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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1908)
rt9i 44CS-. 40 We Deliveri to Any Part of Town. BALDWIN Hardware STORE Phone 261 j j BRICK WORK AND PLASTERING Ht'MMOM. Ill llni ('In nil Coiiil of id,, Hindi nt Ormiiiii fni Hie Ciniiiiy of Klamath lllVlll ,. I IIH-I , I'llllllllff, VII James M. Itiimlii., Ii..f..iiliint Hum IIIIIIIH 'I'll .llllllCH, M It'lllllle, t ) T 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 l Hi'' iiihi r i in- Hiuiii n inn mm Von inn hi n by iiMtiin.i I,, , pun mill answer tlm iplii Int lllul iihuIiihI im In tlm mIuvc diiIIMi il Mull, mi or liefurit Wuil iirmliiy, tlm nijili iluy of l)i.iimiiiir, iiiiiH, Unit Ih.Ihi: llin iliiln or llm luui imlilkiiiiiiii or the mniimoiiH In iiulil Hull ami Urn luxl ditto wllliln which dm ilnriimlmit llieielli In II'iIimI (o answer milil i impliil lit a MiimI liy tlm nriliT fui lllllllllltlllll of tills Mil niiiioiih, iiml If von full to appear unit nimuer tin. 'liliiliitllf villi iiiily In Dm mint fin liw iillef ini)iMl fur In mull mm ,llllllt, tu wit KLAMATH FALLS FORWARDING CO. TransferWork of All Kinds Promptly Done Baggage u Specialty. Charges Reasonable Phone 605 si niitit.w m:v.s. CIIIMSr.YH AND HICK I'Ul'KHASI'KUUI.rV I H. E. CfflLDERS KLAMATH TAIL, ORKOON ! CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night 1'rivatc Dining Parlors Oyiten Served In Any Style I J. V.HOUSTON, Prop. iiii'iulii'i of i lie (liatiil .lur) He hii)h 'lllll If II lllllllniltH in session tunc. ! quieting iliiliillrf'H lltlii tu tlm fo. '! i In- will miivi- to Iov.ii Iiiv,Iiik ilimi rllii'il real jitoitiil 'I In I John Hhepaid In vei) tinullllni: West liulf of tlm Southwest iunrtvr j t j Ontrnll duive oiil m Mr nf H.Mllnii Nlnu, tlm Southeast ijiiur-1 ,ClrkuhtnllH tlm last of tin. week to lur or llm .Nortlii'iinl iiiarlir iiml Northeast iunrter of tlm Hnutln unl liuirtiT ii' hi'itliui Eight, In Timimhlp 'iirtv-uui Houtli of Range Seven East if llm vVllliiiiiiittu Meildlim, In Klmn ii tli Couiity Ori'fon, lontntiiltiK 110 M ri" of luui) 'I liln Hum inn tin ii IiIIhIi ! In llu Ivi'IiIiik llitriilil, a iltlly impai t irlnt'il iiml published nl tliv clt) ol Klamath I'iiIU, In milil (.'(Hint)' mid Hint . liy order of Hun Oconto Not unl, Juili;n of tlm nliuMt iimni'il court, inch order hi lug ilntcd tlm Mill dn) of November, I'.iOS, tliu firsl imhlliii 'Inn of till, mituiiiiiiis to Imi iiiiiiIii on tlm ICtli ilny of November, 1'JUH. THOMAS DRAKE, Attornc) for rinltitlrt Klnmntli rnlln, OreKou MM UK FOIt I'lltl.lC.VIIO.V Hi' Konm burses ln wanted to put In 'In' fi'i'd )iird Mime) IIiiih in.' hllll hauling wood from I "in iik It lali h plate Mr Muji'tH mnl hiiii-Iii-Iiiv., Jin Jot- lime ntuiti'il ii hluikslilltll nhnp n Cunt Kliiiuiitli Falls Mr Olnve utiiiu over from .Null land Thursday to visit his iIiiukIUit, Mrs Eldnn Dennis Mr ami Mm Klrkfiidiill spent Hal unl a) evening Hllli Mr utul Mm Den nlu ThntiiiiH Itolii'ltH. of I'ou Vnlle), In luliliu: Willi his lumber, lloincr. Mr Mouri', nf I'd" Willo). was u Falls' visitor Hatiirdii) 'I human mid IIoiiiit Huberts drove o tin' l'n 1 1 H.iiurdii) John Varncr Mulled tin. I'iiIIh Sat- urdii) I I i ii fouiiil It too far and loo (old to drlvn'-j-f i inn lionm 1 1. Mrs Clari'iid- HarrlH was bitten ' hy it dug Ui Iiml of the week H I:. Iii'tihlii' dtove lo tliu Falls Tui'Kilay Mill Ioidady passed through 1'lnu Oruvu Monday I I.i.