Laidlaw chronicle. (Laidlaw, Crook County, Or.) 1905-19??, May 28, 1903, Image 8

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    "That*L' do. captain.” he salvi r t bist.
out th* mortar with a Jackknife.
•Let hltu up. H e ’s only n fool who
they removed the brick# t»ne by on*
i.vesu't know enough to attend to b li
from the hack o f the large open fire­
Jett Cavia W o re a Fantsatio Coal, but
awn business and leave others to at­
When morning cam * they re­
It Was * Man's.
tend to theirs. You're lucky to escape
placed tbe llllisl III* crovl.'ea
Recently tin* IliaiUui He ra ld putiiiwli-
I halUT. and you'd have been dead la-
with soot which they hail taken tho Its Ranks A r e Getting Thin,
A n Original Story o f the fore this If they'd have found out you
rd an lutc rvlew with L C. llulemati o f
precaution to col I,*vl beforehand on u
Allbiirii, M r , u »vivrai» o f tin- c iv il
but Its Heart» A r e
were a man "
Then, turning to me
. blanket
A fte r several nights' work
Civil W a r by Orm sby
i war, in w l i i i b Mr llalruia ii alateti that
he said: "T h is last blunder ts tvs* much
' they had nit S stupe.! passage down
Yonnii us Ever.
Death o f General T h o m as E. which they einilil descend to Mats hell
M a c K n ig h t .
, the story that JrlTcraou I 'll v la. the lead
Report to your captain under arreni
! i t o l the It* t cause, when cuplurnl by
th e most I can do with you is to try
by means o f their ro(»e bidder.
Rose Recali-* Durimi D « *d
! tbu Union i i i m »| m wu* t l i e a ■«', I In won»-
Wr ain't a Handin' army now.
The « a ll of that cast cellar had to
H E older v.e grow the firmer be­ you for deserting your pi, ket tust, bui
«'li e clot Idi:* Is s my th
In (act, we're gray and lame,
comes the conviction that we that I'll do."
Tht' Hera ld Inte rview wus w id ely
H ow ever, he thought better o f ll
¡p lace was found where tint earth A trifle stiff about the knees
had Is'tter keep wltlnu the
copied, and Mr. Ilate man received
n v ìi baivi t" convict
hom as
e . uose , u
a ..
strict limits of duty.
I once
m an) letters regar,ling th* matter. Mini
And shakin' in our aim.
l>rv» et brlgadler generai, re- alduously. while Hamilton faulted air
bush'd ui>self a lK>ut lo rtw tin g itn evil me since all I had done was through
alinoli without exception they are fn
llrcd. vvho dlisl In Washington Iu to him nn.l dragged the excavated
mill instead o f receiving thanks for Ignorance. The spy was young Mile-
It'i in that knew the bitter dayi; : vendile to hla aide o f the eontnivers.v
oli Ih v 1S last, lisi thè party i.f material oil! ns fust a* ll was rvaily.
doing iu got nothin* but kicks and «Tacken o f his sia IT, one o f the most
I One letter »van from f a p tu l n It l>
It's ui that to die.
Union »ol.llcrs « h o dug tild i «a > ,u i
cuffs. That was when I was u very
¡ llryunt, sheriff o f Jnt kaou county. M o .
I gueii w » 'i t i right to about
young man. Siuis? tbcu I have known ualcd the Confederates to galli their o f Ilb b y (»risoti ilurlng th* • i\il w ,r tall.uv ,1 ip by which Mo«* Worked
j Iu which, am ong other IbliiK" hr aal«l:
When f,buy flutters by-
“ I was a coiniutaabmr«l officer o f the
Had 1
A wish I cii I hh which had becu
tìcneral Itosi' «tu* cu;»
Ih» cate
I was « private In the 1'ill on army tbetr lines for Information.
