Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, APRIL 21, 1949 of light fixtures, mirrors and pictuies In the matt r of the Application) Brand Zelt and baby daughter of as well as renting rooms. of ) S_nta Crus, Calif. Mrs. Mattoon and I Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Houck and dau on the walls. No damage has been IDA W. CAREY. JACK CAREY.) M:s. Zelt are cousins. ghter, Gail Ann and Mrs. L. C. Chris reported. I Mr. and Mrs. Archie By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT Mattoon mo- man visited over the Easter week-end Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs A k EY LO xi K a B c KY anu IRENE) the Archie Mattoon» last tored to Warm Springs reservation at the of the parents, Mr. Joe Joaquin Saturday were her g.und PODRABSKY ) week were her brother-in-law and sis to attend the Root Festival, report Houck and Mrs. Chrisman. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beater of Eu NOTICE OF ALLEY’ VACATION ter, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Jun.s and ing about 2000 people there. Sunday dinner guests were TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Mrs. and Mrs. H. D. Burts are the gene. daughter Shiiley of Prineville. Thurs NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mrs. W. E. Wate.s came Thurs proud grandparents of two grand-- Mrs. Martha Bowes, Mrs. Blanch day Mrs. Lavell White, an aunt of day from her home in Bren erton for daughters, Bonita, born to Mr. and Dean, Mis. Laura Joaquin and Jos IDA W. CAREY’ and others, have Mrs. Mattoon, and Allen Grant of a two weeks' visit with her son-in- Mrs. Delmar Burt of Waldport on eph Bowes. filed a petition March 25, 1949, with Bent were there. Also Mr. and Mrs. law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray March 22, and Linda kay, born to the Common Council, to close the 16 foot alley running North and South mond Sophy and gransons Russell Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cruise of Leban through the center of Block 25. Hob an Richard Rice. on April 6. PRECISION GRINDING son’s Addition to the City of Mill Mrs. James Weins of Cashmere, I Mrs. Lola Christianson and child City, Linn Cunty, Oregon, between ren Gayle and Norma Lee of New Washington expects to leave for her By JEAN ROBERTS of lawnmowers; all kinds of berg came Thursday to spend Easter home on Tuesday after visiting for The Gates hill road is again pass D Street and E. Street, in the City toils sharpened. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray the past six weeks at the home of able, for Elk ura-Mill City travel, of Mill City, Oregon, as same ap ED L. BERGHOLZ her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. after being closed since last Novem pears upon the recorded plat of said (on county roa ! SE Hilltop Store) Johnson. Mr and Mrs. J. Cal Schlador came and Mrs, Pyul Fletcher. On Sun- ber by snow. This is positively a fair addition of said City, now n file in 1 back to Detroit Friday after spend day the Fletcher family and their weather road, as the deep ruts at the the llecordei’s Office of the Recorder) of Conveyances in and for Linn Coun ing several months in California and guest attended a family reunion at bottom of the hiD indicate. ty, Oregon,a n d that said Common I in Silverton. the home of Mr. Fletcher’s mother, was opened sometime in I Mr. and Mrs. Albjn Cooper visited Mrs. Pearl Fletcher at Springfield. the The past road week of good weather by Council has set the 4th day of May, NORTH Satuiday night with his father, C. W. some intrepid individual, presumably 1949, at 8:00 P. M. o’clock thereof I SANTIAM Boy Scout Troop 43, Detroit-Idan in a jeep, with a sharp ax and a at the City Hall as the time and Cooper, in Molalla, and spent Easter with his mother, Mrs. Louis Kirkland ha, is taking a week end trip to the dauntless spirit. There were eight or place for the hearing of objections, TAUERN in