Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, July 27, 1906, Image 4

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Thinks P e r u n a Is a W cnderfiel
M edicine.
o f Nearly 4 P er
Cent is O ffered—Interest at
2 Per Cent.
O n ly
th e
Washington, Ju ly 21. — Bids were
opened at the Treasury department
late yesterday for the fMO,000,000 10*30
Panama Canal bonds, bearing 2 per
cent interest, under Secretary Shaw’s
circular of Ju ly 2 an 1, although no
awards will be made until today or
later, it is evident that the entire issue
has been aubscirbed for at an average
of from 103.94 to 103.96. Mr. Shaw
and other officials of the Treasury de­
partment expressed themselves as high­
ly pleased and entirely satistied with
the figures obtained.
The total number and amounts of
bids made will not be ascertained until
today, but it is apparent that the whole
issue has been subscribed for several
times over. The largest and best sin­
gle offer was that of Fisk
of New York, who made six bids of
$5,000,000, each at an average of
103.85. Sm aller bids at higher prices,
however, w ill probably reduce the
amount which will likely be awarded
to ,hem to about $15,000,000.
bid of 106 for the whole iesne came
from a man named Lindsay at New
Orleans, but on account of conditions
named and for other reasons the hid
was not considered. Sjveral telegraph­
ic bids were received too late to be con­
sidered, but the prices named were too
small to be successful.
The secretary having stated that the
bonds would be numbered serially be­
ginning with the highest bid, one offer
was made at 125 for $1.000, thus secur­
ing to th * b dder bond No. 1.
An ex­
amination of the best bids shows that
offers of 104 1 1 6 and up aggregated
$15,394,860 . 104 to 104 1-16 aggregat­
ed $1,100,880. 103.75 to 104 aggregat­
ed $14,177,000.
P ro m ln e.
S t. Petersburg, Ju ly 23 —
first experiment in parliamen
eminent came to an ignoinii
Saturday night with the pro
of two im perial ukases, the
solving the present parliamen
vidiug for the convocation
ceisor on March 5, 1907, t
six months hence, and the se<
claim ing the capital of Kussit
surrounding province to be in i
extiaordinary security, which
infiniteasimally different from
tial law. This measure of safe
, rovide for the outburst wh
doubtedly will be provoked
daring measure. It is now but
to dictatorship.
There is little doubt that th
for the convocation of the new
hly will still further postpone tl
unless the new parliament prom
be more amenable than the pres
The delay in fixing the time ♦
new elections seems to indicate
cision to change tne present b
suffrage to perhaps a basis of ur
suffrage with which the advisers
emperor hope to swamp the e«.
liberals, the Socialists and the
men with the vast mass of peasai .
The only uncertainty is the coming
storm— when and where it will break.
The advocates of the “ mailed fist” be­
lieve that, by dissolving parliament
and provoking a collision now, they
will find the revolutionary leaders not
prepared for an uprising at Moscow,
whereas further delay would nearly
give the revolutionists the time needed
to organize and to continue the corrup­
tion of the arm y.
There are no precedents in Russian
history for the execution of an order of
prorogation, but today probably will
find the palace in possession of the mi­
litia and the surrounding streets deliv­
ered to the emperor’s guards.
T erro rists Mark Victims for Death—
T rep o ff is Warned.
8 t. Petersburg, Juy 2 3.— Although
the victory of the reactionists seems at
present to be complete, neither the S t
cialists nor the Terrorists have accepted
the situation, and, while the people are
apparently completely overawed by the
display of force on the part of the an
thorities, it will be necessary to con­
tinue the use of the bayonet for some
tim e. General Trepoff himself is au­
thority for the statement that he has
again been warned that he is marked
for assassination. Despite this fact, he
continues actively at work, although
at all times surrounded by a heavy
The Socialist members ol the douma
have held a number of secret meetings,
but so far they have refrained from
carrying out their avowed determina
tion of issuing a proclamation attacking
the czar, the reactionary element and
more especially their former allies, the
Constitutional Democrats. If they do
so, trouble must come.
h«iie»t „lie iUlufcu .
don’t you know. Miss Pert—What a
terrible skeptic you must he.— Phila­
delphia Record.
