TELEPHONE-REGISTER 4, 1893 POSTO T FICK HOURS. « ,m 7 a m. to 7 p. m From 7:30 p. 8:39 p. m. ley order hours from 7 a. 111. to 6 p. m. day from 12 ni. to 1p. m 1 south closes at 9:50 a. m. Mail closes at 2:30 p. m. and 9 p. m. 1 for 5:45 a. m train closes evening i at9p m. iridali and southern Tillamook mail 1 at 11 a ni. CHURCH NOTICES. EriscorsL C hubch .—Services r Sabbath at 11 a. lit ami 7 :40 p m, ay School at 9:30 a, in graver meet- liursilay evenings at 7:30. lt>:v. 8. E M kmixokk , Pastor SBSBLAND P»EBBYTZHIAX C hciich — ces every Sabbath at 11 a. in. and 7 p Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Rev J R H ums , Pastor. .rrtsT C hl 'n< M.—Services every Sabbath a. in. and 7:30 p. ni. Sunday School at s. in. Rav R. McKiLtor, Pastor. uusTiAN C hcbch .—Services every 8al>- at 11 a nt. and 7 30 p. m Sunduy ml at 10 a. in. Y. P. 8 C E. meets lav atO::iO p. m Prayer meeting Wed- lay at 7.30 p m. Everyone invited 11. A D kstos , Pastor. . J ames C atholic C hurch .—Services 1st Bid Sundays of each month, Second iav St. Mary's at Corvallis Fourth lav, St Patrick’s Church on Muddy. Rav. Titos. B biody , Pastor J ames E vucotal C h ’ jich —Divine ice and sermon each Sunday at 11 a. nil 4 p m. R ev . W. H. S toy , Pastor. siiodiht iMinnville Grange. No. 31, 1’. of H., 1 in their hall tlie first and third Satur- of eaeli month at 10 a. m. Visitors ïallv invited. J. T. J olly . ». Ki. E. K uns , Master, Secretary, r wy,--------- r—:-r-„ - - - . . zz Minnville Camp No 1 28, Woodmen of Vorlil- Meet first and Third Mondays h month: visiting brothers cordially si to attend Lodge room Third St l block. J O. R ooebs , C. I. B bidoktobd , Clerk ter Post No. 9 meets tlie second and i Saturday of eaeli month at G. A. R, in Union block at 7:30 p. m. All Hers of tlie Order.are cordially invited end our meetings L 8. D owning , F C lubinb , Post Commander. I Adjutant. NOTICE. sreafter all notices announc- entertainnients for which an lesion fee is charged, all nary matter after the notice Bath has been given as a mat- f news, all resolutions of con- nce, wedding notices, cards hanks, etc., furnished the phone-Register for publica- will be charged for at regu- dvertising rates, 1» and 10 I per line. Local and General E. C. Walker is laid up with the county court met in regular ses- esterday. . D. W. McCall leaves today for , Walla to visit her daughter. . Grissen returned Thursday from ; visit to her old home in Califor- rke Hogg gave u birthday party ■w of his little friends last Thurs- rternoon. . J. G. Eckman expects to leave y afternoon on a visit to her for- jome in Kansas. s. J. H. Henderson will leave to- for a visit of several weeks to Is in eastern Oregon. n. A. Henderson has purchased terest in the tombstone and mon- it business of E. J. Qualey. is Rosa Young returned home Sat- f evening from her California trip, »er she went for her health, . rvallis has been chosen as the next to hold the state convention of 'hristian Endeavor societies. and Mrs. Nelson have moved in- t residence of Judge Cowls to re- i during his absence in the East. J. Qualey has arranged u very display of monuments and tomb- ib adjoining his place of business K. Sampson was in the city yes- iy and reports eight feet of snow le summit of the coast mountains, it takes April showers to bring May flowers what are we to ex- from these copious May showers? e members of tlic Oregon Pioneer Historical society will hold their Ion at Astoria on the Fourth of e Salem Statesman has received ergenthaler linotypes and the ap- inee of the paper is much im- ad. C. Cooper has the Whiteson town- >n his hands again, the Y’amhill I company having relinquished Its est in it. ■terday evening at the rooms of V. C. T. U. a very interesting pro- : was rendered under the direction rs. Matthleu. je second quarterly teaehers exam- ion will be held in McMinnville ’ 10th, commencing at 1 o’clock p. at the court house. ev. Hume expects to remain here he pastor of the C, P. Church, hav- declined the offer to take charge of church school at Sodaville. mmitteee from the several A. O. r. lodges in the county will meet ■is city on Saturday to select the and place for holding a picnic, ere will be a public meeting of the sans Foreign Missionary society in M. E. Church next Sunday at 7:30 1. An interesting program will be lered. le memliersof the Episcopal church it a pleasant evening at the resi- •ce of Mrs. Heath last Saturday, it ng the anniversary of the Rev. Mr. y’s birth. ohn Jones seems to have left the f rather suddenly Monday after- ►lì. Perhape the report that a war- it was out for his arrest for disorder­ conduct may have hail something to j with it. In theehooting match last WednesJ ly W. E. Martin won, killing 19 birds It of 20, while his competitor killed . There was a large attedance ef iortlng people from Portland and her points. The blue rock matches ere closely contested, but the local sports carried off the lion’s share of the kaoen. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: “Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good Price 50 els. Sold by Howorth A Co. Mr. Jacob Wisecarver has commenc­ ed the rem >val of the wooden buildings from the Iola lie sold to Elaia Wright last fall. Mr. Wright is auxious for a little sunshine so he can commence operations on the new brick. Tuesday morning about 2 o’clock the fire bell called out the department to quench the flames in the barn belong­ ing to O. F. Davidson on G street. The damage was slight. Incendiarism is given as the only explanation. On Monday lust Juckson lake south of the railroad, was visited by 24 white swans. A stately bird is that and their presence in that pond aroused the spir­ it of Nimrod in more than one young breast.— Hillsboro Independent. Preaching at the O. I’, church Sun­ day by the pastor, Rev. J. R. Hume. Subject, Ila. m., “Christ and Hebrew Human Nature.” 7:30 p. m., “The Christian Endeavor, Its Place and Work in Relation to Christ and the Church.” A subscription fund has been started for a fourth or July celebration and quite a neat sum has been subscribed. It is a good idea to commence in time. The prospects are favorable that u suf­ ficient amount will be raised to get up a good celebration. The steamer Danube arrived in Port­ land yesterday with 042 Chinese on beard. These Chinese have been in British Columbia for several weeks at­ tempting to steal an entrance into tire United States, but failing to do so came to Portland to try their luck. Dallas Observer: J. II. N. Bell has secured a patent on a “self-adjusting binding strap,” and has arranged for its manufacture on a lurge scale. While we are at a loss to kuow wliat the arti­ cle in question is used for, we trust Brother Bell will reap a large reward from the sale of bis invention. Prof. P. L. Campbell, president oi the Oregon state normal school at Monmouth, will deliver an address to the graduating classes of the public schools at the «pern house on the eve­ ning of May 19th. Subject: Right Ideals. Mr. Campbell is a very inter­ esting and entertaining talker. The Columbian baggage association has been formed for the safe and care­ ful handling of baggage of persons at. tending the fair. It is composed of the baggage agents of the leading lines of railroads entering Chicago and their connections. Every possible effort will lie made to handle baggage promptly and without loss. Wm. T. Booth retired from the black­ smith business on Monday. Ho sold out to C. G. Wallin, late of Texas. Mr. Booth has been in business in this city for about twenty years, and for sixteen years in the present location. To a young man this seems a long time to stick to one business and one location, but it is to such that success ami a competency come. At the symposium to be held in the Baptist’church tomorrow evening, the young people haven more than usually interesting program. Among other things some of Mrs. Snyder’s kinder- garten pupils will sing two or three songs, The symposium will be follow- ed by a social. Every body invited. No admittance fee charged, Program begins promptly at 8 o’clock. Weather Forecast Official Pague boldly announces that “the backward season has been caused by continuously low temperature.” We know that all right enough, but what has caused the "continuoutly low temperature?” Why lias it rained 47 days out of 49, or 72 out of a possible 84? If the “continuous low temperature be charged with this infraction of all previous rules, it is time that Mr. Pague abated it or re­ signed his job.— Welcome. T. E. Brown, representing Brown Brothers Company, of Rochester,N.Y., will make this city his headquarters for two or three months. This compa­ ny has the reputation of being the most reliable growers of nursery stock in the Union. Their stock is warranted to be true to name, and as the commercial standing of this company is reported O. K., the warrant means something. They have plenty of testimonials HS lo their goods and methods of doing linal­ ness. Karl’s Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipa­ tion. 25c, 50c and $1. Hold by How­ orth A Co. BVTBM* AND BVHINKM DIBECTOK. The EarlnifTorgan 1s the best at C. Grissen’s. Hats given away at Kay ening day there were to have been EASTERN OREGON. There has been an improvement in given away to home seekers a great the weather conditions during the past many bushels of very fine late-keeping week; but it yet remains cool, cloudy winter apples. and backward. Very heavy rain fell How« Thia! in Sherman and Wasco counties on the tVe offer One Hundred Dollars Reward 26 and 27. The season has been very for anv caseof Catarrh tliatcannot be cured wet and cold. Snow fell in Klamath by Hall’s Catarrh Cure F. J. C heney Bros. Get a book free. ment. The amount for the year will our customers. McMinnville, Oregon Following is the report of the Gopher and not lees than one million people. not be less than usual but will come1 Marriage Liren«e«. valley school; district No. 3H, for the have found just such.a friend in Dr. later in the season. The schools should King's N«*w Discovery for Consump- J The clerlQias issued license to wed to not stop on this account. Warrants M artin —To the wife of Frank J. Mar­ month ending April 21, 1893. Coughs and colds.