The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, December 16, 1887, Image 1

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On« Door North of oor or Third and E 81»,
M c M innville ,
or .
ud Hkliu
(ire. Man»
ndeucp, h
<’on>e and
;>H for our
all partie.
^ hy M edi .
fulo, Ñ.Y.
ie year..........
. liiemth..........
lire. months..
M‘R. house*
8 the best
all those
pcullar to
hoi i sands
ind Surg-
, and
ice. For
■ He. It
Ine. tonic
Kto nirtli •
ikn< ss of
»k kick,
ill!I y end
r poniti«
ie’s lariro
« Foires.
D ispen -
n Street,
county, the new acorn .
hese stoves, without doubt, are the best
ove manufactured. One of these stoveswill
e given to the new cash subscriber to the
ELEPHONE who guesses nearest its weight.
QE flfl Stove eriven away.
aving, Hair Cutting and- - - -
- - - - Shampoing Parlors.
Proprietor of the
Mtftaillt Jewelry ta,
C. H.'FLEMING, Prop.
The leading
1 All kinds of fancy liair cutting done in
lie latest and neatest style
■.All kinds of fancy hair dressing and liair
ing. a specialty Special attention given
Ladies' and Childrens’ Work
Hl also have for sale a very fine assort-
^^Sont of hair oils, hair tonics, cosmetics, etc
t I have in connection with my parlor,
. the largest ami finest stock of
Ever in the city.
Third Street, McMinnville Or.
T hird S treet M c M innville , O regon
Up Stairs in Adams' Building,
McMinnville, Oregon
ew Blacksmith Shop!
is. For
it, lilt.
»■ Y«rk.
Æ. Ja.
A New Treatment for Consumption Suc­
cessfully Tried In New Orleans.
AM LIKENS, Proprietor.
cksmithing and carriage ironing of
every description.
Horse Shoeing
And plow work a specialty.
Also manufacture tlie
Celebrated Oregon Iron Harrow,
M c M innville
or Third and I) streets, McMinnville
Promptly attended to Day or
Third Street, between E and F
McMinnville, Oregon.
derson Bros. Props.
t-class accommodations for Ccmmer-
knen and general travel,
tansient stock well cared for.
EBHbrything new andin First-Class Order
j ï’ÎFatronage respectfully solicited
What is known as the compound-gns
treatment for consumption has been
attracting a good deal of attention in
medical circles of late. It is the in­
vention of a French physician. Dr.
Bergeron, of Lyons, who claims to
have accomplished remarkable results
through its agency.
The treatment has been expermented
with in this country to some extent re­
cently. and the results appear to war­
rant the good opinion entertained of
the method by the French physicians.
A case has been reported from New
Orleans where the treatment was tried
on a lady who was in the last stages of
quick consumption. Two-thirds of the
lung was destroyed, an examination
by the microscope revealed bacilli and
a large amount of lung tissue in the
matter expectorated. The tempe ra-
ture was frofn 102 to 104. with night
sweats, no appetite and continual
The lady’s husband, who chanced to
be a chemist, improvised apparatus for
making the compound of carbonic acid
and sulphuretted hydrogen gases and
for applying them. The effect was at
once perceptible. The cough ceased,
the appetite improved, the chest pain
disappeared in four days and there was
a gain of one pound in weight the first
week, which was increased to three and
a half pounds at the end of two weeks.
In half an hour after the administra­
tion of the gas the temperature fell
from 102 to 98. with an absolute craving
for food which seemed to agree perfect­
ly with the patient These favorable
conditions have continued, the patient
steadily gaining in strength and weight
so that there seems to be a fair expecta­
tion of complete recovery.
If more general and thorough tests
shall sustain the claims that are made
for this new treatment of consumption
it will prove to be one of the most val­
uable discoveries made by medical
science.— Chicago Journal.
The Way to Get Rich.
A Land Speculation.—‘‘But,” said
the would-be purchaser, they tell m«
that the land is covered by a swamp.”
“Swamp, why, of course. It’s the
richest land in the world.”
“But how am I to get rid of the
Call at the office of the WEST
“Pump it off.”
will guarantee you
“Yes, but then it will be on some
T WORK, LOWEST PRICES. other man’s land."
“That’s all right; let him pump it
off on to some one else’s land. My dear
We make a specialty oi Fine
sir, you should never be bothered by
what is on some other man’s land.”
"Yes, but won’t he pump the water
back on my land?”
"The very thing you want, The best
crops in the world are raised that way.
Pumping from first one field to another
brings about a mutual system of irriga­
tion. I got rich that way.”— Arkansaw
----- THE LEADER IN-----
Traveler.^_______ ...
You want any thing in the line of
ob Printing
k and Card Printing.
