The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 10, 1908, Image 2

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BwsTfcmssaF s ' saasw
Issued Dally, Kxcent Sunday, by the
W. 0. SMITH, Editor
Itolly, by null, one jcar W
lly, by mail, lx month '-' M
Pally, by mall, three month I '-'"
Pally, by mall, on month f
Pally, delivered by carrier, on week , Ifi
;ami: ok nmnci: whist.
llr'tlgo whist is tn,llntir vvhl i with
n vheol-of-foriuiic attachment. It la
n cn hftv.ion double-enlry book-
Lcvplng and roulette and la pluyed
with a deck of carda, an adding ma
chine and a promissory note. It la
lilted aa a game, but gem-rally varies
between a vice and a life-calling.
That la the way George Fitch de
fines It In the current Collier's. Con
tinuing he aaya:
Bridge whlat can easily bo explain
ed to any one who knowa all about
ordinary whltt, compound fraction.
Robert's rulea ot order, wlrcleaa te
legraphy, mind reading, and allent
signal. The rulej ot ordinary whUt
prevail as (ar a they go, but In or
der to make the jraine appear more
like real financiering, each suit I
given a different value In the count
ing. Kach trick over lx when spades
me trumps count two pennies or
automobile-!, deiiendlng uKn the lo
cation or the game. Clubs count
four, diamonds six, and hearts eight.
It is also possible to cut out trumps
altogether by a simple mechanism.
In which case each trick counts 12.
Then, In order io add a Wall street
test to the game, the values of these
tricks can be doubled or quadrupled
by any one with a taste for plunging;
and In order to complicate matters
still farther, so that the experienced
player may get her Just dues from
the beginner, each court card Is per
mitted at times to break Into the
score with a count of Its own. This
explains the double-entry feature of
the game. After a hand haa been
played and the winner's extra tricks
have been multiplied by 2, 4. 6. 8,
12, 24, 48, or 96, atcordlng to the
value of the trumps and the Intensity
of the proceeding, the losers appro
priate the pencil und do a little har
vesting of their own. If they have
held a majority of court cards In the
trump suit, tbey may count them
selves twice the value of the trump
suit. If they have held four court
cards, they get four times the value
of the trump, and It they ha held
five, they get five times Its value.
That ought to be enough, but It Is'nt,
To show that the rfanie was Invented
by a firm believer In monopoly. It Is
possible. If you hold four court cards
in one band to count yourself eight
times the value ot the trump, while
five court cards In one band gives you
ton times the trump's value.
Thus it will ba readily seen that,
while the winners of a hand In bridge
may cord up a total of two points by
skill, the losers may make 10 times
that much, simply by standing In
with the royal family. This makes
it evident, without explanation, that
the game was invented In England
The fascination of bridge lies part
ly In the fact that the game contin
ues to be Interesting long after the
last card has been played. The par
ticipants generally play a rubber of
three games, and then spend the rest
of the evening doing sums In simple
addition, to And out w be won. rTo
nlght they will And put who won teat
night's game, but they will not find
out who won tonight's game until
some ono remembers to bring another
tablet ot scratch pnper.
The varying values In brldgo ac
count for its peculiarity exasperating
qualities and skill in breaking up
families. The lead pencil is forever
elbowing its way Into the game and
nullifying the most brilliant playing.
The winners may, by the most magni
ficent? and superannuating whist,
manage toL drag out a ..trick in tbe
face ot great odd and, via a rubber.
Yet, at tbe end of the game, the los
er may excuse tt-emsolveu, und, af
ter bait an hour's work with a bank
examiner, demonstrate that the win
ner! 0W them anywhere from .-JO eta.
to a month' bouse rent, simply be
cause tbe losers wsre skilful) enough
to bold tbe honor cards that were
dealt -them. t , ,
Thus, aa in pugilism, tbe strong
point In bridge whist He In counting
your opponents out. There are other
and more harrowing ways iof dong
it, too. -When our j'oppwjenrthas
made 'a trump, you may .decide that
you have tbe requisite aeyen tricks
Jn your baud. It you are a sporty
In hiiioKo clKinettc In
.no iMimpolli'il in Hi'inl nut of Mm state
in tliein, in- tin- iiiiiih with which
ii iii:iI;i iIiimii Tlii'y ran liny tho to
Initio hut Han h:ivo to put It In a
pipe unlet they end outsldn the
lion mliiry to Ret the paper.
