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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1908)
-M ' h I HE EVENING HERALD taaaad Jails, sxeset 8utxUr. br Um Herald PubHsMug Company UBeaurnoN rath man. a ran . . . mU U months, . . tear, br mall, thras wuk' Dallr. br mall. month, Jallr. Mlrtrxl br earriar. wWk. 1100 a. co 1.H .M .IS How a Kmiit. Hand taatanVa Maw fiotr. aspraaa erdsr, txnaMl cbwk an roar local bank. turn, coin, or currtncr. Nmnm Law or Oatnoii.-SattJon amor Orssun vrOThm that wrwn.Y.r any rwiapneonfslUnii nwapapr ahall mall auch in Miaai bs aav lufi In thla Slata without Itrat rvcwivtne an crdcr lharafar, auch nawapapr to m a sin. ana no aot or owica asaliut auch prratti. wnatltrr la ravrirsu br tha taoa to whom nMT m --, sfj rM9M ilVlACt CrtJl MAKbll LAND wcyuup iv JUTT Am 50 ner cent, vegetable matter. Klamath's Greatest bargains at $20 per acre and upwards Iiiy Term OUU amwnawawawawawwiMaMawawwwaaw. lha laws of Oi lion aal t la Mat or not. THUR&SDAY. APIUI. 10, m He Sure Was a Manl Wbea William Alien ro up In the early seventies nint surprised tlic coun try ljr being elected tovt-ruor of Ohio ou lb Democratic ticket one of the obstacles be triumphed over ai the charge of being nn oM innu. He ml dressed a great uiretlus at Mozart ball , la Clnotnnatt tin. titcrlit fnll.iu Inu tin. Jar In which this III mlilsod clinnre Comity, nt Ills olllce nt had been brought atuliut him by n n. JOrtgon, on WVdiicola) llio pouatlile Jtepubllcau lender. Strong, vigorous nnd well prewirwd na lie was autl retaining- uubrokrii Unit quality of vole which hatl designated him n "Foghorn Allen" when lie nut In the senate, be was Mill polttlclau enongU to uso II for nil It una north to hlui. After atutllit; the chaw In all lis he). nousneu he straightened himself Jo bl full height of more than six feet ami, beginning lu a loud mice, asked, "Am 1 a many The next question was In a voice pitched a scale higher and asked. "Do I look like a maul" Hut ' the third. In which he put out all of tils tremendous vocal power, thunder ed to ahake the roof In roaring, "Do 1 talk like a man)" The audience was thrilled. Such high physical power In a man of that age appealed to It Irre- sUtlbly. 8t. Louis Olobe-lVinocrot Timber Land Notice United States Land Office, Lakevlew Oregon, February IS, IPOS. Notice 1 licrrliy given that In com plUnro with tlm prmlslons u( the net of ! Congress ul Juno 3, IS78, entitled "An act (or the rale oi timber lauds In the slates oi California, Oregon, Nevada and Walilngton Territory," at extended to all tlio 1'ubllc Laud States by act ( August 4, 1W2, Charles It. lVl.ap, o( Klaiunlli Knll, County ot Klamath, Slate of Oregon, lias filed In tills ollloe lilt sworn ttntcuieut No. lit I'.', (or the purchase of the w'4neX nw.'i'e'Xi ' sec. 3, tp.38 8. range Ui:. W. M and n III offer proof to rliow that tlio Uml sought Is more alnalile for its timber or slono tlinn for agricultural purKc, and to eMalillih Ms claim to. sntd ImhI liefoie tlit) County Judge of Klitmnth Klamath Kails, miul.i) of Mar 1IK.W, lie nnint's na ill'fft T I S'lbo, L. D. UHcMi.m, Tiiio II. li.-l.ip, A. M. Jnnil'on, nil of KUnntli I'.tlls, ' Ortgun. i An) nnd nil perfons rlalmtiu: nlero ly the nlKiMiiletcriUtl lands Mieii'in at-j td to file t lii't r claims 111 this iilliiv on or U-fnre raid I3tb l y of M.i IIMS. 2-W5-U J. N. Watson, register. Petition for Liquor License To the Honorable County Court of the State Oregon for Klnmntli County. Wo the undersigned, residents an. I le gal volera of the I'rcelnct of Pprague Itlver, In the County n( Klnmntli and Mate of Oregon, mid actual nsiileuts therein and who bnu nctnul refMe-l therein for more than thirty ilajs lui- Fiieinatlon of Borolsry. mediately preceding the dnto ot signing "ily chaipplon biirgliir." -M Mr. I.,,,, mln .i.i. mlr ,h.ii. do hen l.v I Holuit-K. the Kllce court missionary "Is a bookbinder by trade, vtho has been In Jail on and off for half n cen tury." Mr. nolmes' ramifications with this chronic breaker of the law constitute aa Instructive scene from bis work. Ha behaved to tbe erring bookbinder quit aa a brother; the man bad the entree of the bouse and enjoyed the friendship of the family. How was be In tbo habit of repaying this hospitali ty? By going out to burgle. Twice sir. Holmes set him up. but In Tain. Tbe only charm that life has for this extraordinary being Is the opportuni ties It vouchsafes for committing bur glary. "Why ou earth dou't you leave off burglary t" Mr. Holmes asked him once. "Mr. Holmes." was bis reply, "there's no fascination In tbe world to equal It Tbe alienee of tbe night, tbe eletsent of danger, tbe need of keeping every sense on tbe alert It's grand." Caseelt'a Journal. .