What He Needed.— Mike—Are ye
much hurtetl, Pat?
I>o ye want a
ilocthor? P a t—A «locthor, ye fule!
After bein’ runned over by an automo-
billy? What Oi want 1« a law yer!
“Henry. I must have a new outfft,
and 1 want to give you credit for gen­
erosity.“ “All right, my dear, If you
can persuade anybody to give It to me
for anything else.”— Baltim ore Ameri­
T e a c h e r—How many commandments
are there. Sally? Sally— Please, teach­
er. ten. Teacher— Suppose you were to
break a (ommnndiiient.
pause.) Sally—Then there’d be nine.—
Perseverance.—“I think,” said the
reporter, “that the public Vould like
to know how you managed to live to
such a great age.” “By perseverance.”
replied the centenarian. “I Just kept
on livin’.”
‘T h is is the time of year,” said the
suburban citizen, “when I like to get
out and dig up the ground.” “So do I,”
answered Mr. Foozling. “T h at’s the
reason I am trying to play golf.”—
Washington Star.
Not Professional.—“All I have to say
Is th is: You’re going out into the
world. You’ll find the road rough. But
strike out, my boy, strike out.” “Not
if I can help it,” replied the young man.
" I ’m going to be a baseball player.”
Across the Garden Fence.—“No, Mr.
Wilkes, I ain’t goin’ to keep fowls no
more. Don’t pay. Why countin’ the
mnt7o I give ’em this winter, the eggs
— well, I don’t git any, but if I did—
they’d cost me ’a rf a crown each !”—
A Good Find. “Albert, dear, while
looking through some of your old
clothes, I made such a lucky find that
I ordered a new dress on the strength
of It.” “W hat was It. dear?” “Half a
dozen checks that had never been writ­
ten on.”
A Great Feat.—Jones (to Brown, who
has been relating his wonderful adven­
tures In R u ssia)— And I suppose you
visited the great steppes of Russia?
Brown— I should rather think so. And
walked up every one of them on my
hands and knees.
Try again!— Mrs. Nuwed—Here’s the
bread I started to make to-day. Isn’t
it too annoying? Mr. Nuwed— Why, it
isn’t baked at all. Mrs. Nuwed— I
know It isn’t ; th at’s ju st It. I put
plenty of baking ¡»owiler In It, but the
powder doesn’t seem to have baked It
“Drug stores sell ice cream, soda wa­
ter, confectionery, and a lot of other
things that are not medicine,” said the
man who complains. “T h at’s true,” an­
swered the pharmacist. “But most of
them are likely to lead to the consump­
tion of medicines.”— Washington Star.
“Why, Willie, what are you crying
about?” “ ’Cause I dou’t get no Sa t­
urday holiday like the other children
does. Boo-hoo!” “But why don’t you
get out of school on Saturday?”
“ ’Cause I aint’ oh. enough to go to
school yet. Boo-hoo hoo!”—Cleveland
Parson Bagster
(solem nly)—Does
you, Claud Kinsabby, take dis yuh lady,
Miss Gladys Poots, to be yo’ lawful
wedded wife, for bettata and for
wuss------ The Groom (uneasily nml
hazily)—Uh-cou’se I does, if I has to,
s a h ; but ain’t dar some way of takin*
her klndah on an ave’age?—Puck.
