Vol. I J nc K »on vii le, JucK»on County, Oregon. Friday, Auguit 14. 1903. No. 14 mining turn of Dr. J. F. Reddy, one of I the men who has Ix'conie a mcmlx rof the I lie Adams Interests Sold mid the Blur Company. The change is that B. G. , Adams has *ol«l his sixth interest in the | I cd«|«- Properties Aipun Bonded Io mi claims to J A. Reddy, Geo. F. Neulier ln«|lish Sv adn ate Who Mill Begin Active mid Judge Chat, Prim. The price is a Development Sweeney Brothers are gfxxily sum, and considerable more than I Rapidly Pushing I heir funnel Work. offered by Mr. Chirk. The old members of the Coni|siiiy who yet retain their Once more the Applegate copper dis- interests are 1« F, Cooper, W. H. Ham­ trict is at the forefront ami then- is every I ilton, W. F. Malone, G. M. Keller and certainty that it will lx- i Dr. J. F. Reddv and holders have great iiojxrs as to the vain«- | his asox'iatrs, among whom arc Geo. of their properties. Mining men who 1 Brady ami E. L. Jones, it is likely no have had ex|ierience in «»ther copper di»- I other effort wouhfhavc l>eci«tvv,< 4-* loir«*' Un U in the West claim that the surface th«- Applegate r«ipjx-r pro|x-rtus after indication* ar«- as good as were those of j they had Ix-cn thrown «town by Patrick any of th«- great mines of Montana, Ari- | No _______ sooner 2.2.. «lid Mr. Clark show ^-Hforma and declare that it 1« i ciark. r: 222___________ __ signs of weakening than Dr. Reddy Ire- not ut all improbable that a second Butte gm b< stiimg himself to find other capital­ may be built up on the Applegate. ists who would take up tin- proposition. The very out the same cut is as principal for tne next term of school gat«- copper mines will give a new im- to _ ____ a __ get some fish they took long ___ ride la-ing made by the No. 2 mill, lielonging at Talent, which will liegin September 7, This is Prof. pctus to the already prosjx rous business and went Ireyond the lxrat of most"fishcr- to l’racht & Schmitt Bros., which is un­ for a nine months term. Conditions in Jac ksonville and with the men who go out for a days sport, they der the management of E. C. Schmitt. Carlock’s second year in thst school he other factors now stimulating the busi- going to Beaver creek, at the head waters i This coni]».iiiy’s other mill known as No. having taught a nine months term last ness interests of the town there is a of Applegate, Applegste. They were fully re |>aid 1 was shut down last week as the timber year at a salary of #55 per month, which certainty that times will lie extra lively ! for tneir trip for they procured 151 fine in its locality is all cut out. The mill was a raise of #10 a month over that will lie moved at once to a new location paid the preceeding teacher and his in this place lais fall. Then there is trout. a couple of miles back to where there is salary for this year is a raise of <10 over everv reason to t»eli< vc that there will be Camp stoves and utensils for camping a fine Ixxlv of timber, and it is expected that of last year. The primary depart­ no cessation of work nt the copjwr mines to have it running again within two ment will be in charge of Miss Anna for all who have visited that section and I at Boyden's. Beeson, who holds the credit of being who are exjierienced in copper mining The death from pneumonia took place J months. declare that the showings in the develop-i Thursday morning of Ioline, the infant ' E. M. Rhoteu, who since 1N56 has been one of the best primary teachers in Jack- The Talent district is nient work are as e