The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 28, 1908, Image 4

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I M. !
New rlns at Winters.
Merrill. InvcMment not Speculation.
VIU Manning's If yon ant tbo tot
Ice cream.
Merrill Valley the heart ot Klamath.
Mrs. W. K. Scehorn has taken chargo
nt the American dining loom, which
has bcrn remodeled. All women cooks
urucmplo)ed. This Is the place to get
tliu lust uiFalriu town, II
Tor Sale
I roller top oRIim desk, f 15; 1 largo
Indies desk, 10; couch, 5; 9 stands ot
lfi at ft rnclii No. 8 kitchen range
cm lug machine. Iron bedsteads, bureau
extension table mil numerous other ar
ticle. .Mrs. C. T. Honnfv,
Cor. Mh ami Wash. St.
leu cream at Manning's. PERSONAL MENTION
Merrill. A natural traaeccntcr. , -
Do not bur blended whiskey. Whin Merrill. Fro.crly It reasonable.
you want pure whlsVcy see that It I?
put up under the government's "bonded D. W. Hurlong m In the city from
warehouse stamp," as Is the Conllnen- IKitrlt trxMv,
lal whl-koy, Water Mill whiskey, Nor- j the now lino ol Joel,y
tuamlle rxoaml I. r. X.ryo. N'ld h) ....
U. P. Wlllson. tt (" ''"
I I), (l. llninnialn tho city from lilt
NotlCC ranch on Crystal crock.
, Tho Ice. ream f canon has begun anil
On ami alter the Int. ilay June 1IW. I our parlors nro o,'on. Maiming'",
milk ami cream will bo delivered hy tho I ., . .. , . ..,., , ., ,, ,i, tt
list (or eover.ll ilaja hilt l now '
JATickct Scalper's Story.
Altamont ami lllvorsldu dairies at th
(ollunlnu iitlees! Milk, nlnts cents;
". - - 'i .. .
ijuarts 7,' cents; gal. L3 cents; twogal.' much luipi.,,i.
or mow '.M cents. Cream, 'v pint IC or the liost rig In town call nt
contsjplnta SO cents; o,uaits to cents, , Mammoth Stables. II. W. Straw,
gal. or mote $1.40,
Graduating, means they have applied themselves,
worked hard, etc. Are you going to recognize
their efforts?
Which they can keep, always reminding them of
their success, and the thoughtfulness on your part
Nice, suitable gifts, to suit all sized purses, lasting
quality and up-to-date designs, are to be found at
G. Heitkemper's Jewelry Store
vsv4v. svsvs,vistyysvvysy v
M. M. Stewart, recently limn New
Imrg, Ore., lias accepted a kis1Ihii wild
Jho Klamath Tails i'
Merrll The town without a boom.
r.dli'. r.ilnt, I'.utit. Just leeoUiil at
ItiMuin's llanlnnta Store a complete
lino ot.horw In-Williams Paints iml
Mr. Mnrchaiiil I teoited nullo sick.
MONTY TO I.O.N-llar.l times bill I !
hac ome money to Kin II ynn hno
the security. -II. II. IUH.
The little ilaulli.r ol Hi. and Mis. II.
It Hamilton has Won i ly icl lor sev
eral i)as, hut is now ircmeilng.
The Stilt Dry lionds (, hus nvi-uol
several sliipmcnlsn(Kiitenilres goods.
Call Bin! Inspect tho new lino.
M. I . llotrhton has roliirtinl (rum
the Kurt Khtumth country whole hej
his Won doing siiivcylng fur .rml,
II jour eves trouble jou, m WIiiIi is.
WANTKD-WIII piy 1", cents a loco
(ur good clean gallon tup ami '.'
cents for half gallon iio. Itoliils A
I'm n II hot scalpor. U' iml M"W
of ii tiiislui-s nml ihH'su't lu n man
loncli of ti noslllon In the wuilil, hut u ,
scalper has a human heart. Jul He
any one- olso, A sculor may fool In
clliieil to liostiiw that heart upon a wo
mull. I hail that Inclination once, hut
t ,.,...! i-nlmr in lmM It nunln. Wo
men aro tin' most ungrateful creatures ,
In the wm hi A woman who woul.l '
tieat a nun i one of Vm lioalotl me
Isn't 111 lo llxeon the fiuv of the eaith.