“T hat rich Mr. Spooner Is the most
provoking thing! He asked me If I
was 33.” “And what did j*ou say?” “I
said, ’Mercy, n o !’ And be said he
didn’t think any woman should marry
until she was 33.” “G racious! What
did you do then?” “ I called after hitu
that I was 33 my next birthday, hut he
didn’t seem to he.» • me.”—Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
General ’’Phil” Sheridan was at one
time asked at what little Incident he
laughe«l the most. “Well,” he said. “1
do not know, hut 1 always laugh when I
think of the Irishm an and the army
mule. I was riding down the line one
day, when I saw an Irishman mounted
on a mule, which was kicking Its legs
rather freely. The mule finally got Its
hoof caught In the stirrup, when, in the
excitement, the Irishman remarked:
•Well, begorrah. if you’re goin’ t«> get
on, I’ll get o ff!*”
S to essel Must Die.
St. Petersburg, J u l y 2 1 .— The com-
mission appointed to investigaie the
s irrender of Port Arthur bas finished
its lahors, and recoinmends that Lieu
tenant General S*oessel, the former
commander of the Rnssian forces at
P jr t Arthur, he dismissed from the
armv and shot : that Lieutenant G ene­
ral Fock, who comtnanded the Fourth
Kast Siberian division at P oit Arthur,
he dismissed from the armv and nnder-
go a year of bar»! labor
that General
Keiss, chief of staff of General Stoessel,
he dismissed and hanished.
Ca ops Will Soon Be Abolished.
Sau Francisco, Ju ly 23. — Rudolph
Spreck es and Allan Pollok, of the ti
nance comm ittee, investigated five of
the refugee camps yesterday
went to the speedway camp, to the
Harbor View camp, to two in the Po­
trero and one south of Market street,
inspecting the tents, shacks and soup
kitchens. As a result of the tour Mr.
Pollok states that the camps must be
abolí bed as soon as possible And the
refugees housed in permanent dwell
ings. He added that most of the soup
kitchens will be discontinued August 1.
Foreign Trade $ 2 , 9 7 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .
Washington, 21. — A statement
issued to«lay by the «lepartment of
Commerce ami Labor rays the foreign
commere of the Unite«! States in the
fiscal year just ended aggregate«! $2,-
970,000,000. If the trade with Porto
Rico and Hawaii, which was included
in our foreign commerce rrio r to their
annexation were added, the total would
m aterially ex«-eed $3,003,000,000. To­
tal imports were $1.226,000,000, and
exports $1,744,000,000.
Guatemalans Sh ot All P rison ers.
Han Salvatlor, Ju ly 23. — The Salva­
dorean newspapers accuse the Guate­
malan troops of having killed Salvador­
an pr soners.
They say that General
when the arm istice was
signed, returned to the Guatemalan
Ju « t t h e P r im e o f l.lf e .
army all the imprisoned officers and
“When do you consider a man at his
soldiers of Guatem ala, but the papers
assert the Guatemalans were unable to prime of life?”
“When he’s old enough to quit writ­
take a corresponding step because
all the prisoners they had captured ing ¡»oetry and not old enough to begin
writing love letters to his stenog
were fhot.
rapher. -Cleveland Trader.
Threaten Revolt o f Fleet.
I f the women insist upon progres­
Sebastopol, Ju ly 23.— A meeting of sive prize foolishness, why not give
2,300 sailors from the warships here progressive dandellou parties, giving
today «Irew up economic demamls for a prize to the one who digs up the
presentation to Admiral Skrydloff. Un­ most ?
less these demands are fnlfilled the
Few men are as brave as their cou
men say the whole of the Black sea
fleet will revolt.
All d e a le rs
I- r«*e s a m p le Itorax and I'o rax -* » h |>.
Booklet ft 'd So u v e n ir I’l«- ire m .
t,.I |<| out*
and P e a » t ' s nam e
I W I I M C t « * \ " l HOKA \
CO., OaK lain), < al
Portland Trade Diredory
N am e« and A d d rr « « r« in P o r tla n d o f K r p r c -
t e n ta t iv e B u s in e s s fir m « .
\ \ > tftiariwitee t h * r . h
Se p a ra to r »o b* M i »* l>est
W rite lor !>*«*» a t * .»*
H a te ! wood Co., U tili und Oak.
