Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1950)
PT A Dad’s Night Postponed Because of many conflicting events scheduled for Thursday evening, March 9th, the Dad's Night program of the Mill City Parent Teacher Assn, has been postponed to Wednesday evening, the 15th. A grand time is promised all who attend. Comedy, drama, and scenic effects are in store! RnOWn Church Activities Rule Applies COMMUNITY CHURCH Full Gospel Preaching Sunday school 10 A.M. Morning worship 11 A.M. Evangelistic service 8 P.M. Preaching services Wednesday and Friday 8 P.M. Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor • • • FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Services every Lord’s day Morning worship 11:00 A M. Young People’s meeting 6:30 P.M. Evening worship 7:30 P.M. T. Courtney, Jr., Pastor • • • FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning worship 11 a.m. Music by choir. Dr. David J. Ferguson. Preaching Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs. Arthur Kreiver, leader. • • • ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC ( HlTJ< II. Mil.I. CITY Mass at 9 A.M. Confessions heard before Mass. Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p.i m. Lenton devotions Wednesday eve ning at 7:30 p.m. Father C. Mai, Pastor Have you ever wondered at the audacity of the driver, who after waiting for some time at a side street while trying to enter a through high way, finally bulls his way into the ' traffic stream, perhaps escaping a collision by inches ? That driver may be taking a chance Don't Borrow—Suoceri be Today! : but at least the law is on his side. llllllllllllllllllllillllllliillllllllilllllllllll And according to the state traffic safety division, it is a law that few drivers know and fewer obey. Many who are familiar with the law have NEW — CLEAN acquired their knowledge through a QUIET dainae suit or traffic fine, the division Family Style Meals said. REASONABLE This is the way the law works. A vehicle stopping as required at the entrance to an arterial highway must East on Kingwood Road to 4th St., yield to all vehicles within the inter to End of Street — Phone 8751 section or approaching so closely as to be an immediate hazard. After hav ing yielded to these vehicles, he may then enter the highway, and all ve hicles approaching on the through must yield to him. Confusion arises over the fact that vehicles often continue to approach PHOTO SHOP rapidly on the through highway and may constitute a continuous hazard. Next Dot.r According to the law. however, only L.D.S. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH to Jenkin’s Hardware Detroit those close enough to e a hazard at Sunday school each Sunday 10 a m. , the time the other vehicle stopped Open Friday Afternoons have the right-of-way. The problem in high school building, Detroit. PHONE 2243 Priethood meeting 11 a.m. | is one which could best be solved Mill Ciri Zealand Fryer, Presiding through common courtesy behind the • • 9 wheel, safety officials pointed out. GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. Evening worship 7:30 p.m. Walter Smith, Pastor jj CARE WILL RETURN • • • DIVIDENDS ■ DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Every Penny It Costs 8 Sunday school at 10 a.m. pair of eyes must last I Morning worship 11 a.m. us a lifetime. Youth meeting 6:45 p.m. Don't force them beyond their ability. Youth night Saturday 7 p.m. Warren Knape, Pastor Eye examination • • • Eye glass adjustments FREE METHODIST CHURCH Glass fitted North MUI City Broken lenses replaced Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Junior church 11:00 a.m. Evening service 7:30 p.m. REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p. In Jenkins Building, MUI City Telephone 2243 for Appointments Phone 1906 Open Every Thursday 1 to 6 p.m.—6 to 8 p.m. by appointment Rev. L. C. Gould, Pastor General offices at Ten Brook Jewelers. 3318 First St.. ALBANY Room & Board Don Marshall McEWAN Are You Riding on a Cloud? DR. MARK HAMMERICKSEN IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School 10 A.M. Morning Service 11 A.M. Youths Hour 6:15 P.M. Evening Service 7 P.M. Thursday prayer meeting 7:50 P.M. Eldon Haley, Pastor CAR TROUBLE? Bi OR NEAR SALEM CALI. DAVIDSON’S AUTO SERVICE PHONE 3-8955 -------------- OPEN 24 HOTBg EVERY DAY “30 YEARS OF GOOD SERVICE Battery and Electrical Service o Body and Fender Repair Radiator (leaning and Repair Painting and Refinishing Wheel Alignment and Balancing Brake Relining and Adjusting Official AAA Garage I B ÍÉÍBBBBBBBBB0B0B0000BBBBB0BBB0B0BBBB00B00UBBBBBBB0BBBBB F*ONr Q oiou HtNrr] CALL US FOR CONSULTATIO NO OBLIGATION 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 fa Complete Supply of All Your Building Needs . . SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEN PAINT FEATURING NEW LOW PRICER ON MONTEX— w G. E. THOMAS, Mill City Mill City Plumbing & Heating By REBA SNYDER Weekend guests in the Henry bert home were Mr. and Mrs. Claus Croker and two daughters. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Girod enter tained five couples at a canasta party in their home Saturday night. A midnight lunch of ham sandwiches, salad, pickles and coffee were served by the hostess. Miss Marla Vickers gave a birth, day party Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Charlotte McKeever on her 15th anniversary of that day. Those invited to help surprise Miss McKeever were Joyce Watkins, Eva New, Beverly Smith, Detroit and Donna Ellingson also of Detroit. Games were played and prizes of hair barettes and a purse were won by Eva New and Beverly Smith. Re freshments of cake artd punch were served Mr. and Mrs. Gwen Geston left Wednesday for a month visit in North Dakota. Wisconsin and Michigan. Otis Shlffner accompanied them The sudden flurry of snow Sunday night made one wonder If they hadn't been feeling too good too soon The first two days this week have been colder but no more snow A crew of woekmen repaired the broken water main Tuesday. SEE KELLY LUMBER SALES PHONE 1815 JOHN ADAMS Basement*. Trench and General Excavating Silver Saddle Trailer Camp MUI City, Ore. JUNGWIRTH Sand and Gravel Co Washed Sand, Cement Rock, Crushed Road Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock Shovel and Trucks for I lire MILL CITY: Phone 9242 Days LYON. J 2M I 297 Night* Mill City Plant 2 Mile* West on River Road SPECIALS! SURPLUS MECHANICS SOAP, Limit, 2 per person „ 1c each MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, »3 00 value ...... ............ » 1.6B MEN'S and WOMEN'S BUCKSKIN MOCCASINS _____ 4.96 PARACHUTE SU Ji, M.M value IM 5.N UN f i RM U 1<.M WOOL YARDAGE For your excavating and dump truck work 3-8 yd. 10-B Shovel V OPEN SATURDAY. SANTIAM GARAGE IDANHA ON ALL MAKES 0 o 0 0 0 0 Chicks Have Luck of Irish BY JEAN ROBERTS The canasta craze has hit Mehama Three hundred baby chicks belong with many families burning the mid ing to Mr and Mrs. Bill Bickett. of night oil to pursue this latest develop ' Elkhorn, are believed to have had at least a partial interest in a 4 leaf ment of rummy. | clover, when a brooder stove over- Frank White says that sometimes | heated, became so hot it burned a they play until 4:00 a m. So popular has the game become, that one couple j hole 8 feet in diameter in the floor allowing the stove to drop through in doubt as to the rule, called the and resulted only in injury to one Lyons telephone operator to settle chick when the stove pipe fell upon a point. I it. Local supplies of canasta cards and rules are depleted as are regular Returning about midnight from a playing cards, two decks of which can trip to Mill City Mr. Bickett went be used for canasta. Ken Golllet, to the brooder house to check on the local merchant, announced that the baby chicks before retiring, only to wholesaler supplying him is also out find what might have been a near tragedy. A large truck was housed LITTLE ILLS of canasta cards. Fisherman in this area are already in an adjoining building. MAKE preparing for the coming season. Confinement of damage was be Jack Alloway has purchased a large lieved due to the fact the floor was trailer house which he plans to locate covered with peet moss. Or perhaps r— on the Metolious for fishing head- it was 4 leaf clovers. quarters. • True, that "little illnes«'- Harry Monroe, Gib Wagner and SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Ea you'»« beeo mentioninf in Bud Johnson took up fly tying during gles 2745 meets at Kod and Gun Club an offhand B __ may B^i way, nd the winter months and are now well in Idanha each Wednesday 8 p.m. 30 item to amount to much— just a few faint symptoms^ supplied for fishing season. City Lodge No. 144, I.- But, neglected, these "little Gerry Roberts celebrated her ^^J^*0.0.F.. Meets Every Friday ills" esn lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not seventh birthday with a dinner at night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. so mention needless suffering her home last week, followed by a and loss of precious time. theatre party. Those attending Consult a Doctor now— you'll save by it in the endj were: Diane Wallen, Janie Whitt, And,of course, we hope you'll Treva Sue Bickett, Willow Jean bring his prescription to us Phillips. Elaine Peck, and Jonice Wil for careful compounding! son. Word was received here last week GENERAL AITO and by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buckler that TRUCK REPAIR Billy Mitchel, formerly of Mehama Salem but now with the U. S. Navy at San RELIABLF* • Arc and Acetylene Diego, was married recently at Yuma, Arizona. Welding The home extension unit met last PRESCRIPTIONS Phone 3452 week in an all day session of mak ing lamp shades. Project leaders were Lil Wolfkiel and Estelle Philippi but due to the latter's illness, Mrs. Wolfkiel demonstrated alone. A surprise handkerchief shower was held for Mrs. Philippi although she was absent. Three letters from a foreign coun try have been received by the A.C. LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE W.W. committee of Mehama. Those IF YOU’RE A C.L, SEE receiving letters are Mrs. Keith Phil lips, Mrs. Harry Monroe and Mrs. Madeleine Rldling. The letters ware all from England. The 4-H sewing club met Monday night at the Ridling home with only two girls attending, other members were absent because of illness, They are making pin cushion* and head scarfs to exhibit. Mehama relatives received word last week of the birth of a baby son ♦< to Mr. m <1 Mrs Verl Monroe of Bt. ‘•We Aim To Please* Louis Missouri. Mr. Monroe is a son of Mr and Mrs. Clarence Monroe of FOR FREE ESTIMATES Albany and a former Lyons resident. A number of people have been on ■ the sick list the past week. Bill Bilyou has been ill and confined to his home for several days. This is the first school he has missed. Dana Wilson is sick, with mumps being suspicloned. Erclll Wilson has • bad case of flu. Mae Patton however, who has been ailing since the first of the yeat was able to go to church Sunday. MARTIN J: HANSEN _ or — 2-5547 ANYTIME 267 N. CHURCH ST. Next Door to State Theatre Complete Auto Repairing and Towing § MEHAMA March 9. 1950 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ■-------------------------------------------------- Phone 903 WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF RUBBER BOOTS AND RAINGEAR ALSO TIN COATS AND PANTS Santiam War Surplus and Santiam Clothiers 0 I o o OLD BANK BI IIJIING MUX (TTY 0 B B0 0BB0gnBBBB0BBBBBannBDBBBn0BrnaBBnBnnBRRnaBRnaanunm I