The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, September 11, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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    OUT OF
September 11, 1952
I understand that if the weather
doesn’t straighten out soon the
President’s going to step in and
seize the Weather Bureau.
In New York they have a new
tax on liquor and a new tax on
automobiles. One $uy hiccuped:
“I’ll jush have to give up dnvin'.
tha’sh all.”
Well, they Anally selected Miss
Universe. As far as I can see, the
world is in pretty good shape
Lucky You
by Dick Shaw
New Yorkers are having trouble
with natural gas. Some of the
meters went haywire—some are
running fast, some slow. But just
be patient—the gas company’ll be
right out to fix those that are run­
ning slow.
You know, the Russians are al­
ways taking credit for our modern
inventions. Now they say they
drilled the first oil well. I wouldn't
know—but I will give them credit
for natural gas
The whole world has gone topsy
turvy: in Los Angeles a pedes­
trian ran into a taxicab—in St.
Louis the monkeys are throwing
peanuts back to the people. Next
thing you know England will be
offering to lend money to the
United States.
* T uring
Mrs. Viola Zander has returned
home after visiting with relatives at
Sheridan, Wyo.
Visitors with Rev. and Mrs. R. A.
Feenstra last week were Mr. and Mrs.
Ma rtin Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Ole
Sjolseth of the Vancouver avenue
«■hurch in Portland. On Monday Mrs.
Len Eakin of The Dalles and Mrs.
Millard Eaken of Powell Butte made
a short call as they took Dwain Eakin
son of the latter to enter as freshman
at Willamette university.
The square dance club held their
■Corn Roast and pie feed Saturday eve­
ning, Sept. Sth, at the Prichard cabin
near Jordan. A good time was had
by al) those present.
It has been found necessary to
■change the schedule for the beginning
of the Pre-school. School will begin
Sept. 23 instead of the 24th as re­
ported and school, will be held on
Tuesday and Thursday of each week
instead of Wednesday and Friday. It
will be held this year in the gym at
the Mari-Linn school.
The children
may ride to school on the school bus,
but will have to be called for at noon.
4-year olds will he accepted until the
enrollment is filled and if not too large
3year--olds will be accepted.
Alice Huber will be the instructor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hargreaves and
three children who have «nent the
©ME OF T he TiMlEST B ooks in
“T he WORl_0... ONLN JL OF A n
The Travelers Safety Servie«
Lucky you—von were careless blit those in your
path were not
summer at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hadgreaves near
Jordan, plan to move to Berkeley,
Calif., soon. Ted has gone to Berk­
eley where he will enter the Pacific
College of Religion. His wife and
children will remain with his parents
until he can find living quarters, Loren
and Joyce Hargreaves accompanied
him to Berkeley where they will enroll
at the Junior college.
Mary Ann Human and Bertha Sil-
bernagle of Jordan have gone to Mt.
Angel, where they will enter the Mt.
Angel academy.
The regular meeting of the Santiam
Valley grange was held Friday eve­
ning with Johnnie Lambrecht, master
presiding. The main business of the
evening was making plans for the
Salem ileavy Hauling & Equipment Co.
1105 N. Front St.
Salem Phone*:
1-1924: Night 2 4417
Lyons Phone:
141 *
and Mill Equipment Up To 25 Tons
Including DS and HD14 Cats, and ’»-yard shovels.
Complete Rigging Outfit, Winch Trucks, Low-bed Trailers
“Hot flashes" of Change of Life stopped
or strikingly relieved
In 63-80%* of the coses
in doctors’ testsl
You v
T1>«v.snd. Hava BanaAtad
his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Fulton from Upland, Calif., his
cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Miller
and son Billy of Los Angeles, and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cochran and son
of Lebanon.
Mrs. Pennick, accom­
panied by her mother. Mrs. Ray Col­
gan of Salem were called to Portland
last week by the death of Mrs. Pen­
nick's uncle, Ted Mankertz of that
I All Building Supply
harvest festival which will be held
Saturday afternoon and evening, Sept.
27. A discussion was held on the
Holy bill. The home economics club
had a nice display of canned fruit and
Mrs. L. A. Behrens and infant
daughter have been brought home
from the Salem Memorial hospital.
East City Limits on Highway 222
The little miss has been named
Lachelle Dawn and has an older sister.