I T w e l f t h Multie regliueut and was with
battio o f Clilv k nn.nua
! ’ • .,
operatin* Iu Virginia. While we werx
tht* regliueut at Augunla. Uu
v bell
drnn tho earth out o f the passage
gone back with a full knowledge of Woltloti, S « '. « a * ret i u
Iu camp between inarches and sklr
Jeffenniu l u , l* was brought In In Id*
day and »««ut lo l.ibtiy prl -vii un
niishes I was one day on picket w hen
I rem ember ibe lucid nt very
I becu ulla.'hc.l to It to enable the out
That was forty-five years ago Sin e 1. IS«£l.
1 saw a Rirl up in s tree lushing s,g
well, nu,I your lulervatlng ator.i M»vnk
nais to the enemy
She thought she theu I have attended to my own busi­
The forlorii ctiinlltlons at I.ibby p :U i side worker to pull It out aud In turn
eu* n s I i i u i I n ring uieuuiry of tlmae *llr
tbe dlgKiT t(l I’ ldi It In. As fast ns
was concealed from our picket Une ness.
on In ISil! are well k n o « n. The bulli!
rlu i times
by the branches. So she w h s . from
Ing liscif was un old shlp'a chaudlery
“ I, tu», m i w Mr l i a v l * and Ills eidli-v
every one but me
between her uud
wniv botine.
ombra. Ing
Inrg# deu under a deep layer o f filthy hay
party uud Imd conversation with Sic
me wus an opening Ju»l big enough for
rooms. luto w tildi wetv •*n»w«l«il 1 '_\k» Which covered the floor o f the ituuip
plicus nini oilie r « o f Ihe «llatlngulslie I
me to see her w igw agging with n Eiporiseco of Edgar Van Etten. Now prtaoiu-n* iju .irtori « o r e ».» crump.-d Cellar
(»risoli.T i
The average diameter o f the tuunel
white handkerchief
I should have
that tl»e In liu to» liu.l to *leep “ «p k » u
“ I spoke tu lluvia, but he wus reti
N tw York Control Official.
wus about tw o feet.
As the work
called the eorj'onil of the guard and
ceni nini illulm lined to notice me
Edgar \ar. F'ten. vice president of fashion.” h«'nd ti» head aud fci't lo
re|K>rted the matter; hut. thinking I
" I w n i officer o f the guard by rcjru
the X rw York Central and Hudson feet. Ili There « a a n«» fu m i
Usually one man would dig
might win promotion for myself by at­
lur detail till* day. wldeti g a v e me van
Uiver railroad, w ho. while but eighteen tur«* In thè bulldiug. ami ouly a few
tending to tlie matter personally. 1 left
o f thè eurly «liniera posse—>d su h uiul fill the spittoon with n il lb. nt n
tage opportunities that I uilglit not
years of age. was « captain la the L’ ti
given signal a would draw the
uiy post, went to the tree, ordered the
otherw ise have bail
I w i n nl-Miil (lie
lou army, tells this experience of his luxuries ns olii armv blaukcts or
girl down and marched her to tin* head­
knives. cii|»s or tin pi :to*
As a rule. spittoon out. a third uinu would keep
I'l.inter anil l,*>U In ev ery th in g Insight
I iu the battle of Kpoitsylvnniu:
the n:r moving by fanuiug II with a
quarters o f the general commanding.
nnd soin* th in g » that weren't
"O ne bullet which liad struck the th* prlsoner t»y thè lim e he machod
rut,Per blanket, a fourth would net as
The general took her in charge, then
officers o f our regliueut ac«oni(>atil*il
ground In front anil was partially l.itlby fon mi hlniM-lf ilc(»rl\ed o f all
relief, while a fifth
wouid keep
rated me soundly for leaving my post.
the I'l.m ter i'll tlie lrl|i with Its pre
s[>ent struck tue with considerable thesc «econteriiici.ta
1 was arrested for a breach of duty,
i loin eurgo o f I II *d e fu n c t l 'sitifederai ) -.
Outalde thè prtsou tn tiie *>uth was guard. As there were tlfteeu In the
force Ju»t Udow the k n w and. running
plot, the) were able to work iu three
hut was soon a fter released with s
"Y m t r deacrtplliHi of Mr I »s v i» In
hard as 1 was at that time, tumbled tue a In wet «o n iiic r thè .s-llar of
rota\*. The work was fearfully mo­
surtout nnd cavalry Imots tallies ex-
aii in u heap. I never shall forget the
A few weeks later came a fight In
notonous. however.
