Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1889)
THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. HARDIN6 &. HEATH, Publishers. The »dveriaing rites of T he T elephone R egis ter are extremely liberal, and will be made known on application. Special inducements •oi yearly or semi-yearly contracts. Job Work of all kinda neatly and qnickly exe coted at reasonable rates. Onr facilities are among the beet, and aatiefaction given on ev ery deal. Addreea all communications, either for the edi torial or business departments, to T he T ele rHONE-REomTEE, McMinnville, Oregon. Friday - - April 5 1889. ADVERTISING RATES. The advertising rates of T he T elephone - R egister are as follows: 1 inch per month, $1.00. 2 inches, $1 50; 3 inches, $2.25;’4 inches, $3.00; 5 inches, $3,50; 0 inches, $4.00; 7 inches, $4.50; 8 ipclies, $5 00 ; 9 inches, $5,50; 10 inches, $6 00; 11 inches, or half column, $6.50; 1 column, $12.00 per month. The above rates will not be deviated from. THE LOWEST DEPTH. When ambitious statesmen crowded upon each other's heels in an attempt to force themselves into President Harri son's cabinet it was thought that I he lowest depth of the office-seeking mania had been reached. But there is a lower depth. It has been struck by two republican lawyers— one of them an “ex-jurist”—who an nounced themselves as “candidates” for the vacant seat upon the bench of the United States supreme court, while the body of the dead Chief justice Matthews was yet unburied! The indeiicacy of a pushing self-candi dacy for this exalted judicial station would be great at any time. To break through the funeral procession that marks the vacancy, with a “claim” for the place which is yet hardly cold, is worse than indecent. A man who will put himself forward for a supreme court judgeship by that act advertises Ins unfitness for the high office. And yet it will not be strange to see a scramble lor it by the corporation lawyers and tlie political judges out of a job.— N. Y. World. A picnic for the republicans. What is it? Why, taking the census for 1890. Next year 50,000 census takers will have to be appointed. You had better be putting in your application pretty soon or you will be left. All the republicans will be employed in some manner. The party will be exhausted soon and demo crats will have to be called in. Illinois and California join weeps. They are getting left by Harrison, and in chorus they sing: “Backward, turn backward oh time in thv flight ” If they could only roll the old thing back to the 6th of November, Benjamin would get a scare.— Ex. GAMBLING STOPPED. Tlie “Tinhorns” in this City Will not Toot Again. For some time past gambling of every description has been going on in this city, and everyone knows it. The mar shal has complained of the ineffective ness of the ordinance under which he vas working, and the council have passed a new one which, if enforced by the marshal, will completely stop all gamb The Oregonian under the caption of ling within the corporate limits. The “The Fatal Consequences of Folly” in THE GERMAN WAR SHIPS. people not having means to inform them the editorial columns of Tuesday’s paper The German vessels Sperber and Al selves of the nature ef this ordinance, questions the decision of the jury in the we publish the principal sections. McKune trial. The|Orejoni<in’a opinion exandrine, which are now on their way O rdinance N o . 79. in this matter is about of as much im to Samoa to replace the wrecked vessels, An ordinance to prevent and suppress are very formidable ships, and at long portance as ninety-nine out of every gambling and gambling houses and all hundred of its opinions which are range fighting would have a decided ad places where any game in which chance printed. It says, “what saved McKune vantage over American vessels, owing to predominates is played for anything of value; and to punish any person who was the rough border justice which says their superior armament and speed. in such game or keeps or fre The corvette Alexandrine is of wood, engages that the man who carries a sword shall quents any such place or house. iron and steel, and is of 2373 tons burden. perish by the Bword.” What did save The people of the city of McMinnville McKune was the impartial verdict of She is of fifteen knots speed. Her bat do ordain as follows; S ec . 