Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, August 14, 1903, Image 1

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    Vol. I
J nc K »on vii le, JucK»on County, Oregon. Friday, Auguit 14. 1903.
No. 14
mining turn of Dr. J. F. Reddy, one of I
the men who has Ix'conie a mcmlx rof the
I lie Adams Interests Sold mid the Blur Company. The change is that B. G. ,
Adams has *ol«l his sixth interest in the |
I cd«|«- Properties Aipun Bonded Io mi
claims to J A. Reddy, Geo. F. Neulier
ln«|lish Sv adn ate Who Mill Begin Active mid Judge Chat, Prim. The price is a
Development Sweeney Brothers are gfxxily sum, and considerable more than I
Rapidly Pushing I heir funnel Work. offered by Mr. Chirk. The old members
of the Coni|siiiy who yet retain their
Once more the Applegate copper dis- interests are 1« F, Cooper, W. H. Ham­
trict is at the forefront ami then- is every I ilton, W. F. Malone, G. M. Keller and
certainty that it will lx- <lcve!o|« d and M. Wenger all of Crescent City ami S. |
made into one of the great copper pro­ H. McVeigh of Smiths River.
There arc now over 300 claims fixated
ducing regions of the I'nited States
But ha«l it not liven for the persistent in th«- Applegate cup|«er district and the
stick-to-it-ive Hess <>i Dr. J. F. Reddv and holders have great iiojxrs as to the vain«- |
his asox'iatrs, among whom arc Geo. of their properties. Mining men who 1
Brady ami E. L. Jones, it is likely no have had ex|ierience in «»ther copper di»- I
other effort wouhfhavc l>eci«tvv,< 4-* loir«*' Un U in the West claim that the surface
th«- Applegate r«ipjx-r pro|x-rtus after indication* ar«- as good as were those of j
they had Ix-cn thrown «town by Patrick any of th«- great mines of Montana, Ari- |
No _______
sooner 2.2..
«lid Mr.
Clark show
^-Hforma and declare that it 1« i
ciark. r:
signs of weakening than Dr. Reddy Ire- not ut all improbable that a second Butte
gm b< stiimg himself to find other capital­ may be built up on the Applegate.
ists who would take up tin- proposition.
The very <luy Mr. Clark gave up his
Isind on the Blue Ia*«lgc Dr. Reddv ha-1
The best 5 Cent Cigar
the representative of an English syndi­ *
on the market made only by the
cate on the ground r«*a«ly with their ex-
Miss Amelia Britt returned Thursday I
|x-rls to l«x»k «»ver the projx-rty with a from a visit of several days with her i
view of taking it up. After making a friend Mrs. R. H. Mix,re of Gold Hill.
thorough examination of those ledges
an«! the surrounding country. Mr. C. II. I
Bennett who represented the English cap­ next Sunday morning and evening. The
italists, decide«! to take an option on the theme for evening discuasi'on will be
•‘The Divinity of Christ.” Rev. Lock­
Blue Ix-dge claims for Ins people.
will preach.
Englishmen, the world over, are noted
olic cemeterv.
The child was all but place io Jacksonville, his object being to
for Ix-ing stayers when once they take 1 Ed Lavier took a short vacation from 14 months old and hail lieen strong and look up a mine on the head of Kane
up a proposition and there will lx* no his work in the planing mill Thursday healthy until the illness that caused its creek which he worked several years ago
••col«i feet" on their |s«rt in hundling this afternoon and went into the hills kick death.
It was one of twins, the anti from which he took a very rich pock­
Applegate undertaking ami having cap­ of town for a shot at a deer with the re­ other child being a bright little girl, and et of gold. Not finding other pockets
ital up into the millions at their com- ■ sult that he brought in two fine venisons. its death is a sore loss to its parent* and readily he abandoned the claim and as it
maml they will lx.* able to demonstrate ;
Postmaster John F. Miller will leave they have the sympathy of many friends has remained undisturbed he relocated it
by thorough prospecting, which will be
and will at once begin to work it again.
Saturday for Bybee Spring*, where in Jacksonville.
bv tunnels ami shafts am! not by dia- '
T. K. Roberts, who resides four miles He thinks it may yet prove to lie rich.
inond drill, the valm* of the projx*rty ami
Woodville on Eval.* creek, was in Mr. Rhoten is known as one of the most
then when that is proven to their satis­
Wednesday. He stated that successful pocket hunters In Southern
faction, to go ahead ami put in a smelting
the DeArmond & Sons sawmill built last Oregon.
plant as large ami complete as any in the relatives.
Prof. G. R. Carlock has been engaged
I'nited States.
Chris I’lrich ami his son Louis went spring, is cutting from 20,000 to 30,000
The resumption of work at the Applc- fishing last Sunday and being determined feet per day, and al>out the same cut is as principal for tne next term of school
gat«- copper mines will give a new im- to _
____ a __
get some fish they took
long ___
ride la-ing made by the No. 2 mill, lielonging at Talent, which will liegin September 7,
This is Prof.
pctus to the already prosjx rous business and went Ireyond the lxrat of most"fishcr- to l’racht & Schmitt Bros., which is un­ for a nine months term.