—Hard to Discourage—the banana
peel; the public has always sat down
on it.— Detroit Free 'ress.
—The cobbler's boy unruly gets, and
good behavior lacks; ’tis then he sadly
»site Grange Store McMinnville. Or. stand* in need of genuine cobbler’s
—Little Bess (who is so much ac­
S. A. YOUNG. M. D.
customed to see baby creep that she
thinks it is his natural mode of travel­
Physician & Surgeon,
ing)—“Oh mamma, -onie quick! Baby
O regon . is standing on his hind legs."
Ice and residence on D street. All
—When you congratulate your
promptly answered day or night.
barber on the birth of an infant son,
you can make your reputation for wit
I bv referring in a flattering manner to
“the little shaver."—¿owdl Citizen.
—The missionary contribution, from
Dealer in
i the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church,
, New York City, amount to $86.279 for
arness. Saddles. Etc. Etc. home and $29.425 tor foreign missions
last year. The First Church of Chica­
pairing neatly done al reasonable
go was second, giving $25,988 to the
right's new building. Corner Third home board and $15.411 to the foreign.
F street«, McMinnville. Or.
1 —X. K Ind^endent.
Hair weaving and Slamping.
NO. 34
The little child that sits beside our feet
Slay rob us of our strength and rest so sweet.
And cause our way with cares to bo thick strewn;
And yet we love our own.
There may be fairer lands and brighter skies.
There may be friends more faithful or more wise.
Than any we have ever seen or known;
But each will love pis own.
—Mrs. Clara B. Heath.
Origin of tlie Custom as Given by tlie
Chinese—The Wise Sorceress.
In the days of the Stiang dynasty, some
1,500 years liefore Christ, there lived in the
province of Shansi a most famous sorcerer
called Chao. It happened one day that a Mr.
P’ang came to consult to oracle, and Chao,
having divined by means of the tortoise dia­
gram. informed the trembling P'ang that ho
had but six days to live. Now, however
much we may trust the sagacity and skill of
our family physician, we may be excused if,
in a matter of life and death, we call in a
second doctor for a consultation, and in such
a strait it is not to be wondered at that P’ang
should repair to another source to make sure
there was no mistuke. To the fair Peach­
blossom he went, a young lady who had ac­
quired some reputation as a sorceress, and to
the tender feminine heart unfolded the story
of his woe. Iler divination yielded the same
as Chao’s; in six »lays P’ang should die, un­
less, by tlie exercise of her magical powere,
she could avert the catastrophe. Her efforts
were successful, and on the seventh day great
was Chao’s astonishment, and still greater his
mortification and rage, when he met P’ang
taking his evening stroll and learned that
there lived a greater magicum than he. The
story would soon get about and unless he
could quickly put an end to his fair rival’s
existence his reputation would be ruined.
And this was how Chao plotted against the
life of Peach blossom. He sent a go-between
to Peach blossom’s parents to inquire if their
daughter was still unmarried, and receiving
a reply in the affirmative, he befooled the
simple parents into believing that he had a
son who was seeking a wife, and ultimately he
induced them to engage Peachblossom to him
in marriage. The marriage cards were duly
interchanged; but the crafty Chao bad chosen
the most unlucky day he could select for the
wedding, the day when the “Golden Pheas­
ant” was in the ascendant. Surely as the
bride entered the red chair tho spirit bird
would destroy her with his powerful beak.
But the wise Peachblossom knew all these
things, and fearetl not. “I will go,” she said;
“I will fight and defeat him.” When the wed­
ding morning came, she gave directions to
have rice thrown out at the door, which the
spirit bird seeing made haste to devour, and
while bis attention was thus occupied, Peach­
blossom stepped into tlie bridal chair and
passed on her way unharmed. And now the
ingenuous reader knows why he throws
rice nfter the bride. If any interest has l>een
engendered in his breast by this tale of the
fair Peachblossom, let him listen to what be­
fell her at the house of the magician. Arrived
at Chao’s house, no bridegroom was there,
but an attendant was given her, and the two
girls prepared to pass the night in the room
assigned to them. Peachblossom was wake­
ful, for she knew that, when the night passed,
the “Golden Pheasant” would be succeeded l>y
the evil star of the “White Tiger,” whose
power and ferocity who can tell! “Go you to
bed fli-st,” she said to the maid. The girl was
soon asleep, and still her mistress slept not,
but continued to pace the room, and at mid-*
night the tiger spirit came, and the morning
light showed Peachblossom still pacing the
room, while on the bed lay the lifeless body
of the little maid. Thus were the magic bat­
tles of Peachblossom and Chao, and many
more were there, until they took their flight
to heaven, where now they reign as gods.
And on earth the actors have not idols more
prized than those of Peachblossom aud Chao
Kung.—Chinese Times.