It Ik the Intention of llcprceutn
live McDonald to I'ltioiture the Wash-
liiKtou law, or nil of It essential fea
ture nt least, before the It-Hlslatiire.
He would liar the men fiom (heir an well nil the hnv, though
the chief nhjeil of the hill I to pre-
i eut the sale of tlie I'luaielle tu I lie
It I expected thai tho uliort to the hill he one of the Inter
.miIi. (eMture of tho coming elnn,
a already different members who
have heard of It seem lo favor It
passage ami say they will nt leant not
opiKiue It. The chief howl will un
doubtedly come tniiii the tobacco men
while vurlou orginUnllou will ral
ly to Its support.
Humor rJ Philosophy
. A1W p"onF
a a .Attrf j. . rA
, .I - I,. m HTR
The lt y to keep a friend Is l
ways to lime a slml. of somcthliiK he
want and timer let him hit quite
enough of It
There l prohnhh nnthltiK Hut I. so j
bud hut It nilf'it l" fetter.
)n,i .. til then louule ' that la,
ih . Lo amount which the extra
(rick will win. It your opponents
aro people of uorto and recklessness,
they will "double hack." thus quad
rupling ihu values. You tiro then
likely, after n hasty mental Inventory
ot your securities, to double once
more, thus multlpblug the trick by
eight, after which the game will pn
coed with clenched teeth, each trick
lost meaning another opera ticket
gone, it Is under these clrcunittun
ces that ladles who aro otherwise
lovely and amiable hnvu been known
to whip out a trump after "revoking"
and sweep the board with u cold and
haughty air which defies criticism,
providing their social position are
siitllcicntly above (hose of their vic
tims. Such Incident lend the wrath-1
fill loner to miike remark, whlih In i
time beeotne rumors, and before mi) '
one rt-allte It another social center ,,,,,, , jnrkU. ,h(. ,.ar,
una iH't'ii mintM'ii iu nit run.
-i'T'v'jiisj f
You should oiiy your (Jroccrlcu nt Vim
1st. Tlicy have the ilootlii von u-imi
2nd. Their Groceries nrc nlvvnyi rr..,n
3rd. The price Is within rcunon
4lh. They dcllvir phone orders promptly
Phone 516 - VAN RIPElTiios.
Get the Habit - Use Chase G Sanborn Coffees
State Superintendent Arkermuti ha
called a convention of the department
of county superintendent In he held
in Salem In September to dlscu the
needed school leglilatlon and other
matter for the advamcmeiit of the
educational Interest of the Htole. The
department Includes the count) su
perltiletulenl. all city miperlntend-
ent and irlnciiiul of griinimar
Tae ysllow eril MrUr tertur '
tit the heart of must liiiiiele-ier l
the gas bill.
Nrr luok a luclrly lie In the far I
nor a birthday prvriit In lb prli
If you don't gossip alsiut vour trnti
bl. probably yen won't trouhln the I
i( nt Cillutl'M . . . ,
Von will i,ii
w4w4).4)tt-4. ss .-. eW4t
otuvy riiitfiniiirl a opcciciiy. UIIHrlllUc Orders A
Given Prompt Alteiitlon
A man whose family hml to rat Hire
time a day on siren dollar a
doesn't bare much time lo hunt up a
t$ 0. K. Transfer S Storage
St Mary' Aeaibimy, which wa es-1
Till-: KlltST
.Ml) VI. Mi
Moving picture originated In an
experiment to show both aides of n
shilling at once. In IS'.'C. according
to the Chicago Tribune, Sir John
llerschel asked hi friend, Charles
Uubbagc, how he would k)iow both
sides of a shilling nt once. Habbage
replied by taking a shilling from his
IKickel and holding It before a mir
ror. This did not satisfy Sir John, who
set the shilling spinning on a lurgv
table, at the nam-; time pointing out
that If the eye I placed on a level
with a rotating coin, both sides can
be seen at onte.
Dabbagc was so struck by the ex
periment that the next day ho de
scribed It to a friend. Doctor Kltton,
who Immediately made ii working
On one side of a dlik wo drawn
a bird, on the other side nn empty
bird cage. When the card was revol
ved on a silk thread the bird appear
ed to be In tho cage. This model
showed the persistence of vision up-
ou which all moving pictures depend
for their effect.