(i Thompson In reported 111 with thicken pox Chester Mllli-r 1'xin'itn ('lirlHttllUH lit 11(1111111711 i, llonu mid I'riink lllbheils have rt- kj..s 4. m turned to school after being out with 1 I ' to spend It Takes Good Taste To decorate a home prop erly. First you must have beautiful wall paper. It must be well put on. It must be durable as well as beautiful. We handle the newest patterns, the most beautiful shades and the best qualities. The price also recommends them. ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE MERCHANTS DR. C. P. MASON Dentlit iMrlun lUnk A Truit Co.'. lluiUlnit DK.WM. MARTIN Dentlat Offlccuvrr KUmalh County bank Department of llm Interior, I! 9 l.nml Ollliu nt l.iikevluw, ()r'Kn, Moliir 21, MUM Niitlin la hereh) r.lvin thai Churl") V, of Klamath l'a I In, Ori'Koii. ho, on Oit :':', I'.iO'i, iiiiiiIu 'Mm her nnd Ktonii Alitilliatlon. No 11TIU. 'for llin W'iHWV,, K.i. 3D. T 3i H. I ( 7 "4 :, W M , ha llled iiolliu of i Intention tu mnku tliinl jiioof, to v ' ahllnh claim to tin land ahnvc ile rrltied, lii'forn Count) (,lerlt Mum-' 4th Co. at Ida otllic, at Klamath Knlla. Ori'Ki'li, on llm lltli day ol I an liar), I'jii'J CUIniant miiniN oh wltnenicri Wnrri'ii I) KliiKdou. of 11 Klmn-1 nth, Ori'Ron, Che.t.r II. Iii', ot Kliiinnlh I'alU. OriKon, l.oula llrmi 11011, of I't Klnmntli, (In-Kon, llerl I' WIlhniM. of Klmiiiitli rutin. Oregon J. N. WATSON. 1031 IU'Kll"r. ""mtk k run I'riw.icvnd.v. uvir loldii 1 liy till 1111 una HOOHT for n new tcliool Iiouhu and 11 hIovu that dooa not Htnokn j 1 ChltiiKO Ih umarliiKly health)'. At I eii at that Ik what druuKlatH Hay. Tliu ilniRHlurvH In many partu of tlm city tiro c-IonIik: their doorH on account of ditrenaed tradu Seven litivu aua pemled liualtieiiH on llm koulli mIUu idtiii hiHt Moiida) 11 ml u iitimhcr on the uHt mid north hIOcm liavo cloned In the Inat leu ila)H Tliu atatu of the inihlle health has (ontrllmted InrKfl) lo tin preaunl condition of Hen l.uilier hua lukeii hU leiini oil Hi" drui; iriuk. hut thu temporary In rim inmeni wnrl. ii-aaatloii of tin Ice irram aoda.nlilch Tlio Hotieiu Hint to I'o" Villi")' I dK Item to driiitclalM, has i1nvil Suudii) Itx Hlinre In the ri-duillon of receipts John and Alf Vnrner an riinuliiK H'm driiKHtun-H, II Ih declared, linvu iho KiuiK idowB on ihelr plait .liihtiiileil n chop uey una cniti con inrne In in 11 lo take tliu placu of Iced h""ini;i- -M dm: ami oNivruntn r.m: I'M Hi I'lll.ST OK YKAll. : ' Guaranteed Paints We have full line of W. P. Fuller's Pure Prepared PAINTS 4 A Big Line of Heating Stoves Just Received I GEO. R HURN :: mwmHioxnM Mltli r mined Alheil Patten.011 tetiiriiid to Ho innin I'rldii) Ml. Hiuiii la on the alik Hat Ihlal week. Cheater mid Am hi" tlulr dillle Krld.i) to a feed )ard niirlh of Altaiiioui lleiir) Low wlll On nciuiint of tliu Clirlstmns and feed Ida cuttle there, alao. mid ex- New Yviir'H llolldnyH tlio Southern pnia lo keep liaihelur'H liall I'm I lie will yell apeclal round trip Mr llatlle Wllhon wan In the I'nlla tlikelx on Dec "1, 22, 23, 24 nnd Siiliinlii) on liualiieaH nl tliu Count) :,", and oil Dec 1', 29, 30, uml 31, Siiinrliiiinilent'H iiitliu. l'JOS. mid Jan. 1, l'JO'J. to all points Clin Akit iiiiiio to Jainei Dixon's on Itn lino al 11 rate mid one-third for Tturaoan it D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law KUmsth Falls. Omnon AT SBTH'S 8EREHADB. Department of llm Interior, If. S l.nml Oltlcu nt LukovluH, OrvKun, uclulivr S, taos. Notice Is liurhy Klven Unit Herbert II. Mcl.nnu. of Klnmntli Pulls, Ore. , 1(1111, wlio, oil Mi'pl. lb, iuua, innin l'lmbur and Htonu Appllratlnn, No JuS:, for W'iHWK, Uoctlmi 32, Tp 11 8. 