India Said to be the Moat Ancient Cot­
ton Growing Country—Cotton Found on
the Western Continent—The First Sea
Island Cotton.
The cotton plant is a child of the sun. Its
natural habitation is in the tropical regions of
Asia. Africa and America, but it has been
acclimated and suecesst'ully cultivated as far
north as the thirty-sixth degree of north lati­
tude. Its cultivation covers a very large por­
tion of our glolie. In the eastern hemisphere
the range of its cultivation extends fi-om
southern Europe on the north to the Cajie of
Good Hope Ou the south; in the western
hemisphere from Virginia to southern Brazil.
It has been most successfully cultivated, how­
ever, between the thirtieth and thirty-fifth
degrees north latitude. Humboldt found it
growing ill the Andes at an elevation of 9,000
feet, and in Mexico at 5,500 feet. Boyle re­
ports it cultivated nt an elevation of 4,000
feet in the Himalaya. Such elevations, how­
ever, are not favorable to its best develop­
ment. Botunieally, cotton belongs to the
natural order malvacese, genus gossypiutn.
Botanists differ as to its proper classification
into species; some enumerating as many as
ten species, others seven, and others only
three, os necessary to a clear discrimination
between the distinctive liuraeterislies recog­
nizable, after making due allowance for differ­
ences resulting from soil and climatic in­
The history of the cotton plant antedates
in its beginnings the commercial annals of
the human family. India seems to have been
the most ancient cotton growing country.
For five centuries beforo the Christian era
her inhabitants were clothed in cotton goods
of domestic "■'•■ufacture from the filler
grown upon K
vi soil by her own crude
Notwithstanding vrte proximity of China to
India, it was not until the Eleventh century
that tha cotton plant became an object of
common culture in China. The first mention
made of cotton in t lie records was 200 year.-
before the Christian era. From that time
down to the Seventh century it is mentioned
not as an object of industry, but one of inter­
est and curiosity; an oeeuiumt of the flowei
garden, the beauty of its flowers being cele
brated in poetry. In the Eleventh century
field culture of cotton commenced in China,
but owing to the opposition of the people, es­
pecially those engagisl in growing and many
facturing wool and flax, it was not until 1308
that the cultivation and manufacture of cot
ton were well established.
Central and South America and the West
Indies grew and manufactured cotton long
before their discovery by Columbus, who
found the plant under cultivation, and tin
lieople using fabrics made from the staple.
At the conquest of Mexico by Cortes, in 1519,
he found that the clothing of the Mexicans
consisteil principally of cotton goods; tile na­
tives of Yucatan presented hin with cotton
garments and cloths for coverings for hi>
huts, while Montezuma presented him with
“curtains, coverlets mid robes of cotton, fine
as silk, of rich and various dyis, interwoven
with feather work, thut rivaled tho dolicact
of painting.”
Egypt seems not to have either cultivated
cotton or used its fubries at a very early date,
since tlie cloths in which tile mummies were
enveloped were of flax instead of cotton. In­
deed, it apiiears thut those nations which were
early celebrated for their manufacture of flm
linen were slow to substitute the cotton fo:
the flax.
Spain was first of the European states to
grow cotton. It was inti-oiluced hero by the
Moors in tho Tenth century. The first cotton
was planted in the United States in 11)21.
The Prince of Wales** Hair.
“Carroll’s Historical Collections of South
m everything except the indispensable Carolina” mentions the growth of the cot­
tawny beard that falls like a rolltof dead gold ton plant ill that province in 1600. In 1736
silk to the extremity of a massive chest, it was planteil in gardens in Talliot county,
Prince Albert Victor, the eldest son of the M l., latitude 39 north. At the commence­
Prince of Wales, models himself on Ouida’s ment of the revolutionary war Gen. Delagall
heroes. He is as fond of knickknacks as a was said to have had thirty acres planted ii>
lady. His private apartments are the near­ cotton near Savannah, Ga. Is is stated that
est approach to the talented but vulgar au­ ill 1748, among tho exports of Charleston, 8.
thoress’ ideal of a young guardsman’s rooms. C., were seven bags i¡fji>ttoii wool, valued at
Ho would not brush his hair otherwise than £3 11s. 51. a bag. AÍbther small shipment
with an ivorybacked brash to save his life. was made in 1754, and in 1770 three more,
Eau de Cologne and other perfumes have amounting to ten bales. In 1784 eight bales
their place in his bath. To write a note on shipped to England were seized on the ground
paper that was not the triumph of the per­ that so much cotton could not be produced in
fumer’s art would in his own imagination be the United States.
unworthy of b»s tastes and position. He has
Tho firat Sea Island cotton was grown on
started in life in fact as an exquisite of the tho coast of Georgia in 1786, and its ex[>orta-
George IV type; but luckily for himself and tion commenced in 1788, by Alexander Bis­
for the nation be is preserved from some of sel, of St. Simons Island. In 1791 the
the most objectionable.traits of the “First cotton crop of tho United States was 2,000,000
Gentleman’s” character by the sensitive shy­ pounds, of which three-fourths was grown in
ness of his disposition.
