of the royal
family without (bis furmal iiermissloii,
hs la guilty of nn nffeiise which Is
punishable by a line nut exceeding
20. Mureover. be Is liable lo a simi
lar One If be uses uruis so uearly re
aembllog tbe royal arms as to lead
people lo believe thai he Is enrrylpg on
his buslnewi under the uutliorlty of
royalty. Several Instances. have ooi-ur-red
of the enforcementif these pennl
ties. The wsrrants are exhibited la the
sbop windows, bended by Ibe royal
arms and lies ring the signature of
the lord chamberlain, (he comptroller
of ibe royal lnMieboltl, Hie treasurer
f tbe latter, or ol tbe master or Ibe
horse, etc, according to the clrcua-auacas,
Strang. Hindoo Btlltfi Cor.tsrnlng the
Man Eaters.
In India the traditions of folklore are
numerous ami strnuge. Among tluwe
pertaining to the tiger the fottonlng
are Hie most iHtiiltar: The itmilucatiHl
Hindoo (and lie Is In the great major
ity) believes thnt the ghost of a man
killed by a tiger rides on the hend of
tbe beast that slew him to wnm him
or danger and to guide blm to new v lo
Urns. It Is declared that Hid provides
for the tiger's dally wants to the
amount of I niee n day-that Is to
say. If tho tlxi-r kills a calf worth il
niiees he will not tie allowed another
victim for five days.
Katlug the flesh of a tiger Is sup
ptiscd to give one great courage nnd
alertness, but the w linkers must first
be singed off the lsast or his spirit
will haunt the-man wbo fed off blm.
and he Is likely to I turned Into a
tiger lu tbe next world.
Tbe following Incldeut really occur
red in a small Indian village In the In
terier: One of the villagers wns unfor
tunately killed by a tiger. Tbe ollee
Investigated the accidental death and
rendered this verdict: "landu died of
n tiger eating him. There was no
other cause or dentil. Nothing was left
of blm save his lionc and some lin
gers, which probably belonged to ei
ther tho right or left baud." Washing
ton Star.
Th. Modern On. Sounded Quit. Orsnd
to th. Old Lsdy.
Old Jdy O'Mslycar laid down the
paper wltb a sigh and louked over her
spectacles at tirandfather Ulyear.
I feel iiulte oshamed when I reiueiii-
ber our bumble marriage notice." she
"Harried. In tbe First Concrciratlon.
al cbunb of Ilarborvllle. Abel Good
year lo Mary Lawton.'" chanted
uracarather Goodyear. "It read well.
to my luinking."
"Yes. for those days, but not for
present limes." said bis old wire.
"Yon know, Anastasla Cummlug't
daughter Ijiura married a Toby, and
their daughter has just married Sophy
Leavltt'a grandson. Ills mother, So
phy's child, married u Wilson."
"Well, what of all that!" Inoulred
Grandfather Goodyear, rubbing bis
forehead lu great confusion of mind.
"It's the fashion lo keen all the fain.
Ily names." snld Old Lady Goodrrar.
severely. "You bear bow grand It
" 'Married, at tbe home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Frederick Cummlnis-
Toby, by Iter. Harold Lowden Kirk
bright, With Smyttie Cuinuiuig to
George Broune Lcavltt-Wllson.'
"Now. there's something for old
Grandpa llrouoennd Grandma Sioylbe
lo be procd of-irtbey were alive."
"M'mr said Grandfather Goodyear
Youtb'a Companion.
Viif-nulll COIHlUi
i i.iiiu.i. o met violent
William I. wns killed by '
Ills horse. William II. aUot lijle
(Hinting, whether h accident er de
sign Is still oue of the utisoltcd irel'
ii.ii ..r lilstwryt lllchartl I. - M'J
by a shaft from a crossbrow lillc
besieging the city of Clul.ii. In I raw.
