Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1950)
October 12. 1950 p—THE MILL (TTY ENTERPRISE Wants and Sales FOR RENT—3-bedroom house fur FOR SALE—5 acres, a large unfin nished. First house on left aide of ! ished pomice stone house, double pomice garage, livable, 23-foot well, street behind Hathaway Garage. 41-lpl reasonable priced, half down and terms. See J. O. Herron, Route 1, FOR SALE — Cocker puppie», two . Lyons, Ore. 41-3p females, two males. Telephone 951 Lyons. Art Olmstead. 39tf FOR SALE — New Junior DeLaval Cream Separator No. 4, electric FOR SALM — Trailer house stove, model *75.00. Mrs. Floyd Bassett, white gas *13.95. Red’s Hill Top Lyons, Ore., Phone 116. 39tf Trading Post. 38tf FOR SALE • Particolored registered FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. E. D. Cooke, 2 blocks west high ( Cocker spaniel pups. See "Santiam 37tf i gam” Steffy, Mill City. 38tf school. Three 2-room apart ing heaters. Red’s Hill Top Trad ments, unfurnished, hot and cold FOR SALE—In Lyons. Must sell on account of sickness, 3-room new ing Post. 40tf water, *35 per month. Mrs. F. L. house, some furniture, only $1,700, Noble at Detroit Market. 33tf WE REBUILD Furniture like new ' terms. Or will discount for cash. FOR SALE Wood circulator nearly Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay Have material to finish; also a 5-rm new, price *30, also 4-poster bed ton Upholstering, Rt 1, Box 177A. unfinished house with 3 lots for W. Washington, Stayton, Ore. 28tf and spring, price *30. E. D. Cooke. quick sale $1,200. See Mrs. Good man, Apt. 2, over Heineck Groe. 41 FOR SALE—2 acres near Scio, good FOR RENT—9-room house, suitable building site. Will sell for low pay for boarding house. Inquire at PLEASE LIST all available rooms, room and board, houses and apts. ment down, and reasonable monthly Gates postoffice. Merle Devine, R. 1, Lyons. 39-3p Write, telephone or visit Personnel payments. George Cree, telephone Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated 924._______________________ 41-lp EXPERT AUTO and home radio Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf FOR SALE — 4-bedroom house, in service, 20 years experience, all quire at Enterprise. 33tf makes. Guaranteed service. FOR SALE—Rain coats 50c. Red’s Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf Hill Top Trading Post. 40tf FOR SALE — Oil stove in excellent j condition. Evan Yates at Martin’s FOR SALE — Ice boxes, two 75 lb. WHY PAY RENT? Buy Income prop erty. New duplex for sale. W. L. Trailer Court in Spartan Manor, boxes left Your choice *4.95. Parker-Hutcheson, Gates, Ore. 39tf Peterson, Swift’s addition. north of washhouse. Home eve 20tf nings and Sundays. 40-3p FOR SALE—Three bantam roosters; FOR SALE or TRADE —For late FOR SALE — Three choice building also several ducks, ready fcr locker model pickup, 23-foot Alma trailer lots in Swift's addition, water, elec now. Also one beef, by quarter, or house in very good condition, new half. Geo Cree, phone 924. 41-1,' tricity available, level ground. W. Coleman cook stove, Duratherm oil L. Peterson. 20tf heater, inlaid linoleum, sleeps four. BARGAINS—In some good used calk Archie Mattoon, Box 2, Detroit, FOR RENT—3-room furnished apart shoes, sizes 6>4 to 9. Red’s Hill Ore. 40-3p 40tf ment also sleeping room. E. D. Top Trading Post. Cooke, 2 blocks west high school 39 RENT Apartment, block from *50 00 PER THOUSAND truck scale FOR town, one bedroom, stoves and re paid for 24 ft. to 40 ft. small Doug frigerator WANTED — Carpenter work, new, furnished. Phone 2652 las Fir logs suitable for piling. High repair, and remodeling. E, D. 38tf prices paid for barkie poles and Cooke, two blocks west high school. 37tf piling. Call Albany 1287 or write ANYONE INTERESTED in seeing Standard Pole & Piling Co. for price an Assembly of God work started FOR SALE—Hot water tanks, 30-gaI. lists. 31tf in Mill City, please contact Lloyd galvanized, *7.50 guaranteed. Red's Wells, P.O. 749, Mill City,Ore. 39-3p Hill Top Trading Post. 40tf GOING HUNTING — New and used tents and tarps, all sizes at Red’s TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma FOR SALE — White enamel w<x>d Hill Top Trading Post. 38tf chines. We sell, rent, repair and range, good condition *30.00. W. L. swap all makes. Trade your old Peterson, Swift addition. 35 LIST YOUR homes and farms with machine towards a new one. ROEN, me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, I 456 Court St., Salem. 35* FOR SALE—5-acre farm, with 5-rm I Gates. Detroit, Lyons. David M. house, partly furnisher!, small trac Reid. Real Estate. 3tf WE BUY fir pitch 75c per gallon. tor and disc. Will sell equity for See us for containers. Also sell us *500. First house west of King’s FOR SALE—25-20 Rifle and shells; your used burlap bags. Red’s Hill restaurant, 3 mi. west of Mill City. also Buff Cochin bantams, all sizes | Top Trading Post. 40tf See Fred Skillings, 4 houses west E. D. (’(Hike. ¡'Jtf for information. 39-3p a GOOD SELECTION of linoleum FOR SALE Seven acres, tillable, on FOR SALE Sanitary Trailer Refrig yardage. 6 and 9 ft. widths. 69c per | highway, good building site, 2 Vi mi. east of Lyons. See Mrs. Floyd erator, new 4-ft. The last of our I sq yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. Bassett, Lyons or Wallace Bevier, allotment for this year. See at Mill City 38tf Parker-Hutcheson, Gates, Ore. 39tf SAVE HALF or more on toilet sinks and washbowls. Red’s Hill Top NEED A TELEPHONE? Stop in Trading Post. 38tf MMSMBSMNNBBMBBSMIBWBB ’ '»WBB and see the new Lech combination desk or wall phone, also used FOR SALE—One bay logging mare, 1600 lbs,, 10 yr. old; also hop posts phones from $10.00 up. Telephone for sale. Sol W. Tucker, Idanha, and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. 40-3p i Stiffler’s Radio 4 Appliance. 39tf Ore. FOR SALE Used washing machines | FOR SALE Sink and double swing Single kitchen reconditioned and guaranteed. Ex-1 faucet, like new. pert repairs on all makes of wash-] type sink, large with chrome faucet, Parker-Hutcheson, Gates, ers. Jenkins Hardware, Mill City. 1 $9.95. 39tf 41tf! Orc FOR SALE—Bargains in oil circulat FOR RENT SANTIAM GARAGE Mill City Hotel »nd Boarding House FAMILY STYLE MEAI-S : i Under New Management « GENERAI. AUTO and TRUCK REPAIR Arc and Acetylene Welding Phone 3452 I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that a \OT!< E TO t REDITORS public hearing will be held before NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Assistant Administrator, Kenneth E. the undersigned has been appointed j Carl, examiner for the Milk Market administratix of the estate of CARL ing Administration, State of Oregon, FREDERICK SUNDBERG, deceased. at the Conference Room, State Li All persons having claims against brary Bldg., Salem, Oregon, Thurs said estate hereby are required to day, October 19, 1950, at the hour of present them with proper vouchers : 1:00 P.M. to receive testimony and within six months from the date here evidence on matters relating to the of to rne at the office of my attorney, production and distribution of fluid Harlow L. Weinrick, Albany, Oregon. milk and cream in Marion County Dated: October 5th, 1950. Marketing Areas No. 1 and No. 2, to ANNA K. JENKINS, consider minimum wholesale and re Administratrix. tail prices and minimum prices dis Harlow L. Weinrick tributors shall pay to producers. Albany, Oregon DATED at Portland, Oregon, this Attorney for Administratrix. 4t 10th day of October, 1950. THOS L. OHLSEN, Administrator FOR SALE—-1941 5-pass. Ford coupe. Milk Marketing Administration C. H. Ferguson, Box 745, Mill City. State of Oregon. 41-3t LEGAL ADVERTISING DETROIT By MRS. O. J. WHITE The Freshmen class with Mrs. Char lene Hanan as advisor gave a return party for the Sophomore class on Fri day night. Games and refreshments I were the order of the evening. About 40 attended. After the party the young folks attended the square dance held in the Mongold recreation center. The Detroit high school and grade j school will hold their annual Carnival on October 13 at the gymnasum at 7:30 p.m. Four members of the Carnival com mittee together with Mr. White went into Portland on Saturday to secure prizes. They report some very nice and worth while prizes, some of the desirable things mentioned were table lamps, blankets, set of dishes, glass ware, pictures, large copper horses, and numerous figurines besides many smaller prizes. The door prize this year will be a large and very beauti ful table lamp. The carnival commit tee consists of Frankie Payne, Mar lene White, David Bray,and James White these from the junior and sen ior classes purchased the prizes, the sophomore and freshmen committee members