South Carolina and one fourth in Georgia.
He differs again from most exquisites in Ten years later, 1801, 48,000,000 pounds were
having a praiseworthy desire to pay prompt­ produced—20,000,000 pounds of which was
ly for the luxuries in which ho indulges. In­ expored.—Professor J. 8. Newman inAuieri-
deed he worries his attendants to worry his can Agriculturist.
tradespeople to send in their bills sharp, and
frets ami fumes if the astute shopkeepers—
Tlie Lives of Longshoremen.
alive to the value of having the future king
But, however much of adventurous inter­
of England upon their books within decent est there may be among these more weird
limits—delay in delivering their accounts. forms and expressions of New York harbor
Like his father he gets bis clothes—and plenty life, the truer in erest centers in the thou
of them—from Poole. Prince Albert Victor’s sands of toilers whose lives are passed on the
idea of dignified mufti is a frock coat and docks and in the holds of vessels where the
lavender or gray trousers. He seldom wears countless products of lalxjr and art leave us
a cutaway coat, and even when traveling for tho old world, or ore first set down for
hardly ever appeal's in a suit of dittoes. On the new. These are th longshoremen; and
the whole lie may be described as a very there are 18,000 to 20,000 of them necessary
stately and solemn young man.—London to handle the outgoing and incoming freight
of the harbor. That is a large number of
en. Dependent up^n i hose alone are nearly
Tlie Life of a Grns.liopper,
As every one knows, it is a rule of nature enough human lieifigs to populate a large
every winged hiaectaliall dio within the year city. Their yearly earnings are from 810,-
(the occnsional individuals that survive the 000,000 to $12,000,000. They are rough, hard
twelvemonth only proving tho rule), for the and uncouth, I lit aro marked by such n
stage of wings is the last third of the crea­ geniality of nature that tho key to it is diffi­
ture’s life. After all, it would lie very airsurd cult to discovof when tho severity of their
if we di<l not recojniu among ourselves the labor is considcied. Their vocation is not a
stages of childhood, youth, middle age and trade; but you will seldom find any class of
old age, which together cover the span of our men requiring any more actual animal
“threescore years and ten.” An insect'« strength, constant dexterity and downright
stages proceed in a far smaller compass, and skill.
As a rule they are uneducated men, the
the winged one is the last. It ia really the
Irish race lurgely predominating, but if you
old age of the caterpillar or grub.
Thus a graasbopirer may be two or three will for one day watch tho loading or un­
years a grab, for another six months a hob­ loading of any great steamer, tno marvelous
bledehoy—that is, a wingless thing, half grub, endurance, alertness anu brightmte you will
half grasshopper—and then for a farther discover them possesswl of will give you a
«pace a winged grasshopper, in the last better judgment of the importance they hold
stage it marries, and there is an end of it« to the intricate and large affairs of any great
purpose. Nature has no further need for It sealx»ard city, while you will be fill«*! with a
and does not care wlieth -r t ■ ;«■ or not. 1 ue gen sine respect for the sturdy accomplish­
si n !. r fragility or 1.1 i. .
appearance ment in their unregarded calling. Nor would
may have suggested a feeble hold of life; it bo an Unpoetic experience. For every flag
some graaslioppem look like the mere specters of every nation is above these vessels as they
of insects. About others, too, there is a vege­ are taking and giving. Every rare may I m »
table, perishable look, as of thin grass him les studied in swarthy seamen. Every object
that a frost would kill or heat shrivel up; a that tlie mind enn recall or understand is
suspicion about their sere and faded edges taking its place for the hither or farther
that they are already b»g«inii>g to wither. destination. And the fan^y easily rotinies all
But the grasshopper has nothing to complain seas and lauds with tiro going an<l coming,
of as to its length of life. It sings the sum­ the gainings 1hat are involved, and tlie pleas­
mer in and the autumn out, and goes to sleep ures of the huniin lives that are risked In
these mighty <»uireaching» of the purposes of
with the year.—Gentleman’s Magazine.
men.—-New York Cur. Glolie-Democrat.
The oldest general of the United States
The die was dertroyed after 3,000 of the
army is William Selby Harney. He was
born near Nashville, Tenn., in 1MX), and jubilee £5 gold piece« luvl i>een mined, and
entered the army in 1818 He was bre vetted they are now selling at a premium. One of
them brought $40 la L od <1 ou recall/.
major general on March 13, lbflö
All Kight, De Soto.
