Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1954)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE VOLL ME X NIMBER IS 12.50 a Year, J 0<- a Copy . 22. 1954 Chipper Mill To Start Operation In Ten Days DETROIT DAM WEATHER (Courtesy of Corps of Engineers) Daily 7:30 A M. Readings M.S.L. Pool Elev Max. Min. Pep. 13 65 43 1.00 1,547.41 14 53 0.10 1,548.71 38 15 0.00 1,550.28 54 35 0.00 1.550.42 16 68 36 17 0.00 1,551.36 39 74 18 0,00 1,552.83 65 39 60 0.00 1,554.51 19 35 20 0.00 1,555.01 48 37 Talent Tryouts at Lions Club Meeting Businessmen Organize to Promote City Betterment Date Ticket for the Lions Club TahAit Apiri Show were distributed to members at j Api il the met • ting Monday night. A contest | A chipper mill is expected to be April About 38 businessmen of Mill City is on a it the present time with the lr. operation east of Mill City within Garden Club (’on vent ion Apri) met last Wednesday night to form a friendship hall of the Pre-byteriaa loseis t to buy the dinner for the win- church to further discuss the situ*- the next 10 days, accoiding to Philip To Be Held Saturday Api il ners following the sale of the tickets. group to work for the betterment of tion and lay the foundation for a long- O. Leitherer of Portland, owner of the April At Legion Hall Here Money for the ticket sales is to be the city, to attempt to get more in range promotion program. outfit. The Mill City Garden club will play April turned in to the treasurer Monday dustry into this area, and to promote Discussion on the street situation Elton Madden is the foreman of I April a general clean-up campaign. night. took up considerable time. A commit the plant and about five men are host to garden clubs of the district Elected as president of the group Contestants showing up for tiyouts working at the present time installing comprising Benton, Linn, Polk and was Charles Kelly. Bill McCarthy was tee, Charley Stewart and Howard for the show Monday night were the machinery. The plant will chip Marion counties at the Legion hall elected vice president and Don Becker was appointed to woik on a Donnalee Oliver of Gates, who played committee to check on the coast of a wood for pulp mills. They also plan here Saturday, with registration fiom Moffatt, secretary. 9:30 to 10 a. m.‘ a piano solo. Jean and David Prideaux to make broom handles. The men, all fired w-ith enthusiasm, street oiling program and to report The program will be opened by a sa of Lyons played an accordian and piano When the plant is in operation, Mr. have called another meeting for to at the meeting tonight. duet and Terry Dustan and Dale Lee Knowles and Verne Shaw were Leitherer stated about 12 men would lute to the flag led by the Stayton night (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. at the Woodard, both of Mill City, sang appointed to draft a name for the or be used. They plan to operate 12 club, under the direction of Marie ganization. The American Legion Auxiliary held solos. months a year and to use local help Freies. The state conservation pledge will be led by Mrs. C. V. Christensen its regular Theie is still time for those wish ___ ______ _ __ _ ___ A discussion about signs directing meeting at _______ the Legion wherever they can. of the Scio club. The visitors will be hal] Monday evening, with department >nK to audition for the talent show the public to the business center of welcomed by members of the Mill City piesident of Oregon, Lois Erickson which will be held at the Mill City Mill City was also discussed, but no ! club and group singing will take of Portland as a special guest. May Theatre, April 29. action was taken at the first meeting. place from 10:15 to 10:30. Mrs. Sam Witcome, department secretary, was I The nominating committee pre- The group went on record as being Burch, Santiam district director will I also an honored guest from Portland, sente.i the following names for the in favor of a general city-wide clean give the reports of club presidents on Chief busines at the Woman’s club up, paint up progiam, where the resi During the business session, under various offices: Frank Hunter, How the activities of the year. A pot luck the supei vision of Joan Cauble, presi ard Means, piesident; Home.