Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1949)
10, 1949 MILL Gates A me ting to reorganize t’ne Bo; Scouts, Troop 45, was held one eve ning last week, with Gale Carey, scoutmaster, and T. R. Burton, cob master, in charge of the meet'r;.. Two patrols we:e formed, the Sta ; and the Cobra. Mervin Haun was el ected senior patrol leader over both the Stags and Cobras. Jerry Larsen is leader of the Cobras and Theodore Corbett of the Stags. Boys enrolling were George Rambo, Joe Burton, Gordon Devine, George Burton, The odore Corbett, Mervin Haun, Jeiry Larsen, Clifford Ambers, Philip Hay ward, Ronald Knapp, Eriward Bishop and Robert Drew. Several more boys will sign # later. Mrs. Riley Champ, primary teach er in the local school, has recovered from a seveie cold which kept her confined to her home for several days last week and is teaching again. Mrs. Martin Jepson of Mill City was sub stitute teacher during her absence. The Barney Helvey place in Gates has been sold, and it is reported that several cabins will be built on the property from lumber salvaged from Vanport. The former Helvey home will be used for a boarding house. The name of the new owner was not learned, but he is reportedly from Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Cole and their new baby daughter, Char lene Louise, are staying at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Cole, for a time. Their home is in Mill City. The baby and mother weie brought home from the Salem Mem orial Hospital Sunday to the grand parents’ home. Mrs. Grace Meyers of Maquota, la., is a guest at the home of her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Baumgarner on Kings Prai rie. The Baumgamers purchased the place known as the Fred Ratzeberg home, from Mr. and Mrs. Lang Staf ford several month ago. Mrs. Burrel Cole, Mrs. Glen Hen- ness and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson spent last Friday in Portland on bus iness. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Joaquin were Trade Mill Your Old Furniture for New We anticipat a brink trade in u*wd furniture, when th«* dam gets going. Why not get rid of your old »tuff NOW? ill City Furniture Co Salem Welding Supply Meco * National Appara tu» Lincoln EUrtrode» A Machine« Everything for Welding ( ALL U.S OR host» at a farewel dinner Sun-la.., honoring her parents, Mr. and Mis. Elmer Cooper, who recently sold their home to the Glen Hennes’, and will leave this week for Lakeview to make their home. Service was placed at the table for the honorees, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and Connie, Mrs. Martha Bowes, Joseph Bowes, Mrs. Blanche Dean, Mrs. Laura Joa quin and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Joa quin and daughter DaiJrjie. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klutke and two boys were Stayton visitors Sat urday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Henness, Mr. and Mis. Ben Wrigglesworth, Gerald Garrison and Miss Jackline Bidegary formed a party that enjoyed an af ternoon of tobagganing at the Clar ence Rush home Sunday. At the Nor man Garrisor home , later they had a chili feed to warn» up. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cline and son, of Oak Ridge, near Eugene, where he has been employed in the Forst Service, is at the home of hos par ents, Mr.a nd Mrs. Tilmon Rains. They will remain there until the weather changes and he is able to resume work. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wrigglesworth and baby, who have resided in Cal ifornia for some time, have returned to Gates and are staying at the home of his father, Ernest Wrigglesworth. COME IX AND SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF APPARATI S AND SUPPLIES John P. Seitz, Mgr. 206 Chemeketa St.. SALEM Res. Phone 2-1606 Phone 2-3581 Some parts of town were still with out water, due to still frozen mains. Hill residents, including Mrs. Mel Ro binson and the Willis Potters, have been without running water for al most three weeks. Mrs. Flossie Whittenberg has been the house guest this week of the Willis Potters’. Jack Colburn was nursemaid for his wife Sunday. Kay was ill with the flu. Mrs. Lee Dike visited in Stayton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Johnson of Cutler City have been in Mill City several days taking care of their pio- perty. They spent Monday evening with the Red Johnsons. Miss Georgia Shane went to Sa lem Tuesday for medical treatment of her sinus. Also in Salem Tuesday was Mrs. Beatrice Jones and son Ronnie. Stanley Ogden leturned Tuesday from Portland where he had been staying forseveral days. Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto played cards with the George Ciooks Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Johanson and Jim Lundall of Silverton called on the George Vetetos Sunilay. Mr. ami Mrs. Kenneth Hill were at the Melvin Case’s the other evening and in playing pinochle 1500 trump was dealt twice, an unusual occur- ance. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harris hed dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Charles French Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Giffen of Pendleton are new residents of Mill City. He is with the Army Engin- eers and they r#5?de in fffie of the Rada cabins. Mrs. Helen Saucier is ill with a roll Mr« Ctvf CMne is sis'* «'n th» cold dis Mrs. Bud Mattson was in Salem Monday on business. Lee Ros» cut his hand opening a jar. He was prying the lid off with a knife when the tabfe slipped. James Cooke spent the week end with hi» parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. James Reed had din ner with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Dotson, Sunday. They also called on the Bob Veness’. Al Zitbert of Little Sweden has a broken finger received in a toboggan accident. Miss Phyllis Timm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Timm^who suffered a broken cellar bone Jan 23 while tobogganing, is recovering. Mrs. Birtie Slater 1s quite ill at her home in Albany. Mrs. Cheettr Slater of Sweet Home, a daughter- in-law, is caring forjier. Mrs. Slater ith mother of Mrs. William Timm and Joe Slater of Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans of Silver- ton were visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. William Timm and Ed ward and Henry Timm. DEER GIVES UP A deer was run down by dogs in the west Mill City vicinity Saturday sand fell and lay in the snow. Elmer Shaw found the animal, carried it to his bam and state police weree no tified. Dave and Nancy Epps of Sweet Home stopped in Mill City for a few minutes Tuesday, en route to Port- | land for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Harold Warn, and family. I Only seven members of the Wom en's Club attended the meeting on I Tuesday night at the high school. Weather was the cause of the light attendance. Mrs. Lester Hathaway spoke on "The Laughter of Lord By ron." Hostesses were Mrs. Charles Wolverton and Mrs. Nelson Lanphear Thu executive board of the Mil' City Parent-Teacher Assn, saw a pre view of “The Search,” a movie being considered for a sping program by the ways and means committee, on Tuesday evening. GERMAN BROWN TROUT SOUGHT FOR N. SANTIAM The theory that German brown trout are cannibalistic and ought not to be placed in streams like the North Santiam River has been held by the . gdme commission, but local sports men don’t bellevo it. Moreover, the practice of stocking the river only with rainbow trout " is not working out, they say. Pink i Mason,local fishing enthusiast and a I member of the Chamber of Com- 1 metre fish and game committtee said that most of the rainbows stocked in the Santiam in lecent years went to the ocean and came back steel heads upon completeion of their life cycle. Dr. David J. Ferguson has been lobbying in legislature this week for a change in policy on game fish for the North Santiam. including the ad option of German browns. Don’t borrow. Subscribe! The Mill City Enterprise , MHI City, Oregon. Charles Wolverton, Editor and Publisher Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager Entered m »econd-clas» matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the “Too Late to Classify” section. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. CLASSIFIED RATE One insertion for 50c w three insertions for $1.00. Display advertising 40c inch A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle hours LIGHT! Richards Tavern GATES W^mmMKKRNRKl .MKOæMKMMM Directory . of Organizations | CAPITAI SANTIAM AERIE OF EAGLES No. 2945 Meets at Idanha Rod and Gun Club Monumental Works J. C. JONES, Prop. RRRRNNNKaRRRI r MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS NOW ALBUS DRUG lìDI TÍ1 STORE 2210 So. Commercial St. Salem Offlc» Ph. e»87 Res. Ph. 6887 M 1 PIANOS BAND INSTRUMENTS ’ I 11 |l l^jtaiPTÌONS 20 years of Continuous Servie» F. II. ALBUS, RG. PH. STAYTON INSTRUMENT REPAIRING ACCORDION au« LESSONS Jacquith Music Co. SALEM I 136 N. High St. rgl A w 50 cent» in city I /I I I 15 cents per road 1 IB21 1. mile outaid» Mill City Taxi Service Phone /!602 3M Bell & Devers (IÌITIOL LYONS WOMEN’S CLUB Meets every Thursday at the Com munity Hall, Lyons, at 2 P. M. Tex's Tavern A friendly family atmosphere prevails Wood’s Store LADIES A (HIÏ DREN S DRESSES ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ttayton 324 | HARLOW I . WEINRICK Attorney at Law CONSERVE POWER FROM 6:00 A M. to 6:00 P.M. 3D» Broadalbn IMI't Mill City State Bini Mill City. Oregon Bad weather it »till keeping the power situation erlHcal! Relief from the weather west of the Cascades does not ma terially change the outlook Extreme conservition is still urged until warmer weather East of the Cascades. Please watch your newspapers for further information! YOUR CONTINUED COOPERATION IS NECESSARY! TO KEEP JOBS GOING... TO KEEP PROSKRITY GROWING... , M«te E«»ry Xilowitl C»»»tf MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY A Home Bank,Owned and Managt db» Homt People. E-.tabh.hed in l»l« All DrjMmttor* Insured up to »Soon no I Mier the Terms <»• tbe Federal Deposit In.ursn, « ( or porat ton Firr »nd Automoti«' |n«uranr* An Water S'«tern. >1 tai Ot. Burners Water Softene » JUDSON’S Pb mbing - Ilea iuc Tel. 3-1414 279 N. Comm re i- Oregon A s»lf Supporting, T»n Payipg, Privat» l»t»r>e«M U edule bune/al Herne MODERN FUNERAL SERVIL E In C»op»rnN*n Whk AR NORTMWtST UTILITItS — ROTH PUBLIC ANO PRIVATI D W. Reid MD Stayton. Oregon Mill Cty i