The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, May 04, 1893, Image 3

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4, 1893
,m 7 a m. to 7 p. m From 7:30 p.
8:39 p. m.
ley order hours from 7 a. 111. to 6 p. m.
day from 12 ni. to 1p. m
1 south closes at 9:50 a. m. Mail
closes at 2:30 p. m. and 9 p. m.
1 for 5:45 a. m train closes evening
i at9p m.
iridali and southern Tillamook mail
1 at 11 a ni.
EriscorsL C hubch .—Services
r Sabbath at 11 a. lit ami 7 :40 p m,
ay School at 9:30 a, in graver meet-
liursilay evenings at 7:30.
lt>:v. 8. E M kmixokk , Pastor
ces every Sabbath at 11 a. in. and 7 p
Sunday School at 9:30 a. m.
Rev J R H ums , Pastor.
.rrtsT C hl 'n< M.—Services every Sabbath
a. in. and 7:30 p. ni. Sunday School at
s. in.
Rav R. McKiLtor, Pastor.
uusTiAN C hcbch .—Services every 8al>-
at 11 a nt. and 7 30 p. m Sunduy
ml at 10 a. in. Y. P. 8 C E. meets
lav atO::iO p. m Prayer meeting Wed-
lay at 7.30 p m. Everyone invited
11. A D kstos , Pastor.
. J ames C atholic C hurch .—Services 1st
Bid Sundays of each month, Second
iav St. Mary's at Corvallis
lav, St Patrick’s Church on Muddy.
Rav. Titos. B biody , Pastor
J ames E vucotal C h ’ jich —Divine
ice and sermon each Sunday at 11 a.
nil 4 p m.
R ev . W. H. S toy , Pastor.
iMinnville Grange. No. 31, 1’. of H.,
1 in their hall tlie first and third Satur-
of eaeli month at 10 a. m. Visitors
ïallv invited.
J. T. J olly .
». Ki. E. K uns ,
r wy,--------- r—:-r-„ - - - .
. zz
Minnville Camp No 1 28, Woodmen of
Vorlil- Meet first and Third Mondays
h month: visiting brothers cordially
si to attend Lodge room Third St
l block.
J O. R ooebs , C.
I. B bidoktobd , Clerk
ter Post No. 9 meets tlie second and
i Saturday of eaeli month at G. A. R,
in Union block at 7:30 p. m. All
Hers of tlie Order.are cordially invited
end our meetings
L 8. D owning ,
F C lubinb ,
Post Commander.
sreafter all notices announc-
entertainnients for which an
lesion fee is charged, all
nary matter after the notice
Bath has been given as a mat-
f news, all resolutions of con-
nce, wedding notices, cards
hanks, etc., furnished the
phone-Register for publica-
will be charged for at regu-
dvertising rates, 1» and 10
I per line.
Local and General
E. C. Walker is laid up with the
county court met in regular ses-
. D. W. McCall leaves today for
, Walla to visit her daughter.
. Grissen returned Thursday from
; visit to her old home in Califor-
rke Hogg gave u birthday party
■w of his little friends last Thurs-
. J. G. Eckman expects to leave
y afternoon on a visit to her for-
jome in Kansas.
s. J. H. Henderson will leave to-
for a visit of several weeks to
Is in eastern Oregon.
n. A. Henderson has purchased
terest in the tombstone and mon-
it business of E. J. Qualey.
is Rosa Young returned home Sat-
f evening from her California trip,
»er she went for her health, .
rvallis has been chosen as the next
to hold the state convention of
'hristian Endeavor societies.
and Mrs. Nelson have moved in-
t residence of Judge Cowls to re-
i during his absence in the East.
J. Qualey has arranged u very
display of monuments and tomb-
ib adjoining his place of business
K. Sampson was in the city yes-
iy and reports eight feet of snow
le summit of the coast mountains,
it takes April showers to bring
May flowers what are we to ex-
from these copious May showers?
e members of tlic Oregon Pioneer
Historical society will hold their
Ion at Astoria on the Fourth of
e Salem Statesman has received
ergenthaler linotypes and the ap-
inee of the paper is much im-
C. Cooper has the Whiteson town-
>n his hands again, the Y’amhill
I company having relinquished Its
est in it.
