Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1950)
January 5, 1650 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE SPORTS PAGE SPORT SHORTS Wolves Play Tigers Here Friday Night Semi-pro Basketball To Open Rockets Open Dimes Drive Season Here To Kick Off With Detroit With Parade By HOPPY f The new year has started off with a bang already with the opening of play for whistle toters and off-court Mill City’s own home town basket referees and high school basketball. The annual March of Dimes cam ball team will officially open the 1950 Now we have the inauguration of a paign will get under way for the 1950 semi professional circuit in the Can The Mill City Timberwolves will go , semi-pro circuit in the Canyon area activities with a parade Saturday, yon area with home town teams from into action again Friday night when , tonight, Thursday, with a game with January 14, in Salem with all com Detroit, Aumsville, Turner, Scio, they meet the Turner Tigers in a k the Detroit hometowners on the high munities in Marion county participa Sublimity and Mill City in a six team southern section Marion county B ; school gymnasium floor at 8 p.m. ting, it was announced by Howard C. Santiam valley league. league tilt on the Mill City high t Last year's Santiam league cham Ragan, county chairman. pions are out again this year to take Most of these fellows turn out on school gymnasium floor. The parade will start at 10:00 am their own time to practice and play. Turner, with one victory under . the trophy and the trip to the A.A.U. in the capital city with Governor They enjoy the game, and would not I their belts over the Gates varsity, I meet in Portland at the close of the Douglas McKay leading the affair. play if they didn't, but they also put will be out for their second win of » season. Also other state, county and city of in their own money. ' the season over the Wolves. Mill I This year’s Rockets are made up ficials will participate. Last year the biggest gate taken ' City, on of the other hand has won ( ' of some of the fastest moving mate The several high school bands at the home court in the high school eight games in eight starts, has vic rial in the area with many of last throughout the county will also Where were tories over the power ridden Sublim- year’s members again on the squad j participate as well as Boy Scout gymnasium was $10. All of the players give their time and the local sports fans? ' ity and Aumsville squads. own money to get the season started, units, Girl Scout units, 4-H, Hi-Y, These boys are out to give you a j This game will mark the first ap and various other organizations. , and then its play for pay. good game of ball, and your home pearance of new uniforms for the The parade forms at 10 A M. in the , One of this year ’ s standouts on the town team took the league cham local team, purchased with money Marion Square on North Commercial Mill City court ball handlers is big pionship last year. They also went from various projects by the student street and will end at the March of Bob Bowling, six foot four inch cen to the AAU meet in Portland, but re body. Dimes booth on the county court Game time is 7:15 for the preliml- ter, who formerly played on the house lawn. ceived no support from the local I Santa Clara varsity squad. Also [ nary "B” game while the varsity en area. the two speedster brothers, Gale and At the same there will be a Dimes They are again out this year, with counter starts at 8:30 p.m. contest with Girl Scouts competing many of last year’s participants, and The Chemawa game, originally , Don Carey, are on the varsity again against Boy Scouts to see which or- , this year. Their brother, Norm, is additional talent. Give them your scheduled for Tuesday night, was ganization can lay the most dimes support and see the home series postponed to a later date because of > now playing for Stewart’s Chevrolet in a straight line, a block long. in Portland. Professional basketball is a game bad road conditions. Other’s turning out for the squad The parade will be followed by that needs the support of the local are Leland Manning, Joe Lalack, entertainment. The activities will citizenry, and it gives you the chance last year’s standouts. take place in the Armory if it rains, to feel that you are in the game, be Don’t forget the high school game Eugene Armstrong, Ronnie Johnson, Ragan reported. Joe Boyle, Stayton high-school coach, cause it is your friends in there this Friday night on the local court Monday and Tuesday, January 16 fighting for the glory of your town. with Turner. The charge is only 50 Woody Heller and Tom Shelton, and 17th, opening days of the cam shortie man of the outfit. The fellows this year have paid out cents and the preliminary and var- | paign, there will be a Talent discov Of their Avn pockets to get suits sity games are well worth the price Coach Ken Chance, who last year ery show for Marion county with cleaned, rent thé high school gym- I to see your own teen-agers in action. engineered the team to ten victories $100 in cash prizes for the winners. nasium, and carry on advertising to The ''B” game starts at 7:15 and the and only one defeat in league play, This will take place at the Salem made up of Aumsville, Turner, Sub let you know when they play. Sec varsity at 8:30. See you there. limity, and Mill City, is again at the high school auditorium. All are in- basketball at it8 best with such stars vited to participate in the no-age as Bob Dowling, who formerly played About 2,600 wooden crossties are reigns of the hometowners. limit contest. Register for the con- Plenty of good basketball is in with the national leading Santa Clara needed for every mile of railroad store for local sports fans to follow test by writing to the 1950 March of Bronco’s, and Don and Gale Carey, | track in the U. 8. in the semi-pro league and if a big- Dimes, 409 Oregon building, Salem. A Zz ger audience does not show at the The 1950 campaign will be clim home games, the squad may have to axed in Marion county with a public drop participation in future years. dance January 31, at the Crystal Gardens in Salem, sponsored by the ! • Chance said. This year’s home schedule is as fol Elks. Two bands will entertain the dancers, with dancing to be held on lows; two