"That*L' do. captain.” he salvi r t bist. out th* mortar with a Jackknife. NOT IN WOMAN’S CLOTHES •Let hltu up. H e ’s only n fool who they removed the brick# t»ne by on* i.vesu't know enough to attend to b li from the hack o f the large open fire­ Jett Cavia W o re a Fantsatio Coal, but awn business and leave others to at­ place. When morning cam * they re­ It Was * Man's. tend to theirs. You're lucky to escape placed tbe lirlcksai.il llllisl III* crovl.'ea Recently tin* IliaiUui He ra ld putiiiwli- I halUT. and you'd have been dead la- with soot which they hail taken tho Its Ranks A r e Getting Thin, A n Original Story o f the fore this If they'd have found out you rd an lutc rvlew with L C. llulemati o f precaution to col I,*vl beforehand on u Allbiirii, M r , u »vivrai» o f tin- c iv il but Its Heart» A r e were a man " Then, turning to me . blanket A fte r several nights' work Civil W a r by Orm sby i war, in w l i i i b Mr llalruia ii alateti that he said: "T h is last blunder ts tvs* much ' they had nit S stupe.! passage down Yonnii us Ever. Death o f General T h o m as E. which they einilil descend to Mats hell M a c K n ig h t . , the story that JrlTcraou I 'll v la. the lead Report to your captain under arreni ! i t o l the It* t cause, when cuplurnl by th e most I can do with you is to try by means o f their ro(»e bidder. Rose Recali-* Durimi D « *d ! tbu Union i i i m »| m wu* t l i e a ■«', I In won»- Wr ain't a Handin' army now. The « a ll of that cast cellar had to H E older v.e grow the firmer be­ you for deserting your pi, ket tust, bui «'li e clot Idi:* Is s my th o f thè D u rk Days. I l>e broken Iu three place« befkirc n In (act, we're gray and lame, comes the conviction that we that I'll do." Tht' Hera ld Inte rview wus w id ely H ow ever, he thought better o f ll ¡p lace was found where tint earth A trifle stiff about the knees had Is'tter keep wltlnu the copied, and Mr. Ilate man received for It would have I n v ìi baivi t" convict would su|>|H >rt u tunnel. Rose dug as hom as e . uose , u s a .. strict limits of duty. I once m an) letters regar,ling th* matter. Mini And shakin' in our aim. l>rv» et brlgadler generai, re- alduously. while Hamilton faulted air bush'd ui>self a lK>ut lo rtw tin g itn evil me since all I had done was through alinoli without exception they are fn llrcd. vvho dlisl In Washington Iu to him nn.l dragged the excavated mill instead o f receiving thanks for Ignorance. The spy was young Mile- It'i in that knew the bitter dayi; : vendile to hla aide o f the eontnivers.v oli Ih v 1S last, lisi thè party i.f material oil! ns fust a* ll was rvaily. doing iu got nothin* but kicks and «Tacken o f his sia IT, one o f the most I One letter »van from f a p tu l n It l> It's ui that we.it to die. Without the artificial veutiiatlon the daring boys In the army. He had slg Union »ol.llcrs « h o dug tild i «a > ,u i cuffs. That was when I was u very ¡ llryunt, sheriff o f Jnt kaou county. M o . I gueii w » 'i t i right to about young man. Siuis? tbcu I have known ualcd the Confederates to galli their o f Ilb b y (»risoti ilurlng th* • i\il w ,r tall.uv ,1 ip by which Mo«* Worked j Iu which, am ong other IbliiK" hr aal«l: ! Would go out aud Hone would sulTo- confidence preparatory to going into snys thè New York I venlog I’ • l When f,buy flutters by- better. “ I was a coiniutaabmr«l officer o f the Had 1 A wish I cii I hh which had becu tìcneral Itosi' «tu* cu;» Ih» cate I was « private In the 1'ill on army tbetr lines for Information. I T w e l f t h Multie regliueut and was with uacvl as a sptit.Niu serv.sl very well to uot given him sw ay he would ha'k' battio o