- ...!!.. ...ll,t... .A.. I .II.. respectlllllj -iiiiiui m-ui mini-. . . ., i.. ...t i ii.i. ' i-uiiy to gram aim ivie iu j i, and T. M. Kdrall, of the firm of Kdsall ilroa., a license to sell splrltoiis, vinous, fermented or malt, liquors tn less qiitu titles than one gitllon, In the precliid aforesaid for a period of one jear, from the Oth day of May A. I). HtH. Notice is he-eby given that till l tltlon ill be presented. In tbe Conntv Court of the Plate of Oregon, for the County of Klamath, at the court house in the city of Klamath Falls, on Ihq Cth dey of May, A. D. 1'KW, at the hour of , one o'clock P. M. or con tbeienfler, os said petition nn be hwnl. , Itatcd this 111. day of March, A. D.i 190S " t O.T. Anderson, L. I.. Griffin, I. T. Anderson, F. A. Campbell, W. V. Fin-j ley. K. IV. Whetston, A. W. hvanr, J. M. Passer, Win. II. Garrett, Kd llloorn ingcamp, John S. Furler, II. J. Lang katn, Koss 1. Flnley, W. W. Pmlth, James I'liillips, W. K. fiultor. It. I Courtright, II. L. Anderson, C. It. Morlti, Amos Mat Uwry. J. A. Wilson. J. K Freeman, Spralt. Wells, C. K. llerg, J. II. Ihiyili James M. Fer- Frank Olx-ni-liain, J- A. i.irinru Dealing In "Cats and Dogs." No antlqujitin pursues a more prof itable or fascinating calling than the dealer In "cuts and dogs," as the an tloultles of Wnll street are dubbed. J" .... . i toll. "Cats and dog." are the remnants or fiMire ,O0II1lll;camn. (). M. An old stock, bond and note Issues of rail- ,t.r,on. T0m hory. James Hell, Frank road. Industrial or mining companies stiamley. J. A. I'arker, . (I. Itews, on wblcb payment of Interest. UIvI-! Charles Trupp. j I An si at a risHnailintl liaiti tiaMn In sits. fault for years. Some of these securi ties are worthless and obsolete, some of doubtful value, while a few are worth their weight In gold. Only the expert In obsolete securities can detect their worth. Many of these securities can be picked up at tbo official auction room of Wall street Many brokers closely scrutinize tbe securities that are offered at this auction room, and only a few months ago 100.000 shares of stock In a certain mining company wart sold for a song, from wblcb the broker hopes to realize a big sum. Pittsburg Dispatch. Phrases or Handcuffs. It la customary to remark that mod em problems cannot, easily be attack-. ed because tbey aro so complex. In many cases. I believe. It Is really be-1 cause tbey are so simple. Nobody would believe In such simplicity of scoundrellsm even If It wore iiolnted i out People would say that tlio truth , was a charge or mere ineiotirainatic villainy, forgetting that nearly all villains really are melodramatic. Thus, for Instance, we say that some good measures are frustrated or some bad officials kept In power by the press and confusion of public business, whereas very often tbe reason Is sluv p. healthy human bribery. We wasto our One Intellects In finding exquisite phraseology to fit a man when In a I well ordered society we ought to be finding handcuffs to fit him. O. K. Chesterton In Illustrated London News. CHANGE OF TIME Klamath Lake Railroad In Connection With Mclntire-Straw Stage Line DAILY Sh, say. Englishman I wouldn't want to bear more thai; tbe first line of "Tbe Bur Spangled Banner" to know that It was written by an American. American Way sot EngUsbman-Tbe first two words te U me tbat-Eicbange. Why He Was smooth. "That convict I was talking to,- said tbe visitor at tbe prison, "seems to be a satooUtffclatd of man." "Doubtless," responded tbe warden. "You aee.-be was Ironed when be got lis "-Baltimore American. CouUVt Tell. "to marrUgs-a fnafr asked the old lawkator sf Jass yesag brtoe. lidoat know yet," replied tbe bride aMaeeatly. "lou know, my husband 4e not paid until next Wadae ate."