Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1974)
ported that the city’s planning P THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE board commission is four mem P. O. BOX 348 PHONE 897-2772 MILL CITY. ORE. 973« on the city's attempt to col bers short. Those an Published at MUI City, Marten County, Ore. enry Thursday. lect over $2.200 special audit i tne commission are Lee Boe- I Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Office at Mill ing expenses from the bonding I ckstiegel. Nils Bittner, Bar City, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879 company. The special audit , bara WTutely. Ruth Huber and The Mill City Enterprise assumes no financial responsibility ing expenses relate back to i Robert Kirk. Action is planned for errors in advertisements. It will, however, reprint without when city recorder. Judy Van to fill the vacancies. charge or cancel the charge for that portion of an advertisement DETROIT — The regular Fleet, allegedly appropriated - A report was given on re meeting which is in error if The Enterprise is at fault An independent ----- -—- of — Feb. ----- 12. 1974, of' --, city funds without authoriza- modeling the city recorders of newspaper, dedicated to the development of the timber industry Detroit City Council was called tiOa WycoK «¡4 th< bonding fice. Mayor King said tenta TO THE EDITOR to order at 7^5 p.m by Mayor iCompanv has agreed to p^. and agriculture in this area. Mr Mayor and tive plans are to put in built- Jim King Council members back the $2.173 Mrs. VanFleet Members of Council: in separate filing cabinets so presen: were Joe Arsenault. allegedly took, but refused to that each council member will Gentlemen: MPIBFW NATIONAL NEWSPAPER David Wilde. Joyce Crist and pay city auditing expenses. Our purpose in submitting' REGULAR iwT have his own MONTHLY Oregon Robert Layman. There were 12 The costly auditing expense Mayor King said Consumers our ‘letter to the editor’ that; COUNCIL MEETING: Feb 13. CT NNA SUSTAINING : Newspaper citizens present. was due to some of the city's Power has offered to remove was published in the Mill City I 1974. * •” Bi urusLi Publishers City recorder. Ruth Thomas records missing, according to two fold. First, we wanted | son. read the minutes of the city officials. Following a a large tree close to the city Enterprise on Feb 7. 1974 wasj The regular monthly coun Association Jar. 8 and gave a discussion on the subject, the hall free of charge. The tree! I answers to questions that arose cil meeting was caUed to order is interfering with power lines SUBSCRIPTION RATES at 8:15 p.m. by Council Presi treasurers report The minutes city council authorized Wy- and is damaging the roof and as we studied the Nov. 19731 dent HoweU in the absence of $5 00 I were approved as read update proposal; Second, we the mayor, who was excused Marion-Linn Ci unties, per year------------- ' ckoff to pursue the claim foundation of the city hall City attorney Ralph W. G. «gainst the bonding company $5.50 Uutside Marion-Linn Counties, per year There was a short discussion wanted to arouse local public I Counciimen Wills and Council- __ $6.00 Wyckoff of Salem was pres for auditing expenses on the 1974-75 budget and on awareness that Mill City does ; woman Carey present. Council Outside Oregon, per year___________ ent and gave a progress report j a major problem man DeMain arrived late. Relating back to recen: van- the updating of the city char- I , have Editor and Publisher GEORGE LONG_______ 1 dalism when four windows ter. March 19 has been set for (whether or not the people ___________Printer The council accepted the ap- RAYMOND E. PRESLER were broken at Detroit City a special meeting to discuss the want the problem) that must I poimment of James W. Ja- NORMA LONG ______________ Society and News Editor be solved. Hall, a short discussion was updating of the city charter. I quette to fill out the council' ROSE CREE . ___________________ Local News Editor We welcome your reply in term left vacant by Mr. | MARY KELLY held on whether the breakage City recorder. Ruth Thomas ___________________ Local News Editor the Feb. 14 Enterprise and are was covered by insurance. City son. reported -he city received Brunner’s resignation. The re-1 CORRESPONDENTS recorder Thomasson said that $221.06 cigarette tax revenue I grateful for the Feb. 11 letter corder swore in Mr. Jaquette. Detroit-Idanha - ____________________ Boots Champion apparently the city had no in for the quarter ending Dec. from Clark A Groff that was . _ The minutes of the last regu- Gates________ _______________________ Joyce Presler surance on this type of damage 31. 