—If you have [ the following persons during the week: Number of boys] enrolled, seven; tion. may be drawn on clerks at dose of term tin, in this city, April 30, 1893, a son. never used »his great Cough Medicine, 1 girls, twenty-two; total, twenty-nine; to be paid as soon as more funds are one trial will convince you that It' E M Alderman, aged 23; Geneva I al - received. These warrants should bear i Ixvt—April 23, between Ijifayette average daily attendance, eighteen. has wonderful curative powers in all fevre, aged 19. a large, gray, all wool Those who were neither absent nor diseases of Threat, Chest and Lungs. W F Jones, aged 22; Katie Stinson, lawful interest after their acceptance by and *na Carlton, * *wl Finder please deliver to Frank tardy during the month are Charlie Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that aged 19. th© df*rk. Another Awrtihar apportionment aiirwxHlnnmanf 1 SD SDBWl. is claimed or money will be refunded. Mav 20. Casey, Willie Ijimbright and Mary Trial liottles free at Rogers Bro«, drug will he made if If possible about May 3). , nl*’n' Lafayette. rut up In neat wateb .bape«1 bott lea.«urwv euated. Small Blk Brant. SSc. per bottle. «tore. Large I>ottle* 5ftc and $1. 1 Garrett. B lanche M illler . Dr Miles' Hew He*« Csrv M Druulste J. B. S tilwell , Supt. ■5 FROM THE MOUNTAIHS Comes the Lumlier manufactured ut JONES & ADAMS’ mill. • It is the Peer of any Lumlier sold in the McMinnville market. A NEW SCHEDULE OF PRICES Has been formulated and it is now the cheapest lumber on the market all qualities considered. All sizes, kinds and grades can be found at the yards in this city at any time of the year. ITS BEAUTY AND FINISH IS INCOMPARABLE; Its life is longer, it is strouger and is a thing of beauty while the product of other mills is warpetl and ready to be renewed. WE MAKE PROPOSITIONS. If you want to build a house at no immediate cost,'call and see us. We will make you a proposition. This proposition is based upon the fact that in building up McMinnville or Yam­ hill County we are buildiug up Sones & Adams. A Complete Stock of Paints, Oils, Builders* Hardware I b now displayed in our new building for the inspection of the people of this county. Every one requiring goods handled by us are requested to call and get our prices liefore purchasing. We will guarantee to save them money. We are in Business and mean Business. JONES & ADAMS, Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. WALLACE & WALKER, I TABLE DELICACIES I ON THE SIDE. I GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, REASONABLE TERMS] I Family Supplies Everything within bounds; Everything Trim, Clean Goods, Neatness, Promptness. I McMinnville, Oregon. PRICES AT THE BOTTOM. ADIRONDACK Is the best bred horse in the State of Oregon; of fine form and finish and remarkable intelligence and kind disposition. He is an unusually sure foal getter, and his colts are all large and speedy. PEDIGREE. (Abdallah, 1. 'Hambletonian 10(Rys- [2=41 dike’a) sire of 41 2: 30 (Chas Kent mare, performers. •-4 M o ◄ 'Bona Fide, 720, sirex of Humbert, 2:28, ^Bellair». and Daniel Boone, sire of Echo 2:27|; Kate, darn of Breeze, 2:24; Bruno, 2:29^ * Nelly M 2:284 and Young Bruno 2:22] Susie Owens 2:20. Hambletonian, 10., 'Volunteer, 55 sire of St. Julian 2:11| and 20 oth­ Lady Patriot, by Young Pa- riot outof Lewis Hulse mare ers in 2:30 or better. J 9 Madge. 4 ^Abdallah, 15. Nelly /Kate Darling, by Sherman Mor­ gan, founder of the great Mor­ gan family. A dirondack is the sire of Annie B, record 2:40; Adrian, 2:44; Ambler 2:44|; Flora T, 3:35, and Ada R, two-year-old record, 2:47 ; also others which sold at high prices, among them Cicero for $1250. TERMS.—INSURANCE. $25.00. A DIRONDACK will make the season of 1893 as fol- lows: Fridays and Saturdays McMinnville; Mon­ days, Sheridan; Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Amity; Thursdays, North Yamhill. D. E. SHEPARD. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR FOR THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER Best Local Paper in Yamhill.