f Clilv k nn.nua ! ’ • ., operatin* Iu Virginia. While we werx tht* regliueut at Augunla. Uu v bell drnn tho earth out o f the passage gone back with a full knowledge of Woltloti, S « '. « a * ret i u - Iu camp between inarches and sklr Jeffenniu l u , l* was brought In In Id* I way. part o f tIn* precious ro|>* having the enemy’s strength and positU'a day and »««ut lo l.ibtiy prl -vii un niishes I was one day on picket w hen captors I rem ember ibe lucid nt very I becu ulla.'hc.l to It to enable the out That was forty-five years ago Sin e 1. IS«£l. 1 saw a Rirl up in s tree lushing s,g well, nu,I your lulervatlng ator.i M»vnk nais to the enemy She thought she theu I have attended to my own busi­ The forlorii ctiinlltlons at I.ibby p :U i side worker to pull It out aud In turn eu* n s I i i u i I n ring uieuuiry of tlmae *llr tbe dlgKiT t(l I’ ldi It In. As fast ns was concealed from our picket Une ness. on In ISil! are well k n o « n. The bulli! rlu i times the earth was taken out It was hid by the branches. So she w h s . from Ing liscif was un old shlp'a chaudlery “ I, tu», m i w Mr l i a v l * and Ills eidli-v every one but me between her uud wniv botine. ombra. Ing ulne Inrg# deu under a deep layer o f filthy hay party uud Imd conversation with Sic HOW IT FEELS TO BE SHOT. me wus an opening Ju»l big enough for rooms. luto w tildi wetv •*n»w«l«il 1 '_\k» Which covered the floor o f the ituuip plicus nini oilie r « o f Ihe «llatlngulslie I me to see her w igw agging with n Eiporiseco of Edgar Van Etten. Now prtaoiu-n* iju .irtori « o r e ».» crump.-d Cellar (»risoli.T i The average diameter o f the tuunel white handkerchief I should have that tl»e In liu to» liu.l to *leep “ «p k » u “ I spoke tu lluvia, but he wus reti N tw York Control Official. wus about tw o feet. As the work called the eorj'onil of the guard and ceni nini illulm lined to notice me Edgar \ar. F'ten. vice president of fashion.” h«'nd ti» head aud fci't lo prog leased ll » a * pushed with greater re|K>rted the matter; hut. thinking I " I w n i officer o f the guard by rcjru the X rw York Central and Hudson feet. Ili sqiia.la. There « a a n«» fu m i tunic Usually one man would dig might win promotion for myself by at­ lur detail till* day. wldeti g a v e me van Uiver railroad, w ho. while but eighteen tur«* In thè bulldiug. ami ouly a few tending to tlie matter personally. 1 left o f thè eurly «liniera posse—>d su h uiul fill the spittoon with n il lb. nt n tage opportunities that I uilglit not years of age. was « captain la the L’ ti given signal a sec.md would draw the uiy post, went to the tree, ordered the otherw ise have bail I w i n nl-Miil (lie lou army, tells this experience of his luxuries ns olii armv blaukcts or girl down and marched her to tin* head­ knives. cii|»s or tin pi :to* As a rule. spittoon out. a third uinu would keep I'l.inter anil l,*>U In ev ery th in g Insight I iu the battle of Kpoitsylvnniu: the n:r moving by fanuiug II with a quarters o f the general commanding. nnd soin* th in g » that weren't Ha'verul "O ne bullet which liad struck the th* prlsoner t»y thè lim e he machod rut,Per blanket, a fourth would net as The general took her in charge, then officers o f our regliueut ac«oni(>atil*il ground In front anil was partially l.itlby fon mi hlniM-lf ilc(»rl\ed o f all relief, while a fifth wouid keep rated me soundly for leaving my post. the I'l.m ter i'll tlie lrl|i with Its pre s[>ent struck tue with considerable thesc «econteriiici.ta 1 was arrested for a breach of duty, i loin eurgo o f I II *d e fu n c t l 'sitifederai ) -. Outalde thè prtsou tn tiie *>uth was guard. As there were tlfteeu In the