The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, October 17, 1931, Page 5, Image 9

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    TU R IL LU S TR A TE D F E A TU R E SECTION*— October 17 . 10.11
Tin* («nal ( .allitilmls of tin* World
Seville Cathedral
W ord* Often Misused
Do not writ**, "H op in g th at I may
j be favort-d with
an early
, W rite, ‘ Hoping that I may receive an
early reply.”
W ord* Often Mis*pellrd
Corridor; three r>;.
Words O ften Mispronounce d
August 'adjective, m eaning m a­
jestic». Pronounce a-guat as as in
j “ all
u as in ” uj », and accent la&t
syllable, not the first.
(n ou n ), dregs, sediment,
I scum, dross, rubbish.
W ord Study
S U C C U M B , to yield submit. “ Have
j you i ught against greed, or suc­
cumbed lu its lust?” — W egefarth.
I s ( O S I M I III I t i
M im i
I . K K N S I -<
m t o IMI
4 \ Ì 4 ln r I « r e c e iv e I h r c u v r t r d
i j m
irntlv a I
* r II I Ir lil.
M r J .t llir * w ill n u k r
n l i r t r h r Mill lo u r I h r C o u til III I h r i t i l r r r * !
L i g h t n i n g S t a r lo O l d
C 'lo c k to K u n n ir iK
lia r lr *
I . J u n te». N e w Y o r k ,
h i ih I
|M ssnl III* l r * l re
a 111*1»! tu Job« k*<ittvll|e. H i . ,
o f 4 1 t i i i M i r . i t x r roni|t<tity.
month, mi old d ork tim i hud not run
for Mx ye arn vuh w t in motion, tu d
U krrpuiK p erirci Ulne.
Diumtüi* to thr house
(I liK K N W n iili, l V I
W hen nielli - Mrs Hurrlson ^myn that thr clock
Hint ntrtirk the lunar of Mr*» M.t'tli* hud been in thr shop for repairs
IlarriM iit, o f
K1U worth. M il. butt tw ic e .
Ç h a s i n g the B l u e s A w a y j
N othin) to lifts one out of
the " d umpt" et « nice,
Wftrm b«th . . . hftir properly
dressed . . . end ft few min­
utes Attention to the shin.
S o ip
. , , D e o d o ra n t
. . . Talcum . . . so refreihmg for
the bath.
P O R O Vanithinj Crtam . . ,
to make your pov.^er-"stay put."
Thru,your hade < i P O R O Face
Powder (I- •.h.uJr* from which lo
choose ' j Browns, Brunette,
I If th, White).
T h e strongest of us must fare tem ptation, the
weakest of us must face our Conscience W hether
our birth be noble or hufhblc wc have one m eet­
ing ground where we may repent for our wrong
knowing that He will understand.
the Church 1* Ills symbol of Compassion and
Fatih and in it we are all His children
The Chapel of the
Virgin, the most
popular shrine in
the Cathedral of
Sertllf. uhere the
poor and affluted
place their offerings.
SWiul 12
in »ii\er or »tum p» tor our '
UT T O -D A T * F A IX . 1*31 HOOK o r FA S H ­
IO N »
M S S A R D U I *13 a wonderful
Vc tonic fo r weak and ner-
vous women.” writes M rs Lena
Catron. 1038 S. 11th St . Clarks-
vllle, Tcnn. "X took Cardul
.several years ago. an d it 1m -
proved my health. I certainly
recommend Cardul.”
I f you are run-down, ncr-
vous. or suffer every month,
take Cardul. a medicine used
by women fo r over fifty years.
As your health Improves, you
will share the enthusiasm o f
thousands o f others who have
praised Cardul fo r the bene-
they liave fe lt a fte r
taking it.
. v \ \ II
I I I / ,
«• -»•
1 1 \ JJ / /,
s 1
Helps Women To Heoftti =
an d s u d d e n ly —
thr sparkle is baik in your ryes,
and the nest moment you find
younelf saying, "O b , I leel so
refreshed "
in c
□ R □
4415 S O U Î H P A R K W A Y
r o t o n o r «. 44,i i.
to r
[ eery
D eta il
L adre i '
To ile try
I T is not necessary to give-in
to headaches. It is just a bit old-
fushioneitt I hr modern woman who
feels a headache coming oil at any
tim e, lakes some tablets o l B ayer
Aspirin and heads it off.
E v e r y wom an, w h eth er she has
good -look in g rloth es o r p retty
featu res, tan a ttra ct men ami win
Iheir ad m iration and love. It's nnsy.
d im p ly Iniild up your hody and ho
fu ll o f |>ersolial m agn etism , vital
ity anil ‘ ‘ it ” . S t.lo se p h 's ti.F .I’ .
w ill help to g iv e you these fascin ­
a tin g charms, ijulrkly.
T h is famous tonic starts by aid
inir N a tu re to restore your health
and stren gth and to banish those
wretched ailm ents so com mon to
women. It helps to nourish e ve ry
«'ell in you r hody, g iv in g you
curves, personal charm ami lots
o f v ita lity and pep.
D on ’t bo w eak, sickly and un­
attra ctive.
He stron g, vigorou s
and charm ing.
T a k e St.Joseph's
(i.K .P .— the tonic that has brought
health and happiness to d esp a ir­
in g women fo r «>vcr f ift y years.
Ask your d ru g g is t fo r the b ig
d olla r bottle which he sells on an
absolute m oney-hack guarantee.
S t. J o s e p h ’s
G .F .P .
V k e tUJomariX) ^onic
Th* FE ATU R E BKCTION PAttrrn BurfAti.
12 Sterling Pince. Brooklyn. N Y, Use '»°
hrr «cidres» And une till* •»cidres« only for
• A T U R K ra ttern «.
72115 t.A D IF S ’ DKK88 W IT H
IPB. Dealgnrft in 81 m * . 39, 40. 42, 44 , 4«.
I, 50 And 52 Inches bust m ooiurt. A 46-
K*h slr.e requires 41o yards o f 39-Inch ms-
35 Inrhrs wide. cut crosswise. or l yurd ot
In rc bit ml m g 3 ', Inches wide. Price 10c.
1303 C lin tH ’ DKBS8 Designed In Blses;
S. S. 10 snd 12 yenrs. Blse S requires 3 ',
yards 32* inches wide If made with sleeves
W ithout sleeves 1% ysrd
Bash snd how
o f contrasting material requires S ysrd 30
K eep Bayer Aspirin handy, and
keep your engagements. Headaches,
systemic pains, come at inconven­
ient times. So do colds You can end
them before Ih ev're fairlv started if
you'll only remember ibis handy,
harmless form o f relief. C a rry it in
your purse and insure your com fort
while shopping; your evening's
pleasure at the theatre. Those little
nagging aches that bring a rase of
"n erves” b y day are ended in 11
iffy. J’ains that once kept jieople
iom e are forgotten half an hour
after taking Bayer Aspirinl Y o u ’ ll
find these tublrts always help. I f
you get real aspirin, you 'll get real
re lie f In every package o f genuine
Bayer luhlets are proven directions
w h ic h c o v e r h ea d a ch e s, cold s,
sore throat, tooth srh r, neuralgia,
neuritis, sciatica, rheumatism, etc.
T h e tablets stamped Bayer w on 't
fail you, and ra n 't harm you. T h e y
don't depress thr heart. T h e y don’ t
upset the stomach. So take them
whenever you need them, and take
enough to cud the pain.