Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1975)
7—The Mill City EnterpriMe, Thuruday, March (>, 197.5 The Enterprise Prints Wedding Announcements Expert Craftsmanship—Fast Service, Too ¡MEHAMA ‘ home •¿S Friday ’ from the U of O ’ X TO THE«« O EDITORfg^j I L ROOMS LOOK DULL? We have over 15 different patterns in stock with some of them as low as $2.98 pet 4x8 panel. Others priced at $3.49, $3.98, $4.50 and up. We also have a wide selection of pre finished mouldings to coordinate with the panelling. KEIJ.Y LUMBER SALES, INC. Hwy. 22 East City Limita PHONE K97-2343 MUI City, Ore. March 4th our Phone number was changed to 897-2363 Sharpen Your Pencil or See Us ir» TAX TIME You Can Save Wear and Tear on Your Pencil« . . . Your Nerve« . . . and your bud get, too . . by letting our Expert Account ant« handle your tax computation«. INCOME TAX PREPARATION F. E. Arbuckle Tax Service of 106 South Water Street Silverton, Oregon has a tax consultant in the attorneys office at 129 N. E. Wall St., Mill City, Oregon (next to the Post Off ce). HOURS — TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M r. • ._ CUSTOM MERRY TILLER ___ * !--------- TO THE EDITOR: I would like to commend 1 Don Moffatt on his splendid ¡article (Up & Down the Ave- 1 nue) for his view» and com ments on TV programming. I I, and I’m not alone by far. ' have been discussed with the trash being presented to view ers via the TV Boob Tube*. j The gory murder mysteries, sex .»cenes, etc. are enough tv make one throw up. And, in ■ my opinion, some of the com mercials also need cleaning up, ¡especially the ones advertis ing womens hygiene products. Apparently, the broadcasting Companies will do anything for the saw-buck. It does not mat ter to them that it is distaste ful to the public. And while on the subject of TV program ming. why don’t the broad casting companies save the trash for the late viewers, if they have to present it, which, ,n my opinion. Is not neces sary. The way it is now, if you want to view a good clean wholesome show, you have to stay up until 11:30 p m or 1:30 a.m. to do so. And, at times, even at that late hour, the show may not be worth losing sleep over. Another long gripe of mine is the screeching and scream ing of contestants on the day I shows, such as "Let’s Make A Deal" It has long been my 1 contention these screaming | damsels are putting on an act, I ‘«-cause they know they are I on TV, No one, least of all senior citizens, appreciate the shrill shrieks of these fair damsels. I In recent weeks there has I been a number of letters to the ’Oregon Statesman's Safety ! Valve deploring the type of shows on TV. One lady sug gests that viewers write the FCC for public hearings. Ad dress: 1919 M St. N. W., Wash ington. D.C. The airways belong to the people and the effects of sex- violenc« and gory murder mys teries on TV programming by Eva Bressler should be aired publically, op Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett enly and widely. returned home Monday from Many citizens in areas are i Longview. Wash., after spend not only out the price of their! ing a week at the home of her TV. but also TV cable, daughter and family, Mr. and entertainment I Therefore. comes pretty high, so why not Mrs. Dick Haseman and chil dren. They stayed with the get the best for your money. I I children while Mr. and Mrs. In .i ci u ide to “clean up" Haseman attended a logging the TV programming, it would conference In Eugene. help a lot if every newspaper Mrs. Wanda Schiewek and in the state would lend their her Brownie Girl Scout group support. made a tour of the People's BOOTS CHAMPION Telephone plant last Tuesday. Recent guests at the home of Trend Shows People Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Cruson Moving To Rural Life were her brother and wife, Mr. Population experts are not and Mrs. Gordon Hudson from ing a trend of people moving Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Phillips from the cities into rural areas. This change from the from the Lyons Variety Store previous trend of country-to- returned home Saturday from city migration is predicted to Los Alamos, N M.. where they visitea at the home of Mr. accelerate. | Calvin L Beale, head of the and Mrs. John Phillips and population studies group of the little son. Mrs. Edwin Pyeatt U. S Department of Agricul was in charge of the variety ture, »aid “. . . I’m thcroughly store during their absence. Mis Bessie Jobe returned convinced that the major rea son (for this) has been the home Wednesday from Yuma, tremendous change in values Arizcna, after spending three abou’ what people think is im weeks at the home of her portant. every survey taken in sister, Mrs. Dora Prinke. While the last ten years has shown there, she also visited the Im- I increasing dissatisfaction on perial Valley. Mrs Hilda Humphries from the part of the people living in Myrtle Creek is spending sev big cities.** eral days at the home of her DATSUN SERVICE brother, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston. AND REPAIR Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meek All Work Guaranteed and yea attended a wedding reception SAVE on Salem Price. for Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Shaw at the Ralph Hull home at Bel- Call 897-2062 mountain Saturday afternoon. ELMER TRIPP The newly married couple will LYONS Ideal for the home gardener with a larger garden, who needs a larger tiller with more power. Equipped with 4-hp. Tecumseh eng. ILngine: 4-hp, Tecumseh, 4-cycle. Fuel tank capaci ty: 2 quarts. Starter: positive rewind. TraiiHinis- «¡on: roller chain and sprockets in oil bath. Throttle: remote control. Clutch: V-belt with jxysi - tive fingertip control and easy lock for continuous use. Rotor «haft: l'A” diameter, case-hardened, ground and polished carbon steel. Frame: fabricat ed steel. Handle«: steel with sturdy supports and crossbrace. Rear wheels: liftable, adjustable, de tachable. Rotor«: choice of interchangeable rotors to fit every job and «oil condition. Skid grip: l’f’ x %" steel-notched adjustment. Hitch: non-slip pin settings—square-post tools. Shipping weight: (approx.) 