Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1974)
:::: 2—The Mill City Enterprise. Thursday, April 18. 1974 Marilyn Assembly Has Engaged Baked Food Sale Kery Successful I I Baby Shower Honors Mrs. Charley Stewart GATES — Members of u.« Suntiam Canyon Horn«* Exten I The Gates Community Cen- sion Study Group held their I ter was the setting Wednesday, Saturday afternoon. April annuul baked food, plant and 1 April 10, for a baby shower 13, the members of Marilyn whit«* elephant sale Thursday, honoring Mrs. Charley Stew- Assembly »60. Order of Rain April 11, at the Gates Club art, Jr. Special guest of honor, bow for Girls, held a pizza and house. Norma J. Long, Woman's Page Editor Phone 897-2772 Miss Chelsea Renee Stewart, bowling party in Stayton. Committee chairman, Mrs. new daughter of the couple, Those attending from the Melvin Newberg, reported the' was admired by nil. group were Lerna Chailender. very successful. Mrs j Jacki Wilson. Suzie Lewis and Round Robin Pinochle sale George Ditter, Mrs. Donald, Coffee and punch were ( served the guests before open Judy Roten. Providing trans Hurst and Mrs. Don Glllen- portation for the group were . lnÄ t,,e <iits The cake, decor Club Meets At Drynan i water also served on the ated in tthe theme of the invi Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Lewis and committee. tations, was served luter. son Paul and Mrs. John Roten. The April project, "Deli I Home In Stayton Laura Kay Blackburn clous, Nutritious Desserts," I Those attending were Kay The engagement of Laura The Round Robin Pinochle was held over and will be . “*• ,Sh“ron M«.!«*.n VI M l Iler, Why don’t YOT subscribe t.............. - — Kay Blackburn to Randy Mo Club niet Monday evening at presented at the May ninth | , Carrie lainnquist, Ruth Tohl, to The Mill City Enterprise • berg was revealed this week the home of Mrs. Thomas Dry meeting along with “Electric ■ ‘ Mabel Yankus, Diane M imi re, Miss Blackburn is the daugh I Vai McClain. Nora Nelson, nan at Stayton Know-how." ter of Mrs. Christine Black The hostess served a dessert The business meeting was I I Shirley Hoover, Wendy Fuest bum of Mill City and Charles ED LEWIN Dittei. Helen before the «'veiling of cards. held following the sale, with man. Hannah Blackburn of Gates. AufltioMer, Inc. On Muy 6 (he club will meet election of officers. Th«* pres- i Bennett. Ethel Wills, Myrtle Mr. Moberg is the son of Mr with th«> Bid or Bunch Pi ent officers: chairman, Mrs. I Donohue. Carol Ohrt, Jose Comple+e Auc+ions and Mrs. Verl Moberg of Mill nochle Club at the horn«* of ! Gael Cutsforth; vice-chairman, | phine Ried, Mae Hillesland, Lu City. He is employed with Fred Phon« 769-5466 Evelyn Davis. f Mrs. Virgil Trout for a joint Mrs. George Ditter; and sec- , MacGregor, Moore Logging. Inc. Annette Pay- Mary Loucks, party. retary-treasurer, Mrs. Floyd Sale every Sunday The bride-elect is a student This coming Saturday. April I Swaim were elected for an-1 seno, Murtha Etzel, Colleen as Santiam High School. 10 A. M. Morgan, Cleta Wills, Betty 20. the Round Robin Club and { other year Plans are ieing made for a - Consignments Welcome their husbands will go out to , Mrs. Swaim reported on the I Shaw. Ann Carey, Mary Lou 1050 Wilco Road Stayton summer wedding to be held dinner and then go to the I I spring tour to be taken in Sa-i Suckling, Marilyn Jahn, Suzy August 16 in Mill City home of Mr. and Mrs. Arey1 lem May 8 Tour plans include ] Stewart and the hoRtesses, Podrabsky for cards. ! vislts to 'The Mission Mills’ Sharon Harrison. Pam Morris. Attending Monday evening’s M11<f>lln, • "Honeywood Inc.” I Vicki Wurd and Margaret party were: Mrs Rocky Moore 1 and ' •' — ’ "Bush House and Bush | Stromquist. who received low , ” ~ Mrs Donald, jjurn with tünch at a Salem I Unable to attend but send I Carlson, pinochle; le and Mrs ! re«taurant. Cost of the tour | ing gifts were Esther and Lor ! Robert Pratt, high. i »» ^*lvS,S' Pcr Person will t'* about $5 (X) , na Chailender, Jean Davidson. I were Mrs Joe Fencl. m Mrs. Mr n- Vir- ' m 1 Those planning to make the | Barbara Davidson, Mary Jani- I gil Trout and Mrs. David tour must be signed up by • Earhart, Mary Ednason, Au Barnhardt. members, Mrs April 30 and should contact drey Levon, Mrs. Capurros, a+ Barbara Morris. Pauline Brun George Davis, Mrs. Arey Po Mrs. Swaim. 