1. No person or persons shall, twelve impartial citizens of Yamhill tery is made up of twelve SL inch, four- within the corporate limits of the city of county, each of them far better in all the ton, breech-loading rifles, two 3'2-inch McMinnville, Oregon, open, set up or principles of life which go to make a and four revolving cannons, and a tor keep either as owner, proprietor, keeper, manager, employe with or without hire, perfect man than the editor of the Ore pedo tube and equipment. The Sperber is a new cruiser of com lessee or otherwise, any gaming or gonian, who airs his opinion on the house, or any house or place posite type, of 1120 tons burden, fourteen gambling slightest provocation. where any banking or other game is and a half knots speed, and armed with played with cards, dice, cheen, but On the local page of this paper you 4%-incb Krupp rifles, four Hotchkiss re- tons, or any other device, for anything of will see the charge of Judge Boise to the volying connon and two torpedo tubes. value, whether the same be played for money, checks or credits or any other jury in the McKune trial. Willard Mc Neither of the vessels are armored, but it representative of value. Kune was found not guilty of the charge will be noted that their speed is about S ec . 4. No person or persous shall, of manslaughter by twelve impartial cit 50 per cent, greater than that of the within the corporate limits of the city of izens of Yamhill county. The evidence American vessels ordered to Samoa, and McMinnville, Oregon, open, set up or keep any house, shop or place resorted of witnesses under oath brought them to that their guns are of greater lange. to for the purpose of gambling, or permit this verdict. By this verdict he has or suffer any person or persons in any house, shop or place under his control or been declared to the people of this KLEIN TESTIFIES. care, to play at anv game for anything county not guilty. The taking of life is J. C. Klein, the correspondent at Sa of value, whether the same be played for a serious thing, whether justifiable or moa visited Washington twice last week, money, checks, credits or any other re not, and this trial teaches a moral which having been summoned by the state de presentative of value. S ec . 5. No person or persons shall, every hot-headed youth should consider. partment for the purpose of testifying in within the corporate limits of the city of Postmaster-General Wanamaker has relation to the outrages committed by McMinnville, Oregon, invite, entice or persuade any person or persons to fre raised the battle cry of prohibition. In the Germans while he was there. He quent, go into or visit any gaming or his first public utterance he declares for also explained his connection with the gambling house mentioned in this or an amendment to the constitution stop events leading up to the battle of Cogali. dinance, or to engage in or play at or ping the liquor traffic. He is in the His testimony completely refuted the in, or bet at or upon any banking or other game played with cards, dice, right position to make his words felt. charges made by the Germans against cheen, buttons, or any other devise, for him, of having fired upon their sailors It will not be long before the prohibition anything of value, whether the same be and ordered the soldiers of Mataafa to and republican parties will be consoli played for money, checks, credits, or any other representative of value, or to dated. Something must be done to do so. The affidavits of Klein and three of engage in or play at or in, or bet at or knock the democrats out in 1892, and upon any of the games or gambling de that something is coming to the front Mataafa’s soldiers, who were with him vises mentioned in this ordinance, for at the battle, made before United States anytniug of value. now. Vice-Consul Blalock at Apia, will be S ec . 6. No person otherwise compe The treasury committee appointed to taken by the commissioners appointed tent as a witness under the laws of this state shall be disqualified from testify count the stamps in the vaults of the in by the United States of Berlin. ing as such concerning the offenses men Klein has had three private interviews tioned in this ordinance on tlie ground ternal revenue bureau completed their work Saturday. The count was made with Blaine. The correspondent will that his testimony may criminate him necessary by the transfer of the bureau not go to Berlin, at least for the present. self. Such testimony shall be reduced to writing and no prosecution shall after from Commissioner Miller to Commis wards be brought against him for the BLAINE LIKED IT. sioner Mason Two hundred million particular offense concerning which he testified as witnesss. stamps, of the value of $45,000,000 were When Hayes was elected, Mr. Blaine S ec . 