Illcliard II. was murdered In I milefract
castle. IMwurd II munirm.
llerkeley rustle nnd l.dnani
.,. r i I, ,n III. mis
killed on the ballletleM of Itoiwortb.
and Charles I. had bis head cut off In
Loudon. .
lUlubelh's death na hasicliisl by
..,..,.,..., iiiii .Iik had ordered ine ex
ecution of IIsm'X, und her sister Mary
sickened und dlol siwn alter ine i
of Calais, declaring that tho name oi illy ould I found aflrr death
written on her heart The death of
IMwutd lll.'s son. the lllack I'rluce.
caused the aged inouarch to die of
grief. So. after the loss of bli sou
In the White Ship. Henry I, was tieier
seen to smile again aud lived only a
short time. Henry VI, and George HI.
were Insane during the latter )ears
of their reigns nnd finally died from
what In these days would he called
paresis. Charles II.. Henry VIII.. lil
ward IV nud George IV. hastened their
deaths by the lives they llred. Only
two inonarchs died of that great na
tional scourge, consumption, They
were IMwnrd VI and lleury VII.
queen Anne's dralb ai due as much
vii any thing e)H to overfeeding. Only
Ino monarrhs. Henry VI, nnd George
IIU dlevl after long
All Strtsls and Csnslt Otrdirtd With
Clmt or Lindtns.
The nvernge Huirh town Is nn at
traelhe plnrr In tin- sirjinnrr ns'tillis.
since practically eicry srris-t and mini
Is Istrdcrcd w It It .hade tns-s, nblcb
hut out tbe glare of the sun nisi tlrr
cool ni'd hulling nrrnues for the et
ploratlon of the lourM. 'Ibe Isinks n(
these canals are geurrnlly In
two IcKls-Ihe Inner one rr ah-Iioiik-s
nnd the upper tor Iiom or
dni-lllugs, hut each elnatlon Is plant
ed vt It li tteis.
At best a city Is an eimsllngly poof
location fur live culture Narrow
Streets, tilth tall Inil'dlncs. eirlude (tie
life glilug sunlight; usplialt or rjo-ly
pavisl walks prm-nt the ui-it-ary
moliture from sinking Into the gruund
and nourishing thirsty nsits, and Irak-
sge from the gas mains Is n deadly
pidson to all vegrtatlon for this rra-
son rare should l eiereltsl In the
selection of the variety of trees fur
street planting In order to gel tbe l-st
results, lu Holland time his demon
strated that the elm and linden should
be placed In il.e Hrt rank, f,ir there
are many eiamples of thew species In
Dutch towns whlrh have wltlniod
the ravages of mote thin two een
turles The elm at, ears to be the
hardier of these two trees ar.d will
live under most rdverse conditions.
The Dutch municipalities eiprnd
large sums each year ror the preserva
tion or their shade trees, but tbe re
sults amply Justify the cost for main-tcnance.-Harj'cr's
Couldn't Turn It.
The eye-wClliile Willie's teacher ..
sad and sorry, for. notwithstanding
that he was her 'avorllc pupil, be stand
before her convicted of the heinous
charge of a then or randy rrom a fe.
inw pupil, it was a first offense, bow.
ever, ami she did not desire to Inflict
conra punlahmrnt. , moral lecture,
she thought, would fit the case.
"Itear In mind. Willie." she eonclud
ed. "that these temptations can bo re
sisted If determination Is used. Al
ways turn a deaf ear lo temptation."
Utile Willie's lip trembled.
"Hut. te.Kber." he unstirred, "I ain't
got a deaf ear."
Goodrich's Cash Store
C. P. (lOOI)RICII, Proprietor
filler in Dry (.Hl., Clothing. Shocn, Hat..,
Carpets. Rur. Wnll I'aper
anil (IroccriuM
.,,,,S1 7u
.,,.,, BO.oe
,,,, ls,RO
. ...IHetn .III
. ,.,-sisrlu
l-'l ,,. Tshle Srtll, ." is'iinds for
Mil, oiichslf ground. -r Ion .
MispSisip. Ithilsirsfor
Cottee, p'r suml
Tert, per mnd '
SinrTolst"". sr plug -r,hildwiiis
r plug -npcsr
Head Toln, r plug
lilts, per pound
t,..... . luillllll
Colunil'u tt Hskis, pint. In ililnawarr In.
imiIi sikaKe
Violet (tats, im ksue
vi, .1-1 I'.tntske Hour
Hulled Hat, In hulk, HI pound lor , , ,
III leal I'riine., Wl iunils lor
Itt.Vlt'C ami
. , .Mcahil
i . ,
sugar, s-r sstk
llljsheiit' Price Paid for llkle and Producn
Have You Had Any Trouble
With Your Heater?
No, of court not. If you have one of oar
That don't have to be replaced every leuoa. They
burn for yetra without repiln. We alio have a ftae
Urc or medium md cheap heateri at prtcea walca are
I "resident
Rtoaa, rioat. Mm rriata, lie.
K. M. Urea,
Vlea-rraa. aad TrsM
Klamath County Abstract Go.