897-2860. Margaret Boroughs. drabsky, Mrs. John MacGre Th«* group will meet at 9:00 ner, gor. Mrs. .Al Yaukus. Mrs. Bur a.m.. May 8, at the Donald Glenna Ward, Barbara and Pate, Billie Porter, ton Boroughs and Mrs. Mel Hurst home adjacent to Fred Judy Rambo, who was welcomed Moore's shop on Highway 22 Francis Thomas, Esther Cline. 261 Broadway Ph. 897-3178 back after spending the win- West of Mill City. Anyone Shirley Bowman. Mrs Kerr. i ter in Arizona. needing transportation may Sharon Crook, Laura Hirte contact Mrs. Gerald Caryl. Bessie Criswell, Lucille Har- Mrs. Don Gillenwater, Mrs. mon and Kate and Margo Ray Presler, Mrs Re. Ohmart, Jerrim So Bus Patrons May Wait For The Bus In Mrs. Jack Stoddard or Mrs. I Out Of The Weather Swaim Dr. Nevin Speaks at Members present were Mrs Ditter, Mrs. Presbyterian Service I Cutsforth. Mrs. — ’ James Donahue. Mrs. Gillen- Preaching at the 11:00 serv ! water, Mrs. Glen Hennes:, ice at the Presbyterian Church Miss Janice Lea Tayloi and Mrs. Hurst, Mrs. Newberg, on Easter Sunday morning wus Ken Lauren Walker were mar Mrs. Claire Rush, Mrs. Swaim, Dr John Nevin of Tigard. A Mrs I’resler, special number by the choir. ried Saturday, April 6, ut the Mrs. Ohmart, Santiam Chapel in Lyons. Rev. Mrs Ray Foster, Mrs. Velma “Open the Gates of the Tem Robert Harkins performed the Carey, Mrs. Richard Martin ple,” was greatly appreciated B«*side the regular members 7:00 p.m. ceremony. Organist and Mrs. Stoddard. Mrs Sophie Sofa with Matching Love Seat . . $269.00 of the choir, which is directed was Renee Luke and Judy Mu Peters was a guest Regular $319.00 by Doris Siieythe, others as rrey sang “The Lords Prayer" sisting included Lucille Riggs • and “There is Love.” 2 Hexagon Tables—One Coffee Table in red and daughter Jan, of Lowell, The bride is the daughter of Three Links Club Patty Sheythe of Seattle. The First Presbyterian Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. along the Snoqualmi«* Pass, or gold velvet—set of three only . $159.00 Church in Everett. Wash., was the newlyweds will make , Taylor and parents of the Meeting at IOOF Hall and Among college students Three Links Club met April home for the holiday and at the setting for the wedding of their first home in Everett. ' groom are Mr. and Mrs. Lauren SAVE $40.00 on the Mr. and Mrs. Rocker 11 at the IOOF Hall Vice- tending the service were Mrs. Jacqueline K. Smith to where he is a machinist at | Walker, all of Lyons president, Mrs. Eldon Hutch- Mary Gay Fleetwood, Susan Reg. Each $139.00 NOW $119.00 Ea. I Roderick C. Hayter on Satur Contour Ind. j Given in marriage by her enson presided. Dorothy, and Karen Davis. day, April 6. The new Mrs Hayter is a mother and father, the bride date of April Sleepers—Make into full size bed—from $169] The bride is the daughter of graduate of Sam Barlow High wore a snow white all floral 27 A was tentative set for an IOOF-Relie- f Mr. and Mrs Maynard C. School and Glorea Lavonne lace gown with a V-waist and kah family and friends potluck Smith, former Mill City resi- School of Modeling and is now sweetheart neckline accented dinner and social evening. The Recliners.............................. From $79.00 I dents now residing in Portland employed as a secretary. The ¡with tapered ruffled sleeves, dinner at 6:30 p.m will lx- fol Sealy Mattress and Box Springs . Ea. $59.50 Parents of the bridegroom are