Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1953)
. FRESH HOT FRESH HOT FRESH ; »«r TREATS ¡ FRESH FROM THE OVEN TO YOU THURSDAY SPECIAL— Donut time again and we are back with all the favorite Cake Donuts. Try Them. Chocolate, Co conut, Caramel, Sugared and even RAC Plain, per dozen ........................ FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIAL— By request we are featuring Rye and Russian Rye. Try the Russian Rye for a truly different bread. You’ll enjoy t toasted. Yes, we’ll slice it! A Hot Noontime Number. SATURDAY SPECIAI^- Make your weekend desserts a FIESTA. Try Betty Crocker’s own Fiesta Cake with a few of Muir’s improvements. A delightful golden sponge with a layer of pineapple, a layer of true butter cream filling, a layer of truly good straw berry preserves, iced with a tasty butter cream icing and covered with a delightfully different coffee crunch topping. <t| OR Truly a Fiesta .................... Oh, yes for the timid and dieters we’ll have 'em plain. MONDAY SPECIAL— Start the week fresh! Try our home made white! Tops for quality ?• d flavor. We use no artificial fresheners. It’s fr^sh ’cuz it’s fresh. Our regular price (3c below our commercial competitors. Mond ty’s price 97c Save Kfi-i ’liK quality............. Don’t be fooled by the squeezed method Buy It Hot at 11 a. m. TUESDAY SPECIAL— A repeat on a real favorite. ORANGE STICKS, Made from fresh oranges (Truly a Treat) 4QC Regular 60c a dozen. Special at ........ ’ ' Hot at 11:30 A. M. WEDNESDAY SPEC IA1^- Here’s a real time saver. Garlic French Bread. No fuss, no bother, just butter and serve DOUBLE HOT—11:30 a. m. for lunch or 4:30 P. M. for that spaghetti supper. TRY IT! We invite you to try our many other MILL CITY BAKED . bakery items’. Sample, Compare, Criticize. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU HOT FRESH HOT FRESH HOT FRESH HOT FRESH HOT FRESH HOT FRESH HOT FRESH HOT FRESFJ MUIR'S BAKERY Phone 2222 ¡HOT FRESH Mill City, Oregon HOT FRESH HOT 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1S53 Mr. and Mrs. Leon York and fam ily moved this week into the house ! recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stubbs. Mr. York is a log truck 1 operator. Mrs. John Swan left for Portland Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kuhlman were Wednesday to remain about a week at > business visitors in Salem, Monday. the home of her son, Ronald and fa- | ; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stubbs have mov- mily. Her son. will undergo surgery , ; ed to Crabtree, Ore. to make their during her stay. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin LaVine and ■ home. Saturday only at the Gingerbread daughter, Sharon, and Mr. and Mrs. | House—our own vanilla ice cream at Joe Lalack and son, Monte, spent Sun- , ! 75 cents for 'i gallon. adv. • | day huckleberry picking. They report- ! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lalack and Mrs. ■ ed good picking. I Melvin LaVine were business visitors Mr. and Mrs. Al Zuber spent the | in Salem Saturday. past weekend in Morton, Washington, I I Mr. and Mrs. P. Willoughby of Mc visiting her father, Archie Watt. Mr. | Minnville, Ore., were business visit Zuber and Mr. Watt attended the ors in Mill City, Friday. Washington-Colorado football game George Rambo and Ralph Jull spent in Seattle on Saturday. , j Sunday in Albany, visiting a former Mrs. Nita Horner returned last | classmate, Roewayne Holt. 1 week from Kansas where she spent a Clifford Robbke, who has been tem month’s vacation, visiting her broth porarily employed in Portland for the ers and friends at Smith Center and past month, returned home Satur Bushton, Kansas. Enroute she visited 90 day. Estes Park and museums at Minden 35 Guests at the A. V. Morrison home and Hastings, Nebraska. CC have been their daughter and son-in- Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Fleetwood and X law, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carter of Willard spent the past weekend in i LaGrande. Gresham as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Moffatt and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Shattuck. They X son Brian and Mrs. I. A. Eide spent also called upon Mr. and Mrs. Ben o I Sunday at Gresham, visiting relatives Beisell (Lois Fleetwood) and sons and friends. who now live in Gresham. Overnight guests at the Charles Lt. Lester Poole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dolezal home this weekend were Mrs. James E. Poole, is home from twenty Elizabeth Paygor and Mrs. Mary Ka months spent in Germany. He was lina of Malin, Oregon. met in Salem Sunday by his brother, Houseguests of the Albert Toman, James I. Poole. He will report to Ft. Srs., for several days, have been Mr. Lewis about the first of the month for X and Mrs. Joseph Mlynar and family separation. of Menteca, California. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Walter and their Mr. and Mrs. Frand Rada left on daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday to visit at the home of their Clyde Powell and Clyde Jr., were daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Martin of Portland. • j Louis Rada for the weekend. They Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel made a | a]so visited other relatives in Mill tour around Mt. Hood Sunday. He I City, Mrs. J. F. Potter and Mrs. W. W. reports having taken lots of pictures Allen were guests of Mrs. Charles of the beauty of that area. The Lucky Twelve Pinochle club H. Brewer of Sea View, Washington, 35 cn will meet today (Thursday) at U>e for several days last week. Returning X home of Mrs. Frank Klecker, with home on Sunday, Mrs. Potter remain ed in Oregon City at the home of her Mrs. Bea Graunke, as hostess. X Mrs. Jessie Veness of Portland cele . son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Potter. o brated her birthday by spending the , Lafe —: past weekend with her son and fam Celebrating her twelfth birthday at the State Fair, a week ago Saturday, ily, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Veness. was Carol Veness, who had as her ■ guests, Shirley Veness, Shereen Muir, T! i Olive Taylor, Sandra Olsen, Lynn X Smith, Delores and Mary Lou And 35 SHINE rews. They were accompanied by Mr. cn knd Mrs. Robert Veness. X, S U P P L I E Mrs. Ed Yarnell and small sons, Philip and Tom, spent several days in Portland last week on a combined bu Brushes, siness and pleasure trip. They were guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Lowery. Mr. Yarnell Polish joined them Friday evening ami they returned to Mill City on Saturday. Laces PVT. E-2, Delmer LeRoy Skillings, X who joined the airforce, January of 35 this year, is now taking training as ♦ « » X a paratrooper at Fort Benning, arriv ing theie July second. He is with the SHOE E Co. Abn. Bn. First student Regt. He is a graduate of the Mill City high R E P A IRIN G school. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. X Fred ¡Skillings of Lyons. « « • Mrs. Dorothy Johnston of Gates ; was pleasantly surprised Tuesday afternoon when ten ladies came to her home for a “surprise birthday party”. J X The ladies brought lunch which was East of the Bank 35 : served after an afternoon of pinochle. Phone 1826 Mill City & The honor guest was presented a gift from the group. Ladies from Gates and Mill City joined in the gathering. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill spent the past weekend at their beach cottage at Road’s End. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly, Johnnie and Leia, and John Ga- brielson of Scio spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hill. The Kelly’s return ed to Mill City by way of Newport and Corvallis, where Leia is attending Oregon State College. Th^-egular monthly meeting of the Mill City Garden Club will be held at the J. C. Kimmel home on Thursday evening (tonight), at 8 p. m. promptly. There will be a flower show practice I and each member and guest is asked [ to bring an entry. Assisting hostesses are Mrs. Chas. Dolezal and Mrs. Er- 1 nest Podrabsky. Mre. Lvle Gould gave a surprise shower for Mrs. Frank Havercroft I when she entertained at a morning , coffee Tuesday of last week. Invited guests were Mesdames Ed Yarnell, | Howard Means, Gerald Anderson, Gale Lowery. William Stover, Robert Thorpe, Ben Ryan and Bernard Ben- | nett. Miss Sigrun Grimstad recently en tertained her uncles, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 E. Grimstad of Astoria and Olaf Grimstad of Norway. Olaf Grimstad who is a teacher, arrived in the United States for his first visit, in July and plans to remain for a year, visiting relatives and schools here. In Norway he reports that children do not start to school until seven and there are seven grades in the elementary school. There are 250 children in his school which is near Oslo, and he starts tea ching a child in the fourth grade and then he progresses with his class each year until they finish in the seventh, then he starts again with a fourth grade class. Since IMS every child in Norway must take English in school. g X o ”5 x s Chuck's Shoe Shop AUTO GLASS, AUTO PAINTING WRECK REPAIRING See us for an Estimate. They’re given gladly Knowles Body & Fender Repair 14 Years Experience MILL CITY PHONE 8« Gooch Logging Supply • b Everything for the Logger * « BASSETT’S WELDING SHOP Phone 1141 Phone 116 Sweet Home, Philomath Branch Store Lyons WHITIE’S SANTIAM CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DINNERS OPEN AT 4 P. M. EVERY DAY —Serving Your Favorite Cocktails Shuffleboard Good Music Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY George “Sparky” Ditter JUST A REMINDER Are you getting your Share on Food Purchases? In the past few months our customers have redeemed over $200.00 in Locker Meats Packer Style Hogs Head off, Leaf Lard Out Includes smoking hams and bacon, rendering lard cutting, wrapping and quick freezing BABY BEEF Branded Swift’s Select Cut, wrapped, quick frozen » lb W ith school lunches and extra school clothes to buy—NOW is the time to start saving PENNY SAVER STAMPS Our store with its large parking space makes shopping at RED & WHITE a pleasure. A ou can alwavs shop and save at the RED & WHITE—Mill Citv s PENNY SAVER STORE WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN ON SUNDAY From 9:00 A. M..until 5:00 P. M. WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS! i KLIEWER QUALITY MEATS Telephone 2706 Others are saving several books to buy something special. Each book is worth $3.00 in trade and is a savings to our customers of over 2% ON FOOD PURCHASES We also give stamps on clothing, shoes and other items sold in the store. Mill City, Oregon GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Stayton IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME! By Shopping at Red & White Store Mill City, Oregon