100 lbs., without rotors. $282“ Reg. $312.00 0 m W m I with trade in Stayton Small Equipment Phone 769-2563 393 E. Florence Stayton NEW HOURS—8 to 6 Tues, through Saturday. CLOSED Sunday and Monday Mrs. John Teeters Med. Hospital in Portland. Af Guests Saturday and Sun ter a months stay there, he is day, Feb. 22 and 23, at the convaiescnng at home. home of Mrs. Violet Wallen Mrs. Gladys Kuiken of Sa were her son-in-law and dau lem was a Friday visitor at ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bom- the home of Mrs. Katie Skill berger, and children, Carrie ings. and Darrell, from Tualatin. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Smith Viaitlng one day last week and littie son from Salem have at the home of Mr. and Mrs. moved Into the house recent Earl Taylor were his sister, ly vacated by Mrs Lola Lam Mr». Fay Llechty, and Mrs. Ed bert and Wilma on Fifth St Givens, both of Silverton. Mr. Smith is youth director at Mr. and Mrs. John Shafer the Canyon Baptist Church. were gue»t« Sun., March 2, at Sunday dinner guests at the the home of their son, Mr. and home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mrs. John Shafer Jr and fam Meek and family were Mrs. ily at St. Paul. Wilma Laxton, Keith, Dearl The Gingerbread House at and Linda, Mrs. Alta Thomp Mehama opened again FrL, son of Shedd and Mr. and Mrs. Feb. 27, after being closed for Laurence Rose and Charlotte I several weeks while the In of Halsey. The occasion honor- j terior was being remodeled. ed the birthday anniversary The Mehama Firemen, their of Mrs. Laxton. wives and a few friends en Property marking tools are! joyed their annual banquet at now available at the city li- j the Riverview Saturday eve- brary and may be checked out | ning, March 1. There were 40 by the residents. Library hours present for the banquet and are 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. on Tues- most of them returned to the day, 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday clubhouse afterwards for an , and 11 to 2 p m on Saturday, evening of cards and visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Croisant Mr. and Mrs Ron Cozzins of Tillamook were Friday vis- and Bradley from Seattle were itors at the home of Lily Faris, guests during the weekend at Mr». Katie Skillings was a the home of her parents, Mr. ¡Sunday guest at the home of and Mrs. Jerry Coffman Sun ¡her brother-in-law and sister, day guests at the Coffmans Mr. — J ** — ’ James ------ - Toomb . on and Mrs. were her brother-in-law and McCully Mtn. sister. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nor Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hiatt ofi dyke from Corvallis. Mrs. Roseburg were Sunday dinner ] Coffman has been convalesc guests at the home of his sis- j ing from recent surgery. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bode- ker. Additional guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton and Shelley of Salem, Mr. and Business Students Mrs Earl Hampton and Shel- Compete In Tests I ley of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. On Tuesday, students from Douglas Hampton and little the ousiness classes participât- son, Casey, of Molalla and Eva ed in skill test sponored by Bressler of Lyons the Trend Business Colleges in I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elmer Oregon and Washington. of Albany were weekend The skill tests included guests at the home of her mo straight-copy typing, produc ther, Mrs Percy Hiatt. They tion typing, ana shorthand die- , also visited at the home of tation and transcription. their son, Mr. and Mrs. Gail The student who scores the Elmer and family. highest tn each event will then Tuesday evening guests at represent Santiam High School in a state contest to be held April 16 at Merrit Davis Business College in Salem. EXCEL GARDEN SEED Reg. 35c to 50c 25’ with this ad ea.l5c NOW ONLY . Limit 10 packages per ad. RU.TIS KEYS MADE WHILE YOU WAIT. Better get an extra key made for your house or automobile today. Bring your key with you. LET US do your glass work. We cut window glass to your measure ments We will Install the glass in frames brought to the store. Mill Citv •r Hardware Everett and Iola Hamilton Phone 897-2977 L-. a . j L I the home of Mr. and Mrs. [ her son, Mr and Mrs. Arthur George Johnson were their son Olmstead, after spending some and wife, Mr. and Mrs Charles time at the home of another Johnson and daughter, son, Mr and Mrs Ed Oim Heather, of Salem, and Wed stead at Coburg. nesday guests at the Johnson home was another son and ED LEWIN wife, Mr. and Mr». Sam John son, from Dorena. Auctioneer, Inc. Mr. and Mr». Arthur Olm Complete Auctions stead with their son, Mr. and Phone 709-54«« Mrs. Jim Olmstead of Stay Sale almost every Son. ton, spent several days last week at Summer Lake in 10 A. M. Eastern Oregon. U'Oi’Mignmenta Welcome Mrs. Rachael Olmstead re 1050 WDco Road Stayton turned Sunday to the home of I ------------ LUNCHEON SPECIAL! five Days A Week Stop in and try our Luncheon Special BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER VIV ’S STEAK HOUSE HOUS! —OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK— Santiarii Hwy. Mill City DONT Gel Your Car Tired Up Now! For Better Starting and Better Gas Mileage During The Winter Months Ahead Vern’s Shell - Towing Phone 897-2442 Mill Qty