force Ju»t Udow the k n w and. running plot, the) were able to work iu three hut was soon a fter released with s "Y m t r deacrtplliHi of Mr I »s v i» In hard as 1 was at that time, tumbled tue a cau.il. In wet «o n iiic r thè .s-llar of rota\*. The work was fearfully mo­ reprimand. surtout nnd cavalry Imots tallies ex- aii in u heap. I never shall forget the A few weeks later came a fight In notonous. however. Abaolute silence lu tly -wItU my retiiemliriiii, e of ids nl sensation The bullet l:n.I struck with which, with otlh'rs. 1 was tnken prison­ was necessary, uud w hen the men ! h >- tire, and I have a l w u y i uinlntalu«*l such force that tuy .eg front the knee er. W e were kept temporarily in un came separated they hud to fiu.l »-a b that a m lit.ike lua gone nlmaid con down was apparently gone 1 can re open held waiting irnnHjioriatioti south other by groping aruuud in the dark cerulng Ids caldure In fviiiule garb member well that as 1 fell I saw the when who should pasa by ou the road DCS*. *'l n!*o converned will» «e v e n ti o f Id* suu. a great red had. Iu the h,'t July but tbe g :rl I 5 - > N UN i The rules o f thn prtnon re.(ulre*l that i nptorx In fact ou r o f Ihe officer» o f sky. halfway down behind the hociXon had seen w ig ­ th«> priaoniTM should tw counted tw l.o l.leutennnt f'olonel I'rlt, l u n l * c o m ­ The first thing that earn* to ray mind wagging to the a day. T o account for the absence o f mand was a guest si our headquarter», was: 'You |>oor devil, you have ost a enemy. She saw the hve men who were at work each sud In- did not mention any i » * ullarlty leg. aud what will mother say when me. reeognirad day their comrade« resorted to various of d r e * other tti.iu the rattier fnutaallc she hears that you lire allotV You a.e me. but pu.*sed "repeating " device« and managed to bo c o j t com ing well dow n to tbe feet badly wounded, and ivrtiaps you will oa .¡uickly with­ counted twice iu sutlirleut uuinliers to " A bum d ille » surely d o creep Into ids die. Certainly it means going t.* the out noticing me. make up the delleteucy. tory.” hospital and amputation, which. If you "There's o n e The whole plot t n « nearly upset by "ri'»K » s «>M.r a new *>r oa i . ket ’ survive, means a wooden leg or u of your spies,” H am ilton'« t-ugerness to acv it brought WAITED FORTY YEARS. crutch all o f your life.’ it -«vn u to me We re peltin' icarce; but, blew yer 1 remarked to a to a successful end. living certain that now that a thousand thougins of Uiis heart. C on fe d e ra te the tunnel was sufficiently long, be dug R a m i n : « IntsrruptsiJ by W i r R i n . w c i i kind r.iu through my uiin.l and foi If country called for men guard. " I saw upward, contrary to Muse's counsel, In Lda'a Wintsr. fu'.y teu minutes, a.though I know her one day in We'd nga the roll ’ Age twenty- aud found, to In* dismay, that the h o le Not long ug i w in |»erfi»rm«il Iu Wuah- that It was less than ten seconds: then the I'nion lines ho hud brukeu was outside the shed iu one," lugtou a wevldlug ceremony wh lcb w a » 1 reached ilu su to feel how milch of making signa.s plain view o f th« sentinels if they p< e t poniti more than twiak'or* y e a r » the leg was gone, and to my surpttse And iave that flag again! to your men I c!i»se to untie* it. Muse then push»*«! ago bv the c iv il war. l found It all there. I pin I un I it and — Wallace Irwia in Collier'« turned her over an old shoe through the hole aud Ihv feit of it nn,l shouted for Jo/ aud gut T h e hridegrooin w n i »I x t y and gray. to our gene nil Weekly. next day by looking out an upper w in ­ I l l * Inule ulso w u i »I x t y ntwl