■terday evening at the rooms of
V. C. T. U. a very interesting pro-
: was rendered under the direction
rs. Matthleu.
je second quarterly teaehers exam-
ion will be held in McMinnville
’ 10th, commencing at 1 o’clock p.
at the court house.
ev. Hume expects to remain here
he pastor of the C, P. Church, hav-
declined the offer to take charge of
church school at Sodaville.
mmitteee from the several A. O.
r. lodges in the county will meet
■is city on Saturday to select the
and place for holding a picnic,
ere will be a public meeting of the
sans Foreign Missionary society in
M. E. Church next Sunday at 7:30
1. An interesting program will be
le memliersof the Episcopal church
it a pleasant evening at the resi-
•ce of Mrs. Heath last Saturday, it
ng the anniversary of the Rev. Mr.
y’s birth.
ohn Jones seems to have left the
f rather suddenly Monday after-
►lì. Perhape the report that a war-
it was out for his arrest for disorder­
conduct may have hail something to
j with it.
In theehooting match last WednesJ
ly W. E. Martin won, killing 19 birds
It of 20, while his competitor killed
. There was a large attedance ef
iortlng people from Portland and
her points. The blue rock matches
ere closely contested, but the local
sports carried off the lion’s share of the
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cal., says: “Shiloh’s Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good
Price 50 els. Sold by Howorth A Co.
Mr. Jacob Wisecarver has commenc­
ed the rem >val of the wooden buildings
from the Iola lie sold to Elaia Wright
last fall. Mr. Wright is auxious for
a little sunshine so he can commence
operations on the new brick.
Tuesday morning about 2 o’clock the
fire bell called out the department to
quench the flames in the barn belong­
ing to O. F. Davidson on G street. The
damage was slight. Incendiarism is
given as the only explanation.
On Monday lust Juckson lake south
of the railroad, was visited by 24 white
swans. A stately bird is that and their
presence in that pond aroused the spir­
it of Nimrod in more than one young
breast.— Hillsboro Independent.
Preaching at the O. I’, church Sun­
day by the pastor, Rev. J. R. Hume.
Subject, Ila. m., “Christ and Hebrew
Human Nature.” 7:30 p. m., “The
Christian Endeavor, Its Place and
Work in Relation to Christ and the
A subscription fund has been started
for a fourth or July celebration and
quite a neat sum has been subscribed.
It is a good idea to commence in time.
The prospects are favorable that u suf­
ficient amount will be raised to get up
a good celebration.
The steamer Danube arrived in Port­
land yesterday with 042 Chinese on
beard. These Chinese have been in
British Columbia for several weeks at­
tempting to steal an entrance into tire
United States, but failing to do so
came to Portland to try their luck.
Dallas Observer: J. II. N. Bell has
secured a patent on a “self-adjusting
binding strap,” and has arranged for
its manufacture on a lurge scale. While
we are at a loss to kuow wliat the arti­
cle in question is used for, we trust
Brother Bell will reap a large reward
from the sale of bis invention.
Prof. P. L. Campbell, president oi
the Oregon state normal school at
Monmouth, will deliver an address to
the graduating classes of the public
schools at the «pern house on the eve­
ning of May 19th. Subject: Right
Ideals. Mr. Campbell is a very inter­
esting and entertaining talker.
The Columbian baggage association
has been formed for the safe and care­
ful handling of baggage of persons at.
tending the fair. It is composed of the
baggage agents of the leading lines of
railroads entering Chicago and their
connections. Every possible effort will
lie made to handle baggage promptly
and without loss.
Wm. T. Booth retired from the black­
smith business on Monday. Ho sold
out to C. G. Wallin, late of Texas. Mr.
Booth has been in business in this city
for about twenty years, and for sixteen
years in the present location. To a
young man this seems a long time to
stick to one business and one location,
but it is to such that success ami a
competency come.
At the symposium to be held in the
Baptist’church tomorrow evening, the
young people haven more than usually
interesting program. Among other
things some of Mrs. Snyder’s kinder-
garten pupils will sing two or three
songs, The symposium will be follow-
ed by a social. Every body invited.
No admittance fee charged, Program
begins promptly at 8 o’clock.
Weather Forecast Official Pague
boldly announces that “the backward
season has been caused by continuously
low temperature.” We know that all
right enough, but what has caused the
"continuoutly low temperature?” Why
lias it rained 47 days out of 49, or 72 out
of a possible 84? If the “continuous
low temperature be charged with this
infraction of all previous rules, it is
time that Mr. Pague abated it or re­
signed his job.— Welcome.
T. E. Brown, representing Brown
Brothers Company, of Rochester,N.Y.,
will make this city his headquarters
for two or three months. This compa­
ny has the reputation of being the most
reliable growers of nursery stock in the
Union. Their stock is warranted to be
true to name, and as the commercial
standing of this company is reported
O. K., the warrant means something.
They have plenty of testimonials HS lo
their goods and methods of doing linal­
Karl’s Clover Root, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness
to the complexion and cures constipa­
tion. 25c, 50c and $1. Hold by How­
orth A Co.
The EarlnifTorgan 1s the best at C.
Hats given away at Kay <k Todd’s.
Read their add and go get one.
Cal) on Rhodes A Rhodes for bargains
in real «‘state. They will allow you
property and give prices with the best
The butoher shop of J. R. Booth
is at all times supplied with the best of
meats. Game and fish in season, rec­
Parties wishing to borrow money on
improved farm security will find it to
their advantage to call on W. T. Vin­
ton at office of Irvin« and Cosbow.
Baled timothy iiay for Bale at $14 per
ton by J. Wisecarver. Good quality,
call and examine.
Any kind of wood in any quantity
can be purchased of Kay A Todd.
When your $200 watch needs repair­
ing take it to D. A. Smith. All kinds
of jewelry repaired.
S. Howorth A Co. at the McMinn­
ville pharmacy are closing out their
stock of paints and oils at cost. Call
and investigate.
Rhodes A Rhodes have money to
loan on improved farm property.
When you want prices on lumber get
them of A. 8. Briggs as he will save
you money. Any quantity and quality.
Office with Jas. Fletcher.
Rhodes A Rhodes are sole agents for
the sale of lots in Willis addition.
G. S. Wright, dentist, McMinnville,
If you want your property Insured in
a standard company, Rhodes A Rhodes
will be pleased to write you.
Dry oak wood delivered at $3.00 per
oord. Leave orders at J. R. Booth’s
Baled timothy hay for sale at $12 per
ton. For further particulars see M.
Morgan or John Evenden.
A full line of musical instruments at
C. Grissen’s.
Interesting Paragraph. ti-uia uur County For Hie Week Lulling Tuesday. May S, As Uaual Her Display Outranks all Othara.
ISes.-U. H. Signal Service.
I Amity Popgun, April 28.)
A correspondent says that a life lease
with a recommendation for mercy will
lie given all who survive the la grippe,
legislature and the twenty-six mill
At the school meeting last Saturday
the bond question was overcome by a
vote of Bl to 7. It was Just as we ex­
pected. What in the world does Am­
ity need a new school house for, any­
While sharpening hop poles yester­
day Chas. Howard cut his foot so se­
verely as to demand the services of a
J. J. Henderson returned from a trip
to Hillsboro Wednesday, bringing with
him a fine road horse which he pur­
chased at that place. The animal
is standard bred and an excellent tniv-
Amity is fast becoming a beautiful
city. Much improvement is manifest
of late and more planned for in the
near future. We understand a new
building is to be erected soon just
south of the new livery barn, and will
occupied by the saloon of Coulter A
¡Sheridan Sun. April 27.)
Iu Marion county taxes urc 20 mills
on the dollar; in Clackamas the levy is
28 mills, anil there is a roar in that
county that soundeth like* unto 10,(XXI
Bengal tigers.
A hop buyer whom we met this week
is of the same opinion as the writer,!, e.
that two many hops are being set iu
this valley. He gives as a reason that
quassia chips are taking the place of
hops for lieer.