are: Stanley Timms, Mary Sue Palmer, Alice Fryer and Billy Peterson. There are to be three grade school booths, a candy booth, cake walk, and fish pond, the high school are I having ten booths which will include also a food booth. Those paying admission will be given a free ticket on the door prize. This carnival should be bigger and I better than ever and everyone is in- | vited. ♦ MILL CITY TAVERN 1 BYRON DAVIS, Prop. “At the Bottom of the Hill” OREGON MILL CITY, SALEM LAUNDRY SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton Laundry and Dry Cleaning— Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha Dry Cleaning—Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-912S w LOOKING FOR A FINE USED CAR AT A FAIR PRICE . CHECK THESE COME IN AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-Door Sedan, like new. DeSOTO CUSTOM 4-Door Sedan, Has everything. CHEVROLET CLUB CPE, jet black, extra nice, new tires. CHRYSLER ROYAL 4-Door Sedan. Original light blue color. Very low mileage. Has new car performance. 1938 CHEVROLET ’■«-ton PICKUP, 4 speed trans. A well kept pickup. Extra fine tires. All ready for hunting or travel. 1946 1946 1948 1941 Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER 405 N. Com'l St. Home of Service 495 N. Com’l St PHONE 3-4117 - PLYMOUTH 435 N. Court St. ELKHORN By ELSIE MYERS Recent dinner guests at the Elk horn guest ranch included Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Manert and family, Rosa Daly, Anna Daly and Lawrence Poole all of Mill City. Arriving at the Carl I.ongnecker home Friday for the weekend were Mrs. Longneckers' mother, Mrs. Paul Payton and Mrs. Nora Taylor. They were joined on Sunday by Mr. Payton and Mrs. James Kessel of Salem. Mrs. Taylor, who before her marriage was Nora Crabtree, was a former teacher in the Elkhorn school. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Speerstra and their guests Dr. and Mrs. Otto Krau- shaar all of Salem were recent guests ■MOBBSBMWBBMNM M~MX*IsaSMkBMMBH at the Elkhorn guest ranch. Dr. Quality iob printing at the Enter' Kraushaar, who is a new-comer to Salem, is a child specialist. Mr. prise. Speerstra is a Salem attorney and also co-owner of the Roten-Speerstra farms. Carl Longnecker accompanied by his brother Fred Longnecker of Sil verton spent several days last week on a hunting trip to eastern Oregon. Having no luck they returned home where each bagged their buck very clcse to home. Business - Directory - Professional HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN Attorneys at Uw — MILL CITY ll m. 4- Ceutíck jr., Physician and Surgeon SALEM Mill City — Albany Special Attention Given to Fittings Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month Also light hauling Howie ry -1 .Ingerto- Orease»-Hmocks Phone 4032 <eonar<l Herman RALEIGH HAROLD FLOKIST and Nl RAERA' Phone 2325 iflBBBaaaannaaaBBBgaBBnanaa • NEW STOCK • Sept I < Tanks and Sewer» Clr»nr’ » flowering ano shad » ii . ih Slim RS ANI» R| I RS Sheet« — Cotton Blankets — Cretona Pilone SALEM 3 M68. (XH.I.KT ♦ Indian Robe« — Oil Cloth — Pillow« SI!» W. Mash. St. Stayton 1078 Elm St.. W. Salem ♦ Order« taken for Phone 3684 Christina« Cards FLOWERS lendrieson’s Store In the Oowe» Rlitg GOODE'S H.ow ER SHOP Phone Blue 64 R Stayton, Ore. C. E. (oville ■annnra a sera a BB a o n o o a n a o a a a u IT PAVS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE % MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Foundation Garment* MIKE'S Septic Service : » General Dry Goods koiluxs ElNt.i KU READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY I I ZIERS < OSM» lit S WOQCM X-x x.XXX X,x X X xXiXXWXDtDQOCX IBBOCfCtUnniBO oo o o a o o o o o o o o o n HOWARD CORSET SHOP Salem Mill City WOOD’S STORE Attorney at law 131 High St. Real Estate Phone 6602 HARLOW L. WEINRICK 318 Broadalbin DAVID M. REID WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Funeral Servire STAYTON OREGON ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- - Complete Supply of All Your Dui Id iny Needs . . . THE PAINT WITH THE SAND FINISH KELLY LUMBER SALES Meat Ride Mill (Ely LISTINGS WANTED FEATURING NEW LOW PRICES ON MONTEX— ----------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------- Real Estate Ph 34®? SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEN PAINT OPEN SATURDAYS PHONE 1813 RUSSELL REIJ.Y. «■-—<— ♦