One day last week an old man with a bald
head, aud obviously with a drink or two
stowed away in the place where a drink does
an old man tho most good, boarded a Van
Buren street car and looked around for a
seat. Of course he found none, and, on ap­
pealing to the conductor, was told that he
would be able to find him one by the time the
car reached Western avenue.
“All light, De Soto,” replied the aged pas­
The conductor finished his fare taking and
resumed bis perch on tho rear brake, but the
old man’s word; kept ringing In his ears.
“‘All right, De Soto! All right, Do Sotoi‘
What the thunder did be mean by that?”
the conductor askod himself, ami he finally i
became so worked up about it that he went j
in and asked the old man what it was he had '
been giving him.
“Oh,” said tho delighted old party, with a
chuckle, “in 1858, when the first Atlantic
cable was laid, they got a few words across,
you remember. One of the message's which
came from Valencia, Ireland, in response to
an inquiry how the wire was working, was;
‘All right, De Soto.’ De Soto was the opera­
tor’s name, you know’, and, by gosh, that was
the last word they did get through that old
cable beforo she went back on’m completely.
For months that was all you could hear in
this country. It was in every man's mouth.
Whenever we wanted to say that a thing was
all right, when in fact it was all wrong, we’d
say, ‘All right, De Soto,’ see? That was what
I meant when you told me I’d get a seat at
Western avenue. I know that this car doesn’t
ran any further, and so do you, you young
scoundrel ?”—Chicago lieraid.
Prices Range from Fifty Cent« to 8200.
How They Are Hunted—Fed Twice a
Week—Sent to Europe aa Curiosities.
An Old Fell. w.
“How do you sell the beast, madam?”
asked the inquisitive reporter of a quiet look«
ing woman, who was the one jieacefiil object
in the screaming, noisy world about her.
“Well, I hardly know how to answer that
question,” she responded, her voice pitched
high enough to penetrate the chirping,
squeaking, cawing and crowing of the con­
gregation of feathered folk fluttering about.
“You see, they come at most any price, and
when I tell you we get all the way from fifty
cents to $200 apiece, you can understand
how prices vary.” As is well known, sugar,
oranges and alligators form three staples in
Louisiana exports and internal revenue, and
it was to discover the exact condition of the
crocodile market, and whether the spring
catch had been good, that a visit was paid
yesterday to the big tanks on Chartres street.
There is ujavish liberality and a free, un­
stinted prodigality in the way one of these
reptiles lays eggs that would discourage any­
thing short of a patent incubator. Why,
without half putting her mind to it, and in a
poor season at that, she will fill her nest
with seventy-five eggs and crawl away, com­
“Hing Out" all ilie Growlers.
fortably assured every last one will produce
A miller sat in a chestnut tree.
a healthy little yeliow and black wriggler.
Anil cracked some ancient nuts for me.
Just here it is that tho ex; ert hunter comes
lie saiil that dour was as cheap as dirt.
in for a 6oft thing. He knows tho favorite
That bis bank account was badly hurt
laying grounds of the alligator bens as thor­
By the prolltk’ss trade of the dying year;
oughly os Johnny does bis bantam's nest in
That flour was low and wheat was dear.
the barn, and when the time comes for the
Ring out, my merry chestnut bell.
exhausted mother to cease from her labors,
Ring sharp and clear, and to him tell
he simply paddles out, fills his canoe with
That this same tale he told before,
And bid him tell It nevermore.
the thick skinned, pearly globes, and feels
sure of a fine retu r later on.
The builder of mills, in his easy chair.
Alligators are brought into town in every
To me doth often sadly swear
stage, from an embryo state in the egg to
That business to the dogs must go.
great, angry monsters a dozen feet long, tip­
If prices keep so very low;
That things look darkly bine and drear.
ping the scales hundreds of pounds. Men
And says, "Oh, shoot the glad New Yearl"
hunt their hideous game after dark, stalking
Ring out, oh, trusty chestnut bell.
the swamps, dragging lagoons anil wading
Ring sharp ami clear, and to him tell
through low, oozy marshes, where vast num­
That this same tale bo’s told before,
bers of alligators abide. Several methods of
Aud bid him tell it—nevermore.
capturing them are resorted to. Those
Now let me sit in mine office chair.
caught with hooks are only fit for immediate
With my good big pen und my frowsy hair.
killing, as they sicken and die in short order.