Surveyor! aad Inidatloa Iigticcn
fli.T K UtTMioar, Secrslar?
Klanath Falls, Oretyw
.eo.o..ft.. T ttttitlMIH
llellrr jpilp Titan Ktrr
His Cendolsnes.
An English lord used to tell a stair
of a sheriff substitute be once knew
Although be was a rery religious
man. tbe sheriff bad bis faults, and
one of these was that be bad a habit
of using strong language without re
alizing what his words Itnpllrd. The
sheriffs best friend was Ibe minister
of Ibe parish, and u great misfortune
befell Ibe reverend gentleman by the
death of bis wife.
Tbe six riff wished lo rtpress bis
sympathy, but be found himself quite
at a loss o know what to say. lie
sat for a Ions time scratching bis bead
and puulloB himself to know what be
could say lo tbe minister. At last bo
blurted out. "Well, minister. Ibis Is a
4-1 of a business." Loudon Express
Quit, a Success.
Wife of Ibe Professor-Charles. hr
I a lelesrniu an explosion In your
laboratory and Ibe plaeo wrecked.
Professor - Thank, .soodness! Thn
thai experiment was a success, arise
all.-KsT York Jooraai. j
Watch this Space for
Ib-st Kenlie lo Pitttuwer.
$1,000 A business proiMislt0IIl j,,,,
mo nneit "small business" In town.
Reed ln(ome, steady, clean, ami
susceptible to Improvemenlj well
worth looking Into.
11.000 How about this? , corner
In the city, 100 ft. from; a nnnl(H
ration, splendid view, In fad very
choke lots.
$1,500 for 10 acres. Improved; U,u
in; to sto ( Is to buy.
.H.u.imaiMH iioMnuima
"TIIK Itllll PHO.NT"
Phone HI
Ofllee, Uln HI.
rOH IUU--.Mbei.uan;
t-nii Ql ti w. . .
w.ulcgo rang)i tnMt
new. Inquire two doors north ...
Methodist church,
Department of tho Interior. U. H
Und Office at Ukotlew, Oregon,
October , 1909.
NOTICK is kinbr !.. ......
anus li. Humphrey, w,0lu ,tomto
oof .I1. ?ir?,h ". Oreaon.
nio In thi. omco sworn itatement nud
tho su'"r' '"7' ,0 "u'"'
Hon 23, Township 37 Boitth. uanttn ,.
K"t, Wlllamcltii ti.erl.llan, and tho
limber thuri-r.n. nn.i. . ..... . .
. ioo i rovisinfiMi . .
'" tho art of Juno 3, 178. and nets' "m,''' ' ,,"n""ll
amendatory, known . tt, -r,...t . ' ,'B,n,,l" Kp mid McKay fl,
and mono Law," at such value as
mlaht bo nied by pra,cmcnt, and
I'at, pursuant to such nnnilrnii.. ....
i... i ..... -
' anu I m bur ll,n.,... , .
, vu" ro been
PI'ral.ed,JunoH,S09. th !....
l.m.lcn at CI5.000 board feet at
0.7B per M. ad l0 Iani, ,
""" a,,, ""'.Meant must offer final
I'roof In support of his anmt
nd.wo, in.talcmc,,tontho8.hday
ofDceembor, i09, before II. M.UIch.
ardKin. Stale. commll.loncri
at Klamath Pall., Orefon.
Any person Is at nt..... . .
! ,,rch"orE;
a mutest at any tltn. before pateil
Issues, by flllni a corroborated aaV
davit In this office, alleging facta
wMch would defeat tho airy.
0--l8- Register.
rim report cornea (root I'rlnr-tlll.
Hint County Hurvoyor Pred A. Hlca
has been awarded the contract for
thn completion f aurvwy for aa
electric rnnd from Opal City, Iho new
own on il,,, ortb id0f crooked
i river, mi tin, Oregon Trunk and llr
it. Th
contract for th0 aUrveyln
awarded by Joseph U. Houston, who
represents Portland capital In th
O'U'ii Palls project and a reclamation
project In tho vicinity of Opal City.
1 Is tho purpose of Mr, Houston t
Keneralii thu p0wur for (n0 vv(te
lino nt Oden Palls, whara contracts
liavo already been awarded for tho
n.lrue(io,, or power plaati.
It seems that Cannon la no longer ,
"ho of thn t.1 ..... tva aa
tbotigh ho will .nt... k... m Are
1.1 .. ... s
iiiseti or got discharged. wl
I'robahly explode irtt. aowartr.