Aurora. .lava caves beyond Bend and the Pe- more fir trees nine to 15 inches in i if any there be, why the above des- Mrs. Heber Pratt stayed o v e r- J I terson Rock Gardens near Redmond. Redmond, diameter obstructing the roadway. I MMMMMHKa:.:.WT- -SMMMreMBUBM night at the home of her son-in-law Of the 32 boys now in the troop, 28 These had been chopped through and One Mile East of Detroit and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Zealand plan to make the trip, accompanied rolled out of the way. JEWEL MYERS, MGR. Fryer on Friday en route to a visit by Sol Tucker, assistant scoutmaster. A few patches of snow still linger Besides this large number oi Boy near the top of the rodge. All in all, at the home of her mother. Mrs. Eu- Scout», there are 34 Cub Scouts, ac- the load is passable, if it doesn’t rain ora Short in St. George, Utah. Mrs. James Smith of Wasco, Wash., co ..ling to Jack Laddusaw, scoutmas ami if someone has the agility of a visited Mr. and Mis. Ai—^'attoon ter The boys already are making mountain goat. 'Thursday. plans to enter the fishing derby, spon BE GOOD Mrs. G. R. Dickie and Mrs D.E. sored, with some worthwhile prizes, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longnecker TO YOURSELF Wood were in Eugene for a ciuple by the national organization. were called to Silverton Friday by the of days the last of the week. death of Mr. Longnecker’s father AND ENJOY Arthur’s Cafe is again making im who had been ill for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Ingle Johna-n of Mill City visited on Easter at the provements. A ioom 14 x 21 feet is THE BENEFITS Easter guests at the home of Mi. home of her brother and sister-in- being added, with shelves for gro and Mrs. Ike Myers were Mr. and OF GOOD HEALTH cery supplies needed in the restaur Mrs. Bill Bickett and family and Mr. law, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mo- re. We specialize in the treatment Mr. and Mr.'.. Keith Moor? enter ant. In this room also will be a walk- and Mrs. Ray Roberts and family. W e RY SATURDAY of rectal disorders. tained at a birthday dinn n on Sat- in cooler and meat cutting will be An Easter egg hunt was held at 4 im. N. of Salem on 99E No Hospitalization uiday honoring his father Guy 'lone there. At thefr ont of th» build the Elkhorn school Friday afternoon GLEN WOODRY’S No Ixiss of Time Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moore ing on the corner a small taxi stand for all the pupils and their younger ORCHESTRA Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic were the only guests. is being built. This will be equipped brothers and sisters. 85 cents, inc. tax Mrs. G. R. Dickie is opening her with tables, chairs, a pay telephone Nat uro-Proctologist More and more people are becom hotel at Detroit. Sjje will serve meals and magazine stands. 218 N. Liberty, Salem, Ore. ing aware of the hazaid in second iwaat, growth fir trees surrounding their John Cook is miding a modern homes. meat case to his grocery department. Ercill Wilson, Mehama logging op HAULING CATS, He is also finishing the outside of erator, and Ray Roberts, Elkhorn PIANOS SHOVELS and the building, adding much to its ap timer faller, were employed Saturday pearance. BAND INSTRUMENTS HEAVY EQUIPMENT to fall several trees threatening the The grade and high schools had a newly purchased home of Ken Gol INSTRUMENT REPAIRING two day Easter vacation, Friday and liet, Mehama merchant, on the Little Salem Heavy Hauling & Monday. North Fork. « ACCORDION LESSONS Equipment Co. J. Fowler came in fiom Portland A small second growth tree alrea I Phones: Plant 34644; Office 39408 with a new car. dy was resting on one corner of the 1405 N. FRONT ST, Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dick Buker roof, the result f a recent windstorm. LISTINGS OF REAL ESTATE SALEM this week end were he- daughter, The house was only slightly damaged Mrs. Harry Thomas, Richard