Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 29, 1906, Image 7

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( TM Qaeee Marin rk -
One of (bo moat curlou marina phe
nomena known to urn men In that cull
ed by Norwegian sailor "deuil water,"
which, without any vlalliln caune,
makea reamil loo her speed and ro
fUM to fttiNWor her helm. 'J ho sal lor
only definite kiuwlelj of It origin U
ttint It Oalats aolcly where there la a
surface layer of frcah water routing
upon the unit waters of the sea. Hot
em I explanation hnve Wen advanced
by the captalim of ulilp of the effect of
dead water, tlio coiiitiioiict of which la
that tho two water layer move In dif
ferent direction. Tho true explana
tion, however, recently offered by Hwe
dlnh mi v lifit tot-M nml verified by mathe
matical calculation and direct expert
inviit, la that In nddltlon to tho "realat
ance wavea" at the anrfare the veise!
create a eecond line of subaqueous
wavea between tho two strata of wa
ter. The experiment carried out to dent
onMtrato tho truth of tlila theory wti
an cxceedliiKly pretty one. A largo
pinto kIiixk tank won flrat mounted on
a wooden frame. The tank waa then
filled to n certain depth with Nttlt wa
ter, and a layer of frcah water waa
carefully poured on to tho aurface, ao
that two aeparnte water lnycra were
The ault water wna bltickeued wIUj
llipild Chinese Ink before tho water
Inyera were prepared, and In tlila way
tho different layer were mado clearly
Vlalblit. A bout model waa then towed
along the tank and a allhouette of the
woven produced wna obtained by plac
ing u white aTfcn at a abort dUtauce
behind the tank. The wavea wero olao
photographed by fbiMhlight, and tho ro
aulta allowed cotnlualvely thut wavea
actually were t up at the boundary
line between tho two liquid.
Further experiment were mado to
verify the aiiihleii Ioh of apeed due to
dead water. Tho boat model wa
drawn acroaa the tank and the towing
atrlug auddculy (darkened when the
boat waa about halfway acroaa. In
caae where the tank contained aalt
water only the bont Htopped gradunlly,
moving aomo Imnt lencth after the
towing atrlug hud been slackened.
When the tank contained a layer of
frcah water resting on aalt wuter, on
tho other baud, the liont alackeuod
lcel quite, aiidilculy and moved only a
very abort dlatunce.
These experlmenta, carried out on a
amull aenle, prove conclualvcly thut the
dllllcultlea eiieouutered within a dead
water lone are really due to the re
alatnnce experienced by the veaael lu
generating InvlHlble wave at the fresh
water ault water boundary, although In
mini' particular ciihch the Influence of
undercurrent miiHt nlao doubtleaa be
taken Into account. New York Herald.
The most acceptable form of xillte
iicms I eleanllneHM.
Ilccauxc you mi) you Intend to do a
thing It Isn't done.
About nil Nome men nre good for la
to "aecond the motlou."
You may think you nre entertaining,
but there are people dodging you all
the time.
iim't ac'id ten dolt:ir (lowers to the
funeral of a man whose family la left
without any Income.
The man lu u dangerous location
never thinks he Is in a dangerous loca
tion or he wouldn't be there.
The owner of n horse nnd bung.v
tries to be modest, but he can't help
allowing that he feels u little superior.
The first Insurance ugalnst trouble
that children learn uUiut la to get a
promise from mother that Mie will not
tell futhcr.-Ati-hixou t J lobe.
On 'I heir War.
liiirlng a newspaper wen's couveu
tlou, a iiumliur of Journalists wero out'
afternoon talking of the trick ol
"tho fulthlexH types," when Henry
Wattcrson aald:
"While I've beurd of a great 111:1113
funny typographical breaks lu inj
time, iilsiut the oddest mid most liu
morons transposition of the type that
ever came within my observation was
that lu n New York paper Hume year
ngo. That sheet used to print Its ship
ping news on the name page with the
obituaries. Imagine tho glee with
which Its reader found the cnptloiib
exchanged one morning, whereby a
long list of respectable names were
act forth under tho marine head.
