Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1954)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY —GATEWAY TO THE HEART OR NATl RE'S EMPIRE Y OLI'ME X NUMBER 6 Gervais Trips Wolves In Close Contest Friday $2.5« a Year, ]()<• a («py MILL CITY OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1954 Cast of 30 to Appear In Lions Minstrel Wed. Legion and Aux To Host Group Here Friday DETROIT DAM WEATHER (Courtesy of Corps of Engineers) Daily 7:30 A. M. Readings M.S.L. Pool Date Elev. Max. Min. Pep. Jan. 26 35 25 2.17 1455.73 Feb. 3 47 0 1460.62 32 Feb. 4 48 30 0 1459.77 The Mill Citv Lions Club Minstrel | The Mill City 28-game winning Mill City travels to Salem Friday, Feb. 5 48 0 1460.36 30 Show, starring over 30 local people, I soloists, specialty numbers, men and streak was ended Friday night as the February 12, to play the Panthers of women’* quartettes, dance routine*, Feb. 6 1462.88 K 31 0 is scheduled for next Wednesday, Feb and Timberwolves stumbled over the Ger the Oregon School for the Deaf. Mill The Mill City Legion Post and Feb. 7 comedy skits. 1464.90 54 30 0 ruary 17 at 8 o ’ clock, in the Element vais Cougars 64 to 67 at Mill City. The City has a 14 win, one loss record, and its Auxiliary will host the Marion Feb. 8 The complete cast includes the fol 1467.00 0 52 30 ary Gymnasium. Entire proceeds from Timberwolves, coached by Burton Bor OSD shares last place with Detroit County Assembly of the American Feb. 9 0 1 169 HI the show will go toward civic im lowing: End men, Al Nesbitt, Buzz 29 52 with two wins and 12 losses. In the oughs, had won 28 straight Marion Legion here this Friday, February 12 Fleetwood, Bill McCoy, Lee Ross, provements. County “B” games since the beginning first half of the Marion “B” schedule at 8 p. m. at the Legion hall. Homer Thacker and Shields Remine. This will be a typical, old-fashioned the Timberwolves ran up an 86 to 60 oi the 1952-53 season. The meeting will be followed by Soloists: Jim Poole, Harold Kliewer, minstrel show, with black-faced come Friday night’s game was a thrilling win over the Deaf Schoolers. lunch and a dance for which an or Howard Farmen and George Veteto. dians, soloists, and a women ’ s chorus. Next Tuesday, Mill City is host to chestra has been secured. The Valen back and forth affair which was any- Interlocutor, Carl Kelly. Flashy costumes have been rented boy’s ball game right up to the final the Jefferson Lions who are tied with tine theme will be used throughout the Specialty men, Howard Mean* and from a costume house, to insure a Bob buzzer. Gervais was red hot. Two Scio for third place with nine wins decorations. Thorpe; stage manager, V. S, first-class showing. and four losses. Cougars, Norman Keppinger and Don All Legionnaires and their wives Todd. Costumes and make-up, Bob at- • • • • GATES — One hundred ladies All musical numbers in the show Reiling, made 19 points each. Al Ward and guests, are invited, as are all ' tended the Santiam Memorial Hospital Thorpe, and director, Charles Kelly. Win From Chemawa and Elton Gregory led the Timber-j veterans and wives who are interested auxiliary luncheon, held at Mehama will be accompanied by a Dixie-land The chorus, under the direction of band, made up of Margaret Clise, wolves with 17 and 16 respectively.; Tuesday was a night off for the in learning the various phases of the in the Woman’s club house Thursday pianist; Don Moffatt, banjo; Don Nes Edna Ross, will be made up as fol Jack Melting had 11, but Mill City’s' Marion “B” League but there was one Legion program. Sopranos, Lloyd Poole, Rosa of last week. bitt, trombone; and Jake Lake on the lows: ball handling just wasn’t as good as game played anyway. A game be- mond Remine, Jane Thacker, Alice Mrs. J. C. Kimmel, vice president drums. it usually is. Mill City’s bad passes, tween Mill City and Chemawa, which Doris Sheythe. Altos: Marie of the auxiliary acted as toastmistress Included in the 90-minute enter