-Drfftt rrtt Praag. ITrKCTIVK AI'HII. 10, JWMt From Klamath Falls to Kan' Fran cisco and ail mints U-tu-cn 111 rail and (nine. Leave Klamath Fulls I: ArM. Ariivo at Fncers 7:30 Leave Spencers H: Arrieat I'okcgama 11: I.ea6l'okegama,K.i.. n.l 1:1-1 Arrive at Thrall 1:15 P-M. U-ave Thrall, s, p. nn. train No. 15 at 2:2-1 Arrho at San Francisco 8:28 A. M, 20 hours and 23 minutes, Klamath Falls to fcan Francisco. Train No. 13 on. I. leaves Thrall 5:51 p. ui. arriving at San Francisco 11: 28 a.m. Klanisth Falls lo Portland Leave Klamath Falls as abovo. Leave 'I brail, S.I', train No. 10, 1:32 p. in. ; arrive at Portland 7 :55 a. in. 27 hours and 55 minutes, Klamath Falls to Portland. San Francisco to Klamath Falls Leave San Francisco at 2:20 p. m, arrive at Thrall at 6:01 a. m. Leave Thrall at 6:30 a. m.; leave Pokegama at 8 a, in,; arrive at Klamath Falls at 5 p. m. Dinner at Spencers, leaving there at 1 p. nt. Hliortest time ever. 29 hours and 40 niln, Ran Francisco to Klamath Falls. No other route does it. This is the cheapest snd best wsy. Fare $5, either direction between Thrall and Klamath Falls. GET THE HABIT YOU will never regret It. We always give you the best and the most for the money. You 11 find us able to supply anything and everything In the grocery Une. Get the habit of trading with ui. Van Riper Bros Chase & Sanborn's Coffees a Specialty. Heavy Freighting a Spcclclly. Baggage Orders Are Given Prompt Attention 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving PHONES Office N7I Barn 671 Krsldcncc 645 KENYON 6 THOMPSON, PROPRIETORS CIIAS. K. W0RDKN President FltKI) MKI.IIASi: Vl;rt'rcsidcnt The American Bank and Trust Company C.oltsl Stock $100,000 Open for buslnci. vvery day In the year vxccpl Sundays and legal holidays. Interest Paid on Saving Deposits KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON A. M. WOUDKN Cashier FltKI) SCIIAI.I.OC'K Ass'l Cashier Incorporated November 281900 Itateawat of Condition of (he Klamath County Bank Klamath Falls, Oregon DICKMBIK 3t, 1907 ROOURCES Loam ami Discount $340,530,00 DoniU and Securities 63,325 04 Ileal Estate, Buildings and Fixture 14,745.10 Cash and Sight Exchange-. lfl6.247.Q9 9MS.040.S1 UABnJTBt Capital Stock, fully paid... Surplus and Profits Duo Other Banks Deposits 9100,000.00 21,753.11 32,000.94 431,295.46 W85.040.51 I, Alex Martin. Jr., Cashier of thv aUivetumn iank, do solemnly swear that the sUivr state, menl la true to the beet of m knowMgn aii....l!cf AI.KX MARTIN, JIT, Subscribed and sworn to before mo thla r.tli dar of January, Its, ' IHralf . C. II. WmiRim Notary 1'ubllc for OrrKn orncnit ALUMAKTIN LlLRstAMU ALU MARTUf, JR. LESLIE ROGERS President Vice-President Cashier Ass'l Cashier Pioneer Bank of KUntath Basin WOOD WOOD Sixteen inch nnd four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 491 orKKK Store, Phone 174 J L. FIELDER Wood Ywrd iBd office U Mm .X 1EMaVi1 Neir Clty HtU , none 84 The Eldred Company F. G. ELDRED, Manager Bonanza, Oregon Saddles, Harness and Supplies We make a specialty of first-class, guaranteed, hand-made Saddles and Shaps. Our Saddles have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere Solicited .MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advtuicing In Value When blocks in Mills Addition were otrcred st bargain prices number of shrewd In von tors bought; since that time value have Increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reaon to anticipate an advance in prices. Itemem bcr these Iota aro FIFTY feet in width nml ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep-more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE Office on Fifth Stntf tlCANK WARD Lamd Sakaawa. The Gem Restaurant and Lodging House Special accommodations for Family Dinner Far tlei. The largest and beat arranged eating house In the city. Open day and night. a BOIVIN Plumber and Steamfitter -Klamath Falls, Orego Strictly First-class Work Estimates Furniihed Faoaes: Baslaesa, 306; Residence, r04 Announcement Having purchased the entire stock of Furniture from B. St. George Bishop I will be pleased to meet all his old friends, and also extend a cordial welcome to the many new residents of Klamath County. Our line is complete, and lots of goods are on the. road from the best supply houses in the cities. W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St George Bishop Bennett's Feed Stable Next to Martin's Mill Now Open for Business The Chute System of Feeding which permits Stc4 getting their Mill, has been installed Plenty of Wagon Room JASPER BENNETT. xTroprictor East End Meat Market CRISUR a STILTS. Proprietor Mnu,Btf. Vtaj. Mattoa, Pork and Poultry Prtah and Cured VteaU and Sausagos of all kin Wa haadle our meats ta tao most modem way In J llnsai and urraaadiagi. Try us and we will b hPPy1x) liavt'you foV a aMtoaMr. Frw DH saaaaasjaaasBaBaBBaaaaaBasal l,7--,...i