7. Any person violating any of counted, and every cent was accounted was asked how he liked it. He replied: the provisions of this ordinance shall, for, and the stamps were found to be in “Well, I will tell you a little story. A upon conviction thereof before the re good condition. parcel of young men went out on a fish corder, be punished by a fine of not less than $15 or more than $100, or by im Robert Todd Lincoln, son of Abraham ing excursion up in the woods of Maine prisonment in the city jail not less than one summer, without any guide, and the seven nor more than thirty days. Lincoln, has been appointed minister to Passed the council April 3d, 1889. England. Allen Thorndyke Rice, editor question was who should play cook for J no . J. S pencer , of the North American Rerieic, has lieen the party. At length it was agreed that Recorder of the City of McMinnville. appointed minister to Russia. Thomas one certain member should undertake CARLTON. Ryan, of Kansas, goes to Mexico as the job, and that the first one who found fault with the cooking should take the Fine time to make gardens. minister. John Hicks, of Wisconsin, is minister to Peru. George B. Loring, of cook’s place. So they all make faces Mr. Leslie Laughlin is visiting Harry Massachusetts, is minister to Portugal. over the abominable fare for some days Sitton this week. Mrs. Hendrix and Abijah paid the P. Egar , of Nebraska, is minister to without saying a word, but at length a particularly atrocious apple pie caused county seat a visit this week. Chili. one of them to exclaim: ‘Well, this is April Fools Day was not a success Columns of abuSe would have been the d—dest pie I ever did see—but I like with us this time. Was it H.? written by the republican press of the it!” Our farmers have clipped the wool The above would apply at the election from their goats and will soon clip from country if Grover Cleveland had been the sheep. elected president and immediately after of Harrison, it seems. Mrs. Charles Bodie presented Mr. his election the Reading Iron works had DIFFERENT NOW. Howe’s store with a fine boquet of wild collapsed. It did the second day after flowers last week. the inauguration of Harrison and threw The Albany Democrat told the truth Oregon is greatly improving her stock twenty-five hundred men out of employ when it published the following article: of horses, as we noticed some very fine ment. By the election of Harrison a Harrison was inaugurated on the 4th stallions passing through town to make large amount of dirty reading has been inst., and the failures in the iron manu the season at different parts of the facturing trade have since averaged one county. kept from the public. a day. If the Mills bill had become a W. A. Howe has received from Chi law, or Cleveland had been re-elected, Murat Halstesd will not go to France, either would have been accepted by the cago this week a fine line of hats—gents’ at least his nomination has not yet been republicans as a sufficient explanation of and ladies’—wool, felt and straw, which confirmed. Halstead was with the Ger these business disasters, and they would he has marked way down. Ho has also the erection of his mammoth mans during the Franco-Prussian war have made the welkin ring with howls commenced democratic hostility to the busi barn. and used liis pen against the French. about ness interests and the industries of the Anyone wishing a good substantial This is one reason why he is not con country. As it is, they have nothing to roller built will do well to call on D. L. say. firmed ; the other is that he is not liked Hudson, of this place, as he has a patent by some of the senators. But as to the administration of Harri on a roller, and for $5 will build one that son having anything to do with the busi will give----- well, he can tell his appli A person must be the commonplace ness failures of onr country is not more cants the rest. Fox. son of an illustrious father to receive an true than the statements of the republi LIST OF LETTERS. appointment from Harrison. Grant and can press on the same matter during the Lincoln are specimens of his appoint Cleveland reign. LAFAYETTE. ments. They have never made a rec Letters remaining unclaimed in the ord, but are receiving the cream of the COME OFF. postoffice at Lafayette, Oregon, April 1: appointments because their fathers were Lindsay, A. Madson, J. R. The Lafayette correspondent of the prominent Americans. Patrick, Rod Slade, Al. Newberg