Farmen, coupled with the Cougars’ alert play had been scheduled for February 26. Stover, Betty Kelly, Lois Goshie, i and introduced Mrs. Ronald Hudkins, tainment will be the usual “ end men, ” ing undoubtedly were the causes for Mill City whipped the Indians 86 to 67 | Mabel Nelson, Faustina Nesbitt, and ' vice president of the auxiliary of the the loss which pulled Gervais to only on the Chemawa floor. Jack Melting ! Edna Ross. Salem Memorial and Mrs. Kenneth one game behind the league-leading and Elton Gregory were scoring lead-I A men’s quartette consists of Jim Sherman, a member of that group. ers for the game with 26 and 20 points Timberwolves. Poole, Buzz Fleetwood, Harold Klie Mrs. Sherman spoke on the object of In other Marion “B” games Friday respectively for Mill City. Chemawa’.« wer, and Howard Farmen; while the the auxiliary and methods adopted by ~ with 18. night, Detroit 43, Scio 61; Gates 46, highest was Charles Tellier women’s quartette is made up of Ros Charter members of the Mill City her group to raise funds and. many 67 Chemawa Jefferson 60; OSD 49, Chemawa 51 Mill City 8« amond Remine, Lloyd Poole, Jane Lions club were honored guests at ways in which an organization of that 10 Blackwater F Gregory 20 ar.d St. Paul 49, Sublimity 36. Thacker and Edna Ross. 18 Tellier the regular dinner meeting held at kind could be of assistance. The Mill City grade school team F Individual scoring after Friday Ward 12 Some of the well-known musical Fellowship hall Monday evening. Of Mrs. Louise Lilt, superintendent of got off to a slow start, caught fire,' number which will be featured in the 6 Gallineau C n ght found Mill City’s Elton Gregory Carey 6 15 Morin the original 22 charter members, 13 the Santiam Memorial .hospital was and then faded again as they suffered I production include “Mighty Lak A G still in the lead with 261 points. Others Crook 6 G Osborne I were in attendance. Thirty-four mem introduced and told of the help the their second loss at the hands of St, i Rose,” “By the Light of the Silvery in order are: John Wright, Jefferson Melting 26 bers and guests were seated at the hospital had received from the mem Boniface, Friday, 230, Herb Romey, Gates 224, Al Ward, Moon,” "Lazy Bones,” “Ole’ Man Subs scoring: Mill City, Crosier 2, | bers of the Santiam group and ex Mill City, 203, Gib Thompson, Gervais Thomas 4. Chemawa, Racehose 5, La-l tables. River,’ “Can’t You Hear Me Callin, After trailing 17-8 at the end of , History of the club, which was ob pressed her appreciation of their as 193, Sam Smith, St. Paul 191, Ron plante 11, Gallagher 2. Caroline?” and “Shortenin’ Bread.” serving its sixth anniversary, was sistance. Mrs. Agnes Kirsh, head night the half, Mill City brought the count' Members of the Lions club are Bentz, Sublimity 189, Roy McCann, Boniface found to 18-17 before St. Officials Roder and Lee. given by Lee Ross. A new “ badge nurse at the hospital was presented OSD 189, George Smith, St. Paul 188, cariying on a ticket selling campaign Junior Varsity Loses board” was put into use for the first and spoke briefly, suggesting other the range again. Jack Melting, Mill City 174. 26 St. Boniface at the present time. The Mill City Junior Varsity lost time, it having been constructed by | simple ways that members of the Mill City 19 Marion "B” League Standing* 4 Rubel Bevier 6 F their third game Tuesday night at W L Chemawah, leaving the Chemawa JVs Lee Ross and Charles Kelly, the | auxiliary could be of assistance, such Kanoff 2 7 Mier* F to relieve president. This glass-covered case as answering the telephone 12 1 Mill City Smith I C 4 T. Guenther contains the charter and a photograph nurses for other duties. ... 11 2 unbeaten. Gervais Thomas 5 G 6 C. Heuberger Mill City had the high scorer though of the local group, taken the night the next Mrs. Kimmel announced 9 4 Scio .......... 3 R. Blade* G meeting of the Santiam auxiliary Longnecker 4 with Don Lemke making 17 points. they received the charter. ...... 