Abaolute silence
lu tly -wItU my retiiemliriiii, e of ids nl
The bullet l:n.I struck with
which, with otlh'rs. 1 was tnken prison­
was necessary, uud w hen the men ! h >-
tire, and I have a l w u y i uinlntalu«*l
such force that tuy .eg front the knee
er. W e were kept temporarily in un
came separated they hud to fiu.l »-a b
that a m lit.ike lua gone nlmaid con
down was apparently gone
1 can re
open held waiting irnnHjioriatioti south
other by groping aruuud in the dark
cerulng Ids caldure In fviiiule garb
member well that as 1 fell I saw the
when who should pasa by ou the road
*'l n!*o converned will» «e v e n ti o f Id*
suu. a great red had. Iu the h,'t July
but tbe g :rl I
5 - >
N UN i
The rules o f thn prtnon re.(ulre*l that
i nptorx
In fact ou r o f Ihe officer» o f
sky. halfway down behind the hociXon
had seen w ig ­
th«> priaoniTM should tw counted tw l.o
l.leutennnt f'olonel I'rlt, l u n l * c o m ­
The first thing that earn* to ray mind
wagging to the
a day. T o account for the absence o f
mand was a guest si our headquarter»,
was: 'You |>oor devil, you have ost a
enemy. She saw
the hve men who were at work each
sud In- did not mention any i » * ullarlty
leg. aud what will mother say when
day their comrade« resorted to various
of d r e * other tti.iu the rattier fnutaallc
she hears that you lire allotV You a.e
me. but pu.*sed
"repeating " device« and managed to bo
c o j t com ing well dow n to tbe feet
badly wounded, and ivrtiaps you will
oa .¡uickly with­
counted twice iu sutlirleut uuinliers to
" A bum d ille » surely d o creep Into ids
die. Certainly it means going t.* the
out noticing me.
make up the delleteucy.
hospital and amputation, which. If you
"There's o n e
The whole plot t n « nearly upset by
"ri'»K » s «>M.r a new *>r oa i . ket ’
survive, means a wooden leg or u
of your spies,”
H am ilton'« t-ugerness to acv it brought
crutch all o f your life.’ it -«vn u to me
re peltin' icarce; but, blew yer
1 remarked to a
to a successful end. living certain that
now that a thousand thougins of Uiis
C on fe d e ra te
the tunnel was sufficiently long, be dug
R a m i n : « IntsrruptsiJ by W i r R i n . w c i i
kind r.iu through my uiin.l and foi
If country called for men
" I saw
upward, contrary to Muse's counsel,
In Lda'a Wintsr.
fu'.y teu minutes, a.though I know
her one day in
We'd nga the roll ’ Age twenty-
aud found, to In* dismay, that the h o le
Not long ug i w in |»erfi»rm«il Iu Wuah-
that It was less than ten seconds: then
the I'nion lines
ho hud brukeu was outside the shed iu
lugtou a wevldlug ceremony wh lcb w a »
1 reached ilu su to feel how milch of
making signa.s
plain view o f th« sentinels if they
p< e t poniti more than twiak'or* y e a r »
the leg was gone, and to my surpttse
to your men
c!i»se to untie* it. Muse then push»*«!
ago bv the c iv il war.
l found It all there. I pin I un I it and
turned her over
an old shoe through the hole aud Ihv
feit of it nn,l shouted for Jo/ aud gut
T h e hridegrooin w n i »I x t y and gray.
to our gene nil
next day by looking out an upper w in ­
I l l * Inule ulso w u i »I x t y ntwl gray.
tip and llmpod on after the boys.
and b u p p osed
dow saw where the old shoe lay aud
Rolli werv a* happy n« they w * i *
"\Ve captured the earthwork and
shed been put
made a recalculation.
