Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1949)
MILL QTY ENTERPRISE. kPRIL 21. 1919 K- w naata ii'fflfa- I DETROIT i»‘i" I I BUYING AT HUME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON SANTIAM SELF - SERVICE L A I N 1) R Y Standard Rates Washing, Drying or Either Workingmen's Bundles Finished Ph. 418 ■i Mi. E. of Detroit Santiam FOOD MART MEATS • Margaret NOBLE DETROIT TAVERN and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Redd Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryden canyon garage EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODI (1 S U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E. FRY, Manager DAVIS SPORTING & DRY GOODS Famous Pendleton Shirts We Have Them L. C. DAVIS & SON GROCERIES Janet NELSON Complete Line of FISHING TACKLE Baldwin's Canyon Club Persh Bruce Don’t Borrow. Subscribe ! iFOR SALE Ideal homesites, with lots 1 vaterand electricity available; 50x100. W° do our own financing In M II City, below the dam, in » lovely valley on the North Santiam. Geo. (Red) Thomas ot Wayne Tho- • mas. Mill City, Ore. FOR SALE — Four acres improved land, near Mill City. Ideal homesites. Will sell all or part. Ted Olsen, Rt. 1, Lyons. FOR SALE—30 acres along N. San- tiam River. Good location for hous ing project or industrial site. Plenty of spring water, near Detroit Dam project. Royal Johnson, Lyons, Ore , Rt. 1. Bx 135, Tel. 742 Mill City, 2 mi east of Gates in Linn Co. 3 FOP SALE—’47 F>-d »nick, 2-ton, 18 ft flatbed, 900 tires. 2 speed Ea- ton axle, 200” wh htse, extras, 14.- 00 mi. Joe Stanton, 334 Norway, Sil- 8 verton, call 4171. HAY FOR SALE or trade for cattle —Paul Homer 9* BOY!! Have Me Got ‘‘IT”! What?? Canyon Property To buy or sell—see “The Women" PENNICK & PENNICK Phone 702 Wants and Sales FOR SALE—Mt. Jefferson Cafe in Idanha. B. B. Blan. à FOR SALE—Mod. 4 ib’room house, for sale. Ernest Ragsdale, Mill City.8 FOR SALE — 2 L’rOom house, all mod. $3400, two lots. See Red Thom as or ph. 2042. 8 FOR SALE—4 b’room house. Ernest Ragsdale, Mill City. 8 IS YOUR REFRIGERATOR work ing right? If not, call PORTER & LAU for fast, dependable refrigera RELIABLE high school girl for baby tor, washer, electric appliance or ra sitting. References if desreid. Wanda dio service. * Haney, Ph. 2051. WE STOCK all types of Hearing Aid MILL CITY batteries. Radio Batteries, and Flash- DISPOSAL SERVICE nte and lantern batteries. Stiffler Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. Radio and Appliance Store. Weekly pickups $1 per month. Alsu FOR sale—mod. 4 rm. house, bath: light hauling. laundry room, garage. Will take late Leonard Herman Phone 2102 mod, car in trade. J. G. Whitehead, Lyons, near IGA_store. 8 Oregon Certified Marshall Strawberry Plants EXPERT auto and home radio ser Grown in Eastern Oregon vice. 20 years experience, all makes, Write for Pric» List vruaranteed service. Agricultural Research Indus! ies Stiffler’s Radio and Appiance Route 2, Box 72, Payette, Ida o SEE MORRISON for carpentering and concrete work. Free estimates. Sidewalks a special ODD JOBS done Fridays after school ty. See D. V. Moirison. Gates, or and Saturdays. See Pat Wolverton, leave word with Don Jenkins, Mill Wilma Howe or phone 3425. * City. FOR REFRIGERATION service call FOR SALE — Bedstead $10; dining Al Laue, through your local ope ator. table, $20; round oak game table, USED Range in fine condition. Call $35. Mrs. Henrietta Quinn or Mrs. Al Laue. Refrigeration Sales and W. W. Allen. * Service, Salem, Ore. FOR ANY kind of brick work ami NEED A TELEPHONE? -Come in fir-place, chimney flues, patios. New and