1973. Liquor revenue re handed out at the Feb. 1 lar council meeting of Jan. 9. Lyons ___ ________________________ Eva Bressler council meeting. In addition, because it was so costly. ceived was $750.46. 1974 were read and approved. Mehama ... ___________________ Mrs. John Teeters Meeting adjourned at 10:00 we are truly thankful for the Former mayor. Cliff Me The recorder read the police overflow of local citizens that report: traffic citations: 8; MiUan thanked the council p.m. attended this council meeting. traffic warnings: 11; munici for a potted plant he received If we have been successful in pal citations: adult 3. juvenile ACTION NEEDED following his release from the De+roH Cougars Paw awakening public awareness 3; jail record: prisoners lodg hospital. and if we have aroused a pub ed 1; court record: cases pro Street Commissioner Robert OSSD Tuesday Night lic interest in this maiter. our cessed 14; incidents - com (Bob) Layman, gave a report Turnovers took their toll 1 as on repair of some of the city | Detroit pounded out a 74-44 letters will not have been in plaints: 72; case reports: 10 streets. He said many of the I Casco League win over Oregon vain. accidents reported: 2; money Your letter indicates the received (fines): $163.00. streets are badly in need of ■ State School for the Deaf in a repair but that more rock was I I Tuesday night basketball duel matter of sewers will be on the The bills were read. Council November 1974 ballot. Over man Wills suggested that $80 needed to complete the job. • ! there last week. three months have elapsed He said that a new culvert or. OSSD stayed in range the be withheld from the Mill City ditching system is sorely need- I : first quarter, trailing only 14- since the publication of the Hardware biU until the order ’ update proposal ’ dated Novem ed in the area of Slaydens j 10 with eight of the Panther is completed and that the biU Resort. Mr. Slayden, who was j 1 points coming from Paul Sin- ber 1973. Th? less than nine for backhoeing not be paid as months remaining is a very present, offered to grant the i gleton. Detroit then doubled tlie work was contracted for ' city an easement across the the score up on the Panthers short time in which to alert the state. Moved by Carey, and inform the public to ask front of his property for the I and puUed away. Singleton seconded by Wills to pay the project. Layman told the' was the leading scorer for ing them to vote on such a vi bills with the exception, in the tal issue We are glad the ball I council he did not feel that the OSSD with 22 points. . amount of $2.693.89. Passed has started to roll. resort should pay the full bill with a roU call with all aye Detroit 74 — Smith 22. Mon With reference to the above of the proposed culvert and roe 12, Rick Roth 12. Randy votes. letters and summarizing ( related installation expense Roth 10, Lynn 8, Gardner 4. 1 Moved by Wills, seconded council's open discussion per by Carey to postpone all regu since the problem is being Williamson 4. Adams 2. iod we understand the follow larly scheduled business, put- caused by city water run off. OSSD 44 — Paul Singleton It was suggested that a 24- 22. Traeger 8. McKenzie 7. ing facts are quite well agreed 11 ting it on the agenda for the inch culvert or even larger, Azure 3. Martin 3. Weimer 2. upon as stated: . I next regular meeting, and I 1. Total project costs will get to the sewer discussion. should be installed to take care Halftime score: Detroit 34— be approximately $2.800.000. of the situation. King said the OSSD 20 Total fouls: Detroit 2. The previously published .' . Four aye votes. Councilman matter would be looked into to 17, OSSD 13. Fouled out: DeMain—no. siatement that 75*7 of costs see what wouid be feasible to Azure. JV. Detroit 51. OSSD The request of Mr. and Mrs. would be carried by govern correct the problem. Tuinstra for a variance on 49. mental grant was in error. Water Commissioner Dave I trailer restrictions was referred 3. All state monies would Wilde gave a report on water to the planning commission, be