11. 9 i:.. W. M.. linn filed no tice of Intention to mnkii I'liml rroof to eatabllali claim to lh land nbote loacrlhed, liefure County Clerk o Klnmntli Count), lit Mh olllcu at Kliiumth Tnlla, Uri'Kon, on tliu 22d Iny of December. l'JOS Claimant immrs as Hltneaaes 0. W. MrLntie, Mary I' .Mil.nne. I 8. Mills. K. II- l.n retire, all of Klamntli, Kails, Orer.un. J. N. WATSON. 10.13 Henlale- lU cot ssanUd wa had a baa. acWMrf K .. .... l ..' - - u nia nonaa lor a aaivaraa. nusf, a4 msm took pans, .lab, fttokwhUUM.ud mbm tlo wwupia ttobottoaa ud mum to 7la Ulw wiMuU t amy .leti (Ullmairf ti iluu... .j. VwtaivsMftadnrat gath'a Mtsoada. 1"JJW i aoiMtbUi bMUa tta mIm M mu ho,, w, -ui and boyi. . lajZi.T" " o"ow ! fWtliaadowii, ttaf awbatwi JdUuV and poudt of ttat tkW?f bl.4 twit mn fat. u? Hi1 . Pwck k aaad LBW.t I rls!rSu7,,y'"U,W "H "gTtijat-riaad.8.UM4 FlffkTSi.ttUrtiaViar" 1 a'Si""aTaMS)ap ka'aSkaoWU' vjfSfsrszrii Ma Ik. 1T " aa Noiici: niu i'L'iii.ica'iion. Depiirtiiiuiit of the Interlnr, U. S Land Olllce at l.iikuvlu. Uri'Kon, Oc tober 21, moa. Notlcii Is liereby Klvm Hint John . I'lnkurlou, of HI. Joe, Idaho, who, in May 27, 190S, nmde Tlmhi r and Jtonu Appllintlon, No. 41S'', iSirlal No. 02K4) for a"jHWK. N 'irtW'.i 3oc. 9, HKWHUVi. ',, v ' '' S- " I K W. M.i lias tiled nollto of Intuli Hun to limKn I'llinl Proof, to laiali. Mali claim to tliu land ahovu ileacilheil hoforo lletlati)r anil llocelverjit l.nke view, OroBon, on llio 24th dny of Inntiary, 190S. Clalnmnt liiuiies nt wllnpsaci: Dan JoliiiHton, of Kliimiith Kulls, Oro., J. Hnillli, of Klnmnth Knllu. Ore. Horry I'olti, of Kliiiuntli Kails, On'., J, M. Plnkorton, of Wolf Creek, Ore. J. N. WATBON, llUKlstPr. MOO ACHI-8 FIUCK. The l.akosld compuny has 2000 aero of land unilor tlio Adams illtch that It will plvo IlKNT FUKB foi ono ynr. Tlila loclmtos tho uuo of the land and wntur. The rontor muat clear and plnco tlio land In culittlva- Tlio renter Kots all tno cropn Sunday to Kel noui" horses that had Mrioed fiinii hla plum. Mi and Mra Jaa Dixon and dill Inn spinl SuihIu) ullti Mrs, Dixon's .mieiila, Mr. nnd Mrs. .I11I111 Short It I.' Ciinlinll and John Da r loch droii clx lolts from the Anl(cli) i.iiitli 0 Mi Klrkemlall a Siindlt) I A Mi) pliaa.iiit dam'" will Klven ') .lotimiii) Hhori in hla nuw home Krlduy nli'.ht l(o Holt mid Jolinti) j I Short fiirnlaheil llm linule Those 'pri'iiut weii" Mr. nnd MrH. llurrell i lliorl. Mr. and Mrs Chns Admns, Mr and Mm ilrncbt Durkey, Mr nnd Mrs Ueo Klefur. Mr and Mrs. Harry Wil ton, Mr mid Mrs. Tlios. Short, Miss! i:ttu Turner, .Miss i:dlth Campbell, I Miss l.ottle Allen, JikIk Short, Jim Hull, Ituy AppleKiile, Joo Trammel, unl hrother, Mr. McCrendall, Chester dlller. Albert Kinney, Jiitncs Kelly, IJveiitt Durkey, Ou Hnevley, Jnmca Itelnea uml Hum Viirnor .ludRO Short, Mlaaes l.ottle Allen nnd Kluience M Short called on Mr. 1 mnl Mir. Klrkundnll Sunday. MUs Heslorn Trench, nhn has been lendilm; nt SprlnK Lake, went to Kliimiith Kails Saturday. 