SENTINEL JACKSONVILLE V « ■ * — — ■ I' ■ — I, — ................ . ........................................................ ■ ■■ Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, Friday, January 6, 1905. Vol. 2 SEVERELY INJURED Bert loul/enhiser Seriously Hurt By falling Kock While at WorK in a Tunnel of the Opp Mine--Is Getting Along Very Nicely. OTHER NEWS Of THIS LOCALITY Bert Ixjutzeuhiarr, a partner of M. I). Whipple on contract work in one of the upfier tunnels on the Opp property near town, was serverlv injured last Monday morning by a falling rock. Drs. Bower­ sox ami Robinson were called at once and found that the injury sustained by Mr. larutzenhiser was a compound frac­ ture of the left femur :txml two inches above the knee joint and extending into thejoint. The injured member was set and seems to tie healing nicely, altho the injury was very severe and will require skillful surgery and careful nursing. The injuried man is being cared for at the home of Mrs. Steele and is receiving the very best of care. Popular Young Couple Wed. One of the prettiest home weddings that has taken place here for along time was that of Mr. James T. Buckley and Mias Emma Ulrich, on New Year’s day at the home of the bride's jiarents Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ulrich. A lieautiful mar­ riage ceremonv was |terformed bv Rev. Father I^ene after which the guests sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner such as the hostess is famed for provid­ ing. The groom is one of the stalwart and substantial young men of the Apple­ gate country while the bride is one of Jacksonville’s most |M>pular young ladies and a memlier of a well-known pioneer family. They left at once for their heme in the Applegate valley followed by the well-wishes of their many friends. The following were the invited guests nearly all of whom were present: Mr. and Mrs. Janies C. Buckley, St., Mr. and Mrs. Randles, Mr. and Mrs. Rose, Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Luy, Mr. and Mrs. Will McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, Mr. and Mr». Haney, Mr. and Mrs. Kenney, Mr. and Mrs. Neuber; Mesdames Cook ami Elliott: Misses Ixona Ulrich, Fleeta Ulrich, Mabel Elliott, Marie Nickell, Mervina Kenney, Frances Kennev and Isaura Neulier; Messrs. Lewis Ulrich, Roy Ulrich, George Buckley and David Buckley. Make Rates To Farmers. A representative of the Condor Water, Light and Power Company has recently lteen interviewing the farmers, ranchers and miners who are located along the lines and proposed lines of the Company with a view of contracting with them for light and power. The Company makes a proposition of |3t) a year per horse pow­ er for electric power which is said to be much cheaper than for gasoline power for pumping or for any other purpose. Many all along the lines were very much pleased with the prospect ami are con­ tracting with the Company. A very low flat rate will also lie given the out of town residents for the lighting of their hotties by electricity. Firemen’s Bull. A near as we can learn from inquiry, the firemen of our town never do make a fizzle of anything they undertake, especially in the way of social dances, for which they are noted. The firemen's annual ball last Friday nigh proved to lie a great success financially and was greatly enjoyed by all present and there wav a g