The eye relulin the linngu of the
object seen for u fraction of a second
after tho object has been removed.
This model was called the thauinu
trope. Next coma the n-otrope, or
wheel of life." A cj Under wan cr-
forated with a series of slots, nnd
within tho cylinder was plated u hand
of drawings of dancing men. On tho
apparatus being slowly rotated, the
figures seen through the slots appear
ed to be In mot lot:
Tbe first systematic photographs
of men and animal taken at regular
Interval were made by Edward May
bridge In 1877.
tidies nnd which has (or )i-ar hi-en
an linporlant feature of thul historic
old torn, will oo:i be a thing of Ih
past. The Sisters who are In charge
of tho Institution are now making
preparations In move to Mcdford,
where their new academy I neurlng
completion and where they will open
school In September
Tht Olffsrsnc.
When tt.u ni.ri prolix flrl
Life ,mi. oh, so sunn),
Arid you take her all ruunj.
Throwing out your UMner,
When he mull? turn you Uawa
Ufe in, oh. o shady,
for you never Ihoucht she mta
That klm! ot tatty.
With a imlle that melta the heart
And a manner winning-,
Bhe airr upon I lis acrne.
That I the Uslnnln.
A you fullosr her aruund T
All your cares diminish.
But they (row again when ah
Hands you down your flnlih.
The man who shunts not Ids alu
from the hiiusrtup will grin-mlly
found to have noui rl to iIIhm of.
Tbe prohaldlltlrs are Hint Hi l
man parades til religion tint mure'
actively It Is engaged In real wurl.
Having up-to-dotc olano
trucks wc solicit your
fine piano movlntf
OlflCt 171
lurn H7J
uvr.nS"en:.r.,;0';",r,:c.v: ';;,: ::z i -- w...
eues to wakr up. , f.tfw . $4MWmnftmmH,
No msn U suy l-lter tliau be should
be nor s bad as br could I. I
Lore at first .If hi. you are sura.
Kit the symptoms thrilling,
(Julie deKrlbei your cup of Jgy,
That I more than pilling.
Hut you feel aa though you'd lost
Hum ami friend and mother
When she says that you ran I
Jut hrr big stepbrother
Lux 1. all right when It takes
And when bull, ar willing,
but when sh says "Nil" II mors
I'alnful Is than killing.
When things smoothly run along
It's Ilk milk and honey.
Hut an Intr-ruptlon Is
Wore the i losing money,
Oiv Her a Chants.
fi not In th esrty morning
Call upon Ih dslnly mskl
Who has capture yuur sITectlons.
Who haa ben to love nrst ski
Wall till she haa curte.1 her frliie
And haa openol up her ryes
Soon enough when you get insrrled
You'll be dltllluslonltej.
Kvery moment of her being
he can't la, on dres Mrad,
With her hair neally braMe.l
And her features all handmade,
ah roust hat soma relaiallon,
firing alwaya at her best,
tarched and rlin-d and In fine linen.
When would she ha time lo rest!
to a faded goon next morning
Hlie muil eland before h range.
Baking ftaplarka for her brnlher.
Washing illhs for a rhsnse.
And Ih drres su whll and tlslnly
Thlt at (Mrllrs inual be wurn
Is dlst-ardrU for a wrapper
f'ade,, ol. ami rnaybs Inm
After uu have Irarned tu knuie l..r
As a ftllosr knows hi. frsu
You ran aland I er then In gingham.
Hut Ih sight would ihork you now.
M-j when you would siy s Ult
To your aweelsst, ileareat uwa
to not fall lo gl her no tic. -
Call her up by telephun.
Herald Advertising Does
Your Business for You
::.:. 44fHMWKrM
No more will the Oregon small
boy hlu himself out In the alley or
behlud tho barn to solace himself
with the forbidden "pill," nor will
the banquet board of the rich bo
wreathed with the smoke curling
from the perfumed und seductive cig
arette from tho land of tho czar and
the Ylldiz Kiosk If Representative
Chariot. J. McDonald of Multnomah
county. ha his way.