Tossed Through Hell (!ato Yester
day.' " Harper" Weekly.
Mm 1 m Not Drier iit-rntcd.
It 1 conimoii to hear of tho giant
people who lived lu tho old days, yet
It Is decidedly uncommon to flint proof
that the average ancient waa any lur
ger or more powerfully built thau the
average person of the present day.
Tho Kgyptlnu mummies nhow these
people to have been of ndlum size.
1'ho remains taken from tho catacombs
do not differ In sl.e from tho people
of the present, whllo tho armor which
wna worn by tho warriors of tho lone
ngo tit n readily tho forms of people
who tiro not at all gigantic or nt lost at
extraordinarily nbovo tho nvcrago ei
ther In girth or Mature. Tbero were
great men In the old days, but ns great
Mill obtain lu this twentieth century.
Thus Tuurlat.
M. Tci-rlchon (visiting Switzerland!
Well, Mary, we'll take another view
of this lake and then wo can return te
Turls. Mine. I'. Why not see Home ot
tho others? M. 1'.- Well. I don't see
tho necessity. It seems to me that
0110 late must be very much like n:v
othcr.-Olou Ylviiiit.
He Is not Idle who docs imt I Iny,
but b. It Idle who n:';;". 1 o bittot oui-plo.'-ed.-
Some Sayings
Bu Uncle Silas
I low !e Founded the Town of Silaa
vi!le and Wa Termed an
"Eminent Cu'zen."
Copyright, ISO, by Butane Fared)
1 THINK I mado my great mistake
In llfo by asking for too much ad
vice. I bad read and beard that
one' fellow men are ready and
willing to tender advice, and I pushed
the thing for all It waa worth. Aa a
couaeijueiice I got all twlated up and
have been ao ever alnce, My wife, on
the contrary, weut to a lawyer, laid
down n fee of $.1 and had tier divorce
from nie In three month' time. 'I he
man who hasn't got enough gumption
to work Ida own bead or aene noug!i
to go to a lawyer when be And thing
too deep for blm dencrvee all bo get,
and he'll get a good deal.
I apcut year giving tuy fellow men
credit for u combination of sympathy
and benevolence and then broke my
leg to Ond out that I had been hugi.-lug
a delusion. They came In by tho lo;;en
to aeo me and aay bow aorry they
were. They were full of auggentlon
and cxpcdWit and ' encouragement.
Ulraui Jonei thought It would In? u
good time f-T nie to learn Ijitln while
I wa laid V'I; Obcdlnh Wblteflsh sug
gested that I learn I'H) chapter of tM
Itlble; Aunt Sarah Urown aald that
Providence bad arranged It thua fi
that I tulgh be near home In case tb
baby awallo-.ved n spool of thread, an '
lieneon Trii'l'ivi' culled my attcntlci
to the f id that no man lying In h
bed with 11 I Token leg waa ever killel
by the expl" Ion of hi own ahotguu
I estimated the sympathy of tny fet
lo'v men diirlu.; my mlafortuno at te;i
full b.i 1 I hadn't a dollar In cash
In the lii.ic and everytsnly knew 1:.
but not a culler referred to the nub
Ject. They were too busy telling me
that the Occident wo the work of
Providence and that I must not com
plain. For yeura and yeara It wa a puzxl -to
me why all men were not honest.
I can alt down today and hov yc.
cold figure to prove that dlahanesty
doc not pay 1 per ceut lu dividend
ami that the honest man I ulway.t
ahead of the game, but yet dishonesty
ia on the Increase. I weut on heaping
up the measure when I Bold Htatoc
and tendering 13 centa where I owed
a man a Hhllllng, and one- day I woke
up to the, fact that about all my earth
ly possession couslsted of a bushel o'
old clothespin and a vinegar barrel.
I myself founded the town of Silas
vllle. A Ita father, I helped It to grow
and prosper. Folk aald I wa looked
up to and respected. I was whut is
termed nn "eminent citizen." If I had
doubted that the whale, swallowed Jo
nah, the whole town would have doubt
ed. The time eamo when I thought It
best to run for the legislature. 1 bad
every reason to believe that 1 would
go lu n-whooplng, but, ns a matter of
fact, I was beaten dear back Into the
woods. It was a year later when 11
lightning roil man came nloug ami
solved the puzzle fiir me. p
"Would you have sold your vote' If
you had been elected?"' he asked.