One lay n prolly. melancholy looking
girl of perliais Incut) two came Into
my oilUe nml saM she wnnliil lo i;et '
to' her mother, who was I) Inn sick In
Clirrlmmtl Sho sahl she was broke
ami wanloil a ticket for bIkiuI nolhlng
I linil half a mlliil lo glo her a ticket,
i barging up the amount to uijsolf, hut
that w.mM ho gUIng a simmer some
tiling like ll, ami. while, as I sahl, a
ticket scalpsT tiun ii heart, he Isn't the
klml of man lo gltu things away
that he inn'l alToiil ti- glo. I was I
lnokliik' among in) olil slock for some
Itilug pn-tty cheap when I came across
nn iinusoil half of an oM ocurslon j
llikrt. the lliull of llmo of whMi had i
long ago tfiplreil H cviitrsil u me
Hint If tho Kill wotko.1 on the s)lil i
Rubber Gloves
Wt'or rubber Klovei'Whllo dolriK iiouvo woiU ...i i .
vninir-They arts a perfect protection wim,, .J,m J
ami any other operation that rwiuirt'H () im,,.!. " 'h I
water-You will And them a inxxi prolnot,, ,, , ft HI
. I .1 IM &. llfik lkaiJB MB HUl U .. 1 IS
jium wnr no iivo n extra KlKMI IIIH' wlili'lt
125 per cent discount.
l,lnlit RloveH, neamleiw, of bout iiulity
Medium wclvht, neamleitH
Kxtrn iiunlity uloveH for outdoor work
ii nil U..7
Wc offer lt
T5 cetid
Pyrographlc Materials
Twcntyflve per cent off on all Pyrogruphic
uur line intiuuc. pyro outitu, p0,,8i bulbs, taki
plaques, boiea and aU articles round In n first cln'tj J
Star Drug Store
"The Store that Saves You Money"
Is lb Karlh Orylnf Uf
That Hie ilepopillallon of tbs earth
will W brought alsuit thniugti th fall
uro of the wntrr nippty Is tbe courlu
sloli rvschnl tijr t, I'ls'inli grologtst
M llsttrl U luaiU olMonallous
. .. . . . .... I..IH..I... Ml. Ml... lilt. I lilt
T"'. " :.. v: r." ,.; :.-.:.;;: -'- ;. ib.t
'""""'"" ' . Mlie rarlU Is .rsilimlljr Orrllia' tilt
ksVsVVsiwsVaVVsV vi
Commencing May 1st
Ease and
In Travel
Only 12 miles of staging and then a delight
ful boat ride up the Klamath River to Kla
math Falls
GOINGr-Steamer Klamath leaves Klamath
Falls at 4 a. m. connecting with stage
at Teeters which arrives at Dorrls at 8.
COMING:-Arrive at Dorrls at 4 p. m.'by stage
to Teeters and by boat to Klamath Falls
arriving here at 7:30 In the evening.
Oregon & California
Transportation Company
Wlitn wakrs the tlr bright rf
Has scare- ItluinltieU th- yt
Th. Imii itrilttm nrstl, i .r rav-s
Ai Just a. Mr. and Uirouch iltr !.-
Tb. lllun inti ftphrr fllritl. nntl il'iskrs.
Whin Ki'-ia i-l..
When Kreo'j wakes- insl.lfn rti-rin
luine starilett by ihe clock s alarm
hi.- c-a TSa In hr brlrf alllr.
And tiusttts up Hi- klichsii Ur.
With busLjr arm lb fnnmr- hak-s
Wbrn t'retta uakr
Wbsn KrfJa wskss she starts a sonj
Anil kssps II up it. inornlnK bmj
Mr pltlaW. w,l nlth Llltsr irsrs
'TIs vitn for m. to slop my m
I orrn hfsr br mlilng cakrs
Whtn frsds wsk.
Wlicn PrsJs tskts h- nljms Iht, tb-ir
Ami kick. Hi. est scroti thr n.xr.
Mb Jrojn II e tlnll. on th. sink
Itih. Uo It Ju.i for spit-. I think )
Tb. rMcefoM of lb. butMInc nbakr.
Wlirn wkr
-Cli .SVws
Th. Egotist. j
-i, J- -i;.'L )T?-ri
s s-iJi r--r- j . .":
J j. smr
ilir..nt!li mi II I tolil lier wbal I was
thinking uloiut unit that If she was In
ellneil to try II on I wiiuM gUe her the
ticket frv i if i barge. Sbo aske.1 If
IliiTo woiiM I-- nu)tlilui: illstmnest In ,
such au act, ami I toUl her I ilUlu't
Ihluk then- vnulil le; there woillil W
no misrepresentation If Ih.Miiinluctor
iMiiililn't acctiit the llikot the worst he
conlil tin was to put her on" at the lint
stop ami sho woiihl W Just so fur on
her Juurno) If site K't trainlnl III a
strange pbn-o she roiiM get on the net I
train ami pi farther mi the siint. Ilckel,
ami o on
She sahl "lie wiiuhlu't iht that, hut If
tho comludor wouhl let b.r ico thmugh
uli the ticket she wiuibl il so. The
llikrt hail I sou pa I.I fur h) -n- one.
ami she ilbtu't think Iho rmil hail a
moral tight to refuse It I sgrml w lib
her ns to that, ninl she actcptci! the
ticket Willi henrtfi-ll thinks ami lears
In br eyes She loikeil hungry, ami I
askii! brr If she was golug Ihrnugh
without anything to cat She sahl
shcM bale lo, ami I felt so sorry fur
brr that I aikeil her In gu nut to a
restaurant am) nihil brr up with oys
ters, beefsteak' ami a lot of other
things. I rememWr the bill was 3.M
Iter train went at !- o'ebok. so I t
took her to the theater. If yuu want .
to lore any mio. Just ilo souii-thlng for '
Vm The more I ill.) fur Ibis lr girl ,
the mure I thought what a lovely horn,
she conM make fur m Ur tho time I
, left her at the station I would haw
bought her U k''l tbket, hut I'll ln-Ut
j all III)' luoliojr I Intil brr to keep lip I
uer courage nim sm-ii go inroucn an
right. She salt! that I was one of na
ture's noblemen ami I woul.l W re
warilcil for my klmlnens to brr As
tbo train mouil awn) sbr siml Lor
I hey lontalu, he sa), not only lb so
in-l of priblsturle life, luasiuucb as
I bey went the homes of luu of Hi.
roiuolet age, but also War Imllcatluns
of 'the emllnia fuliiro. M. Martel has
found proof of a steady fall to. the
Intel of the water In tbi-asf-ttit'lerra-nean
ilepllis, ami from Ibeae facta he
arrlies at his conclusions.
W.oJ.n Pll.s In H.lland.
Ilotlaiiil has a ierrlililal neovaally for
wisleu piles, In llollenlaiu harbor
milks of all klml Ueiuaml them, ami
the ilinluago of Ilia Zuyilrr Zee ai It
steailtly pnceeila Ihruws out Ita wimmI
ru rauiiuirls lii all illrrcllous. a Ijin-t-ashlm
roulractltig flrin baa built fur
Iho iurM of abartMtilng the Jrlrlng
riiils of pllra a machlue which reaem
hies a gigantic peucll sharpener. I'llrs
iii lo twenty-eight Inches In ilUm.ler
nro bnrt-rnr.l to a Ur Inch olnt In
llfleell lulnilles.
svsn Casit Olnntra.
A rrstaurant wher a "full course
lliiiier" may W hail for T cents was
pencil recently lu New York city tt
Its) Clinton street I'or lb rraeonable
sum uaiiuil one may bare soup, entree,
meat, bresd ami tea or coffee. The
icstaurant Is umltr the direction of a
i heritable nrsaiiltatloti, whose ufllrsfs
lay that the food which Ibty furutsh
Is whoh-siime, clean and wrll prepared,
and that they will soon lie In push
Hon to furulsb uieala twice a day, from
lla in to p. hi, awl from & fo 7
t in -.Vew York Tribune.
"(if'c.s, how ugly they
mighty kI.ii! I wasn't horn
Harper's Weekly.
are! I'm
n blnl"-
Cut Hlmitlf Loots.
The iraiup had relnled to tho hidy In
tho iriiyshlu rollago thu weird story of
bow hi- U'lis tlvl to II tree by biimllls
and h-fl to famish.
"Hut, my puor man," protested the
Kbod woiiiuu, "If you wore tied ho
tightly how si lil you get free'"
Thu tramp ulpcd invny n tear.
"Ah, ludy. Hint Is n jilmngu story. "
"A atrimgo i.toryV"
"Yes, niuui, Vor hii uIiIIh I wuh
t k'd lo tho tree my old girl pissed nml
looked ilugscrs at me. I look do dng
gem nud ut myself to friedom. Hut
til bon I urn hero today." Chicago
Subscribe for The Herald
El wood Steel Fences
We are in recent receipt of a carload of
the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and
Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand
ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood
j Fence we send out
Geo. R. Hum
An Clfsctive flttort.
I 'i'ho youugeiil son of Chart Pickens,
IMwari! HuIwit I.ytlon Dlckcni, Is n
. I memlx-r of parliament In Australia,
I Not long ngo In tho course of u speech
ho wn froUciitly Interrupted by u
ennpplsh lucutlier named Willis. "Mr.
.Speaker," huM Mr. Dickers, turning
to tho chair, "It may he remembered
by aoino present llint my father coined
au expression which attained some
populurlty-'n.irklu l wlllln" The cir
cumstances toJny aro huiLi that I am
i strongly tempted to reveno tbo phrase
lend toy, 'Willis Is baikla','" Thu re
tort was effective,
, Rsully Short Cuts.
Way up lu Vermont Uncle Epu KIu.
I npy was looking over bis Held of clover
when up drove- n neighbor.