9 Jefferson ... Stop« Quarter Score at President Kelly introduced the would be held in Mill City, Thursday ..... 8 6 Chemawa’s high man was Roanhorse St. Paul ... ..... 0 8 15 19 charter members present as follows: afternoon, March 18, and extended an Mill City ... .. 5 8 with 11. Gates ....... After five weeks of Santiam 9 17 18 2« St. Boniface 53 Chemawa Mill City 35 Dr. D. J. Ferguson of Pratum, George invitation to all ladies who may be in 4 9 Chemewa Shuffleboard league play, Meander The Mill City Girls won their volley 11 Roanhorse F Laird and Robert Mather, both from terested in this work to attend. The ...... 3 10 Lemke 17 Sublimity Inn and Mill City Tavern, still ball game by a 59 to 12 score. Bassett 9 Sam F Salem; Verne H. Clark, Ernest L. place of meeting will be announced 11 ...... 2 OSD ...... Mill City will be the host Friday tied for top place which will change 8 Goldtooth Graham, Martin J. Hansen, Delbert later. C ...... 2 11 Ellingson 11 Detroit night when Aumsville will attempt this Friday as these two top team* 6 Paddock G Jull 1 B. Hill, R. L. Stiffler, Vernon S. Todd, JV’s Defeat Gervais will meet on the Mill City Tavern to reverse an earlier defeat. 4 Thomas ! Albert Toman, Robert P. Veness, Lee Three-Car Crash Near G The Mill City Junior Varsity rolled Stettner 3 Board. , Subs scoring: Mill City. Walczak 3. S. Ross pnd Charles Kelly. over the Gervais JV’s 49 to in.a Idanha Injures Five This should be a tough fought battle Vernon Todd, last year ’ s president, I Charles 4, Dixie Friday night preliminary ga.neliere. Chemawa, Brown 6, , Meander boasts of a strong team. officiated at induction ceremonies for | A three car smashup east of Idanha Don Ellingson led Mill City’s vic 8, Bremmer 2, Conner 1. • They have a record to back up their five new members of the club. These Sunday afternoon sent five people to Officials: Reder and Lee. tory with 16 points and Bob Stettner claim. Mill City Tavern to date haa the Santiam Memorial hospital to re included Noble Streeter, Lowell Fleet backed him up with 14. always been able to pull the rabbit out ceive aid. wood, Harold Kliewer, Leo Russell and 41 Gervais Mill City 49 of the hat in the last stages of all Byron Jackson of Sweet"Home re Vai C. White. F 2 Kushnick Ross 4 A joint meeting of the Women's , their games, so Captain Bennett i* Entei tainment for the evening con ceived a fractured shoulder and was 8 Manning F Lemke 11 the most seriously injured of the Association and the Friendship Circle , undecided whether to have his player* sisted of a quartette number, “ Ken 6 Williams C Ellingson 16 tucky Babe,” by Harold Kliewer. How group. He was riding in a car driven of the Presbyterain church held at . I shoot underhand or overhand. It ha* 8 Schmidt G Leach the home of Mrs. James Swan on been rumored the Meander gang have LYONS—Twenty-nine scouts and ard Farmen, Lowell “Buz” Fleetwood, by George Sieg of Sweet Home. Seibel G Thompson Thiee other passengers, including a Tuesday evening, February 9, installa a $1001) cougar hound to wager on cub scouts with their scoutmasters and James Poole, Jr., accompanied at Subs scoring: Mill City, Juli 4, Stett- 1 -year-old boy were treated for minor, tion of officers wax held for the two , this game. It would be a shame for r.f r 14. Geivais, Coates 4, Mahoney IL and den mother* enjoyed an overnight the piano by Edna Ross. This quar- cuts and bruises, and were released i organizations, Mrs. W. W. Allen of- “Cougar” Joe to lose this hound, with camping trip to Silver Creek Falls ; tette is made up of some of the Oficiáis: Reder and Kobb. so many cat* at large in this vicinity, ficiating. Saturday, returning home Sunday cast for the minstrel show which the from the hospital that evening. but with all the scouting Joe ha* done Ronald L. Arnold, Beaverton, driv the Worn- evening. Lions club will put on Wednesday, New officers installed for of the Mill