sen the new Stromberg-Carlson or repair. F ee estimate. Tel 1171, desk telephone. Highest quality and John W. Hanna, Silverton, Rt. 3 * approved for your local phone ser iMti|i|mi|liiiiiii lilllHUiitlidiiiillllltfli.IllIllilliltli'ItflilllllllllllHI.IIIIiliBdlHilMI'lln llli'ilH'IIHilli vice. At Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance Phone 902 Mill City I HARLOW L. WEINRICKi Attorney at Law i 31« Broadalbin Albany Tex’s Tavern A friendly family atmosphere prevails With a prescription in your purse or pocket, your first thought is i<* safety. You want accuracy , competence, fre»b potent drugs. But, you also want that prescription com pounded at a fair price. B< cause our business is built on just such a sound basin, we cor dially invite you to try us on youi Doc'.or'snc.t prrscr’pti n Capital Drug Co Salem, Oregon rfUlOR CITY OF MILL CITY, ORE. Near Detroit dam, wants diversified industries, large and small. Sites, la bor, utilities available. Write for bro chure. Chamber of Commerce, Mill City, Ore. * • Gillenwater and Mrs. Oderman are the daughti * M •. and Mr». Swan. The Charles Keilys had a family nt Fa c- S ir. lay with Mr and Mrs. R. C. Haseman and C. T. Hase- of Idanha. Mr. and Mrs. D B Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill and Bobby, and Mrs. W. J. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen ami Sherry went to Castle Rock and Long view to visit his parents and hers for Easter. The carpentry work on the build ing being constructed by Frank Bla- xek is completed according to Roy Beebe, contractor. Mr. and Mrs. Al Smeenk and Ron- aid Swan of Portland spent the week end with their patents, Mr. and Mrs. John Swan. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McAdams anil daughters. Phebe and Ruth of Salem visited on Easter Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. R. Geddes. Mill City Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill went to Portland Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fau st bad a family dinner Faster with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trask and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thacker and children of I lanha. Mrs. Alice Thacker, and Bob Faust- Mrs. William Chase and son, Will- iam of Aurora were week-end guests of her father. Dr. David James Fer- guson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ciee and fam ily and Mr. I Mrs. Roy Walker motored to Portland Eas er morning. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Pot ter Easter were Mr. and Mrs. Iaife Potter and son, Lyle of Portland. Mr and Mrs. Richard Larson, Mrs. Elsie Potter of Salem, and their son, Willis, Jr. who is home for spring vacation from the military academy at San Rafel, California. Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen of Mon- itor spent Easter with her mother Mrs. Ann Dawes. Mr. and Mrs. Delos Hoeye and children of Corvallis spent the week end in Mill City at the home of her mother, Mrs. Edith Mason. Mr. Hoeye is attending OSC and made a 3.75 scholastic average. Spending Easter at the home of Mr. and Mis. James Swan were Mr. and Mrs. George Gillenwater of Swiss- home, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oder- and Kathy of Klamath Falls. Mrs. LOTS OF LOTS for sale — New homes under construction that qual ify for GI loans. See Red Thomas or ph. 2042, Mill City. 8 J* F. ULklCH CO Real Estate Insurance STAYTON SANT I AM GARAGE GENERAL AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACETYLINE WELDING PHONE »452 T m HOLT n • A ESTERN HERITAGE" and “PRINCE OF THIEVES Starring Jon HALL