Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, JUNE ». 194» Dont Borrow, Subscribe! PRICES FRIDAY AND SATI RDAY 49 per lb. per lb. Lg. pkg. POPULAR BRANDS 23 9Ï 55 29 The Mill City Enterprise : and a covered dish luncheon was served. Guest speaker was Mrs. Ray B. Boals of Eugene, Presbyterian MHI City, Oregon. Word was received here by friends Synodical owu»» faynvuivai Social Education and Ac- of the death of Harold K. Freeman, Charlea Wolverton, Editor and Publisher _ Other husband of Mabel (Needham) Free- | tion secretary of Oregon, guests were Mrs. Boals’ laughter, Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager man of Portland. Funeral was held and son Michael there Thurslay. Mrs. Freeman taught Mrs. Harry McKee Gates, and Mrs. Entered •* second-cla*» matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City here in the primary department and I who is moving to Dick McClintic, of Eugene. Dr. Da- Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. was principal for a time. — !.l TXtMMi ’n a a rannrf vid Ferguson mai gave report net on +Vto the ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING general assembly. Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and There will be a pre-school clinic | those received later up to 10 a. m. Tliursday will run in the "Too Late to Classify Tuesday, June 14 in the recreation Glenn W. Roten and Helen Scott section. room of the high school from 10-12 Toole were married May 28 at the Error» in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not and from 1 to 3 p.m., according to an announcement by Mrs. Arthur Krie- home of Mrs. Mattie Murdock. The be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Rev. W. W. Watkins performed the CLASSIFIED KATE ver. \ ceremony. Only relatives were pres One insertion lor 50c or three insertions for 11.00. Display advertising 40c inch Parents of children entering school ent. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. this fall are urged to bring them to Frank Jackson Jr., of Astoria. a pre- school conference at this time. N 4 z PER O bíc I o O l All other infants and pre-school P U B 11 S ¿I V IAIIOH REBEKAH OFFICERS ELECTED ~~R X children will have the opportunity Newly elected officers of Santiam whoaping cough shots, diphtheria Rebekah Lodge will take office in Ju Pinballs, mu sic and punchboards shots and small pox vaccinations. ly. They are: 1500.00 Law enforcement: There will also be eye examinations :’,300.00 Téléphoné Dean Jackson, noble grand; Car 150.0(1 Police salary in addition to the health check-up. men Stafford, vice grand; Bertha Bal 76.00 Board prisoners STREET FUND 600.00 I State Hlghway Commission 5453.00 timore, secretary, and Hazel Nelson, Police car expense The Presbyterian Aid Society met 250.00 County road tax treasurer, both re-elected. Mise, expense 1000.00 at the home of Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood 450.00 Public utilities (light and wateri The charter was draped for a de Insurance 60.00 ceased member, the late Sam Jurgen- 700.00 Matron salary « 800.00 son, a member for 24 years. Next Police car payment EMERGENCY FUND meeting, honoring past noble grands, STREET FUND Cash on han d 3106.0b I I .’I /”J 2000.00 will be held this month. Maintenance and repair x«- -3» •» ;«• <«• •» 4000.00 / Salaries •le atti.tio C'liff Ambers The Clayton Baltimore« fished in Equipment repair I’ - V 1000.00 Sardine Creek and had good luck, Street lights 1741.00 Jimmy caught a 11 inch rainbow. Emergency fund Mrs. C. E. Coviile underwent a major operation in Salem Memorial INCOME FOR YEAR 1949-1950 Hospital Monday. Her condition is JUST EAST OF GATES GENERAL FUND Liquor 647.00 | •4» <«• «• < I fair. Fines 1500.00* BUDGET Licenses 1200.00 OF CITY OF MILL CITY, Ore. FOR YEAR 1949-1950 GENERAD FUND Recorder salary, judge salary On nome lota of Brown, and Brown & White, Ladies, Girls and ( hild- ren’s oxfords, also------ Men’s, larlies’, Boys’, Girls and hildren’s slippers. We're selling out our stock to get ready for our new store. % THE FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS M aples STAYTON PLUMBING CO Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance See Ed L. Davis Lyons, R. F. I). Weddle Funeral Home OREGON, LTD. UNION SHOP ROBERT SKINNER. Proprietor Blue 118B R*m. 428R STAYTON Phone 751 Stayton, Oregon a ¿i HILLTOP ( Quality Repair Parts GARBAGE SERVICE CRANE $1 per month and up Also serving Gates and Lyons HUMIINa IQUISMINT MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE BUILD for Happiness BUILD a NEW HOME Phone 2102 LEONARD HERMAN CAPITAL SALEM. OREGON tminntnn mi iiiiitfiiiniLn'iiiiniimniumiiiifflnniF Screen Doors Knotty pine paneling Sheet Rock building GEIGER MOTOR CO USED CARS Bought * Consigned - Sold 1 Mile East of liâtes Near The Maples Arthurs Cafe PARTS •Delta Band Saws •Delta Joinera •Delta Table Saws Delta Wood laithes Delco-Remy Shocks Phone 3-9151 Liberty After hours 2-1593 ( hemketa supply of Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON, OREGON IHliill A U TO < ompleh Stop in and See Our SPECIALS on ALL TRAILER HOMES LICENSED .Expert Workmanship We Sell and Install Mill City MODERN FUNERAL SERVICE A LUZILRS friendly place to meet .•inti eat Chicken in the Rough Information Center. Detroit, Oregor 24 hours a day Fine (Osmetic* and Perfumes Gifts for Men and Women 50 Cents up KAY COLBURN, Distributor MUI City. Oregon Studio 200 feet West of Furniture Store Telephone 2606 for appointment Santiani Hardware I and MVI'ERIAI. COSTS. UHU ENTIRE Bill.DING PRoJEtT nerds COMPANY OPEN S VH RDWS Retail Division Bussell Kelly, Mgr Stayton ■or BROWNSVILLE PICNIC JUNE 16, 17, 18 SHADES OF PIONEERS' It's Nnw agata the annual trek to Brown» »Me to celebrato Me coming e4 our forefather» •e th to valley, A bag Mme to In «tore fee aM ... with enter- ternmeaf e-plenty. May we ««Stowd our Beet Wi«he» 1er e »ucctMfvl caUbraH««» 1 4 .1 I Mountain States Power Co "A SILF SUPPORTING, TAX PAYING PRIVATt ENTtRPftlSt” MANl’FACTI’RERS OF l'ENTS. AWNINGS & CANVAS GO DS Tent* For Rent By The Month 729 N. Libert». SALEM