City team in the past no ing west hit an icy spot on the road en's Association were: president. Scouts making the trip were Jerry February 17, in the elementary school lost control of his car. He slid Mrs. James Swan; vice-president, Mrs. doubt he knows what he is doing. Joe and Frank Robinette, Melvin Toland, gymnasium. Rehearsals have been go and into a car driven by William N. Backe 1 i C. E. Mason; secretary-treasurer, himself has lots of ability as a player. Buddy Bridges, Frankie Johnson, Rob ing on for several weeks. Les’« Tavern goes to the Cedars in of Salem. This caused the Backe car Mrs. Fred Grimes, unable to be pres Other numbers on Monday even in Digerness, .Johnie Bridges, Johnie Detroit to try for the second win, and Kunkle, Gary Thayer, Gary Palmer, ing’s program were accordion numb- [ to crash into the Sieg car, almost ent; Devotions, Mrs. Ralph Fough; Jerry's also go up the canyon to the totally wrecking it. The other two cars Social Education and Action, Mr*. GATES—Thursday evening, Febru Gary Britton, Tommy Grimes, Don ers by Barbara Podrabsky, and two were extensively damaged. I Daisy Geddes; Fellowship, Mrs. John Spillway at Idanha. The Lake draw* clever pantomimes, done to recordings! i ary 4, the Gates Parent-Teacher As ald Trahan, Michael Haigin, Walter Evelyn Johnson. Swan; Membership, Mrs. Otto Witt; the bye. sociation met in the auditorium of the Olmstead, Errol McWhirk, Glen Jul | by The In Friday’s games, Les's took the Mrs. Willard Hartnell fried chicken dinner was served and Children's Work Secretary, Mrs. Johnny Trahan, Robert Ward, ian, high school. Mrs. William Pennick pre Spillway by two point* for their first by a committee from the Pre.sbyter- Noble Streeter. sided at the business session. It was Buddy Cruson, George Turner, Wayne I ian church, under the supervision of Entertains Lyons VVSCS win. Jerry's lost to the Cedars, and Friendship Circle officers include: The Lake was nosed out by Mill City LYONS—Mrs. Willard Hartnell decided by the members to hold a Attaberry, Ray Aionson, Albert Mor was hostess for the Womens Society chairman, Mr*. Arlo Tuers; secretary Tavern, but not until the last of the benefit dance, in the school gymnas gan, Robin Prichard, David Prideaux, | Mrs. W. W. Allen. of Christian service with the meeting treasurer, Mrs. DeLos Hoeye; fellow ! second round. James “Stratus” Iholtz ium the evening of March 5, with Stanley Power, and Richard Linde held at her home Friday afternoon. ship secretary, Mrs. D. B. Hill; and after a bad start came through in Stubby Mills orchestra furnishing the mann. Santiam Valley Grange Mrs. James Hollingshead w-a.s co-host- program chairman, Mrs. Vernon Todd, ' fine style after a little sweat and Adults were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Entertains Guests Friday music. Plans for the PTA to sponsor ess. Mrs. I-eonard Cruson presided who was unable to be present. a banquet for the basketball boys Thayer. Terry and Marlene, Mr. and nervousness. Other new member* of LYONS— The regular meeting of Mrs. James Swan opened the meet- the Derbys, Lee Knowles, Jim Kester- wire discussed. Mrs. Richard Parker’s Mrs. Leo Cruson, and Mary Jo, Mr. Santiam Valley grange was held Fri over the meeting due to the absence room won the prize for the parent and Mrs. Orin Morgan. Cubmaster and day evening at the grange hall, with of Mrs. George Huffman. Mrs. Wilson nig by reading a poem, after which 1 son and Irvin Goble all came through she gave a report on the yeai’s work, ’ in nice shape despite the pressure. • Mrs. Glen Julian, and Mr. and Mrs. guests present from Scio, Stayton and Stevens lead the devotions. attendance contest, for the month. Plans were also discussed for a and announced that World Day of George Stewart, one of the “tuffies” Mrs. Edward Chance, leader of the Joe Johnson. Crow Foot granges. rummage sale to be held in the ( Prayer will be held at the Presbyter local Girl Scout troop