"Orass h awful short this. year, ain't
It, Uncle Epu?" be said,
i "Short?"- cried Undo Epu. "Why,
, It's so blamed short the bumblebees
uer to git down on their knees to suck
tba blossoms!" Woman's Uome Companion.
A Cttals Investment..
Peroral jear ago lb superintendent
i.f Hie llkawsy Hunt club on Ing
Island bought a tract of awarap In Ja
ma bn bay for ITS ns a Jokr, II baa
sliue smld the salt bay on It for Mrs)
annually and the other day refused au
baud to me out of the each window, i 1'rr1r "f ,':'"" '"r M l-urtliaasj from al
liking at me with 1,-nrf )rs. I'1' lany Who says that rtal
It wasn't ii week l.-fore I receltril '" " "wm uoes ni payr-
a note fn.m the iilloriiey of thu mad ,""""' Trausrrlpl,
uii-f which IM given tho k'lrl a ticket ""
stating that Ibey had a nx- ngalnst I ranget 2) meal lk at Will
mc for swindling and must either shut "' a li'del lor f I, Hoard anil lodging A
up my suop or luey would semi me lo i.i wees .;, 11, Wlllson, Crop, ti
state prison, I went nt oure to the
Intturmj's otllce nml askiM to know " "
what It tneaut. lie showeil mo th
ticket I hnd glwu the girl with a sick
mother nud nsked mo If I'd sold It In
a deaf ami dumb girl. I dented tb
charge and admitted I'd given It to a
girl who could talk as well as I could.
Then bo told uiu how the ticket bad
been und.
The girl bid pcti-d It attbocouductor
when he came around, nml be told her
It wns no good. Hbo liegnn to talk to
him with her fingers, nml, seeing ber
condition, l:o had kIioii her n pencil
and paper in wblrli Ha- uroto that a
ticket xcnlK-r bad cold I he ticket to ber
for the regular fare. 'J ho road was
Irylug to kcI a enso to mre us scalp
era, und Die loudui-tnr, b-iekod by tb
passengers, who were Indignant at
such treatment of n poor il-.if and
dumb girl, passed In r through, hut be
stipulated that she i.hould glvo the
n.imo of tho HcalM-r, which she did
wllllugly, expressing a. hope Unit they
would puulsh him i.ouudly
Well, I told my shlo of Ibo alorr.
and when they M-ut to the address the
girl hnd gvn them for (orrohoratloa
of ber side they found (hero was no
such street nml number lu existence
The officers of tho road believed that
the poor girl shrunk from appearing
ngalnst mo and had, therefore, thus
concealed ber abode. Hut, not having
nny evidence against me, they didn't
prosecute we, though I remalm-d un
der a cloud with them.
Aot long ago In looking over a news
paper my eyes were ntti acted to au
Item beaded, "Working the Deaf and
Dumb Backet." The Item stated that
Mary Moycrs bad been arrested for
traveling on railroad trains on worth
less tickets nud pretending to ba deaf
and dumb. Hlio represented that tun
tickets wore sold ber by ticket scalp.
r, thus exciting the s)mpatby usees
lary to get herself passed and often to
draw forth a contribution from the
passengers. sent the clipping to the
officers of the railroad aim ,, ..i.
died, aud they wrote me n not of
But I don't want auy woro women In
Spring Creek
The best trout fishing In Oregon.
hxcellerit aicominadaliona (or
'ami.lng outfits lor rent.
racial ramping grounds and
boats (or rent.
Kins pastura (or stock.
Telephone connection.
Accommodations to go lo Crater
Will meet psrliea at Klamath
Klamath Agency, Ore. 1
invviilvil He plior.cjri
He innilo ii nn intcm-Mf
for all. It i tnanufactcml
nt n irii winch crjtt
can hfioril, nml wcidlittt
the cam payment plan, w
no oiii" iii-cil Lo witheot it
Have you heard and tea
Hie New Modd
Wc Wont Your Trade
MUlncllon Gumlttf
' Klamath Falls, Ortgei
Palace Re staurut;
Hunsaker & O'Coadl
Whtn the Wtafl
BtHin rnmtndln. idarisj
Art Happy whtn tat f
ems come iron WDfflA
The Very DH "
..... .. .. k s a I
Aiiorus. ;..."-
f pedal Prices 30 Dtf
Telepho..e and MU Ort
"TM Brides' fsvoriw "-
n "An "- - .EfBjfafafai
The Eldred Company
F. C. ELDRED, Manager
' Sonaiua, Oregon
Saddlct. HarocM and SuM!S
We make, a .specialty of firet-class, guawjjjft t
hand-raade Saddles and Shaps. Our Bam
have an established reputation. ;
OnlaiM Wrtm Kvrvwhere SOllCU"
.v. ,4
''tfay., - "fv - .M.A'--.