Anil let me write that "in eighty-seven
big ones are lassoed and smaller fry
Both ini'len* anil furnishers find their heaven; The
in a heavy seine made for this pur­
For prices will rise ami profits will grow,"
pose. The hunter realizes he is after danger­
Ami then I can say, "1 tol«l you bo ."
ous game, with lots of vicious habits, anil so
But hark I do I hear a chestnut bell?
besides blinding their stupid eyes by a lan^
No, 'tis only a card, with words that tell.
worn in his cap, he is prepared to send a
As I lay it away on my dusty shell,
soothing bullet whenever necessary.
"Somewhat of a llar I am myself."
After bringing in his find of eggs, the croc­
—Northwestern Miller.
odile farmer heaps them in boxes and simply
depends on time to do its perfect work, in
the course of weeks the infant gnaws and
I watched the smile on her rosy lips
As I bunched the cards and she stacked the chips; claws at tho hard shell until be finally squirms
his way into the world. There is as much
“Give me the pack, my deal.’’
difference in tho skin of tho young and old
A flourish, a flash, the shuffling done,
ones as in a baby’s complexion as compared
She dealt me a hand, and I said in fun:
“This time tho ‘pot’ 1'11 steal.’’
with a grown person’s. Their hide is as bril­
liant as if polished, a bright black and yellow,
An ace, two treys, a queen, a jack,
which grows dingier and rustier every year
But tho card I wanted was in the pack—
they live.
A “bob tailed flush” I saw.
Passing through the big bird stere the alii
“One card,” I said, when tho bets were made;
I split the treys and drew a spade—
gator region Is reached. It is a pretty, gar
’Twos a club I held before.
den like place, with tender, lacy vines
trained in delicate festoons up the lattice
With her card she tapped her snowy chin,
against the dark brick wall. Great red pots
And laughingly said : “ I always win,
hold rich foliage plants that lend a tropical
Come, I’ll bet you all I’ve got.”
“ I’ll take you,” said I—and I saw her start—
air to the sjK)t, fitting the inhabitants of the
“ I’il ‘raise’ you one and bet my heart
long cemented tanks. These troughs are
She “ called ” me and lost the “ pot.”
built six in a row, the occupants being care­
Tid Bite
fully graded according to size. There is very
little family affection among them, parents
A Byronic Joke.
hesitating to sacrifice their offspring on
John Taylor, in his reminiscence», tells u« rarely
altar of a healthy appetite. Survival of the
that be was much in the habit of visiting the the
is an unanswerable law to which all
green room of Drury Lane theatre in order I
must succumb; consequently they are class’.
to cultivate an acquaintanceship with Lord Owl iiflo two and threo year olds. Twice a
week the water must be changed for tho salu­
“Ho always.” sav» Taylor, “received me brity of tho atmosphere. There is a libtorious
with great kindness, and particularly one untamable
odor about an alligator that roust
night when 1 had returned from a public bo regarded. It is tho perfuroo ho brought
dinner and met him in tho green room. I from his wild, free life in the forest, and
had by no means drank much wine, yet as 1 bangs aliout him with unvarying Gteadfast
seemed to him to bo somewhat heated and ness. Twice a week refresh men to aro handed
appeared to be thiraty, he handed me a turn-1 round, boef lights as a rulo, a delicacy for
bier of water, as ho said, to ‘dilute’ me.”— | which alligator’s hnvo a very pronounced pen­
Detroit Free Press.
chant. Tho half grown variety cat from five
to six at a meal, distending their uncomely,
He Knew Where They Had Been.
shapeless stomachs until the recpptaclos refuse
De Hang—Have you seen anything of my to hold another par ticle. They feed only at
slippers, Johnny?
intervals, but have voracious appetite« then.
Johnny—No, sir.
They are very ugly croatui'es, with wretcheel
Mrs. De Hang—John Henry, mind what dispositions, os tho reporter hod a fair oppor­
yon say.
tunity of discovering. Hanging over the side
Johnny—I ain’t seen ’m pop, honest. of tho tank in ; layful, almost intimate, rela­
Mamma kep’ my head down Bo low I couldn’t tions with the beast, his sheltering umbrella
see a blamed thing. I ain’t sayin’ nothin' gave a tip too far and touched the extreme
about feelin’ ’in, though.—Tid Bits.
point cf tho thing’s snout. It was enough;
with a terrifying bellow and blowing off of
A Dismal Failure.
steam the infuriated being rose two inches out
Sweet Girl—And so you have been on the of tho water and sent his observer exactly
threo feet in tho air. It was a severe shock,
plains for ten years?
Handsome Cowboy—Yes, this is the first and bos generated respect, if not admiral ion,
time I’ve I icon bark into real civilization.
for tho alligator’s sensitiveness. Lying in th<-
“Now please tell me, in that lonely life, so sunshine, every grizzly feature is accentuated.
far removed from the refining influences of— Their great shovel heads float on tho water
civilization, you know, what did you miss with stupid, evil eyes that blink Eke yellow
excrescences on a mud colored surface. A
“Oysters.”—Omaha World.
tiuy, minute slit in tho snout admits enough
air to enable them to make a sound frightful
enough to scare the stoutest hearted.