floors. Detroit here, January 5. During the 1950 campaign a travel Turner here, January 12. ing entertainment unit will visit the Sublimity here, January 19. various communities in the county. Scio here, January 30. Also 16 millimeter films of various Aumsville here, February 13, polio victims in the county will be available to all civic and fraternal clubs. Ragan said the '49 funds are com pletely exhausted and the organiza- ■ tion is now in debt. He has issued an emergency plea to all citizens in the OPEN !»:»0 A.M. to 5 P.M. Week Days county to back this year’s drive. Charles Kelly, local postmaster, is 11:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Saturday» Oregon state "don ’ t allow no danc- j ___Í 1 chairman of the Mill City drive. ing done in here after midniglit on V: Saturday nights”, was the cry of a COUGARS TO PLAY deputy sheriff at the Idanha fire SUBLIMITY CAGERS man’s dance New Year’s eve night. The Detroit Cougars will meet the The 400 participants, however, car. Sublimity courtmen in lied on and everyone had a happy Friday night at the a league tilt Detroit high and enjoyable New Year beginning' gym with the "B" squad taking by dancing through the twelve bells to the floor at 7:00 p.m. The varsity on the new high school auditorium will begin play at 8:15 p.m., accord floor. ing to Coach Stan Whipple. The Rhythm Makers, a small band from Portland, furnished the music Jlm Poole, Jr. and a friend. Miss for the dance and the firemen Lloyd Hayes, both of McMinnville grossed nearly $400. were visitors at the James Poole home during the holidays. I Following a visit with relatives in I Mill City. Mr and Mrs Robert Swift and family .Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hath BYRON DAVIS, Prop. away and family of Emmet.Idaho, left for Oklahoma, where they will “At the Bottom of the Hill" open territory in their work. OLESON’S Complete Line of Ladies Wearing Apparel Infant Défit. Cji/t Items band of Klamath Falls spent the holi days with their mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morris. The Carl Chance home was the scene of activity for many relatives during the holiday week. Guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chance of Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carey and Diane of Portland, Mrs Mr. and Mrs Jim Swan spent New Year's weekend in Eugene visiting M. Miller of Salem and Mrs. Velma their daughter and family Mr. and Carey of Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Budlong and M rs. C torge Gillenwater. daughter Claudia were in Salem Miss Lucille Corbin left for San Francisco after spending the holidays over the holidays with her parents, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. S. the Percy Budlongs. Corbin and sister and family Mrs.Don- Miss Betty Class of Salem spent the holidays at the Charles Day ald Sheythe. At the J. B. Love home were his ne home. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rogers, Sr. phew Bob King and wife of San Obis po, Calif, and niece and nephew, Imo spent the holidays in Portland at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. gene and Bob Love of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Boroughs and Troy Wambaugh. Also present were three children motored to Eugene Mr. and Mrs. George Bertillson and during the holidays, accompanied by daughter of Oregon City, another his mother, who spent Christmas day daughter and family. Miss Isabelle Mason of Salem and with them. Mr. and Mrs. Russell King and Mrs. Delos Hoeye, two children and daughter, Marian have just returned husband, daughters of Mrs. Harry after spending the holiday season Mason, spent the holidays with their mother. with his mother in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree and three family attended a family reunion in 1 children spent the holidays with Waterloo at the home of her sister, relatives in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mercer, during Mr. and Mrs. Kuhlman spent the holiday week in Idaho. They also the holidays. Mrs. Belle Hawkins was in Salem took their three sons, Arlone, RonalcJ during the holidays to be with her and Charles, daughter and family. Mrs. Bertha Shepherd spent the Miss Eleanor Simmers of Portland holidays with her son, Richard, in and Mrs. Everett Hoover and hus- Junction City. Officer States Can’t Dance To Late Hour MILL CITY TAVERN MILL CITY DINE & DANCE AT Manolis Santiam Cafe Mill City Plumbing & Heating EREE ESTIMATES \¥ e Aim to Please ’ See MARTIN J. HANSEN We Specialize in Wreck Rebuilding, General Auto Body Repair TN ALL OUR WRECK WORK FRAMES AND FRONT END SUSPENSION ARE CORRECTED ON BEAR FRAME AND ALIGNMENT MACHINES YOl K CAR LOOKS NEW WHEN WE ARE THROUGH ’ Knowles Body & Fender Repair PHONE 88 MILL CITY MILL CITY OREGON MILL CITY laauonnnunHaaHHannaaHnaBma SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE* BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES FISHING T KCKI.E SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKOPS AT Laundry Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton Laundry and Dry Cleaning Ken OolUet, Mehama; Mt Jeff Cafe, Idanha Dry Cleaning Santiam Self-Service I-aundry, Detroit 1« South High S 91i3 SALEM PHONE Mill, tin 2602 or 2108 LITTLE ILLS GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING pvj * Fxpert Work. Fiwest mate rial». H<>rk done promptlv ... and guaranteed. u» gi»e you a free eatimate. r DuraPower* It’» Smart! If. New! Where Friend» Meet On Highway 222. Linn County Side Tony Ziebert MILL CITY George ’Sparky’ Ditter for ELGINS 7ku amiumg maintpnng lw«r mudoNe/ormotr Hgin • m . wj i Maker s MAKE • True, that "little illnetx" you'»« beer mentioning in • a offhane way, m may ne» seem to amount to much— just a lew faint symptoms. But, neglected, these "littla ills" can lead to big bills for doctort, medicine«, etc; not to mention needless suffering and loss of precious time. Consult a Doctor now — you'll sa»e by it in the eml. Ami, of course, we h«'pe you'll being his prescription to na for careful compounding. Capital Drug Co GUARD Your valuable papers, jewelry, etc., from loss by fire or theft Rent a SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX at this bank MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP.