Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1949)
* MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. MARCH 24. 194» Marion Forks RctfífiSÍ^ in part of Mecico on the trip. some physical defect. nn-union workers. It amazed mo t March 29, at Jenkins Hadwara. Irene Cargill, LaVonne DeMerritt If our legislators «ho not agree read that a locality composed of so PIGS for s^le—See C. C. Tucker, 1 and Gary Dale of Molalla, Mr. and with the foregoing, God forgive them many working people would permit mi. west of Gates near highway. 4 By MRS. S< OTT YOUNG Mrs. Floyd Bassett of Lyons, Mr. for they don’t know what they thould that t go on without a p ote>t. I The Rocky Road to Dublin has no- and Mrs. Vaughn and F. D. Thomp do, and they know not what they do. assume that the good people of Mill M :«• <«• « «' 5? x az thing on us Canyunites. It takes an son of Salem, Leo Kilger, Salem, C. DICK TURPIN City will nt permit their sclioolhou e army ‘Puck’ to fly low over these L. Stride, Evangeline Stride and Carl to be built by scab labor. oa Is. Old man Jack Frost succeeded Kistner, Dallas. Edna Kistner, Lin To the Editor: DAVE EPPS well in making ocean waves of a lot ton, Ind., Mike Laurie, Chicago Jack In reading the i"th of March issue of it. Weak stomachs could easily Christensen, Redmond and L. A. Lon-of The Mill City Enterprise, I no- SPECIAL NOTICE — The Woman’» have a case of seasickness. What do geliers, Woodburn, were recent vis- tices a story about the building of a Council of the Church of Christ will j JUST EAST OF GATES you think, who have been this way itors at the Forks. schoolhuuse that was to be done with hold a cooked food sale Thursday. , <«• x- :« :«• «p n » ■» < lately? We will be glad when old Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith and his man Sun comes out and waves his mother, Mrs. Grace Smith of Rose- magic wand on these icy spots and buig mde a business trip to Sisters witn the help of manpower we have last Thursday. Mr. Smith will take a road again. It’s funny how little up his duties as town marshall and we appreciate our good Oregon high water master at Sisters in the near ways when they are in good condi future. Mr. ami Mrs. Scott young made a tion. but just let us have a little misfortune with them and listen to short call at the home of S. T. Moote of the Letroit Hanger Station last the gripes. Isn’t that a fact ? week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pugh of Bend | Mr. and Mrs. Veni Morgan » * and M s. Homer Brantner of San- jn Portland recently, Mrs. Frank Ray of Idanha was a tian Junction made a call here last Thursday. visitor here Monday the 14th. Bill Smith, formerly of Santian' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Giebler of Idan- i ha accompanied by Kenneth Chance Junction, visiter! with friends over of Mill City anil Doug Yeoman of the week end. at the home of Mr. and t were recent visitors. Snow Mrs. Walter Martin. FRIDAY & SATURDAY were taken. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Winsor of San- To the Editor: tiam Junction have gone on a vaca If it is right for any citizen to be tion to San Deiego where she will awarded and receive a pension, then Tip U>p .»Is« «•» HI «up <!«•» Z, Ivvnt al IGA visit her son Kenny who is in the it is right for all citizens to rggeive Navy service Auere. They will take a penson when totally disabled by any form of total disability, includ SWIFT’S STEER ing old age. If it is right for firemen, policemen BE GOOD judges, congressmen, railroaders, school teachers, postoflice employees TO YOURSELF SWIFT’S eU. to be awarded and receive pen sions for past services and taxes they AND ENJOY have been paid during their working THE BENEFITS years up to 60 or 65, then it is right WHEEL - COUQl’ILLE TENDER AND (RISI that all workmen and women in