bridegroom is a graduate of The tiered skirt and long ruf lowed by bingo and cards with I Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wood Barrington High and attended, fled chapel length train were and low prizes and a door You Must Come In And See The Beautiful Birch cock of Lake Wenatchee. Wash. Everett Community College. trimmed in seauins. A crown high prize. Mrs. Albert Cam and Miss Norrine Crawford was] headpiece held her fingertip Mrs. Otto Weidman were ap Din ng Room Set and Bedroom Set. I veil and she carried a bouquet maid of honor and bridesmaids i pointed on decorations and were Miss Shelley Smith, sis Pearl Ketchum Is of yellow roses and white car Mrs. Walter Thomas on prize Thursday, April 18 ter of the bride, Miss Karen nations. Pinochle party at Eagles The Three Links 1 accepted Ward and Miss Holly Robin-' Honored On Her Honor maid was Miss Becky i John Hull’s invitation for the Hall. 1:30 p.m son. cousin of the bridegroom. ,'4umey in a yellow and white club to have the lunch conces- Athletic Banquet, Santiam The bride’s sister, Pamela | c ver satin gown. Miss Rhonda sion at his auction May 11 High School, 7:00 p.m Smith, and Angela Hayter. j 94th Birthday I Taylor and Miss Mary Carlson | Mrs. Weidman was elected Monday. April 22 niece of the groom, were I Pearl Ketchum celebrated were bridesmaids. They wore General Food Salem Chairman] Lions Club dinner meeting, candlelighter, Roberta Rohac her 94th birthday Easter Sun- I gowns of yellow and white 6:30 p.m.. Frontier Inn. On Hwy. 22 at Sublimity-Aunisvih* Jet. 749-2975 and Jackie Sugitowiz. niece of day at the home of iter grand- I flowers They all carried bou-, for the term. Bid or Buncn Pinochle Club OPEN Tues, thru Fri. 10 till 5:30; Sat. Close at 4 Mrs. Adolph Brunner do fhe bridegroom, were flower daughter, Mr:. Howard Far- I quets of yellow roses and at the borne of Gladys Podrab- Closed Mondays Convenient Terms nated six cups and saucers to girls. men Mrs. Ketchum now makes white carnations. Miss Julie „----- sky, 7:3(1. the club. Other hours by appointment Art Wright served as best her home with Mr. and Mrs | Harris, in a gown identical to I Mrs. Wanda Versteeg. Tuesday. April 23 man and ushers were Mark Roy Horner of Rte. 1, Lyons. the honor maid, was flower A ARP. Suntiam Chapter, trict deputy president of Bell. Dave Buchanan and hut will be remembered by lo- j gjrl and Darin Mumey was High Suntiam meeting, she trict seven A. announced Jerry Hayter, brother of the cal fnends for her many years, rlnR lM,arcr would pay Santiam Rebekah School, 7:00 p.m. groom | residence at the old camp 26, Dennis Pantovich was best Lodge »166 an official visit Wednesday, April 24 A reception followed at the logging site and in the Mill I nian and Steve Vincent and Marilyn Assembly »60 meets April 17 and all members Everett Elks Club. The bride’s. City area Steve Walker served as ushers. I wishing to be examined for at IOOF Hall at 7:30 p.m rainbow color- of lilac, blue.. Attending the buffet dinner For iier daughter s wedding. | seajs of f perfection perfection to to please please grean, peach, yellow and pink were her son and wife. Ramon Mrs. Taylor cnose a long, peach prepared , to do so at that Sponsored as a public service were used in the decorations. and Jean Roberts, granddaugh- colored dress. The bride time Following a wedding trip ter, Audrey Strickler, great- groom’s mother wore a long, Following the meeting, re granddaughter. Janice Swindle lavendar dress. Their corsages ’ and husband Bill, great-great were yellow roses and white freshments were served to the Mill City IOOF -144 and carnations. grandchildren, Cheri BEAUTY CENTER Art Brian Swindle, Mrs. A reception followed in the Phone 897-2137 Shimmin. all of Lebanon; Mr church annex. Cutting and If the number following ! and Mrs. Walter Dixon of serving the wedding cake