gray. tip and llmpod on after the boys. and b u p p osed dow saw where the old shoe lay aud Rolli werv a* happy n« they w * i * "\Ve captured the earthwork and shed been put made a recalculation. LONG SEARCH REWARDED. when ni (d n y m a te » they lonkrd f o r ­ •Irove out the Johnnies, but. follow ¡ug out of the way On Saturday. FeU (V it seemed ward to au «-arly aiartiage them too far, met a countercharge a.ui "Tiin-iE's one c r 'uf doiugany fur- almost certain that the Confederates P ictu re Found sn So ldier’s Body at W hen Jnuie» 111 fluey e u l l i t « l as a were driven back to our side o f the rour. spie s .” |ther damage. I had discovered tho plot. Itose decided Last Idsntifisd. private In t'ompuuy K. F i f t h e a i a l r y . earthwork. By this time it hud tvecome ■ jrne-s she escaped, after all.” tr- puab tho work to an Immediate von- A dnguerreot)|i* o f n young man nn«t o f Wash ingto n uud riale a w a y to up 1 almost dark, anil the Johnnies, with a W ithout making any reply to dm the i-.daioo. Uu Sunday Mats' hell was a girl tnken from IU* In ti) o f a Uul«»u b o l i the enraie o f the Union he left lie \ yell, charged down to the other side of soldier called for tlie officer com:nand- usually neglected by tbe Confederate*, soldier on th* bam cflrM o f Chancel- , bind litui ■ you ng girl, but be c s rrlit l i the earthwork, but we held our own. Ing the guard. 1 saw him point to the and M o«« ci.lvr.-d th « tuuuel aud work lorsylile during the ilv ll » n r hit* l.rru with him her promise to writ him and all ulght long both sides lay with girl and say Bomethicg. wh«Teu[mn «d nil day without food or rest, accom­ rrturuvd lo Ihe girl iu the picture. Mrs. ■nun a* th * war w a » o v e r Uaffiury r e ­ their bai ks .ignin.it the earthwork I< m 1- l o o t . A lu rocueu o ve » the officer went rapidly after her. plishing tw ice tbe distance that uuy T \V. Stowe o f Milford. Conn., after n main,*! n soldier from tlie beginning Ing and firing over their heads At 2 HIM. Tbe nest day the officer came to me digger mid done up to that time. Tbe search laatlug thirty three years. o'clock In the morning, however, we to the end o f the war. W h e n b * return ­ the prison would become fio.si«sl with earth was composed o f dense, hard and thanked me for putting him oh to Furnier I're* bolder Edgar H'hrlt*- ed to Washington be was unable to I dug through a u j captured tw o o f their u Union spy. 1 asked him to explain, water, und platooua of hoary ruts i sarnl The only implement was a broad uour. u ailnernl water tnauufat'turrr o f guns, but they g.'t away with the oth­ And h l i «iveeth«*nrt. und he said that on my Information em ergid from Us ancient walla on • bLaded cold chisel I'nlcrsou. N J . and Hawthorne, con- In bis disappointment he d rif te d ers when they evacuated. My leg was the girl had tveeu arrested She ha-1 the surface o f the tide The eastern- j Uu Monduy morning Muse again de­ duct«*i th* svarch for the owner o f the s w n y from the city sud finally located swollen so that I could not stand upon been loitering statut their camp, nn.1 most collar was the worst and was > scended to tbe work. It was the arveu- pit lure. In I ’lttsburg In a fe w years Uaffut-y | It. 1 was carried to ibe hospital, and complete Information was found upon known as Mats’ hell. tevutii «lay o f that tunnel, and Rose The daguerreotype rnme Into the t«n- married, and he tiki not rrturn to heroic treatment was applied, which | her as to every corps prêtent. Includ­ ir o o i the first day o f hls lucurcera- resolved that It should be the last, sc* .kiu o f Mr U hriteuour through lit* Washington until sis mouths