M E N 'S « LO T H I NO
i -
% rea d !#
a * * o t« Alfred B e n ja m in .t « o.’* corre. t clo thes
K v e r y th in * in m en 's fu rnishing«.
M orrlxon and
Mlxth «treats, (ippoaite ivnsiotlKe.
T O I L T R Y KOOD—l f you w ant your hen« to 'ay
■lore egga w rite us for fTee p a rticu lars about PU-
H IN A PO I L T K Y FfcK D U —A etna M ills lo .,
P o rtlan d , l>r«‘iron
P IA N O « A O RO A NM <>h 1.-st ptaon ho i
rifle coast. O rgans and P ianos on easy paym ents.
W rite for list. Lat us .jilote you a pru e. A llen .%
Oil b e r i-H aniaker « n., P o rtlan d , Oregon.
W A N T E D Men and " <>ni**n to learn R.irb**r tra U*
in eight w eek s; gradu ate« e arn I m m f i t t.» fi»
w eak ly : ex p e rt in aim i to r s ; catalo g free Molar
S y ste m of C olleges, JA N. f ourth «t , Portland.
P . N. U.
H K !Y w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t i s s n p le a « «
tn on tlon th le p a p ar.
Great Demand for T roops.
(Messa, Ju ly 21.— General Kaulhare
has been overwhelmed recently ’ with
appeals for m ilitary assistance from
landowners in the districts of Kherson,
Yckaterinoslav and Poltava, sgainst
the i>easantry, who are organized and
led by revolutionists.
V ila
H isto ry .
Itcp u tatlo u .
For that
There is one thing that will
cure it— Ayer’s Hair Vigor.
It is a regular scalp-medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
w hich c au se this disease.
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap­
pears, had to disappear. A
healthy scalp means a great deal
to you— healthy hair, no dan­
druff, no pimples, no eruptions.
The b e a t kind o f
“ Sold lor o v e r
a te s tim o n ia l —
s i x t y y e a r s .’*
M ad« by J . C. A y«r C v . L o w a ll, K i m .
A lso u a u u r^ o tu re r« o f
? I v P / f C o
Investigation T o Be Made.
S in Francisco, Ju ly 2 3 .— A m ilitary
investigation and a grand jury inquiry
have been ordered to inquire into the
mystery surrounding the disappearance
of nine wagonloads of liquors dispatch­
ed from the Moulder school warehouse
to the Jefferson park hospital store­
Major General Greely, com­
manding the department of the Pacific,
has ordered Lieutenant Colonel John
P. Wisser, inspector general, to trace
the disposition of every bottle of liquor
sent here for relief purposes that passed
througn the army station.
Will produce Whiter, Cleaner
Clothes In Your Laundry Than
Any other Article with less Labor
W ater.
Miss Medh'us (sister of the new vil­
lage doctor) Have you heard of Dr.
well,” they said, “think how much Medicus about here?
Native— Rather, mum! Do you see
.isastrous it might have been if we
that hearse and carriages goin* by over
d to make a hurried retreat !”
r, as if to verify their words, came there? T h a t’s one of his funerals.—
-ssian fly.
Ham er's Weeklv.
Reciprocity Treaty With Spain.
Madrid, Ju ly 2 1 .— American M inis­
ter Collier has left Madrid for San Se­
bastian, where today he will sign with
Foreign Minister Gallon the new com­
mercial treaty between the United State
Young MEN, Old MEN, Middle.Aged MEN and Spain. The document is consid­
Send for free pamphlet in plain cover. ered most advantageous to both sides,
Tells al»out an appliance that insures overcoming a number of increases in
happiness, health and success in life. the Spanish tariff, which became oper­
Free—send today.
ative Ju ly 1, and giving Spain recip­
rocal advantages. The press welcom?s
P. O. Bon 25
Portland, Ore the agreement as entirely satisfactory
and as evidence of the friendly inter­
course between the two governments.
m u ie T e a m
('«»I d
Hessians at Trenton had surreft-
Washington, Ju ly 2 3.— In acordance
with a supplemental proclamation is­
sued by the president, tne register anil
receiver of the land office for Lander,
Wyo., d istrict, shall receive entries for
lands in the ceded portion of the Sho­
shone reservation at Shoshone, W yo.,
from August 15 to October 3, 1906, in­
stead of at Lander, as provided in the
proclamation of June 2. T his action
was based on the fact that the railroad
now building into the reservation will
not be constructed from Shoshone to
Lander until after August 15, and the
change is made to accommodate pros­
pective entrymen.