and FROM MEHAMA TO GATES, Linda of Poitland. Work started this week setting the FOR SALE INCLUDING: poles for the new street lighting sys Diversified fruit and vegetable tem. —Homes for sole or rent farm; 20 acres, all cleaned; irri —Business property, buildings gation; orchards, vinyard and and sites berry fields. IN GATES —Vacant lots Strawberries, raspberries, boy GLEN HEARING. Prop. —Small acreages senberries, youngberria-s, apples, Easter programs were held in the grapes, walnuts, cherries. various rooms of the elementary 6 room house, hot, cold water, gtades in the local school Friday, an shower. 4 room fruit and stor- egg rollings and special treats for Real Estate age house, large garage and the children ami their gdests, their Stop and shop at MILL CITY workshop. parents, were provided by the teach only $7500.00 ers. WALLS VARIETY FRUIT The recent earthquake was felt in FARM Gates, and though few of the >esi- Rt. 1, Box 138, Turner, Ore., 1 dents here had ever experienced one NEW OPENING TIME mile west of Aumsville on Tur before, there was no doubt in their ner Road. minds as to the cause of the racking AT and jar of the houses, the swinging DETROIT cribed alley should not be closed. The above petitioners do hereby grant a permanent easement thiough said alley-way to the City of Mill City, for purpose of laying drainage or sewage disposal tile. earl ragsdale City Recorder. l>on’t Borrow, Subscribe! Elkhorn ¿k Modern T DANCE Glenwood Ballroom H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop * Blacksmithing * Welding * Logging and Sawmill Repairing. BLOCK WEST OF THEATER MILL CITY Service Station C, E. ’Pink' Mason, Prop. SHELL PRODUCT» AUTO STORAGE’ BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES FISH I Nt; T ACKLE Otto Russell FOR HIRE ! I URGENTLY NEEDED! Jacquith Music Co Gates David M. Reid The Little [Tench INNSIDE CAFE tests our work electronically giving a printed proof of accuracy. DEMAND WATCHMASTERTESTED REPAIR WORK Pay one-half, charge one-half 5:30 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. 115 N. High St. SALEM Jacob Spaniol & Son and PLUMBERS STAYTON, ORE. «Ä5- »> «• <♦> •» « LET US TEST YOUR WATCH IN 30 SECONDS NO CHARGE OR OBLIGATION California tinners ;♦> -3K Agency Fire Auto Life Accident Phone 1502 Detroit THAT OLD WATCH CAN GIVE MANY MORE YEARS OF GOOD SERVICE IF IT IS PROPERLY REPAIRED —SO, BRING IT WHERE EXPERT WORKMANSHIP COMBINED WITH Watch Master ELECTRONIC TESTING ASSURES SATISFACTION GLEN’S BARBEE SHOP forlatest fashion in coats suits and dresses INSURANCE ...NO EXTRA HAIL TARE! « BAKER’S Mill City Jewelry - new Short hair-do’s -oh-so-pretty with —=—I SEEING IS BELIEVING! If you re going East this year, Follaw fothioa’» foacy-wid Irwot yoursoW ta a naw »hart heir-da. Bwl fir»» .. . • »gaa^y Dob-w-cvrl Formaient Wava la leave year heir can. »•♦t-.hiniag-fvll af be4y e»»B beeaty. York, Chicago anti most other You’ve HEARD About Him — Now You Can SEE M much uf Ament i ax you •THE SEAMAN OF THE SEALED CAR’ On roundtri|M to New eastern »¿ties Soulh«r»i Pacific Shirley' Beauty Shop Annette Brazil It -tec Shirley Laird tec- tec will take you East through California for mA lc extra rail fare See San Franc ¿ mac ». I xm * Angflex and our groat So».th« Open evenings by appointment -a» -rec- ’«• •* Well. Go one way another // ip return See tws'e as much. r* err Any S P agent will he gl td to Salem Laundry big travel tmrg'Un PICKUPS AT Laundry: Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton ..Laundry and dry cleaning: Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe.. Idanha Dry Cleaning: Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit SALEM JinfíUEL A give you details about this SERVING THE CANYON ARE» 163 S. High )NJ.Y CAR I. $25.000 BET The friendly I A ACTI ILLY WELDED IN FOR 14 MONTHS — TOURING THE COUNTRY COAST TO COAST—THE ONLY C CK I.IKB1T f. THE WORLD SHOWER MOTOR CO. 1520 l»t Street STAYTON