ago. was to let cold water drop upon It an ing artillery an j cavalry. The general Mrs. U hrltenonr’s father, N. When he did so he w a i ■ » Slower hour at a time. It seems to me now. as tlou Muse's mind turned to tla.lights o f I p Utu * u hour after midnight hla w ife commanding was puzzbd what to do I think o f It. the pain was such that I escape, and all through the course of j Worh want oa. Hose was nearly a Barnes, who was a tnemlwr o f the I I - had I sn - u there hut a short tim o with her since she was a woman, and Thlrt«*eiith New Jers«') v«»lunt<*ers. was when he found the r>hj«*ct o f Ida »e o r c h wocid rather have lost my leg but two the partly successful plot he was the physical wreck. The |>cr*plnitlou soak he revolted against lung.ng her. I toid lie found a ^ ^1« weary limbs H e i-ould scan-ely enpturi*l «luring the war, and tbe da­ many long « e u r i liefiaiv Khe. too, hud days o f this treatment brought me engineer and csiitalu the captain tiiat they were m atin g a lot si lieutenant In M ajor A 1» llam ii- (nfiate hia lungs wltb tbe pubuQuUi air guerreotype was given to hint by a married, but her husband bad died around all right."—Leslie's Wee kly. mistake dime 1 had myself seen her ton o f the T w e lfth Iveutu. k) cavalry, swaui. Confederate soldier, w ho explained that thirteen years ngo. making signals to the Confederates ami togelber tbe tw o men decided that j In th « agony o f suffocatloa he drop the picture had tx*-n taken from n dead «iaffn ey «-nllcd on Ills old »n re th «-a r t T ak in g Tins« by t h « Forrlock. Eut he told toe the girl stoutly denied tbe uirsit feasible plan was to dig a ped the dull chls«l nnd ts-nt bis fists Union soldier ut Chancellor*» llle with great regularity. T he y took It was In the latter portion o f the ever having been within the Union tunnel from Mats' hell eastward, a ugatnst the n*cf o f hls grave with tbe On the Lai k o f tin* case were found pleamire Iu r iv a llin g tlie olden «lays civil war. when great calls for troop« lines. To this 1 replied that the troops were in process o f being filled that no­ distance o f alsaut seventy feet, to sn might o f despair, when—blessed boon!— the names "John U au xu i nnd Nellie when as p l a y m a t e « th«-y plighted their then confronting the Union forces e;ii(ity sb iil abutting on u building crust gava way. and the loosened Augusta Nettletou." The ense also con­ troth. Uradually the love which w a s tice was served on the adjutant g>-n could not have been the sume cs cow oral o f one of the smaller states o f the ow msl by the James L iver Tow ing earth showered upon his dripplug face. tained n needle n pie» « o f thread and a lnternipte.1 o v e r forty years ago lie­ J thick 1 impress«*! him that possibly company. The exterior of the prison j purple with agony. Ills eye caught lock o f hair ga n to rl|H-n. and (/ Iaffn ey. no w g ray north that the quotas o f some o f the n mistake was being nude but wheth­ was carefully guarded night and .Jay sight o f a radiant stur In tbe blue S!r Wlirltenour couinnmlcateil with h.ilred. but still anient. |d«-»di*l Ids tow n « were not full end that the men er he followed the muiter up or not 1 by sentinels, but Indoors tin* vigilale# vault above him. A fl«>od o f light and every Urn ml Army o f the Republic post emise w ltb all the f e r v o r which m ark«»! roust be forthcoming. Orders to that didn t know | asked hiiu th* next was somewhat relaxed at ulgtih At u volume o f « ool, delicious ulr imurad . la tbe niiintry. but wnn raiiiicccsnfnl hla first proposal, and Ihe olijt* t o f hls effect wore issued, with the result that day what had l**conie o f the spy. and one time more tinnì -l'M» prLicúen» were over iii-ii. At Hint very Instant the ■Jitll "N e llie Augusta Neltletun.” now af fectloti. Mrs llounra Iturke. w a i a » when the matter was closed there were he said she was under guard uwairing In the secret o f the work, all under sentinel a cry rang out like a prophecy. ' ¡ r i T \V Stowe, was bin teil In M il­ demure und coy a » »lie w a * w hen s h * altont enough men for a single ro:n- Information from some one who knew oath, but by some miraci«- the Confed­ : " H a lf past l, nnd all’s w e ll!" ford. Conn Mrs Stowe wrote to Mr. bluahlngly »a id " Y * » " t » her »w ee t- pany. It r.as organized :■ ud sent to the her to lie a good Confederate, but a ft ­ erates did uot discover what w aa ou Rose recovered quickly He was in IVhritenolir on April «1 Inst. She nnld: henrt o f ohi l'hlladelphla Fresi. front nnd attache«.! to one o f i ! k > regl er the Coding of the documents on her foot a yard under n shed, wltb n fence be- I John Itawion , a i reported tnlsnlnir aft­ inents from the same stat«\ t.o one doubted that she wag a Federal Work was begun with n broken [ twecu him and tho smitlnels II* wulk- er tlie buttle of « 'hj»rw ellnrivtll*. nnd for Grant's Old Cash Lass* His Pistol. The first time this little body o f sol­ t.-n ye-irs that so,a nil 1 heard. Tlien a spy. shovel and two case kulvei With lull cd out uu lb.- atri-et and r*couuo!ter»*d ! travetl-ig man earn* to Milford II* anld (Jenerul Urant's army io«ik. John diers saw service was at the battle o f The nest morning at daybreak 1 ulte pains the men cut through stono , a little. Theu lie retrain'd to the tuu- he knew "Johnnie Ituwsoti* well and Furling, was recently coih | h -II« i I to the Wilderness- The action was g dng heard a volley, followed bv artillery wells and phlng In various plaies ouly : ncl. cover»*! the exit wltb a piece o f ■aid t * had keen one of the taet lo eee gurrendcr hla revolt er nntl forego th«> od during uni* o f the terrible days o f firing. Then 1 saw a blue line scurry­ him adve to find theiuselv m frustrateli, now by plank nnd crawled back to Mats bell. that buttle, anil the shells and bullets 1 My husband ta «lad that I am to set tante f o r firearms that lia* clung to ing across n cornfield, and thon —well, water from tnv canal, now by some Im­ T b e party o f fifteen agreed Unit ns I Ihe pet or* back were getting In their work The cap­ I had forgotten that him fro m c iv il « nr «lays H e «va» « nui 1 hugged the ground to escape a hail­ passable obstacle. They tried to avail the night won nearly gone it would b« \ my nfine w.»* In Ih* «■;«•»> t>o you not v i c i n i at W ayne. Mich., on April 2 lust tain o f our company felt called upon to storm o f bullet*. It wasn't a minute themselves o f old sewers, but on* «van better to wait till the next night before U-llevo that thta la on* r.-ioe In a thou- o f threatening to shoot a man f o r make n spec» h to hls men. anil he said: ■and a pUvtur* re«tor*it to the original before tue Ferlera) troop* passed over too small and one dels.uchcd >n too attempting to escape. it wan also owner after forty five years? trending on Ihe corner o f hi» lot. O f “ Soldiers, we are now up against the me, follow ing the l onfederates they public a *(«ot riu n ii) they nth.pred the ugri*ed that «•neb nienit>*r o f the party I wl«h 1 could make «.rod to you alt the the tnleameu cnlln l la-forr a Jury w n » enemy When the order« ore given to had surprised, flying In every direction. fire, do your beet and kill nil you ran pl.i:i o f digging c.isi ward I . i iu "belt, r *||0md have the privilege o f taking one expert,u