"Certainly not."
"Would there have been uny boodle
to divide up7"'
"Not a red."
"Well, there you nre, and you needn't
work your brains over the case nny
Hero Koeined to be proof that light
nlng rod men were honest men, nnd 1
gnvo this fellow tho Job of roddlug the
bam. After I bad paid him his price
nnd ho had departed I climbed up oi
the roof and measured his work anil
discovered that he hud worked lu four
teen extra feet 011 inc.
"My son." said un old patr'mrch to
1110 11s I was starting out In life, "the
secret of success Is In knowing your
fellow men. Study theni and lenrn to
kuow them."
Thnt looked like good advice, but 11
didn't turn out that way. Just na T
thought I hud got n man s'zed up he
would break out lu n new spot. If 1
found him 'liberal toward tho heathen
of Africa I found him asking 'no cent"
too much for a hoe or Khovcl at lion;".
If bo heaped up tho measure, one day
ho would scrimp It the next. What was
bis weakness at 0110 time was his
strength at another. As 11 matter of
fact, niter living over sixty years and
M inlying my tellow men every day,
can't say that I know what tny own
brother In-law would do under certain
I don't wish to seem conceited when
I say that I started out to speak the
.. .11 to ni. mri. aiNiitt all things. I
t inoit 01 us make that mistake.
",li..!i i.i ml li'y and uniai prevail" I
u .. ulc!iv. ... lii.i: i.,ipeal.4 to t: . It
tooli " ." 11 .1 live year to Und out
(hut 1. . lt...iIj.. v.a genen.lly r
(.'ird: l :is ',',.,.e t!:uii ll.nt of a liar,
lie v. oi'.d -nuiN a littlo truth and a
great dent of deception. It'a like la
in; live dn,;i of medicine lu half a
glum of v. r . In atlcklng to the truth
I nil e l i,p ,..'i;iles on every hand and
finally came lo know that I must make
ft cli. 1:1 ,c.
I inn not s'i'king to dlNcourage yoi
f io,:i spe.iUi:i .: the truth now and tbci.
my fou, but j oil must uuderatuud that
truth I like a flaxacl poultice for
use only on occasion. Hurlng the reKt
of the time you must either keep yoc.r
mouth Mint or claim that you are a lit
lie deaf. When we ask about a cer
tain man v.'e er.pect yoil to tell U tl."
truth. V hen be ink about u we ;
pct you to rcfly thut yon haven't got
fairly iii ii:.i:.ili;il yet.
I hive not Im'cii able, with all my
reai'ilng and pictlouliig, to get wh.-.t
may le called the law puzzle, throug'i
my head. We send lawyer to the leg
Isluture and to congren to make I.m.v.
to be enforced. Those aome luwye
coine b me to do their very beat to
break those law. We print the law In
plain F.ngllsh language, and for tcMt
year they stand unquestioned nnd in
force. Tlieti arise a judge who put u
different Interpretation on them nnd
upset the tipple cart. A law I uiade
to i-rotect the people, and yet the law
yer who ha the acumen to find loop
holes In It Is praised by the masse.
I hadn't seen a great deal wrong v lUi
politic when nil old wheel horse aa!
down with me nnd autlslled ine that
the country waa In danger und thut tri
Ies 11 change was HK-edlly effected tin
rc'illlilic of America would Is bu.iii:
li'Kher'n ;ilderoy' kite and alxtii-n
different kinds of a nun by prevail
What be wanted, and whnt bo wanted
tr.p t want, was reform. Il VtiiA ubout
lie- lust time 1 bad heard of It. My ct:
cumlicra bad come along, and u.y pota
toes bud rlpemsl without any aiieclul
effort m the part of reform, nnd I was
dwelling In blissful Ignorance of the
danger to the bulwark of liberty
when this old wheel horse opened my
eye. I took off my coat and got other
to do the Maine, and we reformed oll
tlcs and saved America. That la, we
scut him u.) to Albany, uud he wci
aucb a hustler and such a wise old
wheel horse that he made $10,0KJ out
of It and never treated one of u to a
gins of lemonade.