when ni (d n y m a te » they lonkrd f o r ­
•Irove out the Johnnies, but. follow ¡ug
out of the way
On Saturday. FeU (V
it seemed
ward to au «-arly aiartiage
them too far, met a countercharge a.ui
"Tiin-iE's one c r
'uf doiugany fur-
almost certain that the Confederates P ictu re Found sn So ldier’s Body at
W hen Jnuie» 111 fluey e u l l i t « l as a
rour. spie s .”
|ther damage. I
had discovered tho plot. Itose decided
Last Idsntifisd.
private In t'ompuuy K. F i f t h e a i a l r y .
earthwork. By this time it hud tvecome ■
jrne-s she escaped, after all.”
tr- puab tho work to an Immediate von-
A dnguerreot)|i* o f n young man nn«t o f Wash ingto n uud riale a w a y to up
1 almost dark, anil the Johnnies, with a
W ithout making any reply to dm the
Uu Sunday Mats' hell was a girl tnken from IU* In ti) o f a Uul«»u b o l i the enraie o f the Union he left lie
\ yell, charged down to the other side of
soldier called for tlie officer com:nand-
usually neglected by tbe Confederate*, soldier on th* bam cflrM o f Chancel- , bind litui ■ you ng girl, but be c s rrlit l
i the earthwork, but we held our own.
Ing the guard. 1 saw him point to the
and M o«« ci.lvr.-d th « tuuuel aud work
lorsylile during the ilv ll » n r hit* l.rru with him her promise to writ him
and all ulght long both sides lay with
girl and say Bomethicg. wh«Teu[mn
«d nil day without food or rest, accom­ rrturuvd lo Ihe girl iu the picture. Mrs. ■nun a* th * war w a » o v e r Uaffiury r e ­
their bai ks the earthwork I< m 1-
the officer went rapidly after her.
plishing tw ice tbe distance that uuy T \V. Stowe o f Milford. Conn., after n main,*! n soldier from tlie beginning
Ing and firing over their heads At 2
Tbe nest day the officer came to me
digger mid done up to that time. Tbe search laatlug thirty three years.
o'clock In the morning, however, we
to the end o f the war. W h e n b * return ­
the prison would become«sl with earth was composed o f dense, hard
and thanked me for putting him oh to
Furnier I're* bolder Edgar H'hrlt*- ed to Washington be was unable to
I dug through a u j captured tw o o f their
u Union spy. 1 asked him to explain,
water, und platooua of hoary ruts i sarnl The only implement was a broad uour. u ailnernl water tnauufat'turrr o f
guns, but they g.'t away with the oth­
And h l i «iveeth«*nrt.
und he said that on my Information
em ergid from Us ancient walla on • bLaded cold chisel
I'nlcrsou. N J . and Hawthorne, con-
In bis disappointment he d rif te d
ers when they evacuated. My leg was
the girl had tveeu arrested She ha-1
the surface o f the tide
The eastern- j Uu Monduy morning Muse again de­ duct«*i th* svarch for the owner o f the
s w n y from the city sud finally located
swollen so that I could not stand upon
been loitering statut their camp, nn.1
most collar was the worst and was > scended to tbe work. It was the arveu- pit lure.
In I ’lttsburg
In a fe w years Uaffut-y
| It. 1 was carried to ibe hospital, and
complete Information was found upon
known as Mats’ hell.
tevutii «lay o f that tunnel, and Rose
The daguerreotype rnme Into the t«n- married, and he tiki not rrturn to
heroic treatment was applied, which
her as to every corps prêtent. Includ­
ir o o i the first day o f hls lucurcera- resolved that It should be the last,
sc* .kiu o f Mr U hriteuour through lit* Washington until sis mouths ago.