MATINEE • • • SUNDAY and MONDAY i:. S 1'1 TON THE FULLER BRI SH MAN • REALTORS Investments - Insurance - Appraisals We specialize in all types of apprais- al^ See us abo . your values. Expert Federal appraiser. Have testified in Federal court 33 times on values. Ph 3-8672 Salem Rm. 202, 317 Court • • TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ••DESTRO! ER’ <th Edw G. ROBINSON THURSDAY MM “THE SEARCH'* PTA BENEFIT SHOW URGENTLY NEEDED! r> 1'1 « i;i I I RS i \l ( I l \TORS \DDING MACHINES CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT < O. 531 Court........... Salem. Oregon Sales — Rentals — Service i HOMEGUARD Venitian blinds, cus tom made, Flexalum or steel. Equip ped with automatic “Levalor.” Ask for free estimate Phone 504B, West ern Store, Stayton. 6* LISTINGS OF REAL ESTATE FOR SALE —8 tm. house, 4 a. lami. 1 mi. SW of Lyons, Ore. H. W. Kun kle, Rt. 1 Stayton, Ore. 7 —Homes for sule or rent —Business property, buildings and sites —Vacant lots —Small acreages FROM MEHAMA TO GATES. INCLUDING: SPINET PIANO—Want responsible party living near M 11 City assume contract on piano. Cash or terms. Write Stone Piano Co., 1540 Fair grounds rd., Salem, Oie. 7* David M. Reid Real Estate SCIO BARGAIN CENTER—Ph28F6 2 blocks S. of Bridge on Main St. List your homes and farms with me. Beds, Chairs, Tables, Plumbing Fix Have cash buyers. Mill City. Gates, tures, Heating and Cooking Stoves. Detroit, Lyons. Many other ' em«. Come in and look DAVID M. REID. REAL ESTATE around. We Buy, Sell & Trade. • IF YOUR FURNITURE looks shab I FOR SALE House and lot. $3500. by have it recovered, modernized and i See or write Max Tlarlan, Detroit. made like new. Mail us a card giving 20 exact location and I will call with samples and give fret* estimate of | HORSE SHOEING -See Opie Clark, FOR SALE — Mod. 2 broom home, cost. Truck and auto seats recovered. -or write Box 448 Mill City. 7 garage, elec, water heater, oil heater. Pickup and delivery free. C. E. Hen See Mrs. Til Rains, Gates, Ore., or sley, 604 N. 1st st., Silverton. Phone I FOR SALE— 4 lots, orchard, berries, | walnuts, graipes, chicken house, 3- phone. ? 1153. b'room house, steel built-ins n kit- FOR SALE-Allen Wales adding ma NURSERY STOCK-See or call Tony ¡chen. tile bath. See Red Thomas or chine. Used only 3 mos. Mrs. Joe Moravec. Berry and poultry farm. Rt. ph. 2042. 8 Ziebert, Ph. 1203, Mill City. 7* 1, Bx 242. Stayton, Ph. 1483, about NOTICE FOR SALE—’939 Ford Fou doar se your Wash, raspberry and Verybest The regular garbage service does dan. $400. See Baker at Jewelry blueberry plants. Ask for price list.* not include large amounts of store 8* FOR SALE A chance to make real tiash gathered in spring clean in. We will haul this away for money. Restauiant on wheels. Ready WANTED 2 b’room house to rent you at a small charge. to go anywhere on wheels to any lo- in Mill City, Gates or Lyons. Mrs. Mill City Disposal Service ! Axel Anderson, Mill City. 7* *cation. Stainless steel kitchen, nine 'stools, counter, fully equipped. For WANTED—Obi furniture, old china, SPECIAL information contart us. Price $8750. coloieod glues and kerosene lamps. 4 rm. house, wired for elec, range, Terms. Ph. Milwaukie 28066. Mis. Carl Frei- clean, nice lawn, garden. Only $3500, RESTAURANT in Taft, Oreg., on linger, Rt. 4, Bx. 82, Milwaukie, Ore. terms. Possession May 1. main highway 101. Doing fine busi 6 N. L. Pennick - Barbara R. Pennick ness. Just now adding fishing sup Brokers Phone 702 plies. Best Location in town. FOR SALE or trade 18' trailer house, good shape. 