Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1953)
Editorial Comments The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL ( ITY. OREGON DON PETERSON. Publisher Entered an »acond-claiis matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon, under the Act of March- 3, 1879. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: One insertion for 50c or three for »1.00. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect in sertion. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. Display Advertising 45c column inch. Pc liticai Advertising 75c inch. NEWSPAPER NATIONAL \ PUBLISHERS ÉDITORIAL s OCTA TIO N ASSOCIATION IHE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FR’FXDS.' —George Put am. Viewing the Atom March 19, 195J 2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE was raised in it and the spring water hower who has appointed Charles E. was fixed into a swimming pool and (Chip) Bohlen as ambassador to i there would be horses for those that Russia. wanted to, could rent and tasty food McCarthy fights Bohlen, accusing was served at bargain prices; why him of being near the heart of the all of the business people who visit Acheson gioup in the State depart the Detroit dam would like to retreat ment, So he was. And he was at to one of the homestead sights for a Yalta with President Roosevelt. But few days’ rest. Then also, a swim he was there as an interpreter, an ming pool off of the beaten track is expert in the Russian language. Since more romatic to the young couples George Kennan was called home from who would be weekending in the area. Moscow after Russia called him per Also the swamps on these “out of the sona non grata, is the only Russian way” places could be cleaned up and expert who is eligible for the appoint made into an ice skating rink in the ment. Secretary of State Dulles winter months even if it was neces would not have recommended him nor sary to use artificial means to freeze ’ YOUR Eisenhower have appointed him if the ice; it would pay dividends if ther they thought he was in any way dis was “a safe road” leading up to the [ qualified because of his past associa spot and big stone fire place and AUTHORIZED tion with the department. steaks grilled on an open fire for the DEALER To toss him overboard means that folks to eat. the department is forced to rely on The more spots of interest that are green hands, or unskilled personnel. developed; the more people will come; 1 FOR Surely we should send to Moscow only for the ones that come from a dis the best talent. That is no post for tance will be the ones that spend the us in rewarding a campaign fund con most money; but unless they have a ■ tributor or gratifying the vanity of lot to see they will not feel that the die some political bigwig. Nor is it a trip was worth their while; and the’ post for some sycophant who will word of mouth advertisement is worth ; gloss his reports to gratify the prej more than any other advertising. The POWIR CHAIN SAWS SHOWDOWN ON JOE MCCARTHY udices of Senators like McCarthy. tourists could be routed around' Phone 1652 How long are Republicans going to McCarthy is not a member of the through the entire valley and have a let this guy Joe McCarthy throw his foreign relations committee. His col chance to freely pick the spots that 24-HOUR SERVICE weight around in Washington. ,His league, Senator Wiley, from Wiscon most interest their particular tastes; re-election clearly has gone to his sin, is chairman of the committee. (Continued on Page 6) head. Instead of taking on a measure Wiley has a much higher degree of iiriiii'iin of maturity when his party captured responsibiltiy to his country and to control of the government he has the world. It is hoped that he will taken victory for license to demoral take up the gage of battle and strong ize further the executive departments. ly support the president’s nomination To date he has succeeded in wrecking for the Moscow post. the Voice of America (one of its It should be filled, immediately, by staff committed suicide. He has hu some one who is qualified to sniff the GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING WELDING miliated Undersecretaries of State breeze and get the scent of Russian Walter Bedell Smith and Donald deveolpments. McCarthy has humil Under management of Walt Westgaard Lourie. And now he has challenged iated the administration enough. Eis Mr. Big himself — President Eisen- enhower should make this a showdown ANNOUNCING I fight. McCarthy has asked for it.— ' From Oregon Statesman. LETTER CARRIERS’ PAY The AFL speaks of the need to get higher wages so there'll be enough purchasing power to prevent a depres sion as productivity Increases. But Cong. Gordon L. McDonough has a ieally bright idea for helping to bring the depression on fast. McDonough would set up a commis sion to study the possibility of setting postal employes' salaries on a regional basis, instead of the present national basis. Also, he’s keen for “greater differences” between postal pay in urban and rural areas. Pres. William Doherty of the AFL National Association of Letter Car riers points out that if postal wages were set on a regional basis the ten dency would be to “lower all wages to the level of the area showing the lowest prevailing wage.” Doherty also informs Economic Bust Booster McDonough that “50 pounds of mail on a carrier’s back in a large city requires the same stamina as a similar load in a small town.”