The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 08, 1901, Image 7

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Your Blood
The cause of all spring humors,
pimples and eruptions, as well as
of that tired feeling and poor appe­
tite, is found in impure, depleted
The perfect blood purifier is
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, ac multitudes
know by experience.
It cures all blood diseases, from
the smallest pimple to the stubborn
scrofula sore — from morning tired­
ness to extreme nervous prostration.
Begin taking it TODAY.
Ta America’s Greatest Spring Medi­
cine. Be sure to get Hood’s.
Niagara Falls and the Buffalo Exposition.
All of the Pan-American visitors
will go to Niagara Falls, and all of the
eiectricitv used on the exposition
grounds will come from Niagara Falls.
Both will travel between the two
greatest attractions the world will
offer during 1901.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. All
i*ts refund the money if it fails to cure.
Grove'» signature is oh each box. 25c.
An Upside Down House.
How would you like to live in a
house upside down? Such a structure
is to be seen on the wonderful Midway
of the Pan-American Exposition.
With local applications, as they cannot react
the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood 01
constitutional disease, and in order to cure it
you must take internal remedies
Hail’s Ca­
tarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca­
tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed by one of the best physicians in this
country for years, and isa regular prescription.
It iH composed of the best tonics known, com­
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di­
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is what pro­
duces such wonderful results in curing catarrh.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprs., Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists, price 75c.
Halls Family Pills are the best
Rate of Interest in Canada.
The legal rate of interest in Canada
is now 5 per cent, the reduction from
6 per cent having been made by a stat­
ute of the dominion which went into
effect January 1.
There is no remedy that can equal
GtRFIKLD TE \ for the cure of all
derangements of the liver; it ha*
for years been the standard by
which other remedies are judged.
President to Open Pan-American Exposition.
President McKinley has promised
to open the Pan-American exposition
at Buffalo, on May 20.
Educate Your Bowels!
Your bowels can be trained as well as your
muscle or your brain. Cascarets Candy Cathar­
tic train your bowels to do right. All drug­
gists, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Wonderful Development of Electricity.
Professor Slaby, German scientist,
predicts wonderiul development of
electricity this century.
Observation, on Matter,
by the Atchison G loue Man.
Lots of good people bate lettuce.
People as quickly Imitate good ac-
tions as they imitate bad.
If yeu act as they think you should,
your friends are your friends.
Some men spend so much time In rub­
bing It in that they do little else.
How many things you are cotu|>elled
to do that you do not want to do!
If you want to find out who the
comedians are. carry a jug down town
When a man finds at home all the
comforts of a hotel, l;e will be satisfied.
When you put a nickel in the baby’s
bank, you are really giving to Its
Dou't be too free in abusing other
people for being fools—you may be one
If you have kept a secret, the time
always conies when you will be proud
of yourself.
When a girl's first cooking appears on
the table, her brothers realize vvhat
great wits they are.
Dou’t talk. There Is no truth in the
world so apparent that some one will
not disagree with you.
It is strange how many people will
become interested In you If you start
down town, carrying a grip and an
Don’t knock if things don't suit you;
If there is no electric bell to push,
your grievance is too old-fashioned to
worry about.
A man hears. “O, these men!” so
often, that he finally comes to wonder
every night that he was not arrested
during the day.
If a young man goes Into a jewelry
store to look at ladies’ rings, the worst
gossip in town is sure to step in and
catch him at it.
A real hard-working woman is
quick to forget herself, and stand with
her hands on her hips. This Is a sure
sign of hard work.
There is a good deal said about keep­
ing abreast with the times, but the
real important thing is getting one’s
work done up on time.
When a rich man dies It is remarked
that enough money was spent on the
coffin to have clothed some of the poor
kin that showed up at the funeral.
A girl should never envy another
girl who is more popular with young
men; all she gets out of it is more
scoldings from her father because of
the gas bills.
There are lots of good people who
work so hard, and are so tired, that
heaven would lie more Inviting to them,
if less w’ere said about climbing the
golden stairs.
A woman cannot be said to have
given a big social function unless
there were so many guests that they
got their wraps mixed up, aud never
did get them back.
If a man told his sweetheart yester­
day that she was the nicest girl in the
State, he must tell her to-morrow that
she Is the nicest girl in the world, or
she will begin to Suspect Something.
Every woman knows how a burglar
could climb up a certain tree, push
open a certain window by getting hold
of the frame a certain way, enter her
house, and rob and kill every one In it
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet*
the remedy that cures a sold in one day
United Ststes Silk Industry.
Thirty thousand people in the United
States make their living from the grow­
ing silk industry.