There Isn't the slightest doubt tha'
this country I In the greatest danger
toduy and that unless we have reform
lu politic right away we nre going t
bust up with a roar that will lie heard
all over Europe, but you can count w:
out. I'm not going to do a thing t
check the I:: pending disaster. I shall
alt on my veranda and count my chick
en In the yard and hear my bogs grunt
In the m-ii and never swvut a hair. I
know thnt before It U too. late aome
Moses will rise up. He will yell for
reform In p titles, and he will set oth
er to yefH.. nml 11 hi cit niiTn will
sweep over the rutin try unci purify and
nve It.
And 011 tli.' crest of that wave, with
their face washed and their hair
eombwl In order to disguise themselves,
will bo the same old crowd, with the
same principles, and the hoodie will be
looked after with the same unfailing
I)on't 'ci discouraged, my son, aud
wish you bad been born n horsefly In
stead of a human being. It's a gaod
world to live In, nnd there' heaps of
fun ahead for you, but you mustn't
start out laboring under any delusions
or hallucinations. Find out what's
what nnd who's who nnd then go
nheud. ' M. QUAD.
Juat n llemlndrr.
Jack And nfter we are married, dar
ling, the love lights will Mill liuger In
your eyes.
Eva Yes, but the love lights won't
stop the gas bill from coming every
month, my dour. Chicago News.
"A man is never a hero to his valot."
"No." answered Mr. Gazzle. "But.
considering 1 ho chances I have learned
to tako without flinching, I ought to be
one to my chauffeur." Washington
A Tinnier.
i'i,--n'i t
"Mother wants twopenn'orth of wh.'t
yer smells In tho bottlo cos she ain't
A I.HhTifurd.
Oh. litllu ufu-i thought, I with
You hud rot coine to me,
For with myself I otherwise
Quito Buti.Hilcil should bel
Tqji're excellent, but 1 deplore
That you nhould not hnve come before.
Why I It that you nro not prompt.
But saunter In Instead
When nil the things I've done are dona
And all I've suld I BtildT
Of nulsuncea you are the worst
Don't come unless you come at first.
Eunice Wurd In New York Life.
Ir." k .v -jtrl'i l. if. 1 I V I
fwit II
Ac?e(ablc Preparalion Tor As
similating tticrofxl'artdRcuti
ting lite Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigcsliOTJCheerfi
ness and Rest Contains neither
Opium.Morphinc norMineraL
wot Narcotic.
A perfect Remedy for Cons Upa
Ticn.Sour Stomach.Dtarrnoca
Worms Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
exact copy or wrapped.
JOHN WENDELL, Proprietor
Nature'a Woniir.via Hindlwork
Throngti Utah and Colorado
Castle (lute. Canon of the Grand,
Black Canon, Marshall and Tennei
see Passim, and the World-Famous
-- ' n J iorjfe3
Fjr Descriptive and Illustrated ramph
lets, write to
W. C. McHrlde, ien. Ajt. "
l'-M Thlld 8treet PORTLAND, OR.
Bean the i Kind Yog Ham Always Boirtt
0 1 1 in
; 1 nILH.W
For Infanti and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
fv In
For Over
Thirty ears
t ,1
tms mvtmm giw, acta vam eirr.
Meat Market..
Effective May 29lh,
Lv. a Reno
Ar. 6:5 P. M.
Lv. J: P.M.
Lv. 1 :12 P. M.
Lv. 12:01 P. M.
Ar. 11:15 A. M.
Lv. 11:00 A. M
Lv 7:15 A. M
9:15 A. M
11:50 A. M. Lv,
U12P.M. Lv.
2:lf P. M.Ar.
S:00P. M. Lv.
:20 P. M. Lv.
7:30 P.M. Ar.
Hot Pps
t:20F-.M.Lv. Plumas
:0OP, M. Lv. e Beckwith
i'.V P. M. Ar. f Mohawk
A r. 12-45 P M.