was 239 S. W. Broadway Sweet Home; daughter Mrs. Goldy Peck Joyce Harris pre I your name on The En ELLEN HOWELL Mariam Varney of Victoria, B sided at the punch and Melvina ’ Now Working 4 Days Weekly terprise label reads The Mill City Garden Club C.. Canada. Miss Jeanne De Franklin at the coffee. Assist-1 awarded prizes to Miss Opoka’s Main and Michael Farmen of ing was Helen Mentze. Loretta , 4-74 it's time to send Monday through Saturday fifth grade students for their Mill City and the hosts. How Pope passed the guest book. a m. to b:uo p.m. participation in the Mill City ard and Alice Farmen. Stop Decorations were done by' a check for renewal. tvenings by appointment Garden Club's bird conserva ping in for a short visit during Javida Carlson. Becky Mumey, tion program the day were Mr. and Mrs. Cheryl Calavan, Cheryl Da The 1973-74 program was the Joe Lalack. Mr. and Mrs. venport and Mary Carlson. planting of a tree or trees with Glenn Roberts and family were For a honeymoon to Denver, i 1 food or shelter for birds in unable to attend. Colo., the bride wore a blue i mind. pants suit with her bridal cor-1 Mrs. Walter Thomas, chair- sage. The couple will be at i man. introduced the judges. home after April 17 in Meha-] I Mrs. Katie Skillings, Mrs. ma The bridegroom is a ware BMKÄMtRICARO ! Hazel Worth and Mrs. Beryl house man and the bride will i Bright of the Lyons Garden Monday. Aptil 22 continue her schooling. Club. Mrs Skillings named the Spanish Rice ' winners who were: Laurie French Bread 400 3rd Ave 769-2762 Stayton Carpenter, first place. $5;. Mixed Fruit Attend Memorial David Straight second place, Gingersnap $3: and Jeff Harrison and Oren Services in Salem Milk Hampton, third place each $2 Tuesday. April 23 Attending the Maundy Mrs Jennie Cauble and Mr Weiner and Bun Thursday and Memorial Serv F Velma Harrison presented Green Salad ices at the Scottish Rite Tem checks to the winning students. French Fries ple in Salem last Thursday The judges found that there Peaches were Ron O’Donnell, Morgan were very commendable ef-, Ice Cream White, Joe Bowes, and Mr. and forts among all the students ! Milk Mrs Vern Kealen of Gates and who entered. | Wednesday, April 24 Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree, Mrs. »'? 90 M -M There were no entries from Vegetable Soup J. C. Dickinson. Danny Moore, r.jiui». str. Two Lev Mr. Jerrim’s fifth grade room. Grilled Cheese Sandwich Jr., and Stanley Chance of Mill Had there been any, duplicate Chocolate Pudding I City. prizes would nave been award Milk Morgan White and Vern ed. Thursday. April 25 Kealen took part in the me- Of special interest to this Lima Beans ! morial service for the forty- year's fourth grade students Tomatoes ] two members who passed away in the Mill City bird contest to f>* PAM V Of JKXJV Bread and Butter during the past year. for 1974-75 term, when they Applecrisp Ronald Craven sang “The are fifth grade students. The Choc, or Reg Milk ■ Lord’s Prayer” and Dr. Daniel contest will be bird feeders Friday, April 26 Schultz was the speaker for 7 A. M. — 11 P. M. ORDERS TO GO--Ph. 769-5311 There will be duplicate prizes Barbecued Hamburgers the evening. for each room. The feeders will | Potato Chips Refreshments were served Seven Days A Week MILL CITY Stay+on, Oregon be exhibited and judged at the | in the dining room to the large Corn school some time during the i Strawberry Shortcake Barbara Baney, Manager J crowd who attended following fall term. Milk the service. Pizza & Bowling Party Senior Gtizens Bus Stop The MALT Shop We Open at 9:30 a.m. Friday Taylor-Walker Wed Saturday, April 6 At Santiam Chapel Ceremony at Everett, Washington Calendar Of Events 1 ANN’S Furniture & Antiques Mill City Garden Club Awards Prizes I Säte 49 Womens Leather Sandais only S7.95 School Lunch Menu Dick & Carols Shoes and Apparel SPECIAL SALE ITEMS