The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 01, 1909, Image 1

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Klnmnth KallH 1'irnt
mid UcHt Daily.
Our Advertisers -Get
The Best Results.
THIRD Ykau. No. 771.
Price, 6 Cents
tin Alb.
Two Pay Fines and Quit the Business-Believed
Others Will Eollow-Jail Sen
tence for Second Offense
t'nrl Heed and O ' Wlllatin, who wull iilTunl to uny u heavy lino for
vutu ludlclud by lll.t (Irnnil Juty fur tin- pilvllegu, but with tliu liability
lliv violation ol tlu l.ociil OtUlttii law, or n trial on u chargu of perjury, nJ
wllluliew lliclr former plena of not n Jnll spnleuro nturltiK I hem In tho
gullly. mill thli afternoon pleaded facu In ra of conviction for a second
guilty to tliu (.barge, orfvimu, there are vury few of them
Mr Heed atnled Hint Im had null liable to take tho chances
butlni'" 'mil Intended In r.o to hla It in not known whut tliu other
homo at Hnlciil. As tliu tiinu had not men who weru ludlcted about the
Imvu allowed to go to lilul mnl tin 4uiiiu tlinu by tliu Or unil Jury on tliu
county liuil been saved Hint uxpeiiki-. luuio charge, will do, It I alii I id
Jmlfo Nulaiul Hlnlud tlint hi would that tho) limn nlit-udy engaged tliflr
be Ivnlciit In till" insu unil Imi-oicl u nttoliiv) i to Dr. lit tho cases, but pos
fmv of :uu, whkh vvus iuld by Mr lbly recent dvvelupmeula may Indike
lUiil jmiiiKi of thi'iu to chatigu their plead-
Attorney F II. Mill, who appear-
td In bolinlt of Mr. Wlll.on, inked
the Court to suspend JudKliietil pvtid.
Ins tho decision of tho Huprviuo Court lother buslueas m noun of theui wUh
on tliu iiipvnl of tlm validity of the. to tnku the ihaticu of u Jail luulvure.
IahuI Option election In Klamath
County lln nrgued Hint It would 'STOCK AMI W.UiO.NH
not bo Jimttro lo romp.! tliu men to' ,io lu lAtH ANGELES.
pay n fine to tint roiitilv. wimn the
Hupremu Court might decide lu their
fmur, In which rami they would be
out tliu miiounl of tliu linn mid would
l.are no wny lu Retting It buck. Ilei
sjcgeMrd that they be ordeied In,
riKia t w tn tnu cot it y liitk nu
amount atiniriunt to rover me line
until tliu derision wan tendered
JudK-i Nolmid KHVii It ns Hie opln-
ceduru would tend to rnlte u iitutn of
anarchy lu thin county ami would be
very bad policy, mid n linn of i:fu
win lnipued upon Mr. Wlllson. Mr
.1111...... ....I.I .1... fi--. -...I I. ...........
"'""" '""" "', " "
tliu Court tlmt he did not Imve drop
of whUkuy lir hU place nt tho iinwiit
tlmuand did not Intend to hne. I.tmt
week Mr Wllluon ruplared the tol
orvd wltidowi In hit bulldliiK with
transparent kIrxh and hni opened up
tho bar to pluln view fmiu the atreil,
llli tliu Intention of iinlttlm: the
liquor btiklnein,
Judne Noland Hindu tho tnteliieut
Hint It woh hlii Intention to Klvo tbo
iiiaklmum puunlty for lite Heroud uf
fi'inu uiulur tliu Local Option law,
which In 1500 mid n Jail Hentenre.
It lit a fact that mout of the Haloon
nii'ii, who liavu Ikjcii iIoIiik biiulneHii
In Klnmutli KaIIk hIiick tliu l.ornl Op
tion law went Into erfect, Imvu found
tiiiHliiftiH no primpd nut Hint limy could
. - :
Swell New Lines!
Ladies' Muslin
Shirt Waists
and Shoes
Just here
No trouble to show them
Iiik livi-ii If they ilia II would mean
( lint tin saloon liivu would have to
C.o out of business, or enter wituii
Tho Mclnllre Transportation Com
tuiny hn brought all llii heavy freight
wagons to tills city, where tlm bed
I are to bo removed. Tho wagon with
the canvas arn to bo shipped to Los
Angeles, wlirro Mr. Mclntlru Iiiih a
i .... . .
'contract for hauling c.iuicnt. gravel,
ulc, on the 2U0 inllii ditch which the
trite of l.n.1 Anrulim In coualruclltiK
. v -.
