The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, October 25, 1886, Image 5

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The passage of the steamer Alameda
front Auckland to San Francisco in
twenty-three days and six hours re­
duces the time of the trip around the
McMinnville, Or.
- Oct. 25, 1886 world to sixty-nine days. As our
American Eclipse has seen his four-
Wanted, to rent a small dwelling in mile time of 7 :26 brought down to
McMinnville. Inquire at this office.
7 :15|, so has the Phileas Fogg seen
Three sons of contractor G. W. his tour of eighty days cut down to
Hunt are now attending the college in sixty-nine.
But Fogg and Eclipse
were both great in their day.
this city.
In September 1883 a very mysterious
Father White was gladly surprised
by a bevy of church ladies at the par­ affair was noted on the Grand Ronde
reserve. The clothing and eight 20-
sonage Saturday evening.
A now postoffice has been establish­ dollar pieces of some ‘‘mysterious dis
ed at Garibaldi, Tillamook county,with appearance” were found. The money
was thought to belong to a murdered
Wm. Ralston, postmaster.
Make a note of the candy pulling man, but whom? nobody could tell.
social at grange hall on Wednesday The subject is now up before the Unit­
ed States court, and the grand jury are
evening. Free and all invited.
All the news; at your door; six investigating thelmatter with the hope
times a week ; only ten cents ; every­ of bringing the mystery to light,
Edward Hall, a man well known on
body reads it. The Daily Reporter.
Candy pulling social at Grange hall this coast in speculating circles, late
Wednesday evening. You are special­ partner of Jim Keene suicided in New
ly invited by ladies of St. James guild. York last Saturday. In the big mining
Baxter A Martin are selling a full stock rise in 1872 he cleared more than
5-Tb. can of Java coffee for $1.00; and a million in less than sixty days’ time.
throw in a fine China hand-painted He was a member of the Union and
Bohemian clubs; kept up a princely
cup and saucer.
A phrenologist says that “fullness domestic establishment, horses, car­
under the eye” denotes language. riages, etc.; but he lushed in where
When the fullness is caused by another angels feared to tread and got broke.
man’s fist it denotes very bad lan­ His costly residence was sold under
the hammer, as well as all other luxu­
guage, generally.
The chestnut gong is a very funny rious belongings ; and to cap the cli­
institution and provocative of great max his wife secured a divorce.“ Last
laughter, but it is hardly fair to spring summer a year ago he felt more than
it on r man when he is telling the only satisfied with an income of $100 per
month. But he is only ofle of a thous­
¡joke he knows. It breaks him up.
and add more.
The Boston Courier prescribes
The plans of the general land office,
rnerve food” for the man who tries to
below, are denominated an au­
pccupy two seats in a crowded railway
car. It seems to us he has nerve dacious step, and while it may not
enough without working it up on any have a more effective result than nu­
merous bills before congress it is likely
kind of food.
to cause the NPRCo serious embarrass­
It is not expected, nor is it antici­
ment Some time since the secretary
pated, that the ladies of St. James
of the interior decided that no land
Guild will make a fortune at the
grant road had earned its grant until
Bandy pulling next Wednesday eve­
it had filed a completed plat of its
ning at Grange hall. They invite all whole road and land donated. Taking
to come, without charge for adinis- this rule as a guiding principle the law
officers of the general land office are
preparing a case against the Northern
The greatest of all living tricksters, Pacific road, alleging that it is not en­
Wermann, who so deftly confounds all titled to the land granted it from Du­
lhe phenomena of time, space, and luth to Puget sound, by reason of its
patter, suspending at will the laws of failure to earn those lands and file a
kttraction and gravitation, and gener­ plat within the prescribed time. It
takes the ground that the road could
ally knocking the bottom out of rea­ not earn the entire grant, and upon
son and established fact, can tell no this hypothesis the general land office
bore about earthquakes than Wiggins will ask the secretary of the interior to
declare these lands forfeited and open
lid about storms.
to settlement. It is expected that this
I A Chicago lady has recently visited audacious step will be ready for con­
the afflicted city of Charleston. She summation in a few days.
law the desolation of Atlanta after
■Herman, the demolished Strasburg
Btidel after the German bombardment,
Ind Paris after the seige and com-
tune, but never an entire city, from
Ide to side and end to end, so gener­
ally shaken to its very foundations as
It is now freely predicted in railroad
¡rcles that the present year will wit-
M® the most relentless and disastrous
tte wars ever inaugurated, and that
fen now the cutting of passenger and
eight tariffs is being indulged to a
iuch larger extent than any but
lose on the inside have any concept-
11 of. The struggle in the southwest
ill likely be the most bitter, and,
ben once begun, will be prolonged
r an indefinite period.