ev OF GOOD HEALTH ery vocation Shffuld bitwise receive We specialize in the treatment pensions. of rectal disorders. lb. Rank should not make any differ- ’ No Hospitalization ence. NM No Loss of Time MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON ALL MEATS. PRODUCE AND GROCERIES Because a man wore a military un Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic iform and fought in the firing lines t Naturo- Proctologist POPULAR BRANDS for his country, he is no more entit 218 N. Liberty. Salem, Ore. led to a pension than the man that signed up to the conscription regula ctn tions and was rejected because of THE M A P L E S SHUX ElFCTRIR COMPANY, » STAYTON ÇÀffiüirj &VÊGE1A8LES 39 43 BEEF ROASTS 39 CHEESE 06 .39 CIGARETTES s I 1. I ,v,a HOT 4 lb. pkg URGENTLY 40 oz. pkg 52 .45 NEEDED! I h lb pkg LISTINGS OF REAL ESTATE 17 PEAS no 2 size 2 23 cans KIND TO YOVK HANDS BEST soap .29 .27 .33 FROM MEHAMA TO GATES. WITH THE FAMOUS JELL-IT ROLY POLY CHOICE SEEDLESS > 19 4 INCLUDING: Vifestinghouse automatic washer —Home» for sale or rent —Busine»» property, building» and aitea —Vacant lots —Small acreages David M. Reid WATER _ _ _ _ CM 4 * tut OPEN SUNDAYS Real Estate HERE* W gallons or water per lo-’d LAUNDROMAT MEHAMA that saves 17 ;o ( »2992? « Ken Gollie t COMFORT AND SAFETY! . and even better than you’d dreamedl Measures water to the size of the load. All you do is set a dial. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER in a Trade-Mark. Rra. U S. Pat. Off. Look at those features! Only laundromat has them I SLANTING FffONT— No awkward « bending or stooping when loading or u nloadinp washer ... the loading shelf is a time and work saver. -»« rhit «esy, eenvfndna way I Phone us and make ar rangements to see the Laundromat wash a load of your clothes. IT’S FREE. SINGH DIAL CONTROL All opera tions performed automatically: Starting, stopping, filling, water temperature, washing, rinsing damp-drying INCLINED 0ASK11 ' ment over all known wa rung metii- ods. Inclined Basket gives a wash ing acti on t hat i» amazi n g! y effi ci en t. Stlf-CLSANIN >— The laundromat has no lint trap. Wash and rinse waters keep interior sparkling clean. INSTALLS ANYWHERE' N? to Floor .. . No Vibration! PORTER & LAL’ ((Mfe M INSTALL THI NIW HOLLY WALL 25 HfATiR Her«'» n«w comfort b«outy and safety in on oxtro »moll wall h«otar with «Ktro large hooting copocty. Circula?«» gently heated air on on« or both »id«» of o partition. Smartly designed panel completely »h>«ld» all working part» — children'» Anger», clothing or furniture can't pot* bly be burned, fatily •tailed in old or new heme* Di mention» 14* ■ SOS’ Rhone u* to day for free estimate with Frozen Food “Stowaway Meat “Frlgidrawer” . . . Super* Storage Pantry-Bin . . . "Folda way" Shelf... "Tight-Wad" Unit ROOM TO SPARE with spare room In the kitchen! Opwates on Propane Butane Gas. Quick Heat! Dependable! (lean! PROPANE GAS ta u«satis ’.tllUllTM I« Mlllf tniitfitnt I« urn NWW tnuctiirtt The new IH eight-cubK-fcxx refrigerator will win your heart with their beautiful rtreamlmed design« . and amaze you with their ample Mar age «pace. In the Super DeLuxe model (illus trated * there’« room to «pare with 16 square feet of «heli area — a 35 pound capacity freezer lacker foe ooring delicious frozen food — and «toeage •par - to keep BLY pound« of meat )uicy and tender Plu» a Pantry-Bin that keep« I Vi buthelt of unrefrigerated food handy ... not to mention "coke*" for the «mall fry. Don't wait untd tomor row . . come and »ee them today! MILL CITS STORE OPEN TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS RADIOS PHONE 1884 APPLIANCES -SERVICE MILL CITY’ & Appliance Co S4» FERRY ST Opposite Marion Hotel SALEM Phon« Salam 3-5M8 l-et ub give you a Liberal trade in allowance on your refrigerator AL LAUE, Refrigeration 2M0 STATE SALEM