Lv. 11:05 A. M
Lv ' 8:45 A. M
I a Connections made with East and West
. bound drains of H. P. Co.
j b Stages to and from Milford, Janesvillo,
, Buntingville.
j o tages to and from blandish and Susan-
d Stages to and from Eaglevi le, Cedarville,
j Fort Bldwoll, Adln. Alturas evlew, and
1 otner points In Oregon.
I e Stages to and from Geneaee. Tgt.i,n,.ni.
and Greenville,
f Stages to and from Johnsvillo, Cromberg
"Tqpt' styles in type and keep in
stock a large assortment of high
grade stationery so that there is
no delay in executing a large order.
Ourpriccs will be found vto compare
favorably with jother prices.
reee tm Ha 114 Raada.
t cretary of State Lajlln of Ohio es
timates that the nerr antomnblle reia
tratlof law, which makes him the regit
tertnf officer nnd afithorisea him to col
lect a trrailo'l i:nnoftl license, will pro
dace a tatj revenue of 150,000, At
thl I driven to the atate highway com
olaeloner'a rnud It will probably r
atore the amount to be available for
the rood ToaJ movement for thla yaai
to the orlclnnl flcure of $200,000.
Iryln(f preparation atmply d vat
op dry catarrh t they dry up the aeeretlona,
which adhere to the membrane and decora
poaa, canning a far more serious tremble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalant, fame, smoke and ennffa
and nse that which eleannea, aoothea and
heal. Ely' Cream Balm ia such a remedy
and will cur catarrh or cold in the he4
easily and plsaaantly. A trial eize wilt b
mailed for lO eenta. All druggist sell tho
DOo. aire. Ely Brother. 5 A Warren St., N.T.
The Balm enrea without pain, doj not
irritate or cans sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry eurfaee, roller
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely'a Cream Balm yon are anne4
against Kaaal CaUrrh and Hay Fsver.
tion fy mail aliri1 lo ,. m.
Rri7iilil lyHirl Iaii.r.
y.xprriiMala''l-oriittii tiiri.l
nrm I a" f' "- lllfH i-...-. "$ ,ui
fAirmr I'. -r-.i siory. I'1!!. - '
le(. lor pn : ' I
r , n ritii'.i n ; 4
tf, r,.- . . n.iiit'.i, .-i.'ij, a,
nenarn inn nrrmnrn
inviw gfMniw.iufc.i nn i. "
Fm adVica, how to obuua paMBia, trado saarka,
Wrth, N att COUflTJIICS.
Smtimra dirret m'uk Wathimglom avm film,
wumry mni often the pat mi
Pttsnt ssd Infrlsgwnsat Practice Exclutlvsly.
Wrtta or eonia to w as
111 mstfc Stmt, w. VaH4 ItatM riava east,
Wanted : Men in each state to travel,
tack signs and distribute samples and
circulars of oar goods. Salary 180.00
per mo 13.00 per day for expenses,
Saunders Co, Dept. S 46-50 Jackson
Boulevard, Chicago. 43-5
We Collect Epery where and Make
no Charge Unless Collection is Made.
We Please Our Client
Add reus:
Morgan Mercantile Co.
Fenton Bid?,
Portland, Or.
Excursion Rates to Pacific Coast
Notify your friends In the east
that reduced round-trip excursion
rates will go into effect June 1, 1906,
and tickets will be on sale daily un
til September 15, li06.
Final return limit October 31, 1906.
Rates from principal Eastern points
areas follows:
From Cbicapo $75.00
" Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Leav
enworth and Kansas City...$ 60.00
" Sioux City f62.00
" Denver. Colorado Springs, Pue
blo and trinlad .....f 50.00
St. Louis $69.00
" New Orleans f 69.00
" Houston 160.00
For further information call upon
or write nearest Agent or
D. S. Taggart, Reno, Nev.
2 mo D. F. & P. A.
Post & King have the best grude
of liquors and cigars to be' found" In
Oregon. tf
! which The Examiner ex
j cells. We have all, the late