- Thack meeting Tuesday night consisted of dents of the city are asked to co dinner will be served at noon with Mrs. dent, the girls were chosen who will er, Bob Hill, 1st vice president; Martin the report of the nominating comniit- operate in cleaning up and painting Marilyn Assembly, Order of Rain E. D. Cooke giving the invocation. I attend Girls’ State in Salem. They are Hansen and Bill McCoy, 2nd vice . tee for next year’s officers, who will up their premises. bow for Girls, had several visitors Opening the afternoon program the ¡Carol Andreas.-en of Mill City, and president; Harold Kliewer and Al Nes-| take office in the fall. Unanimously from Chadwick Assembly in Salem at —.. o._ .... . of - Gates. bitt, 3rd vice president; Bob Thoipe ! elected were: piesident, Mrs. O. K. high school band will present a num- t>_ Patty Stewart the regular meeting Wednesday even- . ber and Judy Podrabsky will play two DeWitt; 1st vice president; Mrs. Delos Paper flowers were made for the and Jay Mason, secretary-treasurer; ~ ing. Three girls attended from Chad marimba numbers. I “wheel-chair” parade of the Veter Buzz Fleetwood and Don Moffatt, tail Hoeye; 2nd vice president, Mrs. A. E. wick, the Worthy Advisor and the | At 1:30 Mrs. Dorothy Frank, state ans’ Hospital in Portland, which takes 1 twister; Jim Poole and Vai White, Westgaard; recording secretary, Mrs. Associate Advisor included. president will give her report on the place during the visit of the Queen Lion Tamer; Burton Boroughs and Harry Mason; corresponding secre Robert Draper, worshipful master national convention which was held ; Hugh Walkup for board members. tary, Mrs. William Stewart; and of the Masonic Lodge, was introduced in the South. Mrs. Franks represented of the Portland Rose Festival each June. Poppies were also put on cards I Hugh Walkup asked Lion members treasurer, Mrs. John Baldwin. Serving A number of local residents at and presented a gift. 1 five states at this convention, Idaho, to be displayed in business house | to sign up to give blood when the on the nominating committee were tended the impressive candle-light Plans weie made for the banquet Washington, Oregon California and windows in anticipation of the annual bloodmobile comes here Friday. It will Mrs. M. G. Rambo, Mrs. Roger Nelson, marriage service held in the First to be given honoring their secret Nevada. She will show slides and pic be at the high school between the Mrs. C. M. Cline, and Miss Daisy- Methodist church at Salem, at 8 poppy sale. Masonic “fathers,” the date to be tures taken while at the convention. 1 Geddes. Plans were made for a dinner on i hours of 4 to 7 p. m. o'clock Saturday evening, when Miss Wednesday, April 29 at 6 o clock, The theme of the national convention May 1, honoring al! past Commandeis1 Repoit on Campfire work was given Marilyn Mull, daughter of Mr. and The initiatory degree will be put on was "Wayside Parks and Gardens.” and past presidents of District No. 2. ! by the leader, Virginia Hoeye, who Mrs. Eldon Mull of Independence, be that evening, also. Completion of 144 squares for the stated that leaders' day at Camp Kilo came the bride of Ensign James A special meeting honoring mothers 1 afghan to be sent to Korea was re wan, near Falls City, would be held Cooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. of the girls is scheduled for 7 o’clock, ported. Ditty bags for the Vets hos on May 18, arrangements to be made Cooke of Mill City. Dr. Brooks Moor« May 12, when a dessert and entertain pital were also turned in. with Mary Ann Stewart. Mothers in officiated. ment will be given for them. Election At the close of the meeting, re- Miss Carol Cooke, younger sister terested on going on this visiting trip of officers will follow, during the fprshments were served by Marie and i __ _______ ______ _ telephone of Ensign Cooke, assisted in th* President A. __________ E. Nesbitt ____ and ____ secre- to the summer ___ camp may business meeting. i Delores Stewart, hostesses for the tary Elaine Kiersey