Cigarettes uro not Included In the
list ot necessities according to tho
belief of Mr. McDonald, who consider
that they are not good for the public
health or morality of tho stato and
should not be sold cither to young or
old. ...Therefore, to bar them from tbe
ntorM'of tho state, he Ih planning to
bring tho Washington untl-clgareltn
law before tire legislature and make
it. bla chief effort during tho session
to secure Its, passage, ,
The Washington stato anti-cigar"
ette law 1 a, drastic ono. It make
It, a wis demeanor for any, store to
have cigarettes on lis shelve and a
misdemeanor for any person to sell
cigarette within the border. of the
state. Farther than that, it. prohibits
tbe sale of cigarette paper by any
store,; so .that tho man who. uses the
naaa-roura ginu is up against it as
well a tho man who buy tbem in a
At tbe present time men who want
I iriou pioh'i WA.AT
I AAiN.V,nY 010 tWZTN
VjMfjtf t j KV i
"I wonder why Ibesv peopl caor
aakad tbe comedian wearily as he peep.
' ed through the curtain ou a bitter cold
Bight wbeu there tru gut forty r
sou In tbe Iwuae.
rrouawy," repllrd the In-avy vll-
East End Meat Market
CKISLEK a STILTS, Proprietor,
Prime Btiff, Veal. Mutton, Pork und Poultry
Cresti mill Cured Meat nisi .SaUMgr nt all lmJ.
We handle our meat In thutnost inmlrin way lnclrn
liiM'ss ami surrounding. Try " and we will lv moil
Imppy to have you for a ruitomir. Krte Delivery.
tain, "tbey
came In to warm Ihelr
"Are women fond of Joke, I wv
"Tbey must be."
"Just look at tbe sort of man soma
of them marry."
Frsm MlaMurl.
"! me and the world Is mine," he
pleaded theatrically, with pale Up and
pallid brow.
"There Is one thing necessary flrt,"
Mid cbe tersely,
"What I 117 Ah. what Is Iff"
"You must put up noiue collateral."
No MUtake at th Main Office.
Marriages are made Iu heaven, vou
"Yes, but not fur boms conaumn-
"Why, what do you mean"
"Tbey are shipped to tbl nlsueL and
sometimes tbe pair get uncoupled In
tb transfer."
Cams Dewn Fsr a Changs.
"You know some people claim we an
descended from monkey."
"Well, tbe latest Is w descended
from trees."
"That 1 notblug. Probably we bad
ascended tbem first looking for Cwcoa
nuts." Rsasen H A shad. . ,
"He Ld m to go out and bar a
drink with bltu."
"Dld-iou got"
"No; I told blm wasn't drlokug
anything now."
"Yes; I bad just told blm that Ufor
be atked you."
Net For Him.
Rich Young Mau Want a Job?
Poor Boy-Wbat I it IlkeT
It, Y. M. (lo along with m and taiu
II tbe advice that my friend want to
glr in.
P. il.-Cneyomtf - .
Whtn things at home go all aakaw
And nothing seams a-dolng
Tou'd belter get a move on you
Perhaps there's IroubU brewing.
Teeth Artist.
"What lovely teeth be basf
"Yea; the' very clever."
"Indeed! What hit tlmi to do with
ber teeth 7"
"She always patronizes urllsls even
for mechanical things."
4-4.:.44e.evv4K..t) 4 .. - v::vl
Map, Plans, blue Prints, Lie.
IlKIIT K. WlTllltliW.
Vice I'rmtdetit
Aiti.s itotH,
Klamath County Abstract Go.
Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers
Don .1. Zumwai.t. ',
Old Osmts .
"Fellow claim he cuu maku
oui or in Mr metals."
"Think it can be doner'
"Well, h csn probably clrsn up s
nice yellow bunch from il eri.,1,,,.
Klamalh Falls, Oregon
:r'K-s.f..K4).44.4. e)4)4.4.)-:-.e.--wtsv
I'-HKt) .MW.HASf.
The American Bank and Trust Go.
tst-;:'ir-"rww23--t i. fi.
Talks All the Tlma. fT .o P ,""""" F r rapi '
wSl lJMLj ,1 1 i3 EB 3 f r I' in I
sasssssssssH aw ga ,"..l -. y
".Now, John, do give close atUotion
to verytblag i gay."
"Yes, dear, but"
"But whatn
"J. nav to give otoe attantiaB tm
CAPITAL, $100,000.00
Cor. fllh and Main Street
- I
iva mmomr
ii&Jf-. . Su-oi.os&sJr