Conditions in Jac ksonville and with the men who go out for a days sport, they der the management of E. C. Schmitt. Carlock’s second year in thst school he
other factors now stimulating the busi- going to Beaver creek, at the head waters i This coni]».iiiy’s other mill known as No. having taught a nine months term last
ness interests of the town there is a of Applegate,
Applegste. They were fully re |>aid 1 was shut down last week as the timber year at a salary of #55 per month, which
certainty that times will lie extra lively ! for tneir trip for they procured 151 fine in its locality is all cut out. The mill was a raise of #10 a month over that
will lie moved at once to a new location paid the preceeding teacher and his
in this place lais fall.
Then there is trout.
a couple of miles back to where there is salary for this year is a raise of <10 over
everv reason to t»eli< vc that there will be
Camp stoves and utensils for camping a fine Ixxlv of timber, and it is expected that of last year. The primary depart­
no cessation of work nt the copjwr mines
to have it running again within two ment will be in charge of Miss Anna
for all who have visited that section and I at Boyden's.
Beeson, who holds the credit of being
who are exjierienced in copper mining
The death from pneumonia took place J months.
declare that the showings in the develop-i Thursday morning of Ioline, the infant ' E. M. Rhoteu, who since 1N56 has been one of the best primary teachers in Jack-
The Talent district is
nient work are as e<xxl as were ever «laughter of Mr. ami Mrs. David B. mining in this section and who resides son county.
found at the o|x-ningof other great cop­ Thom]»son at their home in . this
___ city, . with his family al Gold Hill, was in town fortunate in having a board who are en­
per mines. The miners employed by j The funeral services were held at the Friday to purchaae lumber for a house ergetic and thoroughly alive to the in­
Mr. Clark at the time, two weeks ago, i Catholic church. Father Murphv officiat­ that he will erect on his place. Mr. Rho­ terests of their school and much of the
w ho came to Jacksonville to pack lor ing, ami the interment was in tile Cath- ten came afoot over the hills from his success of their teachers is due to their
hearty co-operation and the lilteral man­
their return to Spokane declared that
ner in which they supply their school
they wen certain that there were rich i
room with needed apparatus and con­
copper indication* in the Applegate dis- j
trict, quite sufficient to justify extensive ,
prospecting. Several of the men asso- |
Phoenix Locals.
ciated with Mr. Clark, among them be­
ing Jas. P. Harvey, Mr. Clark's superin­
Henry Calhoun is in from Merrill after
tendent, have taken up claims in this
a load of fruit.
district, which is pr«x,f that they think
Mrs. O. Harbaugh, of Jacksonville, is
that the district is alright.
visiting relatives in this section.
That Mr. Clark has turned down tile i
Blue Ledge is not held among well !
Geo. Dunlap, of Applegute, spentsever-
fxrsted mining men to lx* any pnxif at
al days here the first of the week.
all that the claim is no good. \\ bile Mr.
James Morton started to Klamath Falls
Clark has Ix-en a fairly successful mining
a load of vegetables recently.
man yet he has made many errors of
judgment in his mining deals. Several
The two McFerson children who have
mines that he turned down have since
been seriously ill with typhoid fever are
proven to lx* valuable, among them the
Jumbo in British Columbia, on which lie
Professor Ritner, of the Medford Busi­
had a bond for #140.(MH) and which now I
ness College, tarried in Phoenix for a
could not be bought for #5(M),(MH).
The \
few hours Saturday.
Republic and the War Eagle that he de- '
dared were rich mines, and which lie
I’holie Oatman son of H. B. Oatman,
sold for big prices, have paid not a dol­
a former resident of Phoenix, but now of
lar of dividend to the purchasers.
Portland is here on a short visit with
In the way of extensive «leveloping ■
the English syndicate will not be the j
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Blackwood, started
only big company operating on the
by wagon for Sisson, Monday, for a
Applegate for the Sweeney’s, million­
several days visit with their daughter,
aire mining men of Spokane, havesecured
| Mrs. VV. S. Stancliff.
several claims ami are now having a lot I
of tunnel work done to open them up. i
W. J. Strong returned to Argo Wed­
There are several other claim holders
nesday evening after a visit with South­
who are doing extensive development
ern Oregon relatives. M«*. Strong is a
work this summer, some, like George
brother of Mrs. J. R. Rearnes.
Neuber of this town, expending several!
W. Roberts and family, C. E. Houston
thousand dollars on work onthrir claims. ;
and wife and Miss Lillie Roberts, started
A change took place this week in the
I lhe first of the week for a several days
jxirsonnel of the company that holds the j
outing at Crater Lake and Pelican Bay.
ownership to the Blue Ledge Claims, of
which there arc 17, w hich though is but;
The picking and packing of the Bartlett
the retiring of one of the original stock­
pears will begin tn several of the orchards
holders vet it is significant in that it I
I the first of next week, a large force of
gives added proof of the richness of these
employes will lie put on as the crop is
claims by reason of the standing among |
unusally large.
Spanish Cigar Company
Riddance Sale
of Summer Hats
Your pick from the
window display of
Crash and Straw
Hats for 15 cents