TU R IL LU S TR A TE D F E A TU R E SECTION*— October 17 . 10.11 K N U IJ S II Tin* («nal ( .allitilmls of tin* World Seville Cathedral W ord* Often Misused Do not writ**, "H op in g th at I may j be favort-d with an early reply.'* , W rite, ‘ Hoping that I may receive an early reply.” W ord* Often Mis*pellrd Corridor; three r>;. Words O ften Mispronounce d August 'adjective, m eaning m a­ jestic». Pronounce a-guat as as in j “ all u as in ” uj », and accent la&t syllable, not the first. Synonyms RefuA* (n ou n ), dregs, sediment, I scum, dross, rubbish. W ord Study S U C C U M B , to yield submit. “ Have j you i ught against greed, or suc­ cumbed lu its lust?” — W egefarth. , UHiiiiiimmimmmmiimiimiiiiiiiLr U I s ( O S I M I III I t i M im i I . K K N S I -< Hi m t o IMI 4 \ Ì 4 ln r I « r e c e iv e I h r c u v r t r d i j m irntlv a I * r II I Ir lil. M r J .t llir * w ill n u k r n l i r t r h r Mill lo u r I h r C o u til III I h r i t i l r r r * ! L i g h t n i n g S t a r lo O l d C 'lo c k to K u n n ir iK lia r lr * I . J u n te». N e w Y o r k , h i ih I |M ssnl III* l r * l re a 111*1»! tu Job« k*ersolial m agn etism , vital ity anil ‘ ‘ it ” . S t.lo se p h 's ti.F .I’ . w ill help to g iv e you these fascin ­ a tin g charms, ijulrkly. T h is famous tonic starts by aid inir N a tu re to restore your health and stren gth and to banish those wretched ailm ents so com mon to women. It helps to nourish e ve ry «'ell in you r hody, g iv in g you curves, personal charm ami lots o f v ita lity and pep. D on ’t bo w eak, sickly and un­ attra ctive. He stron g, vigorou s and charm ing. T a k e St.Joseph's (i.K .P .— the tonic that has brought health and happiness to d esp a ir­ in g women fo r «>vcr f ift y years. Ask your d ru g g is t fo r the b ig d olla r bottle which he sells on an absolute m oney-hack guarantee. S t. J o s e p h ’s G .F .P . V k e tUJomariX) ^onic Th* FE ATU R E BKCTION PAttrrn BurfAti. 12 Sterling Pince. Brooklyn. N Y, Use '»° hrr «cidres» And une till* •»cidres« only for • A T U R K ra ttern «. 72115 t.A D IF S ’ DKK88 W IT H 81.ENDF.lt IPB. Dealgnrft in 81 m * . 39, 40. 42, 44 , 4«. I, 50 And 52 Inches bust m ooiurt. A 46- K*h slr.e requires 41o yards o f 39-Inch ms- 35 Inrhrs wide. cut crosswise. or l yurd ot In rc bit ml m g 3 ', Inches wide. Price 10c. 1303 C lin tH ’ DKBS8 Designed In Blses; S. S. 10 snd 12 yenrs. Blse S requires 3 ', yards 32* inches wide If made with sleeves W ithout sleeves 1% ysrd Bash snd how o f contrasting material requires S ysrd 30 K eep Bayer Aspirin handy, and keep your engagements. Headaches, systemic pains, come at inconven­ ient times. So do colds You can end them before Ih ev're fairlv started if you'll only remember ibis handy, harmless form o f relief. C a rry it in your purse and insure your com fort while shopping; your evening's pleasure at the theatre. Those little nagging aches that bring a rase of "n erves” b y day are ended in 11 iffy. J’ains that once kept jieople iom e are forgotten half an hour after taking Bayer Aspirinl Y o u ’ ll find these tublrts always help. I f » you get real aspirin, you 'll get real re lie f In every package o f genuine Bayer luhlets are proven directions w h ic h c o v e r h ea d a ch e s, cold s, sore throat, tooth srh r, neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica, rheumatism, etc. T h e tablets stamped Bayer w on 't fail you, and ra n 't harm you. T h e y don't depress thr heart. T h e y don’ t upset the stomach. So take them whenever you need them, and take enough to cud the pain.