[Lafayette Ledger, April2s)
From the representatives of the Ore­
gon World’s fair commission now at
Chicago placing this state’s exhibits in
place come good reports of progress all
uleng the line in the several depart­
ments. They say our state will not
show far behind some of her sisters who
have spent and are spending dollars
where Oregon is spending cents. These
other states have consumed the greater
part of their appropriations iu the con­
struction and equipment of|state build­
ings, which it now turns out are to be
used for nothing more than clubrooms
for the residents of these states. And
now that the time has passed for the
collection of urtlcles illustrative of the
resources of the states, the boards of
commissioners have no funds with
which to prosecute the work, and con­
sequently quite a dumber of the states
have no funds with which to provide
worthy exhibits to be placed in the nu­
merous department buildings. True
they may have nice displays in their
state buildings, but no articles in these
structures will be permitted to enter
into competition with the articles in
the general buildings. There is no
doubt expressed by those who have seen
a great deal of the work of the other
states at the fair but that Oregon will
fare quite well indeed when the awards
come to be made. Where other and
older states are making their loud boast
of having sent fifty or sixty distinct
varieties of wheat, Oregon sits back and
smiles, remembering that two men
from one county have each sent over
260 varieties. And the same may be
said of grasses, for some grand collec­
tions iu this line have been sent from
Oregon. The display to be made in
the horticultural department will prob­
ably do as much to advertise her as any
other one thing. Theexeellent display
of dried and preserved fruits will be
supplemented during the term of the
fair by fresh specimens as they ripen
In season. Strawberries, prunes, grapes,
pouches, cherries and apples will be
given special attention and for the
o]>ening day there were to have been
There has been an improvement in given away to home seekers a great
the weather conditions during the past many bushels of very fine late-keeping
week; but it yet remains cool, cloudy winter apples.
and backward. Very heavy rain fell
How« Thia!
in Sherman and Wasco counties on the
tVe offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
26 and 27. The season has been very for anv caseof Catarrh tliatcannot be cured
wet and cold. Snow fell in Klamath by Hall’s Catarrh Cure
F. J. C heney <fc Co Props. Toledo. O.
county on the 23, 24 and 27. The pre­
(Ve the undersighed, have known F; J .
cipitation for the past week ranged Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
perfectly honorable in all business
from .1 to .3 of an inch. Heavy frosts him
transactions and financially able to carry
occurred on the 28th, but no damage is out any obligations made by tlieir firm.
West & Truax, wholesale druggists,Toledo,
reported from it.
The ground is thoroughly soaked and Walding. Kinnan A Marvin, wholesale
druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
is in good condition for spring work.
Hall’s Catarrh cure is taken internally,
Spring plowing and seeding have been acting
directly upon the blood and mucus
almost completed and the acreage is surfaces of the system. Price 75c per hot.
Testimonials free.
considerably increased. Within the
next ten days all spring seeding will be
Hops anil Lice.
be done. In those sections where the
Writing from Eola, O. P. Beardsley,
fall sown wheat was supposed to have
been badly frozen out during the. past one of the leading bop growers of the
winter, it is now found that a very central Willamette valley, has this to
good crop will be had. The acreage of say on the subject of hops and hop lice:
alfalfa has lieen materially increased in “Is it not about time for the papers to
Malheur county. The cereal acreage be in receipt of accounts of hop lice al­
has been increased in Powder river val­ ready at their work of destruction?
ley. The grass is obtaining good growth Last year these accounts began coming
and stock is improving. The lambing in as early as March, and one hop­
season is about over, and while full re­ grower, as he alleges, began spraying
ports are not at hand, sufficient is in that month. But there are no hop
known to say that 85 per cent of the lice to contend with yet. And still the
lambs have been saved. The rains accounts of them should be on hand,
have kept tlie wool clean, so that the for there were no hop llee at this time
clip will be one of the finest and best a year ago. True, there were lice of
various kinds to be found upon many
on record.
The cool weather has been detrimen­ kinds of plants and shrubs, and lice on
tal to the peach crop. Peaches, pears the hops even la March, but they were
and api.cctj are generally in full not the true“phorodon-humull” or hop
bloom close to the Columbia river. louse, and resembled the genuine about
South and east of the Blue mountains as much as hogs resemblo sheep, or a
white cow a sacred elephant, and they
no bloom is yet to be seen.
The present atmospheric conditions did no harm. But later came the gen­
do not Indicate an immediate clearing uine article in the month of May, and
of the weather, though warmer weath­ in another communication, if you wish
er with fewer showers may be expected I will tell the hop growing portion of
and these conditions will be much your readers how and when and where
more favorable than a sudden warm they first appeared and how to destroy
dry spell. More sunshine would be of them with one-half the expense requir­
ed to fight them with a horse sprayer.”
great lienetlt to the vegetatiou.