presided over the Mrs. Ramsey Parker at 3542. candle-lighting, and Raymond Peter About 14 girls are planning to at-• Funeral services weie conducted at j evening. I reguar PTA meeting at the high school I Suggestions turn in, to be voted on son of Oregon State College, and Gary tend .Giand Assembly in Baker in Bollman’s Funeral home, Dallas, on . auditorium last Wednesday night.: next time, were meeting only once a Peterson of the University of Oregon, June, by charteied bus, according to Saturday, for Frank Sheythe, 75, of iI Bloodmobile To Be Here Local delegate to the State PTA con month, and meeting at the high school cousins of the bridegroom, were ush the Mother Advisor, Mrs. W. B. Perlee, who passed away at his home vention in Salem will be Mrs. Howard recreation room as formerly. ers. Both formerly attended high Friday from I to 7 :30 P. M. Shuey. Jan Ross of Marilyn Assem Thursday, April 15, following a short Means, newly elected president of the i school here. bly has been chosen to be a member 1 It has been announced that the It was announced that the State illness. Mr. Sheythe, who had engaged Miss Donna Cooke, the bridegroom’! organization. Appointed on the hos- Convention will meet of the Grand Choir during Grand Bloodmobile will be set up at the in Portland this in the lumbering business, and was a other sister, who is still on crutches i pitality committee for the convention week, April 21-23, Assembly, which is an honor for the President Mrs. high school recreation room in Mill member of the Evangelical United as the result of an automobile acci j were Mrs. Roger Nelson, Mrs. Don I local group. i Brethren church, was the father of City this Friday, April 23, from 4 to | Moffatt, Mis. A. E. Nesbitt and Mrs. i John Muir to attend all day Friday. dent four months ago, presided over 7:30 p.m. It will not be necessary to Donald Sheythe of Mill City. : Kenneth Crosier. I _ The Marion County Federation of the guest book. 1 The electric holwater tank. recenUy ! tlub!' on Jriday^ I Glimpsed at the ceremony and re- Firemens Auxiliary .Meets Other survivors include the . . make appointments in advance. The appearance < of the Bloodmobile . , ____ - , . ______ irvm at Detroit Ella, of Pedee; two other sons. Fran _______ ... ' purchased for the _______________ reacreation room • April 30 in the school k ? hi hi i/riiuu, ception from here weie Mr. and Mrs. At Hall Tuesday Night here is being sponsored by the Mill of the high school by the PTA is to. “nd a number will attend. j nert Morris, Mrs. Glen Shelton, Mis» The Mill City Firemen's auxiliary- cis of Corvallis, and John of Leban City Masonic lodge, with Vern Claik be installed as soon as possible. I i Program for a uu>- dis-I Vera Loucks, , Francis Clark, Mrs. on; a sister, Luvena Simpson of Pe- j insuiiiea as soon as possiDie. ■ ivamii, ivi the uk evening <-> cu , uk was a »ei» liuucks met at the firehall Thursday evening, and W. B. Shuey as co-chairmen. Fern the ’ cussion and demolisti demonstration It was voted to donate $5 to theicussion ation on flower 1 Charles Kelly, Miss Leia Kelly and dee; and six glandchildren. Born at! with Mrs. Tex Blazek anti Elma Stew . r.->.... 1 1 11 Vi- Hazel II..-^1 Bartlett of ' 1 her __ _______ Î..I Pedee on May 21, 1879, Mr. Sheythe | Shuey, Mother Advisor of the Rain Cancer Fund drive. ».!• Five dollars was 1 « ai . .... ranging L-. by Mrs. fiance, John Gabrieison, who is art as hostesses. Delore Stewait has was a lifelong resident of that dis- i bow Gills of Marilyn Assembly, has 1 also set aside to assist in sending near Brooks. Many unusual contain- stationed with the army at the Pre taken Phyllis Flatman’s place as secre arranged for some of the girls to as i «rs and arrangements were shown. sidio, California. Also attending wet* tary as the Flatmans are moving . trict, martying Ella Ritner on No- sist in the pi eparations. As the blood I a high school girl to Gil Is’ State. I vember 2, 1902. Burial was in Oak Mrs. Robert Veness announced that with clever hints added. Members of Mr. and Mrs. Don Peterson and fam- away. is badly needed for replacements, it is ■ Lawn Cemetery