.11 llll.,,ni, naiii. ... .. ....
Mrltitlru Compnny owni CO hend of
hnrae nud IK wagon which will be
used on tho Urn Angel'-a Job
Itnther limn br tho e.pun.e of
,ir,.Bl WB(,,mi , cy iBl(ery U
JkUIiik lb benurlt to their brend cu-
ItomerH at tlm rale of 3 loavca for 10
cenU or S for It centB.
Ilread not delivered unlow accom
panied with order for other Koudn.
An Indktiueiit whlih wa found
mi Jnntmry Hi. wan Saturday filed
with tho Court chnrKliiK Or. V. M.
Whllo with fnlaely curllfyliiK tlmt a
pemon wna In need of nlcohollc atlm
Tlm warrant was aerved andsliil'grliy baa won for him tho esteem
,iiv --.... vi .
Dr. While Knvo bondu to the. amount
of l-'fiD. Tho cam wan aet for hear
Iiik on January 15. Jloimoii A Stono.
uh mtoruuya for Mr. While. v no
tice that they would file a demurrer
to tho Indictment.
: ;
IIOWNi:..tMI'lli:i.i, MJITIAIJ.
MIhk Oru Hti'lln Campbell mid Knili-
cIh J, llownu went marl led lant nvoii-
Iiik at the homo of tlm hrldu'H ilMur,
Mra, LoiiIh (lerber, tho ceremony bu
line performed hy uv. II. T I'ralt,
pimtor of tho I'iFsbyterluii Church,
and wan wltiiuiHcil hy tho llnuiedlatb
relatlven and a fuw frlmulii. The hrlilo
wna dieanod In dottnd allk chiffon,
Hindu over white allk, and carried a
bouquet of brldu roava, and present
ed a moat charmliiK plcturv na hIiu
entered the drawing mom on (he
nun of her fnlhur Hhu wan attend
ud hy her uiulur, Mlna Mabul, who waa
Kowned lu pink mouiiHelltiu allk, mid
Minn Nntt Drew, who worn a bounti
ful gown of white allk, each carrying
large hou'juetH of pink and white
carnation. The gioom waa dromtcd
In conventional black, tho best men
being Mr. Clnudo Clianlnlu and Mr.
A, C Campbell. l.oli"!tigilii'a Wed-
dlug March wna played by Mra. Durgu
Miiaou. Tho ring ceremony wai fol
lowed, and waa performed under an
mill of Oregon grape and Hiullax,
Intertwined with electric llghta and
Hurrouuded by largo bouquela of pink
mid while caruntloua and chryHan
HiemiiiiiH. P'MlowIng tho ceiemouy n wedding
atlpper wna iieived, after which a re
ception waa held, which waa iittuud-
ed by over one hundred of the friends' for heurlng: It. E. Cantrnll vh. J. IJ.
of Ihu brldu and gioom. 'Carroll. Keb. 10; Statu va. Jack
No mum popular young lady limn , llrry and Oru Kngle. rVb. 1U; State
Mra. How mi linn been man led In
Klamalh County. Coming hero when
but a mere child, nil of her life hna
been lipnit within thu ronllnea of
tlila county. Poaneaatd nt a dUpoal-
linn that wna nlwa mout charming,
It wiib hut natural that alio cndearcd'lu plead to tho charge of boras and
herself lo a ilicle of friend aa wldvM'altlo stealing. Alf. Walllit, who boa
na wna her acquaintance, ror Hit- beoWrk mid waa luken to the Amer
paat few yenra alio Iisik been onn of Iran Hotel, waa today brought back
Klnmnlh Counly'a most eltlclent tea-' to tho Jail.
killing all tiillueiiro over her
young rhiirgea Hint will bu n potent
Inctor In their fuliiru welfaie and
Hucceni Oim of the touehliig fea
ture.! of thu wedding reception wna
the preauueu of a largu number of
the bride's puplla who, with tears In
their vyea, bade her
Qod speed.
Mr. Howno has been u resident of
Klamath County for upwards of six the full advantages wu haVo thus He
years mid Is probably thu largest In- cured. The goods have nil been care
.iiui.i...i i..i ,....- r it... fully selected by uu expert In the
MINIMUM! anaiaa t iav wi vuu vvihiiii i va
,. . , ,. .. ..harness business, Mr. J. O. Lelnln
. ... .... ..u,,,t, .. . ... ......,
of and udjacont to Iloiinntn. Ho la
a man of splendid qitnlltlea, whoso
uud confidence of tho entire county.
.... ........I
u linn uv iiwv .i m itvutr
lent part In thu development of the
county und will undoubtedly bu a
potent factor lu Its future growth.