B. 8. P ague ,
Deserving Praise.
The past week showed u marked im­
provement in the climatic conditions;
yet the cool cloudy and showery wea­
ther coutinues. Rain fell on April 26,
27, and 30 and May 1st, and to-duy gen­
eral rain is tailing. There were several
days of bright, warm weather. The
mean temperature bus been from 48 to
51 degrees. The total rainfall has been
less than oue half an inch, except at
Ashland, where .84 of an Inch fell.
Frost occurred in Douglas, Josephine
and Jackson counties on the 26th and
27tb, which did some slight damage to
The ground is thoroughly saturated,
and on the low lands it continues to be
too wet to be worked. The peach,pear,
cherry and prune trees and strawber­
ries are in full bloom. Apples are
swelling their buds and are almost rea­
dy to blossom. Some damage has been
done to the peach bloom by the contin­
ued cool, wet weather. But the pre­
vailing opinion is that there will be a
large fruit crop. The berry bushes are
loaded with blossoms. On the uplands
plowing and seeding has progressed
and the major portion of the spring
seeding has been done. On the low­
lands some wheat has been injured.
The wheat is rooting and stooling more
The grass is growing
much better than any other vegetation.
Onions around Beaverton in Washing­
ton county have in places been reseed­
ed, the first setting having been
drowned out. Vegetables, where plant­
ed, are above the ground and are very
healthy. Hops in Linn, Marion and
Clackamas counties are from one to
four feet high, and almost ready to tie.
In Washington, Polk and Y'amhill
counties they do not appear to lie so far
advanced. The liop acreage has gener­
ally been increased. The hop lice have
appeared at Needy, Clackamas county.
The lambing season is about over and
has been fairly suecessful. The wool
will be extra good, being remarkably
clean and of good staple.
Can Lafayette get along without a
Hon. A. R. Burbank is correspond­
ing with eastern parties regarding start­
Council Proceedings.
ing a bank here.
Report of appraisors appointed to as­
The A. O. U. W. lodge will probably
ses damages iu the matter of straight­ build a good and substantial ball at
ening of G street adopted and a war­ this place this summer.
rant for $300 ordered drawn in favor of
Catholic church.
[Dayton Herald April 28 1
A. Reid and E. N. Ford were ap­
The new road to Mission landiug is
pointed appraisors instead of G. L. Ba­ being opened. Over 20 men were at
ker and J. W. Gault, who refused to work on it Tuesday. A number have
act in the matter of widening B street. been at work on the road each day
The delegates from this city to the since.
state Grange were requested to make
G. E. Detmering and M. 8. Adams
an effort to get that body to hold its of this place, we learn have decided to
next annual session at this place.
build a two story building here soon.
Time for collection of city taxes ex­ They have purchased u lot on the north
tended to June 1st.
east side of the building occupied by
The reoorder was instructed to draft Detmering’s store. The upper story
an ordinance prohibiting the firing of will be occupied as a lodge room by the
bombs and other fireworks on Third Masons and the lower story for busi­
ness. The building will lie frame.
Recorder instructed to prepare an or­
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Riley arrived
dinance prohibiting the castration of here on last Friday evening, on their
stallions in public places.
return from Harrison, Idaho, where
Superintendent ordered to purchase they have lived the past year. They
wire for use from plant to Third street. are warmly welcomed back to their old
Petition for a G-foot walk on north home by their many friends, who are
side of Sixth street, from II to B.
much pleased to have them again as
Sidewalk ordered built on west side neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Riley have
of G street from Fifth to Sixth.
again taken charge of the Dayton hotel
Warrant was ordered drawn on treas­ and the public will find this a pleasant
urer for $500 to pay note of First Na­ place to stop.
tional bank.
Committee on fire and water report­
[North Ymnliill Leader. April 28)
ed unfavorably on the extension of
The rock crusher will probably begin
water mains on B street.
work next week.