Eczema 1* caused by an acid humor in
the blood coining in contact with the
•kin and producing great redness and in­
flammation ; little pustular aruptiona form
and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which
dries and acales off ; sometimes the skin is
bard, dry and fissured. Eczema in any
form is a tormenting, stubborn disease,
and the itching and burning at times are
almost unbearable; the acid burning
humor seems to oose out and act the skin
on fire. Salves, washes nor other exter­
nal applications do any real good, for as
long as the poison remains in the blood
it will keep the skin irritated.
“For three years I
bad Tetter on my
hands which esueefl
them to swell te twice
their aatnral sice. Fart
of the time the dtaeaae
was tn t he fa, m of ren­
nin, sores, very pain­
ful. and ca
einch discomfort Four
doctors said the Tetter
bad pro,: eased too far
io be cored, sad tiny
could 4 > notaia, for
KI *x>k only three
Ilea of 6. • S and
seas completely cured
TMs was ftfteen years
ano. and I bare nerev
alnee seen .nr sigil of my old trouble.” — Maa.
L. a jacxaoie, 141« McGee at, Kansas City, Me.
8. 8. S neutralise* this acid poison,
cool* the blood and restore* it to a healthy,
natural state, and the rough, unhealthy
skin becomes soft, smooth and clear.
cures Tetter, Ery­
sipelas, Psoriasis, Salt
Rheum and all akin
disease* due to a pois
oned condition of tc
blood. Send for our book and write u.
about your case. Our physician* have
made these diseases a life atudy, and can
help you by their advice; vre make no
charge for this service. All correspondence
is conducted in stricteet confidence.
Young Idaho Represgntetiv*.
Men May Commit Homicide by Venting;
Their Influenza.
Dr. Herman Koeniger, a German of
high scientific attainments, has for
some time been trying to find out what
becomes of the germs that are released
when a person speaks, coughs and
sneezes, and from the conclusions at
which be has arrived Henri De Par-
ville, a French scientist, feels justified
In claiming that a person may by
simply sneezing commit homicide.
“ 'Dr. Koeniger,” he says, “lias clearly
proved that a person who speaks,
coughs and sneezes is a room In which
there is no appreciable current of air
disseminates germs to a distance of
more than seven meters, and that
these germs are carried in all direc­
tions and even to a height of more
than two meters. As few persons talk
alike, the germs disseminated by
speech vary greatly, some of them re-
niainingin suspension for an hour, and
others only for a quarter of an hour,
the latter being especially the case when
there Is even a slight current of air.
“On the other hand, germs are very
quickly disseminated by coughing and
sneezing, and the smaller the microbes
are the further they are
likely to
spread. Among such tiny
are those of Influenza and the plague,
whereas among the larger ones are
those of tuberculosis and diphtheria.
Evidently, therefore, the danger Is
greatest whenever there Is the greatest
number of microbes within a person's
“In view of Dr. Koenlger's discovery
It will be well for everyone to keep as
far away as possible from persons who
cough and sneeze. Physicians advise
persons suffering from colds to gargle
and keep their mouths cleansed, but Is
that sufficient and are any such pre­
guaranty against
theria? In any case a person should al­
ways cover his mouth with his hand
or his handkerchief before he coughs
or sneezes. Sneezing seems an In­
nocent act, but Dr. Koenlger’s experi­
ments show that It could very easily
be used ax a weapon with which to com­
mit homicide.”
What has become of the old-fashion­
ed woman who asked her boy. when be
did not speak up promptly and ac­
knowledge his faulL “Has the cat got
your tongue?”
Poor cooking has wrecked many a
domestic ship on the matrimonial sea.
Glenn P. McKinley, speaker of the
Idaho house of representatives, is the
youngest member of that body, being
only 22 years old.
fie is a student of
the law department of the University
of Idaho.
know what
you're planting
you plant
Ferry’s Reeds. If you
buy cheap seeds you can’t
be sure. Take no chances —
get berry’s.
Dealers every­
where sell them. Write
for 1901 Seed Annuel—
mailed free
Proposed Alliance With England.
It the United States and England should
form an alliance, the combined strength
would be so great that there would belittle
chance for enemies to overcome us. In a
like manner, alien men and women keep
up their bodily strength with Hostetter’s
Stomach Bitters, there is little chance of
attack* from disease. Tneold time remedy
enriches the blood, steadies tlie nerves, ami
increases ihc*api*etiie. Try it for dyspep­
sia and indigestion.
1 vk
¡111 jk'Vfc-
P nil
liir ML
Detroit, Mich.
Translation of the Bible.
During the century the Bible
been translated iuto more than
lanugages, which nine-tenths of
human lace can read.