All persons who draw numbers at the
drawing, which begins at Lander,
Wyo., on August 4, 1906, which num ­
bers en title them to make entry be­
tween the dates of Auguts 15 and Oc-
toner 3, inc lusive, must proceed to Sho­
shone, Wyo., and make their entries
instead of going to Lander, as provided
in the first proclamation. After Octo­
ber 3 entries will be made at Lander.
B o o m ers’ S ce n e of O perations T ra n s­
ferred From Lander.
O lm s te d , 1.« R o y , N Y.
Sid e
A big soa turtle was sprnwling around
in the tank in front of the restaurant.
“Look, papa !“ exclaimed the little boy. San F ran cisco Insurance May Reach
“Let’s go in and have Mine real green
Total o f $ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .
turtle soup!”
San Francisco, C al., Ju ly 2 1.— It
“Not yet, Geordie,” «aid the father.
“ Wait till some day when you see this now locks an if the insurance risks in
the burned district of San Francisco
tank empty.“
will foot up considerably more than
fir e d C o n te m p t.
$250,000,000, an<l the total may go up
Girl with the Gibson Girl Neck—Cau’t to nearly $300,000,000.
The esti­
you see something familiar in the face mates of insurance managers have been
of that man sitting on the opicsite side -rawlin? upward all the tim e, and the
of the ear?
Girl with the Julia Marlowe Dimple— figures given in reports filed by the
Yes; it’s his eyes. I wish he’d be a little companies with tfie New York Insur-
mce department indicate that even the
less familiar with them.
highest estim ate which they fiave made
is too low*.
Several weeks after the conflagration
Five W eeks in Bed With Intensely a detailed estimate of the amount of
ach company’s risks fixed the total
Painful Kidney Trouble.
insurance in the burned district at
Mrs. Mary Wagner, of 1367 Kossuth 1252,363,000. T hirty-three companies
Ave., Bridgeport, Conn., says: “ I was which have made sworn returns to the
so weakened and Vew York Insurance department, ad­
generally run down mit a liability of $102,499,000. The
with kidney dis estimate of their liability was $96,063,-
ease that for a long )00.
Taking the same percentage of
time I could not do iifferencjs for all the 108 companies
my work and was which were included in the list, the
five weeks in bed. fotal of their
liabilities would be
There was contin­ placed at $269,271,000.
ual bearing down
An addition must be
made for
pain,terrible back­ Lloyds, for the “ undegrronnd” con­
aches, headaches cerns, and for the companies which
and at times dizzy had some risks here but were not
spells when every­ named with the 108. This addition
thing was a blur may be estimated at
$10,000 000,
before me. The passages of the kidney which brings the total up to about
secretions were irregular and painful, 12 8 0 ,0 0 0 ooo.
and there was considerable sediment
From this calculation the German
and odor. I don’t know what I would )t Freeport, and the German National
have done but for Doan’s Kidney P ills. \re omitted, as their returns to the New
I could see an improvement from the York Insurance department have a pe­
first box, and five boxes brought a dual culiar look.
On the basis of the re­
cu re.”
turns of the thirty-three companies
Bold by all dealers.
50 cents a box. ibove referred to, the German, of Free-
Foeter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
port, and the German National, would
be involved to the extent of $6,213,000
in the disaster, but they admit a loss
of only $2,817,000.
U xah
—I ’ve been ueirly dead for aleer | No other man of foreign birth ever
he last week. 1 could scarcely showed such flue command of the Kng
ike while 1 was writing that ston lish language or used it so felicitously.