The recorder instructed to post no­
Hon. R. R. Laughlin, of this city has
tices of proposed ordinance for the been appointed a member of the Advis-
planking of B street from 3d to north ary committee of the World's fair on
boundary of the city.
farm culture and cereal industry which
Recorder instructed to post notices of meets at Chicago on Oct. 16, 1893, and
a proposed ordidance for the rocking of has received his certificate of member­
B street from 3d to south boundary of ship. The committee has a room set
the city.
apart for its use in the live stock build­
The recorder was instructed to post ing, and have a man in charge during
notices of a proposed ordinance for the the fair. All those who intend going
planking of 3d street from H to I.
from this county should write or call
on him and receive a letter of introduc­
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
tion, which will entitle them to the
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, use of this room, and which will help
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, them In getting acquainted with the
Fever Hores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup­ many thousands who attend the fair.
tions. and positively cures Piles or no The object of this committee is to get
pay required. It is guaranteed to give the farmers of the different states to­
perfect satisfaction, or money refund gether and let them talk over the
ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
different mrthoji of farm and eer- A Wonderful Engine--Cannot be Sur«
We desire to say to our citizens, tliat
by Rogers Bros.
eal culture and thereby become more
for years we have been selling Dr.
Probate Court.
’s New Discovery for Consump­
An engine exerting surpassing pow­ tion, Dr. King’s New Life Pills, Buck-
Estate of A H Roberts: Petitions to
er it always a source of wonder, and len’s Arnica Halve and Electric Bitters,
[Newberg Graphic, April 28,]
yet how many are entirely forgetful of and have never handled remedies that
set apart exempt property, to sell per­
Our carpenters and ,those who han­ the existence within themselves of an sell as well, or that have given such
sonal property for cash and for allow­
more powerful and enduring universal satisfaction. We do not hesi­
dle building material inform us that
ance to widow of $250, allowed.
than any ever invented. Not perhaps tate to guarantee them every time, and
Estate of W E Colby; Sale of real es­
until they have experienced irregular we stand ready to refund the purchase
tate confirmed. Petition for final ac­ building being done this season. Work pulse, heart fluttering, tenderness in price, if satisfactory results do not fol­
Public Meeting.
count filed, and June 0 set to hear has been held back by the unpropitious shoulder and arm, swollen ankles, low their use. These remedies have
asthmatic breathing, weak and hun­ won their great popularity purely on
gry spells, smothering, short breath or their merits Rogers Bros., druggists. 1
Attention everybody. Every busi­ same.
Estate of James Setronen; Petition
The continued rains have made it al­ Gin in side, when its existence is no
ness man and every member of the
Beat the Record.
iger to be denied, as the possessor
of trade is expected to be present. for final account filed and June 6, 1893, most impossible for the supervisor to must know he has heart disease. Mrs.
Important business meeting to be held
LeBar, Fitchburg, Mich., had heart
Miss Edith Day, who rushed around
Estate of H G Burns, petition to sell been patching up a few places this disease fifteen years; had to hire house
, city hall, Wednesday evening, May
the continent to show that she could
lOtb, 1893. By a committee of citizens. real estate filed, and citation to issue, week that have been almost impassa­ help; lived on liquid foot], used Dr. travel from Portland to all the leading
same to be heard June 6, 1893.
ble. The roads are in a horrible condi­ Miles’ Heart Cure and all symptoms
left her. Continued use cured her. cities of the United States and Mexico,
Special Attention.
Estate of James McPhillips; Petition tion for so late in the spring.
Sold by Rogers Bros, on a guarantee, without setting foot on the ground,
fer partial distribution of money on
We notice by the dispatches from who will give you a doctor’s book free. within a given space of time, and there­
We call especial attention to our dress
hand according to terms of will, al­ Central Point that Fred Downing, who
| goods, notions, trimmings and shoe de­
Orégon Stat. Sunday School Convention. by eclipse the achievement ef a Chi­
is a son-in-law af uncle John Edwards
cago young lady who was engaged in
In these lines we have un­
Estate of J H Walker; Will admit­ of our town, has been making some
The eighth annual convention of the the trick at the same time, reached
the largest anti most va­
ted to probate, David A. Walker ap­ good finds, aloug with other prospec­
Oregon state Sunday school association home a day ahead of her windy city
stock to select from.
pointed executor without bonds. Wm
Just think of a lace curtain 3 yards M Manning, J W Stallcop and A E tors for gold during the present excite­ will be held in the Friend's church, rival. The world might have known
Newberg, Oregon, by invitation of that that a girl who was merely equipped
long at $1 per pair, better at $1.25,$1.50,
Anderson appointed appraisors.