Mr. and Mrs. llownu loft this morn
ing on a wedding trip of nuvoral
months' durntlou. During lliulr ab
sence they will visit Mr. Ilowue'a old
homo und many places lu thu l.'aut.
being In Washington to wltuess the
Inauguration of President-elect Tuft.
That their I ravel lug companions
might kuow they were "newly weds"
their trunks weiu amply decorated
by their friends. Nearly two hundred
pouudii of mementos were securely
fastened to the buggago and on uvory
available spaco was written tho Inter
esting Information, "Wo'vo Just been
The friends of the young couple
remembered them handsomely with
wedding glfti, Included In which
were lull sets of solid silver table
ware, Havlland China, cut flan, sot
of mlok fun, fur lined coat and Pot
ent of other article of eo,uat beauty
and value.
The bride's bouquet was caught
by Mloa Georgia Whlto, and aho and
Mr. Oscar Sbtve wore tbo rectplonts
of much raillery by tbelr friends.
i .
Now pictures "Tbo Beggar," "The
Fountain of Youth," "White Man's
First gmoke." New toni
Nuw bllla hnvo been Introdured In
tho Hunatu iih followu:
8. II. Id (Menyman) Directing
county tlurlta to furnlah a largo bal
lot box for geuurnl tlckutM and a
mailer one for Htute and dhtrld tic
kuta. S. D. 15U (Mullt) Providing
1100,0011 to aid lu count! uctlon or
wagon toad fiom 1'nclflc Coaat lo
Idaho boumlaiy, via Crater Lnku.
8. II. 151 (I'. J. Miller and Hart)
-To create htutu couaervatlon com
mlamlon to tooperntu with national
H. II ir.-j ( .Mvrrymiin KUIiik
aalviy of ahurllf of Klamath County
at $251)0, deputy at 11200, and al
lowing expunauH up to 1000.
H. II. 153 (Ualloy) Itequlrlng
kacplng of fco hooka by varloui
county olIlcerK.
H. II. 154 (llalley) Providing for
aepuinte Met of hooka for recording
deed it mid mortgagea.
H. II, 155 (K.J. Miller) Providing
for calling a conatltutloual conven
tion lu 11L'.
b, II. 15fi (Corfuy) Creating a
cotlu loiiimlualou for revlalon slid
rodlllcntlou of tlm criminal lawa.
WallN. Mikey untl WeMi Will lie
AiTitlgintl Tomorrow Morning
to I'leail to Charge of
! ..
HorM- Stealing.
Tliu followloy cuhcii huvo beeu let
vh. J V. lloiiKton and Jack Miller,
Keb. 13; Statu vh. Cliaa. Walker, Feb.
Wallls, l.lakey and Welsh will bo
arraigned nt 10 o'clock tomorrow
morning, and will be given u chance
To thu Public.
Wu am lu business with a complete
linn of huruesM, Baddies, leather goods
and glove. Wo huvo purchased our
stock from the most reliable whole-
gnod-bvo undl8u' l10"',e', l", i acinc v-uuni, i
prices never before secured hero, uud
I we hnve nuld cash, thereby securing
liu UBUn, j,cout. Wo offer to you
lSor who ,1M b(en wU 10 UnkvllIe
aaddlcry Co. for thu last IS months,
nnd na u result wo have no dead or
uitHalablo stock. Kvery article la
I... ...... rul .l.uu mntiirlnl la nt llm
'""uv"' """ """" "" ' ' " '"
iiigucsi iidisii ami ue.i ...R........
Our innnufacturlug mid repair de
partment la In tbo hands of Mr. Lion'
Inger, who, as a workman In his bus
iness, has hut few peers and nq su
periors. Wo are tn n position to chal
lenge competition to offer as good
goods at ns low prices as wo now
offer thu public. Our motto Isr "THE
PRICES. " Wo propose to stand or
fall on that platform. You could not
ask us to do more. Wo have the
goods of best value at tho lowest
price. You have tho money. Cau
wo not trade?
Call at out stole opposite bald-
win's Hardware store, uud Inspect
our stock. It will cost you nothing
to see, If we enn "make good." We
will extend uvory consideration,
whether you purchnso or not,
February 1, 19u. 'it
r Sam Walker and Wm, Shook pass
ed through Yonna Monday.- '
'J.'O. Wight came down from tbe
Reservation Sunday, where .be is
fooding bis cattle, and returned on
Wednesday with provisions.