5 bl. N. of Lyons FARMS, courts, homes for sale or A GOOD selection of linoleum yard postoftilie. E. D Miller, Lyons 6 age. 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per nq. trade. Taft, Oreg Phone Taft 169. Northwestern Real Fatate Co. yd. Mill City Furniture Co. FOR SAl.i: 12 I’:i' kaid <'!p- . '47 M. Eaton motor. Daveno and sw. rocker. 5, pc. Geo. H. Bell SATURDAY b’room suite, lg. wardrobe trunk, tw. t in. -p. mattreaees, FOR SALE chest b’apreads and cu: tains to 4 rm. modem, lot 50x100. comer lot, match. All articles in exc. cond. Ph. 1x4 Stayton. ® clean, only $4000. MILL CITY HOWARD CORSET SHOP NOTICE FOUNDATION GARMENTS Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery-Lin-gerie-Dreeses-Smocks Hoslery-Lin-gerie-Diesses-Smocks 131 High St. Salem Ph. 4032 WE HAVE A CARLOAD WOVEN WIRE JUST IN. ALSO, H ALF CAR 10' 3" BVL- ING WIRE. (HECK YOUR NEEDS AND PLACE YOUR ORDER NO \ S A N T I A M FARMERS CO-OP I C- The Commercial Book Store Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS FURNITURE AND BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES Phone 3-4531 141 N. Commercial St. I SALEM, ORK. mi lupiw’tiii 'Hi w '««nur FOR SALE 2 b’room mod house. 7 rm. i acre, good roof, paint jobs. Lot ‘.♦0x103. Mrs. George Duncan, Needs paper, paint inside. Could be Stayton. 6 made into 2 apts. Only $4000. FOR SALE -Two 8-25x2« ten ply I 6 rm. house and garage, not finished, Firestone truck tires, $65 ea. Two lot 50x100, good location, $3000. Disten power saws, good cond. One wood cook stove. $25. Moll City Mfg. 6 ¡2 acres, beautiful building spot. $1000 Co. Mill City, Ore. 1 4 im., nice lawn and garden, $3500. FOR SAIE 4 acres on highway 5 --------------- b j House, 2 apartments downstairs, mi. W. of Mill City on highway Will ¡completely furnished, 50x100 lot. ex- divide. Clyde McRae, Rt. 1 Lyons. 6 ! tra well located, $7900. terms. FOR SALE—14 acres, or lots. Idenl hem enit en. In Mill City. F ord son trac 4 rm. house, new. partly furnished, tor nnd plow. $100. Paul Johnke, Mill $4250, terma. City, Ore...............................................6 FOR SALE — 25 ft. Palace Royal Trader home. Eastern built. All met al. two tone. 2 dr. Pullman. Finished in white birch. 6 ft. Frigidaire. but ane range, ool heat, sleeps 4. Many deluxe features. Early '48. Like now. Cost $3475. Sell $2400 Ray Herbnt, converted into apartments. 3 lots— His Shop. Indepen-lence Hotel Bldg. $3000 handle. Independence. Ore. ® 1 acre, new 2 bedroom house, elec, stove, hot water tank, Coleman heat- er, rug on living room, only $5800 New 2 bedroom home, lot 50x100 only $7500, extra well located. 5 rm, modern, large garage, can be I 1 6 rm. new, lot 85x145. a ateal at POR SAIE Daven«, $35. < an be seen in morning» only. J. C. Kimmel. $6500. terms. 6* We have many moro. USED refrigeraba. Good Bargains, Phone Mill City 702 N. L .Pennick Barbara R Pennick B*«t Condition. Al Laue Rofrigera- tion, 2350 Seate, Salem. BROKERS I I ------------------------------------------------------- Chevrolet Chvncrs-this isthc opportunity you’ve been waiting for. So take advantage of it while you can Don't put those needed repair» off any longer. Wr have mad* it pon- nible for you to take care of thin n.-w«»ary wxa-k by paying a «mall amount each month. We are running a SPECIAL PRICE on motor repair« on Chevrolets only. x Install piston rings Grind valves Clean and align oil pan Burn out breatherpipe. All gaskets 5 quarts oil THIS INCLUDES ALL THE ABOVE LISTED PARTS AND LABOR FOR ONLY 95 DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Don’t forget to a»k about our budget plan. $1» North < ommervtal Fh- »-3175 Shtem, Oregon