President Newlin received a call a church, beginning Tuesday, May 16, at by nature for skipping over mnd holes
Estate of P P Woeds; Costs allowed
Spring cloaks and blouse waists amounting to $14.95. Ordered that few dayB ago to take the place of pas­ 2 p. m., and closing Thursday, May 18, and mounting chairs at the approach
tor of one of the largest Friends’ at 11 n. m. As this is a mass conven­ of the devouring mouse, could never
$99.55 be paid to Mary S Mintie as bal­ churches in Richmond, Indiana. We
tion, all interested in Sunday school compete on equal terms in such feats
ance due her, and $313.55 be paid to are glad to ba able to state, however,
work are invited to be present, and ev­ with a girt endowed with GTegonian
A. J. A ppersox .
Ijouisa M Bleseer as balance due her. that he has no intention of leaving
ery Sunday school in the state is urged webs, whereby she can go enwhere in
To Organize Permanently.
Ordered that admistrator be discharged. Newberg. Pacific college could hardly
to send one or more delegates. A good reason at this season of the year with­
A meeting for the purpose of complet­ The World's Fair Travelers Will Have It. be called to sustain a greater loss than program ha« been arranged, and a out having anything to do with terra
to be compelled to give up her present number of the leading Sunday school flrma. There’s saving grace in webs
ing the organization of a Jeffersonian
The public demand through service
democratic club for Yambill county when traveling. It is old fashioned to excellent president And we know the ' workers in our own state will take part after all is said.
will be held in Wright's ball, McMinn­ change cars. On the through solid friends of the college will be pleased to in the convention. Rev. H. L. Bates Headache and Dizzine«*--Frequent Caa»-
ville, Oregon, commencing at 8 o’clock vestibuled trains of the Chicago, Union know that no such calamity awaits the is the secretary of the state association,
e«of Apoplexy and raralysi«.
on the evening of Thursday, May 2f)tb, Pacific and Northwestern line, from or college at present. We are glad to and he desires a report from every Sun­
to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate
The most recent und profound re­
at which everybody interested is cor­ points, there is no change. This Is the know, however, that we have such a day school in the state. These local
man as is wanted in other places for reports should include the quarter end­ searches in this diaection by specialists,
dially invited to be present. Let every finest and fastest road.
his actual worth.
ing March 3f*h, and be sent to him not have developed conclusively that the
democrat in the county be present, in
above disorders frequently result in
later than May 8th. President Thomas death or permanent disability. Dr.
order that the foundation of one per­
Miles’ Restorative Nervine is the great­
manent club may be well and firmly R obisox -C orxer —At the court house
berg, is chairman of the committee of est remedy for either of these apparent­
in this city, April 30, 1893, Mr. A. H.
established and enthusiastically dedi­
arrangements on behalf of the Friends' ly insignificant causes. Nothing ap-
Robinson to Miss C. L. Corner, both When Baby « m alek, we cave her CMortB.
Sroaches it In merit. Mrs. W. E.
church, and lists of all who expect to
C ommittee ox I xvitatiox .
of Dayton : Judge Galloway officiat­ When she ires a Child, she cried for Caatoria
urns, of South Bend, Ind., who had
suffered from constant headache for
Officer« and Patron« of Public School«.
mAntbs, was cured by IL The
him not later than May 12tb. Arrang-
A risto! Ariste!
of Daniel Myers, Brooklyn,
ments have been made for th# usual re­ daughter
Th« unusual small amount of money
Mien., had been insane for ten years
Go to Montee's and get your photo­
duction of fares on railroads.
apportioned school districts this spring
and was having from 15 to 25 fits a day.
Nervine cured her of both fits and in­
is due to the fact that no more had J graphs taken; the finest in the] city.
