Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1958)
»—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, Al GUST II, 1958 FOX VALLEY Mrs. J. H. Johnston Kathryn Johnston spent her vaca tion of three days with the Clair Humphreys family of Myrtle Creek. By Mrs. John Tee’ers Harry Hudlow of Pa-*eo. Wash., They met her in Eugent early last visited during the weekend with his Monday and went to several lakes i COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN daughter’s family here, the Rev. and on a fishing and camping trip. They , Full Gospel CHURCH Mrs. James Hardy and children. didn’t catch many fish but had a nice I Mehama Rev. E. B. Jewett, [’»«tor Kathleen Hudlow, who has been with time camping. Kathryn returned home ) Rev Jam»« Hardy, Pastor her sister’s family for several weeks, Wednesday night. Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:45 a. m Bible School, 10:00 a. m. returned home with her father Sun Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Freda Thayer went to Portland j Worship Hour, 11:00 a. m day evening. Morning Worship 11 a. m. • recently to take Don Aardappel for A friendly welcome to all. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hughes and a visit with his mother, before he Evangelists Service 7:45 p. m. o • o family of Astoria spent part of their leaves for the winter at Paisley where j Bfble Study. Tn»«d«v 7:45 p. B< D etroit church of christ vacation here at the home of Mr. I I Freda will teach this year. Her school • a a Glen Lyda, Minister Hughes’ mother, Mrs. E. J. Hughes will begin after Labor Day. She was GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH and also visiting other relatives. | at Paisley last week making arrange- Sunday school at 10:45. OF CHRIST „ quarters. ______ Mrs. E. J. Hughes and Mrs. D. C. I ■ merits for ....... Morning Worship at 11. living Donald L. Hobaon, Minister • • • Hughes accompanied Mr. and Mrs. M 4‘ I George Parson of Hubbard, was Sunday School, 10:00 a. tn- assembly of god church , V. Frame of Oakridge to Portland a Fox Valley caller Sunday afternoon. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. ou Saturday to attend the wedding of Mrs. Helen Davie. Footer Young People’s Class 1:00 p. b . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and Barbara Mulkey to Thomas Holl- three boys were business visitors at Sunday school 10 a. m. and Choir Practice. Mrs. Diane Hob- craft. Barbara is a niece of Mrs. E. Sandy last Saturday. Morning worship 11 sun. J. Hughes and Mrs. Frame. Evangelistic Hour, 7:45. Adult Bible Class 5 00 p. a. Mrs. Paul Schiewek and Mrs. J. H. Bert Bailey and son of Spring Wednesday. Cottage Prayer Most- Johnston wereiu Albany Monday fore field visited Saturday afternoon at tag. 8:00 p- m- the Julius Tietze home. Mr. Bailey noon. Mrs. Johnston was excused • • • reported that his wife, Francis was from jury duty until August 13. FREE METHODISM CHURCH Donnie Stockdale of Mill City vis recovering nicely from recent major HOMELITE North MiB City ited Donnie Aardappel Saturday. surgery. Rev. Gena E. Dnsidaoa. Poster CHAIN SAWS The boys went with Freda Thayer to Friday guests of Mrs. Mabel Pat Sunday school at 9:45 a.m ton were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pyree Scio Saturday afternoon where they Morning worship 11 EWes and Service of Salem, who made their home here had a good time fishing and swim Evening service 7:30 p.m Peoples Services every Sun- for many years. Visiting Sunday ming while Freda visited her cousin GREENOU GH'S Young with Mrs. Patton were, Mr. and Mrs. Edith McKnight. lay at 6:30. Vern Patton of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pin SAW SHOP I Jack Patton and family of Lebanon their little grandson, Bobby Johnston • • • Phone 7351 OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stoddard of were Mill City callers Saturday. i Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Parson and Jordan. Oregon Gates, Oregon Visitors Sunday at the K. J. Gol four children spent several days visit Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor t’ass: 1st. 2nd, and 5th Sunday at liet home were Mrs. Golliet's parents, ing relatives at Sixes. They returned i Mr. and Mrs. George Ramp of home Tuesday night of last week. 4:30 a.m. Mass: 3d and 4th Sunday 10c30 a m. j Brooks and an uncle and aunt, Mr. I and Mrs. Malcom Ramp of Salem. • • • SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts and ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC i daughters, Gerry and Jo and Vicki CHURCH. MILL <WTY Grosso of Lyons, spent Sunday af- Mass at 9’15 a m. every Sunday . ternoon at Depoe Bay. The girls en- Confessions heard before Mavs. Fr. Senko, Pastor | joyed a trip on a deep sea boat and they were out beyond the three-mile e e e limit for the first time. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Jo Roberts is spending this week Benjamin A. Lawrence, Minister at the Santiam Music Retreat at San- Sunday school 9:45 a. m. tiam Lodge. The week’s retreat will for your every day Morning worship 10:55. end with a concert at Suttle Lake Evening Sendee, 8:00. needs Lodge Friday evening. August 15. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday. 8 p Mrs. Norman McAlister of Mac- m. leay visited Monday at the Otis see Kellom's Grocery Marks home and with Mrs. Jennie CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Moe. Your Neighborhood Dever* Real Estate Building. Gates A group of Mehama people were Grocery guests Saturday at the Albert Stev- Sunday. 11 a m. Wednesday meeting. 4th Wednes- ens home for a hamburger fry and YOU’LL FIND SOME GOOD Mill City, Oregon pot luck supper. Present were Mr. lay •' 8 p. m. SELECTIONS IN THE CLASSIFIED and Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. SECTION OF THIS NEWSPAPER Austin Longfellow, Mr. and Mn. TO BUY OR SELL. Harold Longfellow, Mr. and Mrs. Art Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilt- NEWSPAPFP »DVFPTISING se and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Stev IS YOUK oui ocl. ens. The "Musical Grant" Evangelistic party will be Eugene Clason came home the first of the week from Santiam Me gin an area-wide Revival Meeting at the Mill City morial hospital where he spent six [ weeks as the result of a crushed leg. ASSEMBLY OF GOD He expects to have his leg in a cast for several months. Dinner guests recently at the Ray- ' mond Branch home were Mrs. A. W. ¡Connell of Hillsboro, Mrs. Grace Services each evening at 7:45 Loomis of Portland and Mrs. Con nell’s house guests, Miss Margaret The public is invited to hear the Grant Evan Lintott and Miss Ada Smedley both of Derby, England. Later in the I gelistic Party". They are well-known for their un evening the ladies left for Redmond usual musical ability and effective gospel preach where they were to be guests of Mrs. Connell's sister’s family. After their ing throughout the United States. Oregon visit the English ladies will spend some time in California before flying back home. Both Miss Lintott I and Mis« Smedley are neighbors in I Derby of Mrs. Arthur Brown, who has been a pen pal of Mrs. Branch for’ over eight years. f FOR THE MEH A M A NABISCO GRAHAM HUNT'S TOMATO EVANGELISTIC SERVICES The Mill City Enterprise ' Tuesday Evening, August 19 PORTER« LAU SANTIAM CHAPEL AT LYONS Jay Beebe, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Church Services 11:00 a- m. Evening service at 7:36 p. m. Young People’s service. Thursday evening 7:30 p. m. Jacquie Walker, | president. Prayer meeting and Bible study | Friday evenings 7:30 p. m. • • • LYONS METHODIST CHURCH Charles McCarthy, Paator Sunday school at 9:45 a. m- Worship service. Ham. Womens Society of Christian Ser- [ vice meet» 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month with Mrs. Wilson Stevena as president. • • • IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Morning service II a.m. Evening service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday prayer meeting at 7 ?0 p. m. Sunday school 10 a.m. a It’» IKS to know o tslephona '• nearby >n a *ituot>oo fcko this. The doctor, police or fir» deportment . . . oil are ju»t a few second» oway In on emergency or for ¡v*t rovine talk, yOvr telephone i» olwayt r-»ody to »er»« you- Twenty ‘oar hour» o doy, every doy, it <» there to helo a a FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mil) Cfty Rev. Robert Roach, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11:00 a m Music by choir. Midweek services Wed- 7:30 p m. • • • ST. PATRICK'S PARISH Lyons, Oregon Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Mass: 3rd and 4th Sunday 8:30 am. Rev Bernard Nenman. SDS.-Psstor SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST S. W- Second Street. MW City Sabbath School, 9:30 a. m. Satur day. Morning »ervice, 10:45 latardsy Visitor» welcome. make your life better VALLEY TELEPHONE COMPAANY Serving Mill City-Gates, Aumsville, Detroit- Idanha' Silverton, Turner When you need PRINTING MILL CITY ENTERPRISE À 6cans 49c Sauce WHIFF DOG 6cans 49e Food BLUE BELL Potato Chips re9-59cl»x4g< VAN CAMP'S 2'/j size Pork ¿Beans 2 for 45c Hl - WEST Frozen Peas 2 pkgs. 25c KELLOM’S GROCERY lb. box 37c Crackers FRESH PRODUCE CELERY Bunch TOMATOES 2 lbs. I Oc 19c FRESH MEATS SWIFT'S PREMIUM BONELESS Veal Roast Ken Golliet Prices Effective MEHAMA, OREGON Your Friendly IGA Store Aug. 14. 15. 16 I