at Corvallis. the annual movie, sponsored by the the Garden club were special guests ily of Gresham, and Mr. and Mr». During the meeting it was decided hoped that a large number of donors I Walter Peteison of Salem, uncles of PTA had been secured, the picture to | Lor the evening, to donate to the cancer drive and t<> Hospital Auxiliary Meets . will turn out for this worthy cause. be "Y’oung Tom Edison, "with Mick Committee serving refreshments the bridegroom, and former resident» purchase two new- card tables for the A new ruling on blood donors has ey Rooney. An educational short sub were Mrs. Leonard Herman, Mrs. | of Mill City. At Santiam (¡range Hall hall. just been received stating that jaun LYONS—Auxiliary board members! dice persons with a history of in- ject will be shown, as well as a car Roger Nelson anil Mrs. Shields Re- ■ After the meeting caids were _ played with prizes being won by Irene of the Santiam Memorial hospital held ' fectiousor homologua serum repatitis toon, the date to be Thursday, May 6, Mine, who was unable to attend. M.S. Bartlett, who win be in Famed Eugene Gleemen Podrabsky, Mary Rada and Eva Agei. their meeting Thuisday afternoon at (whatever that means) may be ac both afternoon anil evening. This date Mrs. Podiabsky was presented a birth the Santiam Valley grange hall with cepted as donors of blood that is to [ inadveitently conflicts with that of charge of the flower show at the Ore- To Appear in Hospital the senior play, but the play will be gon State fair this year, was accomp Benefit At Stayton 17 members present. day gift from the auxiliary. be used for plasma, provided they , I Reports from various committees have had no attack within the past presented both Wednesday and Thurs anied by her mother, Mrs. Nettie Again for the second time, canyon day evening, May 5 and 6, with a mat- Wright, and her sistei-in-law, Mrs. were heard. A report wa- made on two years. aiea residents will be treater! to a Well C hild Clinic To inee Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ven- 1 Curtis Wright of Woodburn. I the pi ogress in selling tickets for the concert by the famed Eugene Gleemen Be Held Here April 27 ess also reported the recent PTA | Gleeman, a benefit, which will be when they appear Tuesday, April 27 .Mrs, Phillip Hess Elected dance had cleared $51.75. A well child conference will be held held in Stayton April 27 for the hos at Stayton high school auditorium at Reading of the by-laws was com-1 at the elementary school in Mill City pital, It was also mentioned that the President of Gates Club 8 p.m., for the benefit of the Santiam Tuesday, April 27 fiom 9:30 to 12, ac blood mobile will be in Mill City I GATES—The Gates Woman's club plied with, accoiding to the 1 rules, ' Memorial hospital. ' cording to Effie Cole, county health from 4 to 7 April 23. The hospital met Thuisday evening, April 15, in the also a few changes which will be • voted This second appearance will giva Elaine , upon at the next meeting. nurse. . could use jams and jellies. .‘ocial rooms of the high school, With music lovers of this area an oppor There will be a physician present A speaker from the Blue Cross plan 17 members in attendance. Election of Kiersey, who is also kindergarten tunity to renew or establish acquaint and those wishing appointments may will be present at the next meeting officers was the main business of teacher, mentioned that small amounts The Mill City Grade School Tigers ance with this outstanding singing of paint, in any colors, would be ap won their first league game of the | . on tact Mis. Wm. Pennick or the Nu- which will lie held at the A. Frank the evening. oi ganization, both as a unit and with preciated for painting blocks at the Method Cleaners. ’ home in Stayton. Mrs. Phillip Hess was elected presi softball season by defeating Scio 18 the interesting personnel of th* dent; Mrs. Glen Henness, vice-presi kindergarten The paint can be left to 12'The• Tiger s held an ’ls"^ 2 lead chorus. dent; Mrs. Hess, secretary and Mis. either at Roger Nelson’s or Al Nes- 1 at the beginning of seventh inning. A bitt's. Any ,-mall books, of