loans, not grants. lines being exposed. Apparent the recommendation to be sent A All combined grants, as ' ly, many of them due to the| If fha number following ' to Councilman DeMain who I of today, would total only will make the decision on the recent freeze and water run I about $735.000.00 leaving in off. He also reported that two your name on The En variance. excess of $2.000.000 to be fi lets have been sold in a sum Moved by DeMain, seconded nanced by Mill City. If con mer home addition where pre terprise label reads nection costs (estimated at by Carey to table Richard viously a city water line had Sims’ request for a six month’s been installed across the pro 2-74 it's time to send S330 00 to $390) were to be extension on his building paid in advance, the total bond perty. He said the owner wants | permit until next meeting. request could be lowered ac the water line removed. cordingly. Bond repayments. Passed with all aye votes. In other business, it was re- | a check for renewal Councilwoman Carey assur- I- both interest and principal i ed the audience that the city Proposals Would price controls such as the would be repaid according to Affect Us AU some formula as yet to be de- park would be on next month's <>n natural gas, industry could agenda. | lermined. This formula could function better in finding the Meeting adjourned at 8:35 1 consist of enlarged connection ' pjn. answers to the energy shortage followed by a question I charges. monthly service, in this nation. Industry could | charges, foot-frontage assess- | i and answer discussion ___ between then explore new ways to find | ments, assessed valuation pro- the public and Wayne Taylor additional energy sources. rata levies or in any combined of Clark & Groff Congress should also pass concerning the sewer update application of the above. the budget control bill, which study. 5. Total amount to be fi will provide better control of Respectfully submitted nanced does approximate 28*7 federal spending. The proposed Judith Bogle of total city valuation. bill would set firm and enfor I If the above statements are 1 City Recorder ceable spending ceilings that true, we can then agreeably! will not be subject to haphas proceed together with further' zard or easy adjustment by • stitution to borrow anywhere big spenders. questions. 1. On page 7 of the Feb. 11 from $500 to as high as $1.500? Amendments should be made letter, Clark & Groff estimate What interest rate will he have ■ f*Bed to halt inflation. In- to the occupational safety act an annual payment of $111.506 : to pay on todays market. What slead. they have caused short so that certain restrictions are «‘d disruptions of indus- no longer such a burden to the to retire bonds AFTER ad sort of field inspection will prod nekton. They have small businessmen who are the vance payment of all connec the lending agency require? tion fees have been paid, What wiU this cost’ Will not hindered foreign trade. They bullwark of our economy and these fees will be approximate most want the house as secur provide many jobs. ly $350.00 per home for the ity if an appraisal proves it’s By acting now, congress original 600 users, as we un worth? Would it not be better I could provide the atmosphere derstand it This reduces the for the city to raise sufficient in which industry could con required bonding by $210.000. additional monies from the tinue to provide the nation If this money were to be in sale from bonds and then make with the best possible stand ard of living. cluded in the bond total, it this money available at a rea would require approximately sonable interest rate to those I $12.600 more per annum for a who need or desire it? It must total of $124,106.00. Does this be remembered however, that Alsea Nips Detroit not compare favorably with either of these solutions would our estimate of $125.100 based place a lien or encumberance In Clow Win Friday on a $2.085.000 bond rather on the property. than the reduced bonding fi We understand the reason ________ ________ Boots Champion gure of $1.450.000 quoted? for. agree with and do not1 ed the winning points for Alsea 2. On page 6 of the Feb. 11 fault Clark & Groff for their ‘ as they posted a 55-54 cliff-! Mrs Rubin Krieger Idanha — - 1----- ■ letter, with reference to our inflation projections, both dol- ■*---- 1 hanger win over Detroit in was