was to let cold water drop upon It an
ing artillery an j cavalry. The general
Mrs. U hrltenonr’s father, N. When he did so he w a i ■ » Slower
hour at a time. It seems to me now. as tlou Muse's mind turned to tla.lights o f I p Utu * u hour after midnight hla w ife
commanding was puzzbd what to do
I think o f It. the pain was such that I escape, and all through the course of j Worh want oa. Hose was nearly a Barnes, who was a tnemlwr o f the I I - had I sn - u there hut a short tim o
with her since she was a woman, and
Thlrt«*eiith New Jers«') v«»lunt<*ers. was when he found the r>hj«*ct o f Ida »e o r c h
wocid rather have lost my leg but two the partly successful plot he was the physical wreck. The |>cr*plnitlou soak
he revolted against her. I toid
lie found a ^ ^1« weary limbs H e i-ould scan-ely enpturi*l «luring the war, and tbe da­ many long « e u r i liefiaiv Khe. too, hud
days o f this treatment brought me engineer and csiitalu
the captain tiiat they were m atin g a
lot si lieutenant In M ajor A 1» llam ii- (nfiate hia lungs wltb tbe pubuQuUi air
guerreotype was given to hint by a married, but her husband bad died
around all right."—Leslie's Wee kly.
mistake dime 1 had myself seen her
ton o f the T w e lfth Iveutu. k) cavalry,
Confederate soldier, w ho explained that thirteen years ngo.
making signals to the Confederates
ami togelber tbe tw o men decided that j In th « agony o f suffocatloa he drop
the picture had tx*-n taken from n dead
«iaffn ey «-nllcd on Ills old »n re th «-a r t
T ak in g Tins« by t h « Forrlock.
Eut he told toe the girl stoutly denied
tbe uirsit feasible plan was to dig a ped the dull chls«l nnd ts-nt bis fists Union soldier ut Chancellor*» llle
with great
T he y
It was In the latter portion o f the
ever having been within the Union
tunnel from Mats' hell eastward, a ugatnst the n*cf o f hls grave with tbe
On the Lai k o f tin* case were found pleamire Iu r iv a llin g tlie olden «lays
civil war. when great calls for troop«
lines. To this 1 replied that the troops
were in process o f being filled that no­ distance o f alsaut seventy feet, to sn might o f despair, when—blessed boon!— the names "John U au xu i nnd Nellie when as p l a y m a t e « th«-y plighted their
then confronting the Union forces
e;ii(ity sb iil abutting on u building
crust gava way. and the loosened
Augusta Nettletou." The ense also con­ troth. Uradually the love which w a s
tice was served on the adjutant g>-n
could not have been the sume cs cow
oral o f one of the smaller states o f the ow msl by the James L iver Tow ing earth showered upon his dripplug face. tained n needle n pie» « o f thread and a lnternipte.1 o v e r forty years ago lie­
J thick 1 impress«*! him that possibly
company. The exterior of the prison j purple with agony. Ills eye caught lock o f hair
ga n to rl|H-n. and (/ Iaffn ey. no w g ray
north that the quotas o f some o f the
n mistake was being nude but wheth­
was carefully guarded night and .Jay sight o f a radiant stur In tbe blue
S!r Wlirltenour couinnmlcateil with h.ilred. but still anient. |d«-»di*l Ids
tow n « were not full end that the men
er he followed the muiter up or not 1
by sentinels, but Indoors tin* vigilale# vault above him. A fl«>od o f light and every Urn ml Army o f the Republic post emise w ltb all the f e r v o r which m ark«»!
roust be forthcoming. Orders to that
didn t know
| asked hiiu th* next
was somewhat relaxed at ulgtih At u volume o f « ool, delicious ulr imurad . la tbe niiintry. but wnn raiiiicccsnfnl hla first proposal, and Ihe olijt* t o f hls
effect wore issued, with the result that
day what had l**conie o f the spy. and
one time more tinnì -l'M» prLicúen» were over iii-ii.