1 Mrs O Short was RhoppliiK In the Palls Saturday i:er hIiiiu Chester Miller uiinti back fiotn Illy ho has worn n very broad Htullu. and It Is rumored that wi'ddliiK bells will rlnK eru Ions. Uos Kct )our tin cans ready. Maud nnd Cttn Turner lire keep Ihk hoimo In pari of Mrs. Honry Low's liouiu, but nlwnu coiiiu homo Friday nlrthl to gut Minto of mother's cook Iiik Dave Wade went to the Knlls Sat in dm Jit) MnnnhiK drovo to tho Falls. Sunday Captain lliihtn Is clemliiK off the underhiiish on his fiuni, pioparatory ,10 Hpilnc plowltu;. I.itm Short Is ImullnB his winter's iiupply of wood I Will 1-nngell nnd Walter Tumor ute culling wood for O. Webb. , Alox. McDonald, of I.nngcll Vnlley, Is hauling ltimbgr for the government to Cnntp A. I Iven Iconblco mid Chas. Mock wero J In tho rallu Moduy. Mrn. Chan. Mnck and daughtor. Donna, mo both ill with bad colds. Jntpcr Hlbbert8 U hnullnc wood fiom Bwnn Lnko to John Hlbborts' plate, nenr Pine (itove. Sam Bhoit took n lond of ulunKlea round trips to all points where, tho one ny rate does not exceed $10. These tlckits will bu limited to re turn Jan. 4, 1909. I'nssetiKcrs deslr I11K to K t San Francisco should buy excursion rnto ticket to Weed and return, repurchasing n ticket from that point to Snn Francisco The rate from Weed nnd return un der thlt arrangement will bo $13.10. ' m.u.i: 111:1.1' w.nti:d. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing In Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. Office on Fifth Street Ion. ,ut wo reserve tho right to P-i'-' ,. no siuuuiu, Tho Ijikcsklo Comimny, J, Frank Adorns, Mannger. Morrill. Oregon day. Mr. Cunningham was a Falls' visi tor Monday, Our teacher. Mrs. Klrkendall. la You are ambitious nnd possess at ' eiiit nn nverngo amount of tact and ' perseverance. Therefore, we want I )ou nnd will pay ou $7.1 n monlhli for taking only four orders n day You can enrn a big Income. We fur nlsh all supplies free. Write toda to MANAanit, I'. O Ilox 1180, New York City. 12-1 :-:::: :- ::; Largest line of cut glass, tors." Win- Don J ZomMT, I'retidvnt Abstracting oa4tS4A4A464t R M. Bcas, v'Ue-l'ies and Tivaa Maps. Plans, Blue Prints, Etc.' Wanted: Two deslrablu rosldcnco) ots, within thrco blocks or tho court House Square, north of Main street, mi: UEADY-MADU HOUSE COM PANY. Phono No. Si 1. 13 WOMEN'S 1IA7.AAR Itoom 20G. llnldwln llldg- Fancy Work on Sale. 2tf Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Hbkt E.Withrcw, Secretary Klamath Falls, Oregon Have ou seen those doiiblc-sldeii , reiords at Heltkemper's? Two se Uctlous (or tho price of one. 20 I 11111 prepared to do all kinds of Plriuro Framing In gilt nnd mission 1 Dolbeor, tho Furniture Man. 22tt Fresh o) stern, fish and dressed poultry nt tho Monarch Mcrcautllo' Co. 30 1 WOOD 8AWINQ n specialty All onion will recotvo prompt attention. I J. L. Fleldor. 130tf LOTS WANTED: THE nCADY-l MADE HOUSE COMPANY will buy some vacant lots at reasouunlo prlc (i. Call ut the olDcu on Miln street Phono No. 811. 13 FOR 11ENT 500 acres of agricul tural nnd grazing land. 100 acres In cultivation, with plenty ot range. En qulro at tho Herald ofllce. 23 Put your ordor In now for tho Cottage or Bungalow you will want noxt spring. Call at the office ot Tho Roady-Mado House. Co., on Main stieet, and see samples and plans. :.4vvvv4-:-:-'v":v I ---- -- o j Save Time Money ?. By Arranging Your Railroad Trips and I Securing Tickets at KLAMATH FALLS. I Eastern Trips Arranged I X Over shortest routes equipped with through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and ? Chair Cars. Tickets Sold at Lowest Ratci Baggage checked through to Destination, -Sleeping Car Berths Reserved. CALL ON OK WRIT Southern Pacific KLAMATH LAKE NAVIGATION CO'S OFFICE T. A. K. FASSETT, - CITY TICKET AGT. I $ m RIPER BROS. IS nlMBrtrrr tr tk HEBALU. now boarding at Mr. Iconblco's. Bhejpn0Ba No. 811