« printed yesterday,
A man who objected strongly to his
s— 1 can easily believe it. It af j politics but admired his talents as a
e the same way while 1 was read I
writer once said: “I wish Mr. Schurz
rom sympathy, I suj»pose.
couldn’t write so w e ll: 1 could hate
V itus' l'ao< * »nut till N erv o u s I >!•&«•« him better.”
In 1877 Carl Schurz vis
.m nan tly cu red t»y l>r. Kl.i»»* k
o rer. S e n d f<»r F U F .E f ‘¿ t r ia l h o ttl» and | ited Boston to make a speech against
K l l . R l i u . 1*1.,M l A rc h S t , P ttila.,Pu .
Benjam in F. Butler, who was running
for Governor of Massachusetts. While
A p iir c c la t Ion.
you ever seen Hamlet played urguing on the question of the resuiup
as you thought It should he?" ti«m of specie payments, an issue that
«n«werp«l Mr. Stormington was paramount at that time. Mr. ;
“ l have often wished 1 might j Schurz likened “inflation” t«> a balloon I
eetator at one *>f my own per filled that had carried the American |
•es.”— Washington Star.
nation off its feet. At that time lie '
ma«le use of the following expression,
To Break In New Shoes.
which brought the immense umllence
« h a k e in A lle n 's F o o t L ust*, a p o w d e r
h o t , » w e s tin g , a c h in g , sw o lle n fe e t . that greeted him to its f e e t: “ We have
rn x . in g r o w in g n a ils a n d B u n io n »
At I
<i»tn a n d sh o e « to r e s , '¿«V
D o n 't a c c e p t i placed our feet on solid ground ugaln
t i t u t e . s a m p le m a ile d K K K E A d d re ss • and we nropose to keep them there.”
C zar P laces Russia Back U
Own Despotic Rule
$30,000,000 lor Panama Canal
More Than Subscribed.
Mies Annie
Hendren, Kocklyn,
W ash., writes:
“ I feel better than 1 have for over
four yeare. I have taken several bot­
tles of Peruna and one bottle of Mana
lin .
“ I can now do all of my work in the
houee, milk the cows, take care of the
m ilk, and so forth. I think Peruna is a
most wonderful medicine.
“ I believe I would be in bed today if
I bad not written to you for advice.
I had taken all kinds of medicine, but
none did me any good.
“ Peruna has made me a well and hap­
py girl. I can never say too much for
Not only women of rank and leisure
praise Peruna, but the wholesome, use­
ful women engaged in honest toil would
not be without I)r. Hartm an’s world
renowned remedy.
The doctor has prescribed it for many
thousand women every year and he
never fails to receive a multitude of
letters like the above, thanking him
for his advice, and especially for the
wonderful benefits received from Pe­
Save the Babies.
NFANT M O RTALITY is something frightful. We can hardly realize that of
all the children born in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent., or nearly
one-quarter, die before they reach one y e a r; thirtyseven per cent., or more
than one-third, befose they are five, and one-half before they aro fifteen!
We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would save a ma­
jority of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these
infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures
and soothing syrups sold for children’s complaints contain more or less opium, or
morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity
they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria
operates exactly the reverse, but yon must see that it bears the signature of
Chas. H. Fletcher. Castoria causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the
pores of the skin and allays fever.
Letters from Prom inent Physicians
addressed to Chas. h. Fletcher.
AVegetablc Preparation for A s ­
sim ilating theFoodandUegula
ling the Stomachs anil Uuwels of
I n f a n t s / ( hildre
Prom otes Digestion.Cheerful-
n e ss and Rcst.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
N o t N a b c o t ic .
fíta p € o f O ld D r S A M V EL rm Z H K R
Fum pkui Seed ‘
j4 lx . Senna *
Jio<htUe Salta •
.¿m at Seed
J\p p* m iint
Jh Coró uñate S ed» *
{te rm Seed -
{Ja n
Sugar .
hideryruen riaver
-«perfect Remedy fo r Constipa­
tio n . S o u r Stom ach.D iarrhoea
W orms .Convulsions,Feverish­
ness and L o s s OF SLEEP.