At Hint very Instant the ■Jitll "N e llie Augusta Neltletun.” now af fectloti. Mrs llounra Iturke. w a i a »
when the matter was closed there were
he said she was under guard uwairing
In the secret o f the work, all under sentinel a cry rang out like a prophecy. ' ¡ r i T \V Stowe, was bin teil In M il­ demure und coy a » »lie w a * w hen s h *
altont enough men for a single ro:n-
Information from some one who knew
oath, but by some miraci«- the Confed­ : " H a lf past l, nnd all’s w e ll!"
ford. Conn Mrs Stowe wrote to Mr. bluahlngly »a id " Y * » " t » her »w ee t-
pany. It organized :■ ud sent to the
her to lie a good Confederate, but a ft ­
erates did uot discover what w aa ou
Rose recovered quickly
He was in IVhritenolir on April «1 Inst. She nnld:
henrt o f ohi
l'hlladelphla Fresi.
front nnd attache«.! to one o f i ! k > regl
er the Coding of the documents on her
a yard under n shed, wltb n fence be- I John Itawion , a i reported tnlsnlnir aft­
inents from the same stat«\
t.o one doubted that she wag a Federal
Work was begun with n broken [ twecu him and tho smitlnels II* wulk- er tlie buttle of « 'hj»rw ellnrivtll*. nnd for
Grant's Old Cash Lass* His Pistol.
The first time this little body o f sol­
t.-n ye-irs that so,a nil 1 heard. Tlien a
shovel and two case kulvei With lull
cd out uu lb.- atri-et and r*couuo!ter»*d ! travetl-ig man earn* to Milford II* anld
(Jenerul Urant's army io«ik. John
diers saw service was at the battle o f
The nest morning at daybreak 1
ulte pains the men cut through stono , a little. Theu lie retrain'd to the tuu- he knew "Johnnie Ituwsoti* well and Furling, was recently coih | h -II« i I to
the Wilderness- The action was g dng
heard a volley, followed bv artillery
wells and phlng In various plaies ouly : ncl. cover»*! the exit wltb a piece o f ■aid t * had keen one of the taet lo eee gurrendcr hla revolt er nntl forego th«>
od during uni* o f the terrible days o f
firing. Then 1 saw a blue line scurry­
him adve
to find theiuselv m frustrateli, now by plank nnd crawled back to Mats bell.
that buttle, anil the shells and bullets
1 My husband ta «lad that I am to set tante f o r firearms that lia* clung to
ing across n cornfield, and thon —well,
water from tnv canal, now by some Im­
T b e party o f fifteen agreed Unit ns I Ihe pet or* back
were getting In their work The cap­
I had forgotten that him fro m c iv il « nr «lays H e «va» « nui
1 hugged the ground to escape a hail­
passable obstacle. They tried to avail the night won nearly gone it would b« \ my nfine w.»* In Ih* «■;«•»> t>o you not v i c i n i at W ayne. Mich., on April 2 lust
tain o f our company felt called upon to
storm o f bullet*. It wasn't a minute
themselves o f old sewers, but on* «van better to wait till the next night before U-llevo that thta la on* r.-ioe In a thou- o f threatening to shoot a man f o r
make n spec» h to hls men. anil he said:
■and a pUvtur* re«tor*it to the original
before tue Ferlera) troop* passed over
too small and one dels.uchcd >n too attempting to escape.
it wan also owner after forty five years?
trending on Ihe corner o f hi» lot. O f
“ Soldiers, we are now up against the
me, follow ing the l onfederates they
I wl«h 1 could make «.rod to you alt the the tnleameu cnlln l la-forr a Jury w n »
enemy When the order« ore given to
had surprised, flying In every direction.
fire, do your beet and kill nil you ran pl.i:i o f digging c.isi ward I . i iu "belt, r *||0md have the privilege o f taking one expert,u you tinve gone to to find the got tw e n ty-fo u r admitted préjudice on
They raliiod and mndo a stand just be
of the other building.
friend Into hi* confidence. Tbe sec­ owner I am thankful that this little hit the ground that Furli n g hail lit o n »
with the forty rounds o f ammunition
yond the limits o f their ramp and put
Itose picked out thirteen fnllhfu! f I ond party o f fifteen thus formed was of my Ilf* a history hn» been handed lime or another threatened to r.hoot
you have. When you have fired It all
down to in« over the alienee of no many
up a good fight, hut they didn't succeed
Ko great w n » the Interest In
away, you bail better retreat. I am a lowers In addition to himself «n i H i n 1 pledged not to follow the working par­ y. ar» and I admire your pereoversnee them.