Particular Interest
Russell & Co., of Portland, Ore.,
largest dealers in machinery on
Pacific Coast, have just issued at con­
siderable ex|<ense a neat and very com­
plete account book for up-to-date
threrheimen, etc. The books are tor
free distribution, and all people who
want them should write immediately
to Russell & Co., Portland, Ore.
The Only Possibility.
He—Nothing could ever come be-
tween us, could it, dear?
She—I can't think of a single thing,
unless I should happen to become en­
gaged to some other man.
Nervoiianexe, the Disease That Wreck*
th« Happiness of so Many Women,
Conquered at East.
No incident of the many that are
daily brought to public attention is of
greater human interest than that which
centers about Ellen Pares, the wife of
Mr. David F. Parce, of No. 4 Spruce
St., Binghamton, N. Y. The story is
told by Mrs. Parce as follows:
‘‘It was two years ago this summer
that 1 was in a miserable coudi ion
as tne result of hard work. I was
completely run down, pale and losing
flesh, and so nervous that I could not
sleep or even get rest. It was dread­
ful to go to bed at night all worn out
and lie awake for hours with nervous-
uness. If I did fall asleep it was to
wake up in the morning aB tired as
when I went to bed.
“My head troubled me a great deal,
too, both with pain and dizziness. If I
stooped over at any time 1 would be so
dizzy I could hardly see or keep from
falling down. I was troubled some­
what with indigestion at this time,
but the nervousness was the greater
trouble. If I became a little excited
my hands would shake so I could hard­
ly hold anything in them. I felt that
something must be done so I employed
our best physicians. They did all
they could for me and although I ob­
tained some benefit from their treat-
ment, not one of them did me any per
mauent good.
“I had, of course, read of Dr. Wil-
Hams' Piuk Pills for Pale People but
had never taken any of them til) a
friend recommended them to me eo
strongly that 1 got some and before the
first box was used up I began to feel
that they were doing me good. I
kept on taking them according to di­
rections and got from them the only
real, permanent benefit 1 have bad
from any remedy. It did seem eo good
to get a night’s sleep and to be re­
freshed by It. I am a firm believer in
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Peo­
ple and recommend them to all my
friends. 1 generally keep a box in the
house to take in case 1 feel a little run
At all druggists or direct from Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady,
N. Y. Price, 60 cents per box; 6
boxes for $2.60
First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, Ga., and Its Pastor and Elder.
The day was when men of promi­ | appeared. For this special malady I
nence hesitated to give their testimon­ consider it well nigh a specific. As a
ials to proprietary nudicines for pub­ tonic for weak and worn out people
lication. This remains true today of it has few or no equals.”—Kev. E. G.
most proprietary medicines, but Pe- Smith.
runa has become so justly famous, its
Mt. M. J. Rossman, a prominent
merits are known to so many people of merchant of Grennsboro, Ga , and an
high and low stations, that no one hes­ elder in the Presbyterian church of that
itates to see bis name in print recom­ place, has used Peruna, and in a re­
mending Peruna.
cent letter to The Peruna Medicine
The highest men in our nation have Co., of Columbus, Ohio, writes as fol­
given Peruna a strong endorsement. lows:
Men representing all classes and sta­
“For a long time I was troubled
tions are equally represented.
A dignified repiesentative of the with catarrh of the kidneys and tried
Presbyterian church in the person of many remedies, all of which gave'me
Rev. E. G. Smith does not hesitate to no relief. Peruna was recommended
state publicly that he has used l'eruna to tne by several friends, and after
in bis family and found it cured when using a few bottles 1 am pleased to say
other remedies failed, In this state- that the long looked for relief was
nient the Kev. Smith is supported by found and I am now enjoying better
health than I have for years, and can
an elder in his church.
Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor ot the Pres­ heartily recommend Peruna to all
byterian church of Greensboro, Ga., similarly affiiofed. It is certainly a
grand medicine.”—M. J. R obbiuau .
If you do not derive prompt and sat­
•‘Having used Peruna in my family
for some time it gives me pleasure to is factory results from the use of Reru­
testify to its true worth. My lit­ ns, write at once to Dr. Hartman,
tle boy seven years of age has been Buf­ giving a full statement of your case aud
fering for some time with catarrh of he will be pleased to give you his val­
the lower bowels. Other remedies had uable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, president
failed, but after taking two bottles of
Peruna the trouble almost entirely dis- Ilartmau Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
All Kinds of Wire and Iron Work
149 Front Bt., Portland, Oregon,
Heirs of Union Soldiers who hoinsteaded less
than 160 acres before June ¿2, 1874 (no matter 11
abandoned), should addrtM
HF.NKY N, COPH, Washington, D. C.
from 15 to 25 lbs. per month by a
harmless treatment. Thousands
cured. Mrs. M. A. MacCrone, 431
Hawley St., Rochester, N. Y.,
writes: “Four years ago 1 was
reduced 48 pounds by your valu­
able treatment. My experience
as Trai ned Nurse has taught me the dangers of Fatty
Degeneration Have not gained.’’ Patients treated
bv mall confidentially. For particulars address,with
•Ump. UR.P.C.AUlER, I3U Sssnuic Trmple.thirsgo.Hl
WI ihout
■ Jf Il
■ W. linlcHN HUCCeNRflll
I 11 I I 111 ■ gAfiend description
I ■* ■ Mm ■ w I
and get free opinion
MILO. H. STEVENS & CO., Estab. 1864.