Dr. A. F . Peeler, oi St. Louts, Mo., says: “I have prescribed your Castoria
in many cases and have always round It an efficient and speedy remedy.”
Dr. E . Down, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: " I have prescribed your Cas­
toria In my practice for many years w ith g reat satisfaction to m yself and
benefit to my patients.”
Dr. Edward Parrish, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: " I have used your Cas­
toria in my own household with good results, and have advised several
patients to use it for its mild laxative effect and freedom from harm.”
Dr. J . B. E llio tt, of New York City, says: “Having during the past six
years prescribed your Castoria for in fan tile stomach disorders, I most
heartily commend Its use.
The form ula contains nothing deleterious
to the most delicate of children.”
Dr. C. G. Sprague, of Omaha, Neb., say s: “Your Castoria Is an Ideal
medicine for children, and I frequently prescribe it. W hile I do not advo­
cate the indiscrim inate use of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria is an
exception for conditions which arise in the care of children.”
Dr. J . A. Parker, of Kansas City, Mo., says: “Your Castoria holds the
esteem of the medical profession in a manner held by no other proprii-
tary preparation. It is a sure and reliable medicine for infants and chil­
dren. In fact, it Is the universal household remedy for Infantile ailm ents.”
Dr. H. F . M errill, of Augusta, Me., says: “Castoria Is one of the very
finest and most rem arkable rem ediej for Infants and children. In my
opinion your Castoria has saved thousands from an early grave. I can
furnish hundreds of testim onials from th is locality as to its efficiency
and m erits.”
Dr. Norman M. Geer, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: “During the la st twelve
years I have frequently recommended your Castoria as one of the best
preparations of the kind, being safe In the hands of parents and very ef­
fective in relieving children's disorders, while the ease w ith which such
a pleasant preparation can be administered is a great advantage."
Facsimile Signature of
A1 b
m o n th s
35 D o s f ^ -
o ld
33 er
The Kind You Have Always Bought
tX A C T C O PY O F W R A P P E R .
Bears the Signature of
— -
In- THX Use
For Over 3 0 Years.
Q u ite
T ru e.
Miss Boston—They say she’s extreme­
ly haughty.
Miss Tours— I should say so ! The
last time I saw her she was sailing
down the street iu------
Miss Boston— Pardon m e; why do
you use that senseless expression? How
could she go “sailing” down the street?
Miss Tours— Easy enough.
I saw
her last In Venice. The Catholic Stand­
ard and Times.
M o t h e r s w i ll fin d M r«. W in d o w 's .S o o th in g
S y r u p t h e b e s t r e m e d y to u s e fo r t h e i r c h i l d r e n
d u r in g t h e t e e t h in g j ¿ r io d .
M o n n le u r
H yde.
“M. Jam es Hyde,’’ says the Paris
Figaro, “the exceedingly rich American
who appertains to the most high society
of New York, comes from commanding
at Paris a carriage electric. It is to
the French industry that M. Jam es
Hyde is addressed himself for to have
the most comfortable, tlie most eommo-
di«>us and the most elegant of the vehi­
cles of the city.”—Translated by H ar­
per’s Weeklv.
S t a t « o r O h io , C i t y o r T o l e d o , l
I . vca s C o u n ty ,
F r a n k J . « h e n r y m a k e s o a t h t h a t h e Is
s e n i o r p a r t n e r o f t h e firm o f K. J . CHENEY A
C o ., d o in g l>u«ine«s in t h e C it y o f T o le d o , C o u n ­
t y a n d S t a t e a f o r e s a id , a n d t h a t s a id firm w ill
p ay t h e su m o f ON K H C N D R K D D O L L A R S fo r
e a .h and e v e ry ca se o f C a ta r rh t h a t c a n n o t be
c u r e d by t h e u s e o f H a l l ' s C a t a r r h C u r e .