I will sell at auction, commencing Satur­
day, Nov. 6, 1886, at North Yamhill, Or., the
entire stosk of General Merchandise now re­
maining <>n hand, of Lee Laughlin A Co.,
consisting of Drees Goods. Velvets. Laces.
Embroidery. Flannels,'tteotA Hess, Boots,
Shoes, Ribbon, Thread. Canned Goods,
Screws. Files, eto..etn. and nanav other arti­
cles usually found in A General JMahandise
Sale to oontina
I of
entire stook is so
thia opportunity.
Permanetly Looated in Portland, Or.
First National Bank,
The Most Successful Physician
and Surgeon In the West.
J A cor W ortman .
D. P. T hompson ,
JonN W ortman
........ lb «aident
Vice-pi eaident
Transacts a General Banking bukinees.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Collections made on favorable terma.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transites
on New York, San Francisco and Portland.
Office hours—from » a. m. to 4 p. tn.
Represents the following sterling compan­
ies: London A Liverpool A Globe, North
British A Mercantile. Commercial Union
Fire Association, German Amerioan, Fire­
man's Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo
Nevada, State Investment.
Wheat insurance a specialty.
PATIENTS will reoeive every necessary
and prompt attention until a oure is com­
plete. No incurable oase will be received for
treatment. Twenty years experience in the
treatment of Chronic Diseases, and Deform­
ities. New, Improved and Scientific Meth­ L. G. BUI TV; It.
ft. R. RANIRL.
ods. Cures made in a remarkably short
time, and a positive guarantee given.
Proprietors of the
Asthma, CaUmh, Throat & Lung Troubles LAFAYETTE MILLS,
Dealers in
S peed il Corrected.
Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney diseases, Rheu­
matism, Tumor, Scrofula, and all
skin affections positively cured.
We desire to inform the publio that we have
lately added a line of Rolls to our Mill,to­
gether with the neoeaeary machinery to
WARD! for an incurable oase of Hemor­
make an
rhoids or Piles! No pain or detention, from
business! Fistula, Uloers and all reotal
A No. I Article of Flour,
troubles a specialty.
And have the same in suocesaful operation.
While wo do not olaim to make
The Best Roller Flour
We have devoted oar attention extensively
to the treatment of all the different alimenta
peculiar to the weaker aex. Afflicted ladies
are invited to call at oar offloe and investi­
gate oar facilities for the speedy and perma­
nent oorreotion of their troubles. Suffer no
longer. Come at once and reoeive immedi­
ate relief, and in a short time a radiosi oure.
Eye «nd gar.
In the State,
We do claim to make an artiole
Seoond to None.
3tr«lght trade
Ftmily Flour»
And far better than oan be made on
Stones alone.
We have been to much expense to maha
this ohanse, and believe we deaerve a liber­
al share of publio patronage, and ask a fair
trial. We guarantee results.
We are endorsed by many eminent Ocu­
lists and Physicians in the treatment of the
EYE. No severe medicines used. Hurgioal
operations performed on the eye without
pain or the uae of ohloroform, by the appli­
An Immense Stock of
cation of the new and wonderful anensthetic,
bydroclorate of ooooaine, which has revolu­ NEW RH4PEI,
tionized opthalmic surgery. Dootor Turner
will straighten cross eyes In one minute,
without pain or after inoonvenienoe.
----- o-----
Frktta D if ««•««.
The Moot Elegant Stock of
Nervous Debility, Im pot enoy, Urinary and
all Private Diseases speedily corrected. Call
and see us. No different» what your ail­
ments are. Thorough satisfaction guaran­
In the City.
teed. Terms reasonable. All letters of in­
quiry should be addressed to
Ladles, do not fail to call and see this splen­
did selection, which embraces all the
Latest Styles in Vogue.
Doeter A. P. Tsrner,
Consultation Fro®.
Late of Independence, having purchased the
Of Logan Bros. A Henderson, offers his
servioe. in that line to the publie, and will
McMinnville, Oregon.
— McMinnvillfl
Hair Catting, nfsaTitsg and sham*
yowia* Parlor,
15c SHAVING 15c.
C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor.
(Scoosssar to A. C. Wyndham.)
Ladies and children’s work a specialty. Anv
style of Hair Cutting desired, with neatnssa
To all who favor him with their
Hair dyeing of all descriptions warranted.
He will keep aw
Fancy hair dressing a specialty. Hot or
delivery of
tion of the publie.
toft eeld baths always ready, only 1» rts. Third
at the stable will ba promptly attended to at street between (j and D, McMinnville. Or.
<w 11a ran tee Katistactlo*