In recapturing the ground they had
under such almost tnsimnoiiritahle ob­ the trial that htiilnesn In the r i l i n g »
Httio lame, so I am going to start now.” ilton Most o f the othctM hm! Iis?n ,!ls- ty out till an hour bud elapsed.
«vtiirnged by tile slime, too 'mil air and
Hose and bis companions made a sue
| — Huston C lo t«.
To you nnd yours I ntn moat rdncerely was »tmpemled during the prngrem o f
I was In the wildcat state o f excite­
tbe l!l *uocem o f pn-vlous « 'e u p ts i Cessful de|>«riur* ut U o’clock on the ! your friend.
the care.
ment Imaginable, for I had been saved
i.i/se and hlr. little hind no ut cm iu- : evening o f Tuesday. Feh. U. Rut the
John Rountry’ a Bravery.
T h - daguerreotype »van forwarded to
from what 1 dreaded most—a southern
Author of "Tho Blue and tho Gray."
Luring the night o f Sept. 'JJ, 1SB4. defatlgably. scar- t-l) cu:Ing. a arvely j news leaked out, aud the little kltcben Mrs. Stowe after *li* had sent photo­
prison. While I was shouting the gen
Francis M. Flucli. who d H Inst year
fire was discovered In the magazine r,lei‘|,ii'g. engrossed iu the one feverish was soon crowded lo suffocation wltii graphs o f ideut I lies t Ion to Mr. Whrlte-
eral hurried past, and with him. rid­ light room of the United f-itates steam
thought o f liberty At Lest it would be -jg) prisoners, all clamoring to get at uotir.
nnd who wrote "T h e Blue and the
ing straddle on a strayed Confederate
Urny," w n« fo r fifteen ym iri nn n»*o
At tho
?r MnntnuL The alarm created it panic a slender chance The sfn>cn . f I'.k-l» | th(. entrance to tbe tunnel.
horse, was the girl spy
Shu caught
«•Into JtiBtlee o f the New York state
He Brought the Caw* Heme.
and demoralized the crew with the i.ioiul wore I'Mrolb-d l y son.horn pick- |j«.I k tit o f the uproar aouie on* yelled
slybr o f me and
i ts. and friends were few f.,r cK-nped ...rill. Kllariln!” und n panic ensued In
A hoy vvho*e parent» would not per­ niiirt o f» 'Ilk- |iia'in first np-
exception o f James Horton. John Itoiin
reined In. wtih
ln n k io s w -a iliig prison tallied blue n (,(C|, gvicral prtsmicra were tr:un|»leil mit him to cullnt In the Union army peared In Hepleuiber. I"ti7. In the At
try and Charles II Weeks.
Hashing eye uud
The r«s»ui wan quickly , was Kent one morning to drive th* cows lantlc Monthly
When he Is'ennie n
rushed Into the cabin, obtained the uniforms. Rut hope, springing («'ral;t- j umterfoot.
scowling brow.
| emptied, but the alarm proved to lie j to pasture «m Ids way to work, taking Judge, Mr. Flneli i-oiillnueil to wrltn
magazine levs, sprang Into the light «•ntiy. drove them on.
"H old on. gén­
Ry great good fortune Rose had I false, and many o f the aoldlers retnrn- Ids lunch with him.
S o did not re­ rune, hut made no attempt to get It
room and In-gnu passing out tile com­
érai.'' she said
and mod* their escape,
turn nt night. He had ntn swny am! printed “ I «lid not feel.” lie mill, "that
bustibles, Including the l>ox of signal» com«' Into | ,*scssb’ii o f a rope nearly 1
“ T h e r e 's th e
In which the tin- originated. Itountry. a hundred feet long, no lu-li t il 1« nnd I «¡rent was the surprise o f the ('on - en-erctl the tinny. For three years be the publication o f |><a'in.i w in rompntt-
tnan who gave
Ry an agreement U-tvve.-n the ! f,-derates next day when the roll coll i fought without a furlough nntl re- ble with the dignity o f a Judge o f th«i
with hose In hand, notwithstanding the new
UK' a w a y ”
cry o f "F ire Iu the magazine! ‘ forced commissioners o f exchange revercl j revealed the absence o f 100 prisoners, | turned w ith the regiment unharmed court o f niip«*nl».''