F R A N K .F. C H K N E Y .
S w o r n t o b e fo r e m e a n d s«ibseri»s*«l in m y
p r e s e n c e , t h i s 6 t h d a y o f I » e c e m b e r , A . Tv. is * 6 .
A. W . G L E A S O N ,
N o ta r y P u b lic .
H a ll's C a t a r r h C u r e Is t a k e n I n t e r n a l l y , a n d
a c t s d ir e c t ly o n t h e b lo o d a n d m u c o u s s u r fa c e s
o f t h e s y s te m . S e n d f r t e s t im o n ia ls , fr e e
F . .! C H K N E Y A C O ., T o le d o , O .
8 o ld b y D r u g g is t s , 75c.
H a l l 's F a m ily T ill s a r e t h e b e s t.
Baron Taknki says four fifths of
Japanese boys are now studying
glish. and that It will soon become
language of Japan, and later of
M ore
l ik e
I t.
“Graphter Is in financial straits. I
“Don’t believe It.
I ’ll l»et they’re
crookeds.” — Philadelphia
How Good Food may
Turn to Poison
ECAY is not digestion, you
know, even when it takes
place in the stomach.
Food decayed in the body
after being eaten is as dangerous to
health as food decayed before being eaten.
Food nourishes or poisons, just accord­
ing to how long it remains in tht I wels
Cascarets are the simplest and surest
safeguard against Delayed Digestion yet
Sold in a thin Enamel Box, half as
thick as your watch, which fits into the
vest pocket or lady's purse as if it grew
In this round-edged Enamel Box are
found six small Candy Tablets.
One of these toothsome tablets works
wonders for digestion.
Soon as placed in the mouth it starts
the Saliva flowing, which at once gets to
work dissolving it.
The Saliva becomes blended with the
Candy Cascaret tablet, and from the
moment they start going down your
throat together they start working to­
Now, what do they work at? Bowel-
work, of course—Digestion.
Most of the Digestion occurs In the
thirty feet of Intestines that connect with
the Stomach.
They are lined with a set of little
mouths, that squeeze Digestive Juices
Into the Food eaten.
The Digestive Juices thus mix with
the food, just as Saliva mixes with Cas­
caret tablets, dissolving and changing
that food into nourishment, as it passes
along the channel.
The Intestines are also lined with m!L
lions of little suction pumps, that draw
the Nutriment from Food, as it passes
them in going through.
This Nutriment is then carried Into the
Blood, and spread over the Body as
Brain, Bone and Brawn.
But, when the Bowel-Muscles are weak,
the Food moves too slowly to stimulate
the little Castric Mouths and there is no
flow, or too little flow of Digestive Ju ice,
to change the food into nourishment.
Then, the food decays in the Be wels,
and in the thirty feet of Intestines.
When this Decay begins the little suc­
tion pumps draw Poison from the decayed
Food, into the blood, instead of the Nutri­
tion it should have drawn.
Now, Cascarets contain the only com­
bination of drugs that Stimulates these
Muscles of the Bowels and Intestines just
as a Cold Bath, or open-air Exercise,
stimulates a Lazy Man.
Cascarets therefore act like Exercise.
They produce the same sort of Natural
result that a Six Mile walk in the country
would produce, without any injurious
Chemical effect.
The Vest Pocket Cascaret Box is sold
by all Druggists, at Ten Cents.
Be sure you get the genuine, made only
by the Sterling Remedy Company, and
never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped
“ CCC.’ *
t r
We w ant to send to our friends a beautiful
French-desifnetf. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX,
turd-enameled in colors. It is a beauty for ,th#
dressing table. Ten cents in stamps is asked as s
measure of good faith and to cover cost of Cascarets,
with which tUls dainty trinket is loaded. 1
Send to-day. mentioning this paper. Address
Sterling Remedy Company. Chicago or New York.