released from Salem Gen question 7. is it not still agreed lar and population wise, but ■ Friday night Casco league bas- eral Hospital Friday, following that with a $7.610.000 valuation this is sugar coating the prob I ketball competition here. 15 days of hospitalization for and an annual bond payment lem. They project city valua 1 Haley finished up 16 mark medical attention. She is now of about $157.000. the tax levy tion and population expansion ers while teammate Tad Olson recuperating at hime. would have to be about $20.65 for 40 years and arrive at the had 20. Brian Smith bucketed Bill Waters, Detroit, was per thousand in addition to ridiculously low figure of $2.00 18 points for high point honors taken by Idanha Rural Fire the present tax if the tax car per thousand. We do not ques for Detroit. District ambulance last Thurs ries the full burden, and no tion their figures. We do know, Alsea 55-Tad Olson 20, M. day night about 10:30 p.m. to matter how you slice it, with however, that most of us will Schreiber 2, Stone 9. Hendrix Santiam Memorial Hospital. advance connection fees, foot not live long enough to enjoy 2, CuUey 4. B Scheiber 1, Stayton. for medical attention' frontage land area or ___ tax _ as- this _ $2 00 ___ figure. _ —_ .__________ ___ ____ . What we Haley 16. A report said his condition is lessors pro-rated formula, the want to know is what the next Detroit 54 — Smith 18, Ran improving. combined cor. to a property four or five years will cost per dy Roth 16. Rick Roth 3. Mon The Idanha Rural Fire Dis owner wiU approximate this year roe 4, Lynn 6. Williamson 2, trict was called to a Detroit levy’ All of this brings about a Gardner 5. mobile home fire about 3:00 Wouid it not be cheaper for vicious circle. The minute Halftime: Detroit 27, Alsea Thursday Local citizens had Mill City residents to put all sewers are installed, the aver- 23. Total fouls: Alsea 26. De responded to the alarm and of the expnese of this project | age user assuming a $15,000 troit 19. Fouled out: M. Schrei carried out burning blankets into one large bonding pack- property value plus 4% infla- ber. Haley, Smith and Gard and a mattress preparatory to hopefully to be purchas-! tion the first year. will be ner JV—Detroit 52. Alsea 53. the arrival of the fire depart y FHA or some similar paying approximately $27 per Friday. Feb. 22. Triangle ment No other damage was agency and hopefully at about month, if we correctly under- Lake will host Deroit JV reported other than some 5*7’ 'tand stand the figures quoted quoted. This fame at 6:15 and varsity at rmoke damage. Cause of the You ask residents to prepay' is on top of his household line 8.-00 p.m. fire was not learned. connection fees that appear to and connection fee which have approximate $400 per resi already been paid out-of-pock dence The owner must also et. Now fhe assessor comes raise money to go under his along and raises the property house, reverse the flow (in valuation through virtue of many cases 1 and lay his own having a sewer. Are we sadly tile out to the street line. This m error or is this actually the could average out to weU over way this sewer financial pic $500 in many areas of the city. ture can be projected’ Flow lines will have to be met AU of us agree that sewers and many lots will require are desirable? Given aU the hand work because many me facts, we believe the citizens chanical diggers cannot work of this community will make Phone 897-2772 in confined spaces. Could this ’he right decision come elec expense not drive many a tion day. * THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE home owner to a lending in- Concerned citizens I Detroit Council Hears Reports UTTERS EDITOR Minutes Of Qty Council NOTICE Subscribers, please check the label on your Enterprise this week. If the figure following your name is 274 your subscription has expired. Why not send in a check for your renewal today. By Subscribing to THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE YOU SAVE MONEY DETROIT IDANHA You can save more than the subscription price of The Enterprise by reading the ads and then taking advantage of the bargains offered. Try it and see. SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Marion and Linn Counties Outside Marion and Linn but still in Oregon Outside the State of Oregon The Mill City Enterprise ON TARGET EVERY TIME