Mr. and Mrs. -Vterra made a trip
to Dairy Wednesday. ,
Mrs.' L. M. Fitch was subpoenaed
on tbe trial for horse stealing against
Walter 'Welsh, and. others. .During,
hor absence Miss Rosa Beck will stay
with her daughter Hasel,
Borne of our neighbors have gone
to town, where they have secured
Makes Final Report This Afternoon Calls
City Jail a Disgrace-Must Be lm-
proved or Taken From County Lot
hoard and lodging at a low rate. They
may go to a bigger town to llvo for
somu time.
Mrs. Deck entertained friends last
Wednesday It being her birthday.
Jeff Klrkpatrlck made a business
trip to Emll Egert's last week to get
some horses which he has had la tho
Mis. li. Bliss went to Dairy
Sheriff llarnes was In Yonna last
week on business.
Jeff Klrkpatrlck has been trapping
on the Swan Lake mountain this win
ter. He has now como homo.
Walter Welsh, accompanied hy tho
deputy sheriff, Mr. Shook, was at
Mrs. L. Mi Fitch's place last week
on business.
Wm.Uhrmann bought 100 posts of
Stllii Uros., of Swan Lake. Ho la
now hauling them.
Polly Stiles, of Swan Lake, Is
feeding J. a. Hamaker's cattlo on the
old Dleckmmi place. He will also run
thu cream separator which Mr. Ham
aker has there.
John Loguo went to Klamath Falls
on business Tuesday.
Tho people of Yonna think now
that there will be plenty of water tn
the valley, as It Is reported that there
aro flvo feet of snow near the old
Crookshank mill up in tho moun
tunls. Wm. Uhrmann was in Swan Lake
on bislnos Wednesday.
L. A. Sterxl was over looking at
his rattle which Henry Stocshlcr is
feeding for him. From thero he went
to Dulry ou business.
W. II. Ullss has sold his windmill
to Manuel Vterra for $110.
Chas. McCumber went to the Falls
this week to attend court.
Thomas Stanley mado a business
trip to Dairy this week.
Jcsso Drew Is doing chores at the
Reynolds' ranch during their absence
from home.
Mr. Vlorra la making Improve
ments on his barn. This la only one
o.f many Improvements which be has
dono on bis place In the last year.
"' Thu cold nights have furnished
skating In numerous places, but It
seems that some of the boys did moro
of their skating on their heads than
on their foct.
Miss Nellie Bliss was in Dairy last
O. Hoppe, of North Yonna, was
working at Mrs. L. M. Fitch's placo
last week,.
John Donncll bought a load of
wheat from Henry Stocshlcr of Dairy
last weok.
Wood to Burn
LINE INCLUDES PLAQUES. Square, Round and Oval.
Buy now while tbe assortment is complete,
last Jong at this price.
Star Drug Store jj
t The Ornnd Jury of Klamath Coun
ty, empanelled for the December
term of said Court, 1903. beg lcavo
to submit tho following report:
Wo havo diligently inquired into
all crimes committed or triable with
in tho county und havo returned In
dictments In such cases as tho evi
dence Justified such action.
We havo examined Into the condi
tion of tho county. Jnll and And that
Its surroundings could bo considerab
ly Improved by tho removal of rub
bish; wo have also examined Into
thu condition of ll.e city Jail of Kla
math Falls, now situated on tbe prop
erty of tho county, nnd And that Its
condition has been a dlsgraco to the
city and unless It Is very greatly Im
proved tho officers responsible for
Its condition should bo criminally
prosecuted; that wo recommend to
tho County Court that It shall insist
that tho health officer of tbo county
jco that tho city Jail bo at onco made
sanitary and that it is at once very
markedly Improved, that tbo county
should not tolcrato such a disgrace
ful nuisance any longer on the coun
ty's property.
We have had but little opportunity
to make examination of tbe various
county offices but soj tar as we hare
been ablo to examine we have found
them to be kept in a satisfactory man
ner. Wherefore wo respectfully request
that we bo discharged. ,
Justice Miller's court was occupied
Saturday with tho caso In which C.T.
Oliver sued J. J. Booscy upon a prom
issory note. J. C. Rutcnle was the
attorney for tho plaintiff and C. C.
Browcr for tbo defondant. Tbe de
fondant, It appears, admitted making
tbo noto but claimed there, was a
failure of consideration for the same,
Tbo caso was tried before a Jury of
six men, good and true, and they de
cided In favor of tho defendant. The
case will probably bo appealed.
An exhibit of Alaskan flowers at
tho Scattlo exposition demonstrate
that flowers reach n high degree of
perfection lu tbo northland.
They won't
Have It"