* Phone 3215
Mr. and Mrs. James Myerhofer of
a XXXXMXXXX a Xia.aXS xKXX.W,ax:>©L,g.a3rXa.x a u xxxx XX a ij.XX’X XXPtX'XtSKOax
Stayton were recent visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William Prich­
The editor of a weekly newspaper
in the Catskills found that some
prankster had stolen all the letter
“S’s” from his type cabinet, and in­
serted the following apology in his
next issue:
“Thome louthy thneaking thcoun-
The Cates schools opened Monday drel hath thtolen into our compothing
morning with an enrollment of 1(14 room and thkeedaddled with all our
pupils in the grades and 45 in the etheth. We mutht therefore apolo-
high school. School was dismissed githe to our readerth for the inthipid
at noon Monday but a full session was appearance of thith week’th Thentinel.
held Tuesday with hot lunch served at
“We would altho like to thtate that
if at any time in the yearth to come
Recent guests at the home of Mr. we thee thith dirty thnake in the grath
iniim'!m'!ffl’miimr'W’minn’'iirnn’!in’i'!i ii'i miro i un im imwiwidimmi’iffl’iHniiiiitii nomn iimurim iMiiimiiwimiwi mi iiii'iiii'imumm" •••! "ii mwMHa
and Mrs. Harry Keiser were their about the premitheth, we will thhoot
granddaughter, Miss LaVetta Powel- him tho full of holeth he will rethem-
son, and Duane McFadden both of Cor- ble a thwith chethe.” South Dakota
valis. Miss. Powelson is employed at Rural Press A Print Shop.
Oregon State college where McFadden
is a student.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haun and family,
Shaving Is Slicker —
accompanied by Wilbur Crites, vaca­
Blade Changing Quicker
tioned at Newport over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier
spent Sunday as the guests of rela­
tives in Scio.
Earle Henness, son of Mr. and Mrs.
“At the Bottom of the Hill”
(¡len Henness, registered this week at
IN HANDY dispenser
Willamette university for the school
quarter. Earle wa* a graduate of the
. >
Gates high with the class of ’52. He
was one of the outstanding players on
20 so«
10 ro«
the local high school basketball team.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rush have
received won! of the birth of a grand­
im«;»! outMiMi an mw » i NtiiiiraiiMiwrnH j uimuRi nn Moami u:: littOMMRORfammuetw nr. im mu i u m ■ iiiLNU’VtiNKamnranriHBB
daughter, born to their son and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. William Rush of Cor­
Mr. an<l Mrs. Ralph Millsap, daugh­
ter Miss Bettye and son Robert of
Portland and Miss Sue Mikelson of
Mill City were weekend guests at the
Albert Millsap home. Miss Mikhelson
and Miss Millsap were room-mates at
the University of Oregon last year.
Albert Millsap returned Monday
from a two week's visit with relatives
in Woodland and San Francisco, Cal.
Recent house guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Pennick were
| Kelly Lumber Sales
No Etheth Cautheth
Newthpaper Lithp
Never - -
a Dull Moment
98' 49c
t from such
Ama. ing. you say'1 Not to the
many thousands of women who
know from experience what
these Lydia Pinkham medi­
cines rah do!
Their action — actually — is
very modern They exert a sci­
entifically calming, soothing
Try Lydia Pinkham’s on the
basis of medical evidence! See
If you. too. don't gain blessed
relief from those terrible "hot
CLOTHING' v/ftS P ublished 10
B udapest , H ungary
r R26)
• Those suffocating "heat
alternating with Ml
vous, clammy feelings — and
accompanied often by restless
irritability and nervousness —
are well-known to women suf­
fering the functionally-caused
distress of middle life "change"!
suffering. And chances are—
you can get It. Thrilling relief!
Thanks to two famous Lydia
Pinkham medicines!
•In doctors' tests. Lydia Pink­
ham's Compound and Tablets
brought relief from such dis­
tress In 63 and
ly) of the eases tested. Com­
plete or striking relief!
S urgéons .FORMING
/S MRJOR opé P riîon A
Now Lydia Pinkham'» wart»
It act» throagh a woman'» i»m-
pathettc nervous ayatrm to etv«
relief from tn» "hot fUuSra " and
order /ancttonanv-couaed do-
trr.iara o/ "change of Ufa."
flashes” and weakness so com­
mon in "change of life.”
Don't put if off’ Oet Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Com­
pound or new. improved Tab­
lets with added iron (trial size
only 59t i.
Wonderful — too — for the
functional pains, cramps,
"dragged-out" feelings and
other discomfort of monthly
menstrual periods!