Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, January 06, 1905, Image 1

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Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, Friday, January 6, 1905.
Vol. 2
Bert loul/enhiser Seriously Hurt By
falling Kock While at WorK in
a Tunnel of the Opp Mine--Is
Getting Along Very Nicely.
Bert Ixjutzeuhiarr, a partner of M. I).
Whipple on contract work in one of the
upfier tunnels on the Opp property near
town, was serverlv injured last Monday
morning by a falling rock. Drs. Bower­
sox ami Robinson were called at once
and found that the injury sustained by
Mr. larutzenhiser was a compound frac­
ture of the left femur :txml two inches
above the knee joint and extending into
thejoint. The injured member was set
and seems to tie healing nicely, altho the
injury was very severe and will require
skillful surgery and careful nursing. The
injuried man is being cared for at the
home of Mrs. Steele and is receiving the
very best of care.
Popular Young Couple Wed.
One of the prettiest home weddings
that has taken place here for along time
was that of Mr. James T. Buckley and
Mias Emma Ulrich, on New Year’s day
at the home of the bride's jiarents Mr.
and Mrs. Chris Ulrich. A lieautiful mar­
riage ceremonv was |terformed bv Rev.
Father I^ene after which the guests sat
down to a sumptuous wedding dinner
such as the hostess is famed for provid­
ing. The groom is one of the stalwart
and substantial young men of the Apple­
gate country while the bride is one of
Jacksonville’s most |M>pular young ladies
and a memlier of a well-known pioneer
family. They left at once for their heme
in the Applegate valley followed by the
well-wishes of their many friends.
The following were the invited guests
nearly all of whom were present: Mr.
and Mrs. Janies C. Buckley, St., Mr. and
Mrs. Randles, Mr. and Mrs. Rose, Mr.
ami Mrs. Harry Luy, Mr. and Mrs. Will
McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, Mr.
and Mr». Haney, Mr. and Mrs. Kenney,
Mr. and Mrs. Neuber; Mesdames Cook
ami Elliott: Misses Ixona Ulrich, Fleeta
Ulrich, Mabel Elliott, Marie Nickell,
Mervina Kenney, Frances Kennev and
Isaura Neulier; Messrs. Lewis Ulrich,
Roy Ulrich, George Buckley and David
Make Rates To Farmers.
A representative of the Condor Water,
Light and Power Company has recently
lteen interviewing the farmers, ranchers
and miners who are located along the
lines and proposed lines of the Company
with a view of contracting with them for
light and power. The Company makes
a proposition of |3t) a year per horse pow­
er for electric power which is said to be
much cheaper than for gasoline power
for pumping or for any other purpose.
Many all along the lines were very much
pleased with the prospect ami are con­
tracting with the Company. A very low
flat rate will also lie given the out of
town residents for the lighting of their
hotties by electricity.
Firemen’s Bull.
A near as we can learn from inquiry,
the firemen of our town never do make
a fizzle of anything they undertake,
especially in the way of social dances,
for which they are noted.
The firemen's annual ball last Friday
nigh proved to lie a great success
financially and was greatly enjoyed by
all present and there wav a g<xxl attend­
Miller's dance orchestra furnished the
music which was very good. Mrs. Ulrich
provided the supper which was one of
those great suppers for which she is not­
ed and which are almost a banquet, and
the fire laddies managed the dance
which was done admirably. The hall
was lieautifully decorated and the danc
era were orderly, sober, and there for a
good social time which they surely had.
The affair netted the boys about half
a hundred dollars which was not so bad,
considering that they spared no expense
to make it a success.
Short Paragraphs Regarding Doings
Throughout the Length and
Breadth of Jackson County as
We Succeed In Capturing Them.
Lost In the Mountains.
David Zanon, a brother of Martin
Zanon, a prominent Butte creek stock
grower, has been lost in the mountians
of that vicinity since December 24th
when he started to cross the mountains
from Willow Frairie where he was feed­
ing a bunch of-cattle for his brother, to
his home on Lake creek, a distance of
eight or ten miles. The people of that
A. B. Canman, Chicago, writes March vicinity are anxious concerning his fate
4, 1903. “Having tieen troubled with
Lumbago, al different times and tried as it is feared that be became lost and
one physician after another, then dif­ wandered back into the mountains where
ferent ointments and liniments, gave it he must have perished from cold, fatigue
up altogether. So J tried once more, I and hunger. Searching parties have
and got a bottle of Ballard's Snow Lini­
ment, which gave me almost instant re­ been scouring the mountains to find some
lief. I can cheerfully recommend it, trace of the missing man but owing to a
and will add my name to your list of recent fall of snow, no trace has yet been
sufferers.” Soid by City Drug Store.
found. There is little chance of the man
yet being alive as many days have elapsed
since be disappeared, and if he has per­
Lumber at Low Prices.