requested per Harry Wiley, master of the Linn fall. A good report was given on the ian church on the afternoon of March of the Derby», came through with fly«. . mission for the girl* to stage a cake 1 ing colors, with his famous hook County Pomona grange gave a short tamale and parcel post sàie. Mrs. Lor walk at the March meeting of the Fire Monday Settles 6. «hot«, to help pull Mill City out of talk on the visitation and plans for A report on the sewing assignment the fire. One of the older member* of PTA for the purpose of raising funds Chamberlain was honored on her State Grange to held in Albany in en birthday anniversary. She was was given by Mrs. W. W. Allen, who ’ the team "Pussyfoot" Davis, put most for the troup. The request was Ownership Problem of June. Giles Wagner, master, presided 74th granted. Don Miley, superintendent of over the meeting with the regular presented with a beautiful cake, baked stated that the article* were to be of hi* effort« to wrong boards due to by Mr*. Hartnell. She also received sent to a hospital in Thailand, one in 1 hi« itching feet. the schools passed pamphlets from the routine business carried out, and the about 30 cards, each containing 25c. i Arizona, and to Point Barrow, Alaska. Marion County Public Health service. Old Abandoned Bridge league Standing* third and fourth degrees were con Devotions were led by Mrs. Ralph ‘ Mrs. Edward Chance, chairman of A fire which burned the old bridge ferred upon Mr. and Mr*. Bert Morris Logt Won the program committee introduced spanning the North Santiam river in and Mrs. Rachel Olmstead of Mill Eastern Star Practices for Fough, whose theme was “God is No Meander Inn 4 0 Respecter of Persons,” leader for the Mill City Tavern Judge George Rossman, of Salem, Mill City solved a problem for offi City. 0 4 District Meeting at St ay ton evening was Mrs. DeLos Hoeye, who who spoke to the group on Citizenship. cials and residents alike. Apparently 2 The Lake 3 Pot luck lunch Was served at the Marilyn Chapter, No. 145, Order of He told of the origin of the Constitu no one know* who owned the bridge, close of the evening. reported on the book, "Where'er the Cedars Tavern 2 2 Eastern Star, held it* regular meeting Sun,” 'by Moffett. Mr*. Arlo Tuers tion of the United States and what the and it has been deemed a hazard 3 1 at the lodge hall Monday evening, made a few remarks on behalf of the Jerry* Tavern Constitution means to Americans. At for many years. Now it is gone. The 0 4 February 8, with Mabel Parker, wor Friendship Circle. Printed programs Spillway Tavern the next meeting, Thursday evening, fire started about 4 p.m. Monday, Mason’s Celebrating First thy matron, presiding. March 4, Judge Joseph B. Felton, of and by the time firamen got to the Anniversary In Mill City for the two organizations were dis- Dance Hall In Dawes Main business of the evening was a tributed. Salem, will speak on child delinquency. scene the cable had snapped dropping Mason’s Dress Shop is this week Building Being Repaired M m . Gedde* Honored Hostes-es for the evening. Mrs. Gwen the bridge into the river. celebrating their first anniversary of practice session in preparation for the Workmen have this week started S haer, Mrs. Lee Kuhlman, Mrs. Climax of the evening came at the The firemen let the balance of the business in Mill City. They have district meeting which will be held in Jeese Haywood and Mrs. Edward tower burn, as it was even more taken space on page 7 of this issue Stayton Wednesday, February 24, refreshment hour when the birthday renovating the floor of the dance hall Chance served refreshments in the hazardous than before, Maybe a fire announcing a sale in honor of the with Victoria Chapter of Turner act anniversary of Mrs. Ida Geddes, who in the Dawes building. This hall haa ing hosts. Taking part will be Marilyn was 99 years old on February 9, was not been in use foT some time and m hool dining room. drill could be held on the