A Million Friend«.
sanity. Hold on a guarantee by Rogers
been collected on the day of apportion-1 You will always find ns ready to please
S«hool Report.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, > Bros. Get a book free.
ment. The amount for the year will our customers. McMinnville, Oregon
Following is the report of the Gopher and not lees than one million people.
not be less than usual but will come1
Marriage Liren«e«.
valley school; district No. 3H, for the have found just such.a friend in Dr.
later in the season. The schools should
King's N«*w Discovery for Consump- J The clerlQias issued license to wed to
not stop on this account. Warrants M artin —To the wife of Frank J. Mar­ month ending April 21, 1893.
Coughs and colds.—If you have [ the following persons during the week:
Number of boys] enrolled, seven; tion.
may be drawn on clerks at dose of term
tin, in this city, April 30, 1893, a son.
never used »his great Cough Medicine, 1
to be paid as soon as more funds are
one trial will convince you that It' E M Alderman, aged 23; Geneva I al -
received. These warrants should bear i Ixvt—April 23, between Ijifayette average daily attendance, eighteen. has wonderful curative powers in all fevre, aged 19.
a large, gray, all wool Those who were neither absent nor diseases of Threat, Chest and Lungs.
W F Jones, aged 22; Katie Stinson,
lawful interest after their acceptance by and
*na Carlton,
*wl Finder please deliver to Frank tardy during the month are Charlie Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that aged 19.
th© df*rk. Another
Awrtihar apportionment
aiirwxHlnnmanf 1 SD
is claimed or money will be refunded.
Mav 20.
Casey, Willie Ijimbright and Mary Trial liottles free at Rogers Bro«, drug
will he made if
If possible about May
3). , nl*’n' Lafayette.
rut up In neat wateb .bape«1 bott lea.«urwv
euated. Small Blk Brant. SSc. per bottle.
«tore. Large I>ottle* 5ftc and $1.
B lanche M illler .
Dr Miles' Hew He*« Csrv M Druulste
J. B. S tilwell , Supt.
Comes the Lumlier manufactured ut JONES & ADAMS’ mill.
• It is the Peer of any Lumlier sold in the McMinnville market.
Has been formulated and it is now the cheapest lumber on the
market all qualities considered. All sizes, kinds and grades
can be found at the yards in this city at any time of the year.
Its life is longer, it is strouger and is a thing of beauty while
the product of other mills is warpetl and ready to be renewed.
If you want to build a house at no immediate cost,'call and see
us. We will make you a proposition. This proposition is
based upon the fact that in building up McMinnville or Yam­
hill County we are buildiug up Sones & Adams.
A Complete Stock of Paints, Oils, Builders* Hardware
I b now displayed in our new building for the inspection of the
people of this county. Every one requiring goods handled by
us are requested to call and get our prices liefore purchasing.
We will guarantee to save them money.
We are in Business and mean Business.
Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon.
I Family Supplies
Everything within bounds; Everything Trim,
Clean Goods, Neatness, Promptness.
I McMinnville, Oregon.
Is the best bred horse in the State of Oregon; of fine
form and finish and remarkable intelligence and kind
disposition. He is an unusually sure foal getter, and
his colts are all large and speedy.
(Abdallah, 1.
'Hambletonian 10(Rys-
dike’a) sire of 41 2: 30 (Chas Kent mare,
'Bona Fide, 720, sirex
of Humbert, 2:28,
and Daniel Boone,
sire of Echo 2:27|; Kate, darn of Breeze,
2:24; Bruno, 2:29^ *
Nelly M 2:284 and
Young Bruno 2:22]
Susie Owens 2:20.
Hambletonian, 10.,
'Volunteer, 55 sire of St.
Julian 2:11| and 20 oth­ Lady Patriot, by Young Pa-
riot outof Lewis Hulse mare
ers in 2:30 or better.
Madge. 4
^Abdallah, 15.
/Kate Darling, by Sherman Mor­
gan, founder of the great Mor­
gan family.
A dirondack is the sire of Annie B, record 2:40; Adrian, 2:44; Ambler
2:44|; Flora T, 3:35, and Ada R, two-year-old record, 2:47 ; also others
which sold at high prices, among them Cicero for $1250.
A DIRONDACK will make the season of 1893 as fol-
lows: Fridays and Saturdays McMinnville; Mon­
days, Sheridan; Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Amity;
Thursdays, North Yamhill.
Best Local Paper in Yamhill.