interest change in lineup allowed Scio 10 runs Dale Reynolds, treasurer. Installation of the new officers will to young children, would also be wel before the fire could be put out. Albert Local Masons to Prineville be held at the next meeting, May 20. comed. Nichols pitched one hit ball and al Graduation ceremonies for the kind lowed one earned and one unearned Eor Annual IxxiKe Visit , Delegates to the recent convention of About 26 Masons motored to Prine ergarten class will be the high spot at the 3rd district of the Oreg, ’•’edeia- run. He struck out 8 and walked 8. ville Satutday, where they put on a tion of Women's clubs, Mrs. Hutche the May meeting with the Girls’ Chor Larry Kanoff played a fine defensive third degree for the Prineville lodge. son. Mrs. Martig and Mrs. Völkel us also being heard. By Mary Kelly and offensiye game. This is an annual event. A banquet Program chairman Arey Podrabsky Program for the evening was reported the highlights of the meeting. Mill City Girl Scout Troop No. 36 The Mill City gills defeated the was enjoyed by the group prior to ceiebiated their fourth anniversary by planned by Fiances Ward; decorations The meeting of the Marion County- introduced Police Chief Meader, who Scio girls 29 to 9. the exemplifying of the degree. holding a Court of Awards at the high by Sherry Hansen; invitations by Federation, to be held in Detioit, April conducted a question and answer per Mill City 10, St. Boniface 7 Monday night was observed here by iod on safety rules and regulations. school recreation room Thursday even Gloria Klecker and Evelyn Taylor; 30 was announced. Hostesses serv Masons as past masteis night. Past The movie, “ Skippy and the Three R s ’ ’ The Tigers put down a last inning ing before relatives, friends, and and refreshments by Zeta Crosier. ing were Mrs. Velma Carey, Mrs. was shown. Second grade mothers rally to defeat St. Boniface 10 to i. masters honored and present were members of the Lions Auxiliary, their Three of the gills will be moving Philip Hess and Mrs. Floyd Völkel. served refreshments in the recreation This was a well matched contest. Al Vern Clark, Frank W. Smith, W. B. away at the end of the school year, sponsoring group. Color guards for room, headed by Mrs. Moberg, Mrs. bert Nichols pitched another fine Shuey, George Huffman and L. Burl the opening flag ceremony were Zeta Penny Gould already lives in Salem. Parker and Mrs. Wm. Shepheid. At game while allowing 7 runs on 7 hits; Smith. Crosier .Gloria Klecker, Nancy Porter, Following presentation of the Bob Williams of Salem, was guest tractive cakes were decorated for he gave up 3 walks and struck out 6. and Evelyn Taylor. awards by Edythe Means, refresh Easter, with a centerpiece of clay Gary Bevier collected 3 hits and scored speaker for the evening. Mrs. A. E. Nesbitt, the assistant ments were served those present by bunnies made by second gtaders. three times. leader, gave a few words of welcome the entile troop. The Mill City girls lost to the St. Governor I’atil Patterson to those attending. Mrs. Howard Boniface girls by a score of 8 to 14. proficiency The complete list of Cokey Williams Drives Means, the Gill Scout leader, ex Mill City grade school walked off The next game will be played Eri- To Be Here May First plained that the second class require badges aw-arded, besides those for with the honors in a horseshoe con .Johnson’s Entry Sunday Word has been received this week, day afternoon at Mari-Linn. “ my ment includes the earning of 12 pro first aid, good grooming, and test with Scio which was played here In Portland <’ar Races that Governor Paul Patterson will bo won: community, ” which all the girls ficiency badges, in 11 different field» Wednesday, April 13. This is the first in Mill City Saturday, May 1. The Cokey Williams, Mill City, driving of endeavor, to become a first class Gloria Klecker, photography, child year this game has been played here, Al Johnson’s Indianapolis style racer Sea Scouts Get Boat governor hopes to meet residents care, dairying, and nutrition; Evelyn and future encounters will be coming scout. fiom Idanha, Detroit, Gates, Mill won in the fourth heat by making the From Portland Firm Receiving the rank of first-class Taylor, photography; Nancy Porter, up with Jefferson, Stayton, and Mari- City, Lyons and Mehama at this six laps in 2:36.49, in a race held Sun hostess: Rosalee Bassett, photography The local sea scouts, recently insti- meeting, as it will most likely be his were Sheiry Hansen. Frances Ward. I.inn schools. Vernon Todd, school day at Portland spegdway. 