Marion event. Mr. Mason, who was in Mill City Chapter of Mill City, Acacia Chapter observed with gift*, cards, and a the floor will be sanded. Windows will county side of the river and eliminate the other tower, thus ridding that area Tuesday, stated he was well pleased of Stayton, and Victoria Chapter of beautifully decorated two-tiered cake. be repaired and a general clean-up job is in process. with his first year’s business in Mill Turner. The Worthy Grand Matron Sea Scouts Have Outing of the hazard. It is the plan of Jim Iholtz, to hold City. The Mason’s have a store in of the Grand Chapter of Oregon makes Catherwood Visits Here— her official visit at thia time, dances in the hall as soon as it is Silverton also. Mrs. A. F. Catherwood w«* pleas At Hoodoo Ski Bowl School Meeting To Be Serving on the refreshment com- ready. Mr Iholtz is an iron worker antly surprised Sunday by a visit from The Mill City Sea Scouts left early Held Tuesday Evening Three Links Club Meets— mittee at the hall Monday evening her youngest «on, Dwight, and fam employed on the new gymnasium in A school meeting will be held at the Saturday morning for Hoodoo Ski The Three Links Club met at the were Gladys Ijike, Betty Tinney and ily of West Linn. A graduate of the Mill City and has had many years of Bowl where they «pent the weekend high school auditorium at 8 p.m. Tues home of Blanche Syverson Tuesday Hallie Toman. Mill City high school, Dwight will be experience in running dance« day, February 16 at which time the evening, with Eva Duffy as assistant »Hiing. remembered by fans for hi* ability The boy* under the supervision oi following will be presented to the hoste«* Following the business meet Hatfeld Greets Full House as a baseball and basketball player, I City To Build Dog A. Nesbitt, and Darron Dierk^.cooked legal voter* of the district: “Shall an ing and visiting, refreshments were Mark Hatfield was principal speak He m • graduate of Willamette Uni-' Bound At Dump Site their own meals, and spent the night election be held in said district on served by the hostess. Those present er at the meeting of the North Santi vanity, winning four letter* in base One of the main piece* of busineaa in sleeping bags in one of the warm the following propositoin: The sum of were Marie Stewart, Anna Crook, am Sportsmens dab held at their ball and two in baaketball. He coached ( taken care of at the regular monthly ing huts. $90,000 of unexpended and unappro Ruth Hess, Ruby Brisbin. Jennie Da club house near Stayton Monday even the freshmen team in hi* senior year.' meeting of the City Council held last These to make the trip were Don priated monies now on hand shall be vis, Alma Thomas, Goldie Rambo. ing. As basketball coach at West Linn Wednesday night at City hall, waa Nesbitt, Don Lemke, Lahny Podrab- appropriated as a special fund to Mabel Yankus, Mary Garrison, Dean One of the things Hatfield apoke on for the past eight years, he has met. to authonxe the conatruction of a «ky, Ted Couch, Lyons; Larry Bilyeu. acquire sites, build and improve build Jackson, Marjorie Ragsdale, Rachel was the cost of putting an initiated with better than average success, tak-. dog pound, at the dump aite west of Dale Smith and Kenny Epperson. ings and ground* in the district. Olmstead. Mel Robinson, Lettie Swan, measure on the ballot. He said it was ing his teams two gears to the State Mill City They returned to Mill City about All legal voters are asked to be Ida Fleetwood and the hostesses, Eva in the neighborhood of $12,00 to Tournament and currently tied for Arlo Tver's department is in charge € r ’clock Sunday night. present at this meeting. $15.000. Duffy and Blanche Syverson. second place in league play. of th’* project. Hospital Super. Talks to Auxiliary Lions Club Has Charter Nite Aumsville To Play Grade Team Here Fri. Two Mill City Taverns In Shuffleboard Tie Joint Meeting Honors Mrs. Geddes, 99 Judge Rossmon Talks At Gates PTA Meet