Div. 4.817—14th Street, WASHINGTON D. C.
Branch offices: Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit
A guaranteed Care for Catarrh and
Consumption. 11.00. D Lock Box 145.
Larger Gains in the Southern States.
Southern states are making much
larger gains than any other section in
the business of ootton and woolen man­
Buy from the manufacturer. Price in lull roll*
2 feet wide, 150 feet long.
W. H. SMITH & CO., Buffalo, N.Y . Prop’s
Garfield Tea is made from HERBS;
there are no harmful drugs in its
composition. It is the t>e*t blood
purifier known to medical science.
Two Large Steamers.
Two large sea-going steamers,
feet long and with a 43-foot beam,
to be built upon the great lakes by
American Shipbuilding Copmauy.
NV ojm tho Dough and
Worha Off tha Ootd.
Laxative Brumo-Qulntne Tablets cure a cold in
one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cent*.
Misapplied Censure.
nothing into this world and can take
nothing out of it.
Miser—Well, don’t blame ms; it
isn’t my fault, I’m sure.
The greatest public schools of the large
cities use Carter’s ink exclusively. It is
the best and costs no more chan the poor­
est. Get it.
riTft Permanently Cured. No AU «r nervouBnee»
■ IIO after flret day’» ut» of l»r. Kline’« Great Nerve ,
Restorer Rend for FK EF. 9*2.00 trial bottle an-1 treat
1M. D b .R. II K line , LU1.V3) Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Wanted Particular*.
Judge—What’s the charge against
the prisoner, officer?
Officer—He had an infernal machine
in hie possession, your honor.
Automobile or bicycle?”
You can’t make a mistake it you gsti
Mitchell, heuiis & Staven Co.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­
goric, Drops anil Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea The Mother’s Friend.
Portland. Oregon
H. P
Pumps Water, Saws Wood,
Grinds Feed, and costs two
cents an hour to run.
Get fall particulars from 310 Market
Street, San Francisco, Cal.; First and
Stark Sts., Portland, Gr.; Ixie Angeles,
Spini,hSpexking People.
nighc*t Inhabited Place.
The highest inhabited place tn the
In 90 years the Spanish speaking
people have increased from 26,190,000 world ie the custom house of Anco-
marca, Peru, 16,000 feet above the sea.
to 42,000,000.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bean the Signature of
Or in fact anything; in the Machine line,
write us for Catalogues and Prices.
The Kind You Have Always Bought han borne the signa­
ture of Chan. H. Fletcher, and has been niado under his
pergonal supervision for over IJO years. Allow no one
io deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
“ Just-as-good ” are but Experiments, anti endanger the
health of Children—Experience against Experiment.
The Beat Prescription for Malarfa
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless
Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and quinine in
a tasteless form. No Core. No Pay. Price 60c
Carbonate of Lime in the Ocean.
It has been estimated that if the rhi-
zopodi, wnich secrete living sheila in
the ocean, are as numerous down to a
Should Establish Lighthouse.
depth of 600 feet as they are near the
Although after the wreck of the Mo­ surface, there are over 16 tons of shell
hican two yean ago and again after of carbonate of lime in the upper fath­
that of tne Paris last year the Trinity oms of every square mile of the ocean.
authorities, promised that a light
would be put on the Manacles reef, off YOU
When vou take Grove’* TaxteleM ( bill Tonic,
the Lizzard, nothing marks the spot but beceiix the formula la plainly printed on every
»bowing that it la »Imply Iron and Quf
the old bell buoy that has been proved boule
nine in a taaiele»« form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c.
War Between United States and Germany.
Pieo'e Cure for Consumption ie an infal­
lible medicine fur coughs and coIris.—N.
W 8 a « cil , Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17,
Naval officers look for a war with
Germany. Admiral Dewey is said to
have predicted a conflict within two
Popular Literature In France.
In Use For Over 30 Years.
There nre about 117.000 novels in the
Pari« national library and nearly 69,-
0 )0 volumes of French poetry.
M. r. N. u
t* advartlMvs pl
• P«F»v-