— East Bay Labor Journal, San Fran cisco. Walt’s Garage New Location in the former Heidi’s Auto Electric state gets its fair share of this oil MHHnHnHHnHKtHnHnnHnHHnHHnHHnninnaniaHnKtnannnHHaHnnnKsnnn through the Hill amendment which property in both Linn and Marion would use the revenues for the schools counties, I am interested in the de throughout the nation. The oil lobby velopment of the Santiam valley and is working feverishly to give this oil the article about the correct name to over to three states. You can still call the location in their Chamber of retain your rights to this property by Commerce advertisements gave me NOW WITH letting your Senators know that you just cause to air my views. expect them to protect you and not | Since I have been sight-seeing in the oil lobby, It’s a tough battle, but foreign countries; I believe that my opinion will be worth considering. they haven’t whipped you yet. In Spain and all of the North Africa * * ♦ OFFERS THE VERY LATEST cities, the natives have every histo This note of warning from Roy rical spot where any national hero or IN Foulke, vice president of Dun and king either made love to his sweet HAIR ( UTTING AND HAIR STYLING Bradstreet: “In the midst of today’s heart or killed some traitor; they high business activity the practical I take these stories and build up a big businessman knows one thing from line of nice sounding phrases that concrete experience: That another de- I make a drama out of every little- in- QUICK, EFFICIENT SERVICE pression is coming, The next depres- ; cident of any public figure and de K sion, like prosperity was for so many liver these orations in as dramatic years, is now around the corner,” The ■ fashion as possible; so to make the EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT financial authority added that no one tourist feel that they are getting their AT can forecast conditions intelligently money’s worth out of the trip to visit more than three or four months ahead. the country. o ♦ • » So if the Santiam area was called O The next target of the “plunder a "North Santiam Playground” and g PHONE 6103 Mll.l. CITY S bund” will be rent controls. Cong. the people took the trouble to really Jesse Wolcott, Michigan Republican, make it a PLAYGROUND; why then told newsmen he saw no reason to fear I it would be possible to get a steady «□CJQCMMK ««*» X x-x x x x x X x X x x x x x X XX XX widespread rent increases when con stream of tourists the year around. trols are killed. You may recall that . Every homestead sight has some his 1288 STATE ST. SALEM, ORE he is the same Congressman Wolcott tory that could be built into a folk who helper! to kill OPA some years ; lore story and if the original house ago ... so prices could fall . . . and was restored to resemble the kind of a they fell straight up? 1 building that it was when a family Violet Halbrook œamœsvvv Shirley's Beauty Shop Shirleys Beauty Shop I Moving To New Location IN FORMER MILL (ITY CAFE BUILDING WEEK OF MARCH 16 Announcinff New Line of Women’s and Girl’s Beautiful M occasins Ph. 3-6489 Randall’s FINE MEATS Administrator’s Sale I Wil l. SELL AT PRIVATE SALE Subject to approval of the Marion County Court, the John Stamos Farm of 160 Acres SEE THESE BEFORE YOl BUY! Red. White and Turquoise Located three miles West of Mill City, in Marion County, Oregon 3.50 to 3.95 INSPECTION MAY BE MADE AT ANY TIME ALWAYS THE BEST MEAT VALUES I heM1 prices effective till further notice. Buy with confidence! Wa guarantee jou the best xalue for your money always. Plan to buy a week s suppl) . An? of our retail cuts double w rapped for your locker FREE! Freshly Ground HAMBURGER Country Style SAUSAGE RIB ST EAK SPEC IAL. while they last Eastern Oregon Hereford it. 39c » 39c ib 49c Round and T-Bone Rih BEEF STEAK 59c Eastern Oregon Hereford Arm Blade Rump BEEF ROAST ib BEEF HEART or TONGUE ib Extra Ixan GROUND ROUND lb Lean. Tender BEEF CUBES lb l'Ll MP Ol NG HEN'S, Dressed and Drawn, lb 39c 39c 59c 59c 49c BEET FOR YOl R 1AM KER—Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Front Quarter 3212i n. Chuck’s Shoe Shop MILL ( ITY D. B. Hill, Administrator Half or Whole 3612c ib llind Quarter 3912i n. Fancy I . S. f.rade \ Good Light Steer Beef Front Quarter 40i2clb Half or Whole Hind Quarter 4412c* 5112Cih I FRANK EDWARDS Editor's Letter Box Says: M c C ulloch 'I The atom blast that came to the public’s attention this week was a thought provoking one for the man in the street. Having the picture of the big explosion right in the front room is an experience that is rather unusual. Yet millions saw by television many of the details of set ting off an atomic blast. Citizens queried each other about whether they saw the big blast or not. Those having television sets generally gave a spirited version of their viewing the historic event. Like the old farmer, we sometimes ask, “What’s the world cornin’ to, anyway!” Here in the latest atom bomb blast we get a double shot, not only do we know the darn thing went off, but we saw it! No matter how we shake the thing, it still rolls out that each individual citizen has the last word on this atom bomb and television business. The citizen has the say as to whether or not the atom shall be used for peace or war. The citizen that ponders the problem but a tiny bit will tangle with the idea that in this monkey-business with the atom there something pretty big. We do not for a moment believe that the atom bomb will destroy the human race or the earth. It may be that the scientists will keep on until they singe their own eye brows with something, but the human animal isn’t as chimb as some preach. The same genius that created the atom bomb can be turned to the task of building a better understanding of human lives all over the world. We believe that if gov Goose Bay, Labrador , I ernments would spend as much money as they have and February 28, 1953 | are spending on atom bombs on a study of human rela ' Gentlemen: over KPOJ, Portland, at 10:15 I have been receiving your paper in tions, soon this old world would be a pretty fine abode. (Heard p.m., Monday through Friday) eight days when there is no storm; Of course, as yet the logic of studying ourselves has not in the last week I received three hit home. Most of us know more about our car engine The so-called tidelands oil issue is but papers four days; the last letter than about how our brain works. The old trite phrase getting hotter by the minute. The from my in mother took eleven days and Senators who are so eager to give still applies, “Know the truth and it shall make you free.” away this $50 billion national treasure three days is all the others took. The We are steadily learning the truth about the atom bomb. are anxious to get it to a vote as paper goes to New York by regular Let’s start learning the truth about ourselves. Television quickly as possible. Twenty-three mail then by truck to Westover Field can spread this knowledge to us also. Senators are fighting to see that every and then by plane into Goose Bay. Since I have money invested in Auto Supply