Jackson County Lumber Company, ished, there is little chance of recovering
having cut out their timber and prejiar- his Ixxly until the snow leaves the moun­
ed to move their mill have a large tains in the spring. Martin Zanon offers
quantity af grxxl building material in a reward of |50 for the recovery of the
their yard that they will sell at bottom
prices. Farmers will find this a good :body.
opjxrrtunity to purchase lumber at their
own price.
Stabbing Affray at Gold Hill.
Hon. H. Von der Hellen was in the
county seat this Wednesday. He will
Last Thursday afternoon Charley John-
leave for Salem on Saturday to take up son, while intoxicated, and Tony Olson
his duties at this session of the state were scuffling in Game's saloon at Gold
Hill when Johnson suddenly became
In accordance with time-hon­
ored custom of the big city
stores we are offering bargains
in the various lines which we
carry preparatory to making
our spring purchase of Dry
and Fancy Goods, Gents Fur­
nishings, Clothing, Etc. Etc.
We shall be most pleased to
show you our several lines
and assure you that there will
be some articles interesting to
you and really good value for
the money we ask for them.
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No. <34
angry and stabbed Olson with a dirk
i knife just under the heart making an
ugly wound an inch and a half long,
j Medical aid was called and several
stitches were required to draw the wound
together. Mr. Olson seems to be get-
1 ting around nicely for which both the
gentlemen should be very thankful. Mr.
Johnson was given a hearing and bound
oven to the district court and in default
of f-VM) bail, was brought to Jacksonville
and placed in the county jail to await
the March session of the district court.
May Build Stub Road.
Articles of incorporation were recently
filed of the Medford & Crater Lake
Railroad Company. The incorporators
of record are A. A Davis, B. F. Adkins,
J. M. Keene, R. H. Whitehead, B. H.
Harris, W. F. Entropand W. I. Vawter.
The capital stock has been fixed at JolXl,
000. The object is to construct and oper­
ate a railroad from Medford east to the
timber belt. This corporation is to sup­
ercede the Southern Oregon Development
Co., and takes over the rights of way,
surveys, etc, of that company which has
been engaged in preliminary work on
the proposed route for some months.
Permanent organization of the new com­
pany will be perfected soon, it is an­
Murderers Captured.
Yesterday information was received
by telephone from the Sheriff of Del
Norte county to the effect that he
had apprehended the murderers of Pat.
Dunn. They were trying to make their
wav up the coast, and had parted with
one dollar bills which was a part of the
booty secured, and had in their posses­
sion other articles evidencing their
guilt. Apprehending these men isagcod
piece of work on the part of the Sheriff
of Del Norte County.—Grants Pass Her
L. L. D.
Of Waverly, Texas, writes: “Of a
morning, when first arising. I often find
a troublesome collection of phlegm which
firoduces a cough and is very hard to dis-
odge; but a small quautity of Ballard’s
Horehound Syrup will at once dislodge
it, and the trouble is over. I know of
no medicine that is equal to it, and it is
so pleasant to take. I can most cordially
reeommend it to all persons needing a
i medicine for throat or lung trouble.”
Sold by City Drug Store.
Correspondents Wanted.
The Sentinel desires to give its sub­
scribers the news from all parts of the
county hence we want a good, live, cor­
respondent at all the leading postoffices
tn the county where there is no paper
published. Send in the news and you
will be treated right.
Marriage Licenses.
The county clerk is not doing such a
rushing business in marriage licenses
since the holiday season is over, but on
Jan. 3rd he issued one to Jno. R. Smith
and Miss Rosie Mayham, and on Jan. 4th
another to Henry T. Andrews and Thresa
B. Berger.
Call and Settle.
Those knowing themselves indebted to
the undersigned are reguested to call at
once and pay up.
C hris U lrich .