you tinve gone to to find the got tw e n ty-fo u r admitted préjudice on They raliiod and mndo a stand just be of the other building. friend Into hi* confidence. Tbe sec­ owner I am thankful that this little hit the ground that Furli n g hail lit o n » with the forty rounds o f ammunition yond the limits o f their ramp and put Itose picked out thirteen fnllhfu! f I ond party o f fifteen thus formed was of my Ilf* a history hn» been handed lime or another threatened to r.hoot you have. When you have fired It all down to in« over the alienee of no many up a good fight, hut they didn't succeed Ko great w n » the Interest In away, you bail better retreat. I am a lowers In addition to himself «n i H i n 1 pledged not to follow the working par­ y. ar» and I admire your pereoversnee them. In recapturing the ground they had under such almost tnsimnoiiritahle ob­ the trial that htiilnesn In the r i l i n g » Httio lame, so I am going to start now.” ilton Most o f the othctM hm! Iis?n ,!ls- ty out till an hour bud elapsed. stacles. lost. «vtiirnged by tile slime, too 'mil air and Hose and bis companions made a sue | — Huston C lo t«. To you nnd yours I ntn moat rdncerely was »tmpemled during the prngrem o f I was In the wildcat state o f excite­ tbe l!l *uocem o f pn-vlous « 'e u p ts i Cessful de|>«riur* ut U o’clock on the ! your friend. the care. MRS. T W. 8TOWE. ment Imaginable, for I had been saved i.i/se and hlr. little hind no ut cm iu- : evening o f Tuesday. Feh. U. Rut the John Rountry’ a Bravery. T h - daguerreotype »van forwarded to from what 1 dreaded most—a southern Author of "Tho Blue and tho Gray." Luring the night o f Sept. 'JJ, 1SB4. defatlgably. scar- t-l) cu:Ing. a arvely j news leaked out, aud the little kltcben Mrs. Stowe after *li* had sent photo­ prison. While I was shouting the gen Francis M. Flucli. who d H Inst year fire was discovered In the magazine r,lei‘|,ii'g. engrossed iu the one feverish was soon crowded lo suffocation wltii graphs o f ideut I lies t Ion to Mr. Whrlte- eral hurried past, and with him. rid­ light room of the United f-itates steam thought o f liberty At Lest it would be -jg) prisoners, all clamoring to get at uotir. nnd who wrote "T h e Blue and the ing straddle on a strayed Confederate Urny," w n« fo r fifteen ym iri nn n»*o At tho ?r MnntnuL The alarm created it panic a slender chance The sfn>cn . f I'.k-l» | th(. entrance to tbe tunnel. horse, was the girl spy Shu caught «•Into JtiBtlee o f the New York state He Brought the Caw* Heme. and demoralized the crew with the i.ioiul wore I'Mrolb-d l y son.horn pick- |j«.I k tit o f the uproar aouie on* yelled slybr o f me and i ts. and friends were few f.,r cK-nped ...rill. Kllariln!” und n panic ensued In A hoy vvho*e parent» would not per­ niiirt o f npiie.il» 'Ilk- |iia'in first np- exception o f James Horton. John Itoiin reined In. wtih ln n k io s w -a iliig prison tallied blue n (,(C|, gvicral prtsmicra were tr:un|»leil mit him to cullnt In the Union army peared In Hepleuiber. I"ti7. In the At try and Charles II Weeks. Horton Hashing eye uud The r«s»ui wan quickly , was Kent one morning to drive th* cows lantlc Monthly When he Is'ennie n rushed Into the cabin, obtained the uniforms. Rut hope, springing («'ral;t- j umterfoot. scowling brow. | emptied, but the alarm proved to lie j to pasture «m Ids way to work, taking Judge, Mr. Flneli i-oiillnueil to wrltn magazine levs, sprang Into the light «•ntiy. drove them on. "H old on. gén­ Ry great good fortune Rose had I false, and many o f the aoldlers retnrn- Ids lunch with him. S o did not re­ rune, hut made no attempt to get It room and In-gnu passing out tile