Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1958)
GATES the home of his sister, Mrs. Joseph Bowes last week. His son. Tommy Mr. and Mrs. D<-n Hiner were V’.S- remained for a weeks visit, but his ted b.v oldtime fr.ends one day this sister went on to Port’and to visit her _......... Moffett grandmother. On Sunday the Bowes I week, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C, ’ *' of Oakland, California. The follow- and Tommy fished in the Detroit ,ng day Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Glass Reservoir. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rynearson, Su ford arrived from Loma Linda, Cali fornia. The Glassfords and Hiners sie , and Dickie, drove to Redmond on • were friends of long standing back in Monday, and were overnight guests, of Mr. and Mrs. W B. Galligan. Michigan. Mrs. Lincoln Hennes« of Salem, one Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt and daughter Marcia are spending the of i Gates oldest oldtimers, was in two days, this week, visiting. weekend at East Lake, camping, Gates i her brother Mode Davis of Mill City boating and fishing. Gordon (Bobby) Devine spent the whp celebrated his 82nd birthday and weekend at the home of his parents, was an overnight guests or her sister- Mr. and Mrs. Merle Devine, who gave in-law. Mrs. Maude Davis and a birthday dinner for him. Present granddaughter Kit Overlock of Seat-1 besides the parents, were Mr. and tie. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones of Eu Mrs. Pete Etzel and three boys of Fern Ridge, Marlin Cole and Delmar gene, were gueste of the L. L. Ry- Syverson of Mill City, Irvine Tuck nearsons on Sunday. Mrs. Jones and er, and brother Wayne and sister Lor Zeda Rynearson were formerly ena Devine, at home. Bobby just re schoolmates in Hood River, and had cently arrived from Korea and will not seen each other for 19 years. be released from Ft. Lewis this week. Their husbands were school pals al Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelle and Mr. so, and its hard to tell who did the and Mrs. Sanley Walzcak of Mill most talking. Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Hayward of City drove to Eugene recently to at Portland visited his mother, Mrs. tend a meeting of Nutria raisers. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stafford Walter Brisbin one day this week. and children of Dexter, Oregon spent They were accompanied by her mother the weekend here with his parents, Mrs. Shonnery. Mrs. Cora Harmon, of Salem, vis Mr. and Mrs. George Stafford, and ited at the home of her son Harry other relatives. Mrs. Dick Parker and three daugh Harmon on Monday. She reports she ters accompanied her husband to is selling her Salem home, and plans I Trout Lake, Washington last week to live in McMinnville, near her end, where he has been employed daughter. Mrs. Cora Lee Toepfer and this summer and all enjoyed a weeks family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley, and outing. Mrs. George Sauve had her trailer , children Nadine and Keith, of Red- uvunr ivwcu to m Brookings v. house towed on Thurs- I lands, California were luncheon guests day^this *week” Md'she'^and 'her two « the home Mr. and Mrs Wm. children, Ned and Cheryl and the Hutcheson on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. I family pets follew by car. Her old- M'^y were both teachers in the er .on, Kenneth Kanoff wtll remain ^h<>ol several years ago, At with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. P«*nt they are staying with her Ned Riehards for the time being as Parents, the Bollmeiers, in Salem, he is employed at the Stayton Can- but plan more trips to this canyon nery. Mr. Sauve has been employed area during their months vacation at Brookings for some time Mr »nd “»• Charles McKee form Mrs. Myrtle Phillips, now of Sac- er Gates fo.ks, but now of Amity, ramento. California an aunt of Mrs. we_r®.vi8’,ting_b5‘eJ;* 1„y1 Winnifred Sauve, visited at the Ned cently. Accompanied by two owmen Richards home this week. She made companions from California they were her home in Lyons for many years, on their way to Y'ellowstone Park and in Salem, also before moving to for a vacation. Mrs. Velma Carey spent several California. Mrs. Florence Morrison of days last weekend at the home of her | Lakeview also called this week. Richard Tomlin of Oakland, Cali- son, . Norman Carey - »nd two children fomia visited a couple of days this ’n Albany. On Sunday they a at-1 week with the Harold Morton family. I tended the 8th annua, reunion of I The Mortons now operate the Chili, former Gates residents at the home ■ Bowl Cafe, and Tomlin is a brother °f Mrs. Howard Taylor (Louise, of Mrs. Morton. IGrafe) at Lebanon. There were many j Mr. and Mrs. Don Hiner, who have families present, and a bountiful been living in the Gates Trailer Court din"er was held on the picnic ground, will now make Mill City their home,, by the^ Santiam River. Also going having purchased the Mel Warner i from Gates were Mrs. Maude Davis home. Hiner is employed by Gene and granddaughter Kit Overlock of Teague Chevrolet, in Stayton. ¡Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon Robert Schobert and two children and daughter Lori Susen, and Mrs. from Redding, California arrived at Frankie Johnson. ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kist entertain- ' ed on Sunday for her sister. Miss Bertha Zeinert of St. Paul, Minne sota. with a large family dinner out I | on the lawn of their Oak Park Motel. Coming for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dixon of Newberg, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dixon, Nancy and : Scott from Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bilyeu and son, Dick of | Woodburn. Mrs. Olive Barnhardt and Mrs. Gwenn Schaer who have been at tending OEC at Monmouth for the past several weeks, finished their, course on Friday and will have a brief I vacation at their homes before ¡teaching in the Gates school. Mrs. j Robert Blumenstem finished her be ginner course this week also. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Henness had guests this week from Long Beach,1 Calif.. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grover and Mrs. Dorothy Bishop. They lived in1 i Gates previously, when Glover was employed at the dam. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Spoelstra of Portland, were guests Sunday at the Harold Wilson home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Henness drove to Portland Sunday, to attend grad uation exercises at Providence Hos pital, where Miss Geralyn Norris, bride-elect of their son, Earl, re ceived her cap. A reception followed, and later a group of friends and relatives celebrated with a dinner at the Chinese Lantern. Mrs. H. N. Wilson 1 li ’iij ---- ■ Your To Buy • To Build * To Refinance... 9*t a U.S. National Home Loan . 4 I • Acura, growing children can suddenly make g house seem small and cramped. A home where everyone has room to work, play and live can add much to home enjoyment. Realtors and builder« are now offering -‘r- Rae borne« for your «election. When von find the home or plan« of vour < hole«, aee US for the right financing Adían ta gts of a U. S. National Rea! Estate Loan • ■XPIRIINCID SIRVICI U.S.Nutooal ha« th* eaperieace and It no «how •o h«lp plan a aound fnaming program lor you. ♦ "TAILOR ID-TO-YOU” tirms U. i. N m I om J offer« regular bank Urna« FKA Mnaocing. oa Mr mi to Ot your If You Can't Shop In Stayton DURING THE BIG BACK TO SCHOOL SALES EVENT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY AUGUST 21, 22, 23 FREE PRIZES BARGAINS Stayton Retail Trade Bureau Stayton, Oregon a HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS Sales and Service GREENOUGH'S SAW SHOP Phone 7351 Gates, Oregon Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 • MMI City • • Open 6 a. m. to 10 p. nx Closed Mondays The Good Light Beer Heidelberg Slow Brewed uy it at Home WE INVITE YOU TO DRAWINGS 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 195b___ WE’LL BUILD A SHELTER FOR YOUR HOME! The home that shelters you needs shelter . . . in the form of insurance coverage, com* mensúrate with today’s high property values. CHECK WITH US ... SOON D. B. HILL INSURANCE COMPANY SEE DS SOON Phone 1708, MW City, Oregoa