1 tuted as Ship No. 49 now have a ship only appearance in the Canyon area Penny Gould, and Zeta Crosier. Those and musician; Nancy Porter, hostess; superintendent, is coaching the local The racer was brought back to Mill Frances Ward, photography, bird con advancing from tenderfoot rank to squad. Twenty-one is the »core for a City where it is now at Walt's garage of their own. Cecil Lake went to during his campaign for reelection to Portland Tuesday where he secured the office of governor. He will appear second-class scout were Nancy Porter, ervation, garden flower, mammal, and game, as played locally. for further improvement to "soup” hostess; Zeta Crosier, photography, Gloria Klecker, and Evelyn Taylor. Indiv dual scores were as follows, it up for further races this summer. the boat fiom Portland Steamship Co. early in the forenoon but the time This was donated to the group by that i and place have not been set as yet. It All the girls were attractively dressed clerk, cook, and housekeeper; Penny with Mill City names, as the winners fe m. in the regular uniform, a green skirt Gould, beginning sewing, clerk, child of each match, appearing first: Larry will be given in next week’s Enterprise. The boat is of steel construction, and white blouse, with badge sashes care, cook, housekeeper, and traveler; Bilyeu 22. Junior Ways 6; Louis Mor- Louis R. Kelle Buys Sherry Hansen, photography, clerk, is 24 feet long, 8 feet wide and : -gan 22, Ray Bass 8; Art Stevenson 22, smith Service Station of green over the shoulder. Drivers License Examiner Some of the achievements of the child care, cook, interior decorator, Pepper 11; Lahny Podrabsky 21, Don Smith announced this week weighs 4,200 pounds. The boat is so and taveler. ' constructed that it will not capsize. To Be In Mill City April 29 Larry Karno-h 13; Brian Moffatt 21, that he has sold his service station g rls, listed by Mrs. Means, were: put The girls had been helped in passing David Galli 9. Mr. Lake, who donated hi» services I a tn Ixiuis R Kelle, of Gates, who will A drivers license examiner will be on a play, served at PTA. Interna tional dinner, stuffed animal- for the some of these various fields by Vern In the "doBbles,'' Moffatt and B I- take over active operation of the sta I in getting the boat here, unloaded it on duty at the Fire Hall in Mill City, 1 at the park, near the scout cabin, Thursday, April 29, between the hours blind school, where they made a field on Todd, Arthur LeCours, and Daron yeu sethed 23 against Kamosch and tion beginning May I. trip in the early spring: made hospital Dierks, all teachers. Each girl received Way’s 10; and I-er Nielsen and I x > uj < Mr. and Mrs. Smith will remain in where it will be scraped and painted of 9 and 4. All those wishing original licenses favors for trays at Christmas time; membership stars, according to the Morgan had 21 to 16 by Galli and Mill City until after school is out, I prior to its launching at Detroit Lake. ; The boat came equipped with six or permits to drive are asked to filo and their cookie sale, during which number of years she has belonged to Ba'**. Three courts have been set up when they will return to their ranch behind the grade achool. oars, a mast and sail. applications eatly in the day. they sold 241 boxes, of scout cookies. the tioop. near Sisters, Oregon. Legion Auxiliary Entertains Dept. Pres. Mrs. DeWitt To Head Woman s Club Rainbow Girls Entertain Visitors Cooke-Mull Rites Solemnized in Salem Police Chief Talks To PTA Members Funeral Services for Frank Sheythe Sat. Mill City Grade Beats Softball Opponents Girl Scout Court of Awards Held at Anniversary Party Grade School Wins Horseshoe Contest