Hliort Smile».
The kee,)er of the tanks said hundreds were
“I will now quit fooling,” said the phy
sician as ho wrote out a prescription, “and sold yearly to traveling showmen, numbers
proceed to business” Then he made out his being sent to Euro}« as curiosities, besides
many that were bought by northern visitors.
bill.—Philadelphia Call.
Saloon owners buy them constantly to keep
Colored Hunter—Hold on dar, Abel You’ll | 1 on their counters as an attraction to possess,
strain flat gun fus’ thing you knows, tryin I Chicago and St. Louis being noticablo among
ter shoot dat duck so fur off, an’ do weepon the number. An artist hera in town sets
nebber will be no mo’ ’count.—Texas Bitt­ ' them up with all sorts of comical devices. He
stuff« them up with cotton, and fashions
When a man l>ecomrs firmly convinced that preachers, lawyers, gamblers, organ grinders,
he is a genius, it is then that the fringe slowly cotton handlers and duelista out of tho ridicu
begins to form on the bottom of his trousers i lous little figures. One, a burlesque scene in
! court, was very particularly amusing. Thna
“There is always sunshine somewhere,” are sold very cheaply and a pretty fuir trod«
Rays an exchange. If it wire not for such is driven.
little bits of information as this bow stale, flat 1 The saurian merchant has a p rfcct treas-
and unprofitable this world would lie!— Bos ure that be keeps in clone quarters and guards
os the fairest j »wel of bis entire collection of
ton Courier.
Lawyer—Now, you say you’ve known this lieautieH. It is a huge, evil smelling, sluggish
couple for years. Witness — Yes, sir. Ever reptile, measuring twelve feet, whose age is
seen them quarrel? Never. They’ve always . calculated at 150 years. He lies sprawled out
lived together in unity, ch? No, sir; in | on tho floor of his trough in a state of torpid
Bwampsville; that’s about four miles from stupidity, liie creature looks bored to death,
| and with enough impotent malignity in his
Unity.— Judge.
| depraved yellow eyes to devour every visitor
A clergyman relates that on one occasion, who studied his unhandsome pro[>ortions.
after marrying a couple, an envelope was The tropical Ijeast is entirely out of place
handed to him, which bo supposed, of course,
with fresh air and the perfume of
contained Uio marriage foe. On opening it i surrounded
flowers. One fancies him crawling slowly
he found a slip of paper on whi' h was writ­ from the beat and slime of some low lagoon,
ten, “We desire your prayers.”—New York lying in wait for prey that has no chance 1«
Daily News.
tween those weighty jaws. Little niggers and
Tommy was taken very rick. IIis mother ! crocodiles are indissolubly connected in th«-
discovered that lie had been eating too much i ordinary imagination, and one instinctively
preserved stuff, and while awaiting the doc­ looks round for the black juicy morsel tv
tor’s visit, implored him to tell her the cause gratify bis hungry, homesick heart —New
of it. “Mother,” he »aid. finally “Mother, Orleans Time*-Democrat.
Marne Duffy rejected my suit, and,” hoarsely,
‘it drove mo to jam."—. id Bits.
Origin of the llnstle.
Pittsburgh Tramp— Madam, if you’ll fill
Women will lie interested to know that the
me up with a good dinner I’ll saw some wood. bastle Iff of Persian origin. Nott, in Lis notes
Tm willin' to work. Woman (-bortly)—You o<i the “Oden of Hafiz,” defines the “refaigbt"
know very well we burn nothing but natural as a kind of bolster which the ladles fix te
gaa Pittsburgh Tramp— Well, gi mme suthin* tlie under garment to pro luce a certain
to eat, an' I’ll turn on the gas for you.—Har> roundnees, thought by them to be becoming.
par's Bazar.
—Chicago Tribune.
One square or less, one insertion.
One square, each subsequent insertion.. ..
Not ices of appointment and final settlement 5 00
Other legal advertisements. 75 cents for first
insertion and 40 cents per square for éach sub­
sequent insertion.
Special business notices in business columns,
10 cents per line. Regular business notices, 5
cents per line.
Professional cards, f 12 per year.
Special rates for large display “ads.
—The boundaries of Scotland em­
brace 186 islands.
—London has a police army of 13,-
849 men. The chief has a salary of
$10,500 a year.
—Speaking generally, the average
length of life in England is forty-four
years; tlie average length among the
upper classes is fifty-three years.