com­ érai.'' she said and mod* their escape, turn nt night. He had ntn swny am! printed “ I «lid not feel.” lie mill, "that bustibles, Including the l>ox of signal» com«' Into | ,*scssb’ii o f a rope nearly 1 “ T h e r e 's th e In which the tin- originated. Itountry. a hundred feet long, no lu-li t il 1« nnd I «¡rent was the surprise o f the ('on - en-erctl the tinny. For three years be the publication o f |> is mounting, hales of «lathing hnd lcs-i -Nat by the j H.i the flriqdnce ha«t lieen rebuilt by Confederate bi'llef». Ite srrlv«*d lo hla way through the frightened crowd she ran up to At Shiloh and Chickamauga. •o the light room a n l put out the l-Vderul governtnept to the » iTerlng ; by somctxxl.v and the last nmu out had Hie old pasture at home Just at "ro w toe. hit me a On the b.ittlellebl o f Khlloll Ihe »pot lr tines. r>>! Ilers el Rel!«* l-le. A committee o f j covered the hole In the ground no vlsl- »m e ” nntl l«'l»ur«-ly drove up Ihe same »harp blow with • >| I co w » Just it» If he hail never been where any brigade commander fell I» Unli-n oilb-erv from I.lhby prison Imd . |,(e trace remained to show the aston her fist and be­ S «t tn a Barrel cf Powder. *oiv marked with cannon and piles o f lei-n assigned to sufn-rvlse the distrl- is bed keepers how their tenants had away. fore 1 c o u l d Among the many medals awarded by Imiloti. m il one o f tlnun liy a lilt o f decampisi. j cannon (mils At I'hU kiimanga sim ilar Curious crowds, having r e c o v e r fr o m the navy department for nets of brnv- clever ieperdetnnln tm inim il to secreto i read the newspaper reports, floeked to A Woman's Welcome to tho Flag. historic spots have pyramids o f ten my s u r p r i s e " n * 'i Tnr. m a t who sry daring the civil war was one given the rep«.' which bound o m -o f the biles. I the nelghbnrhoo«l till finnlly some one A resident o f Montlcpllo. Ky., »peak­ Inch shells, nnd iiionnictl guns-m any k n o c k e d me o.vvr. me a w a y . to John 1-tavl*. who was on the United Rose and Hamilton fashion« 1 It Into a , kicked aside the plank In the yard an«l ing o f flit» manner In which the people o f them tlie name «million that werw down ai:d stamped on me. A ll the States steamer Valley City in the at­ ladder. received tbe Federal troops In tb* ad­ us«d nt rhlcknmnnjm mark tbe ntn- revenled the hole while she was calling me the vilest tack on the enemy’s vessels and n fort They conclud«*»! that the safest O f tbe 109 who got out fifty nine vance on that place, »ay», "One old firms taken hy batteries. names and sw earing at mo like i near Ellznlieth City. N. C.. Feb 10. mennn o f getting Into Rats' hell n-11h-i reached the Union lines, forty eight I nly said na Khe »a w tlie column rush­ When the vessel was on firo out di'Luctkro Woujrl is* to dig n se< rrt were recaptured, nnd tw o were drow n ­ ing on after the Confederate». 'When ( pirate. T h e officer* o f tbe general'* 1S02 A $” 00,000 M em orial. staff laughed Immoderately nt the near the u: :;g-.-.inp b: acr 'v'J himself • '" '“ •i'e fr e n f-p kitchen whk h was ed. Am ong those retaken was nose, wed the ol«t flag s-comtn’. I Just threw I A memorial o f graolto and lironxo grotesque sight, t»ut the genera! e v i­ oa an open barrel o f powder as the •ill the floor sliove, lint not dlractly but he wan exchanged f - r a Confeder- tny old bonnet on the ground end erected on th* battlefield nt v'lrkjdmrgi 1 only meauti to keep the fire out. dently considered It a serious m atter stomped on I t ’ ” J by Illinois cunt «200.00a over Rats’ boll. Carefully digging ttc colonel oo April 30. THE SPY. T lie Led Them I From Libby. T S I* The Grand Army.