Graphic has the following item: Tinsley, Miss Belle. “ The T elephone -R egister seems to roll Germany did not knock us out in Sa Parties calling for the above letters the stories about Dr. Watts as sweet moa but the elements did. Three Amer morsels under its tongue. But in our es will please say “advertised.” ican war vessels, the Nipsic, Vandalia timation Dr. forgot more before he ever G. E. J ohnson , P. M. and Trenton went to tho bottom during entered public life than the whole T ele phone -R egister force ever knew. The a storm. Also three German war ves T elephone -R egister ’ s object is to beat Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. sels went down. Notice for Publication. Dr. out of the U. S. marshalship and it will come about as near accomplishing The West Coast Trade, published in that as they did the election of Grover L and O ffice at Oregon City. Or., I March 22, 1889 | Tacoma, comes to us, and is the finest Cleveland last Nov.— Dayton Herald. We will make a bet of two bits against Notice is hereby given that in compliance commercial paper published on this with the provisions of the act of congress of coast. It is well edited by Orno Strong one cent that Dr. Watts himself is the ■lune 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of and its typographical ap[>earance can not Lafayette correspondent of the Newberg timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada rnd Washington terri be excelled. Graphic. We did not attempt to beat tory.” Henry Troeger, of Portland, county the doctor out of the marshalsliip, we of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this It is reported on reliable authority only told the people how he had done it. day tiled in this office his sworn statement No 449, for the purchase of the s w J4 of that the senator from Yamhill will not section No, 10, in township No. 2 south, The Eiffel tower, which is one of the range No 6 west, and will offer proof to get that much desired marshalship. that the land sought is more valuable This news is direct from headquarters, great features of the Paris exposition, show for its timber or stone than for agricultural doctor. was officially opened Sunday. It is 1000 purnoses, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver of this feet high. office at Oregon City, Oregon on Thursday, General Boulanger, the idol cf France, the 20th day of June, 1889. John Sherman will spend the summer He names as witnesses: T M Stark, J H is Bick from an overdose of morphine. He is the Napolean of France under its in Europe. His party will spend the Rankin. W E Jacobs and W S Rumyon, all Portland, Mnltnomah county, Oregon. surplus in this country.—.V. Y. World. of Anv republican form of government. and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to In the state of Mississippi the negroes file their claims in this office on or before Perhaps Wanamaker is not the sine said 20tli dav of June, 1888 Quay non lie has been considered.—.V. outnumber the white people. There are Y. World. five negroes to one white man. April 5-18 W. T. BURNEY, Register The work of the republican senate in not confirming Murat Halstead’s nomi nation has made that gentleman and his friends a little "hot.” They will fight the battle in Ohio. His friends say that be must be vindicated and that Foraker and Foster will have to stand ■Ì aside in his favor next November when F? the United States senator will be elected. The Ohio legislature is republican’aml they will send him to the senate. The work of vindication will probably begin ' ■■■ by placing him at tlie head of the repuli- liean ticket for governor, this will give i ■■ H him a double chance. Whether Foraker and Foster will agree to this is vet to lie t • - demonstrated in tlie future. The coming elections in Ohio will be very waim for some of the G. O. P. BISHOP & KAY A r- A ■ 'jr----- xA "I —: A ¿33S for Infants and Children. Reliable Opposition Boot & Shoe Dealer. • 'CMtorU is so well adapted to children that { recommend it aa superior to any prvs.-r.pUon known to me." IL A. Ancnra. M. D., Ill 80. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. V. Caatorla entvs Colic. CoaMlpaticn. Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and prouwtM <U- gestión. I Without injurious medic.tina T hk CaxTAfR Cotrrsmr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. I Want It No Goods Misrepresented as to Tlieir F. DIELSCHMEbER. That They Are THE NEW GOODS The Great Transcontinental Route. Clothiers of Yamhill GOOD NEWS! We are Just Whooping them Out ---------- VIA THE---------- Cascade Division’ now completed, making it the Shortest, Best’ and Quickest. Tlie Dining Car line. Tlie Direct Route. No Delays. Fastest Trains. Low est Rates to Chicago and all points East. Tickets sold to all Prominent Points throughout the East and Southeast. Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleep ing Cars Reservationscan bo secured in advance. Prices Always Lower Than i Be caeful and do not make a mistake All Competitors. but be sure to take the To Fast Bound Passengers. Northern Pacific Railroad. IN BOYS’ When we talk about one we talk about the other. OUR LARGE STOCK of New Goods means Good News to every buyer of GROCERIES in McMinnville because THE GOODS ARE CHEAP! That is one good reason. It won’t make you feel poor to look at our stock, as it does when you look at goods with prices away up. You will feel rich when you see how much a little money will buy. It is good news, because And see ’that your tickets read via THIS LINE, St Paul or Minneapolis, to avoid changes and serious delays occa sioned by other routes. Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars run We are not ashamed to sell them: you will not be ashamed to buy ' on regular express trains full length of the line. Berths free. Lowest rates. them. They Will be a Constant Satisfaction, because you got them at Quickest time. THE GOODS ARE HIGH GRADE. We have a -----o----- such bargain prices. When in doubt where to trade, call on I General Office Of the Company, No, 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. WALLACE & TODD, A D CHARLTON. Asst. General Passenger Agent. To Select From. No Trouble to Show Goods. I UfllfC DT|CEi>C m U B Lil I IVbllV or others, who wish to examine this paper, or obtain estimates on advertising spaco when in Chicago, will find it on file at the Advertising Agency of Orogron.. LORD & THOMAS. Tailor Shop in Full Blast. SALESMEN WANTED. A Western Wholesale House has recently added to its regular business a special department which will ££<lulTe services of capable men in various localities. fins firm makes no misleading promises of exorbitant salaries, l»ut pushing and reliable applicants who can fnniish satisfactory references as to trustworthiness w ill be liberally paid in proportion to the ability they demonstrate. Our requirements will not of necessity I interfere with business in which applicant may now be engaged. .Address, with references, 1 Remember Our Old Motto: The teto: for the Id Mc.iey. I ; 1 I New This Week. K. HAK1U.WT0S4(O., 1SS STATK 8T., CHICAGO, ILL. Trixie Line of TO THE FRONT! I have on display at the City Repository. McMINNVILLE, ORE GON, a Fine Line of Carriages Buggies, Etc. The Best Assortment Ever Brought to the City! HATS and CLOTHING Direct from New York. The Stock Consists of Having made arrangements with a Firstclass Tailor All Ready Made Clothing, Purchased of me, Will be Altered or Recut to Suit the Purchaser. Side Bar Eliptic Spring. >1 ¡Side Bar Park Wagons, Half Platform Wagon, 1 I Dexter Queen Spring, Whitechaple Bodies. > Brewster Side Bar, Sporting Wagon Timpkin Side Bar,| Barouche, Jump Seat. i Phaetons. > Surreys, Oregon Hacks. 4 Springs.3And Oregon Half Platform A. 1 APPERSON, Corner of B and Third Sts., McMinnville Or. Having Purchased direct rrom the Factory, in tlie East, and having them shipped to me direct in Car-load lots, I am pi epared to sell at LIVING AND LET LIVE PRICES. Bring on Your Nimble Dollars, And see for yourself in regard io prices. Do not forget the place, Opposite McMinnville Hotel, McMinnville, Oregon. C. D. JOHNSON 2,000 SAMPLES Of all kinds of GOODS DECEIVED From the best firms in the United States, at F. ZIRKEL S TAILOR SHOP. I do my own Cutting, and Do Not Charge Profits on the Goods. Rent is low, and all that I ask is pay for my work. Goods will be tele- graghed for, for persons who are in a hurry. I can GUARANTEE You PRICES at least 10 PER CENT LOWER than any other tailor shop in Oregon. Pants, to order............................................ $ 7 00 to $10 00 Suits, to order............................................. 25 00 to 40 00 Call and see Samples at F. Zirkels Shop, next to the Postoffice. I have just received a Full and Complete Line of these SHOES, guaranteed to be the best and cheapest in the market. ALSO—A full line of C. M Hend r- son & Co.’s Gents’ Boots and Shoes, and Ladies’ and Misses' Fine Shoes. -A- ^"crz-iZu X j Z kte or General Merchandise. At Extremely Low Prices. 8 W. HOWE, «Oarltcn, Cregrcn.