—Steel-framed cabs arc now being
manufactured in England, w ith a view
to lightness and greater durability
than if wood wore used for the pur­
—Dr. Barnardo’s Ho lies in Loudon
now hold no fewer than two thousand
poor boys and girls wholly dependent
upon him; the most of whom would,
but for their admission to thoso hum"S.
have probably grown up to evil lives.
Moro than ton thousand other misera­
ble children have also been trained in
these homes— Boston Transcript.
—Tlie British telegraph service,
which is part of the post-ofli e. does
not pay expenses since the rate was re­
duced to sixpence per message, or
about 12 cents. Tlie deficit for the past
year was £228 001 on working ex­
penses and £826,000 for interest on the
working capital—in all £550,000, or
—In A'geria there is a small stream
which the chemistry of nature lias con­
verted into true ink. It is formed by
tho union of two rivulets, one of which
is very strongly impregnated with iron
while tho otlipr, meandering through
a peat marsh, inili bos gallic acid, an­
other ingredient in the formation of
ink. L-tiers and other manuscript
matters are sa isf ictorily written with
this singular natural compound of iron
and gallic acid.
—The E iglisli red-tape army and
navy officials do queer tilings. Not
only do they send canned moat to
Australia, were the woods nre full of
meat; rice to India and sugar and rum
to Jamaica, but on a recent occasion
they literally sent coals to Newcastle
for sonic warships on tho Tyne. Until
very recently they used to send vast
quantities of gun-flints to Quebec every
year, because such gun adjuncts used
o be shipped there a centunry ago.—
Boston Transcript.
—The remains of a cemetery belong­
ing to the ago of tho Gauls have re­
cently been discovered in Paris, in the
old F imbourg St. G rtnan, at tlie cor­
ner of the R ics R icroi and Bollechase.
Fifty-two tombs havo been found with
skeletons, most of which are skole’ons
of women and children. Only twelve
aro skeletons of men. Many weapons
and implements have also boen un­
earthed—swor.lSj lances, aud bronze
and iron instruments of all descrip­
tions. — Springfie d Bepublican.
—The Parsees of Bombay have long
been famous for their charitable munif­
icence, and the example of tho late Sir
Janis.-tjae J -jeobhoy, known through­
out tho civilized world for his liberali­
ty. is being emulated at tho prosont
day by another Parsee, Sir Dinshaw
Manockjee- Petit, sheriff of Bombay,
who has just off-red tho Government
of Bombay ono and one-half lakh ($75,-
000), for the purposo of establishing'*
female colloge in that city.— N. K In­
—Among tho peoples who inhabit
the region near Stanley Falls is one
which has a very peculiar copper coin­
age, consisting of enormous spear­
heads made out of very thin copper.
One of these is valued as equal to two
hundred E iglish pounds worth of
ivory. Every thing among thorn has
its value reckoned in terms of copper
»pears. Tippoo-T b. tho rich and in­
fluential Arab trader whose henchmen,
not long ago, captured theStinley
Falls station, has sent one of these
spears to London. This tribe manu­
factures highly artistic metal work.—
Boston Budget
_ (
—Date calculations from compared
observations show that Alcyone—that
ono of the Pleiades around which the
sun and the, whole solar system were
once thought to revolve—is about 954,-
000,009,000,000 miles from us. a distance
that it would take light about 163 years
For all DisaaM* of th«
Uvtr, Sidneys, Strauwh and Sflata.
Th;« purely vegetable pre*
Firation. now so celebrated as a
amily Medicine, originated ia
th« South in IBS A. It acts
«rntly on the Bewels and
ildnevs and oorreets the
action of th« Liv«r, and is, there­
fore, th« 'vest preparatory
medicine, whatever the si«a-
ncss may Fr*vw to he In all
common dtseases it will, en-
a««l«ted by any other modi*
tin«, efltee; a speedy cure.
Th« Regulator is safe t«
condition «7 th« system, aad ui
stanees ran tt de harm,
hke a «Uss of win«, but is no in
age to lead to intampcrance; will promote di­
gestion. dissipate headache, and gener­
ally tone np the system. Th« do»« is small«
not unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted.
Mo loss of time, no inter­
ruption er stoppage of
business while tai'ng tha
Children complaining of
CoUe, Headache, or Melt
Mtnmaoh, a teaspoonful os
■»ore will give relief.
If taken omaslonally by pa­
tients exposed to MALARIA,
will expel the poison and protect
them from attack.
I have been practicing medicine for twealy years,
ami have never been able to put up a vegeubfe
compound that would, like Simmons Lrver Reffu
later, promptly and effectively move the Liver to
action, and at the tame ttsm aid i Instsad ef
enme, the digestive and amimilanve powem
system. L M H imtow , M D.,WaJungtnti
rssPAss» by
/ ff. Z»i!in A C»., Fhilndtlphl», ft.