1> is mounting,
hales of «lathing hnd lcs-i -Nat by the j
H.i the flriqdnce ha«t lieen rebuilt by Confederate bi'llef». Ite srrlv«*d lo
hla way through the frightened crowd
she ran up to
At Shiloh and Chickamauga.
•o the light room a n l put out the l-Vderul governtnept to the » iTerlng ; by somctxxl.v and the last nmu out had Hie old pasture at home Just at "ro w
toe. hit me a
On the b.ittlellebl o f Khlloll Ihe »pot
lr tines.
r>>! Ilers el Rel!«* l-le. A committee o f j covered the hole In the ground no vlsl- »m e ” nntl l«'l»ur«-ly drove up Ihe same
»harp blow with
• >| I co w » Just it» If he hail never been where any brigade commander fell I»
Unli-n oilb-erv from I.lhby prison Imd . |,(e trace remained to show the aston
her fist and be­
S «t tn a Barrel cf Powder.
*oiv marked with cannon and piles o f
lei-n assigned to sufn-rvlse the distrl- is bed keepers how their tenants had away.
fore 1 c o u l d
Among the many medals awarded by Imiloti. m il one o f tlnun liy a lilt o f decampisi.
j cannon (mils At I'hU kiimanga sim ilar
Curious crowds, having
r e c o v e r fr o m
the navy department for nets of brnv- clever ieperdetnnln tm inim il to secreto i read the newspaper reports, floeked to
A Woman's Welcome to tho Flag.
historic spots have pyramids o f ten
my s u r p r i s e " n * 'i Tnr. m a t who
sry daring the civil war was one given the rep«.' which bound o m -o f the biles. I the nelghbnrhoo«l till finnlly some one
A resident o f Montlcpllo. Ky., »peak­ Inch shells, nnd iiionnictl guns-m any
k n o c k e d me
o.vvr. me a w a y .
to John 1-tavl*. who was on the United
Rose and Hamilton fashion« 1 It Into a , kicked aside the plank In the yard an«l ing o f flit» manner In which the people o f them tlie name «million that werw
down ai:d stamped on me.
A ll the States steamer Valley City in the at­ ladder.
received tbe Federal troops In tb* ad­ us«d nt rhlcknmnnjm mark tbe ntn-
revenled the hole
while she was calling me the vilest tack on the enemy’s vessels and n fort
They conclud«*»! that the safest
O f tbe 109 who got out fifty nine vance on that place, »ay», "One old firms taken hy batteries.
names and sw earing at mo like i near Ellznlieth City. N. C.. Feb 10. mennn o f getting Into Rats' hell n-11h-i reached the Union lines, forty eight I nly said na Khe »a w tlie column rush­
When the vessel was on firo out di'Luctkro Woujrl is* to dig n se< rrt were recaptured, nnd tw o were drow n ­ ing on after the Confederate». 'When (
T h e officer* o f tbe general'* 1S02
A $” 00,000 M em orial.
staff laughed Immoderately nt the near the u: :;g-.-.inp b: acr 'v'J himself • '" '“ •i'e fr e n f-p kitchen whk h was ed. Am ong those retaken was nose, wed the ol«t flag s-comtn’. I Just threw I A memorial o f graolto and lironxo
grotesque sight, t»ut the genera! e v i­ oa an open barrel o f powder as the •ill the floor sliove, lint not dlractly but he wan exchanged f - r a Confeder- tny old bonnet on the ground end erected on th* battlefield nt v'lrkjdmrgi
1 only meauti to keep the fire out.
dently considered It a serious m atter
stomped on I t ’ ”
J by Illinois cunt «200.00a
over Rats’ boll. Carefully digging ttc colonel oo April 30.
lie Led Them
From Libby.
S I*
The Grand Army.