Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1936)
Delivered by Mail Every Friday Three Months for 50c in. >«* THE BONNEVILLE DAM This W eek s Thought Silence is golden, but it CHRONICLE « v- \ IM I III K-> noun in v Kit E D I T URIAL (dell N o s e s lut L o c k s ive, 3 2 - 3 0 Th r f a s c i o l - i> r ka B a rm ! Trtu hrr aaaor-iatinn i» hanging away at the proper pigeon when it uaka the «tate highw ay commission and director of , odrll CuUgar* Ju»l hnppenrd alate poltre to paint a aafety lane ahr»d of Cas* «de lx»rk» 32 30 arroaa the lugliwa> and poat warn |R Ih.- fin . Il I » n g l o ••mi th è ing aigna at the . roaaing juat eaat of tlie high arhool huilding pine »am* Hi*- O regon T im i W hile no aerluua areidenta have tribali I<•.!.• ut C uscade l^ irk * been reported recently at thin point, d»v mrht ■ • rn»>*-i- 13 the need la apparent to anyone who fini quartrr saw 04*11 forge area the troop» o f children uamg the 1 , 1 , tl,| ■ i l unti! mlil rroaaing four tu n e, a day, or »taying m |hr «etond q u arter T h e on the aouth aide of the street until i then look Ih»* bll In th etr they reach the buainean district, Ih and r* Ul * ent p la c a i Ih * w here rroaaing |a a little safer rndinK 17 M In t'«*«aih- lx*cka' T h e I* -T A has a good Idea, but Oddi rallini m-arly passino the C hronicle has u lx-tti-r one Tin- Lork* Th<- h re tir thiri! perlod C hronicle la of the opinion that safe 21-20 ior ilo* Locka In thè ty lanes could be uaed to good ad- »; pprn-I llu w.ui llrd thr<-<- V .U lla g e in 11 ! I th ro oilier pl;»< • I «Uh Odrll lo-in li th r lu rky in the d*m area to bri-ak thè tir ii frw seconda 1 In Bonn» Villa, opposite B rim 's ire thè ifanir t-nded store or the Bonny Villa tavern thr I>x i • •! a i ufi' < rvuti 2 In Bonneville, ju st east of the h.r n> • fi>c i shot unh-ta to thr basket O drll, «in th r hand look rnnny Ioni; «bota TUNNEL WALLS GET ra> onr of tho •• long ahota thnt 77 )R O ll TRIM MIN ! thr game for thr C ougara Jrnkina. !>>cka r«-nter. w a* eaa- No blasting has been done on the [ thr alar of tiir game. m aklng 17 east face of the T<*»th Rock tunnel tram» 30 putrita Ita y , gunrd, for the past three weeks or more, ■il alao ahowrd up w rll as O rino-Birkem eier Sarernal work- n»xt Orrgon T ra ll league «III b»- ut Odrll betw een th r men have been engaged in trimming Cougara and th r i'a rk d a lr the sides of the shaft already dug br, birri Frida» N ovem ber 20 unit preparing for concrete work. All tu rr mari- tim bertng has been completed inside Orlell ' the tunnel for the time being r»de L e k» The ■vili* (3> r r •3) King ca *t portal will be jxiured as soon a* Brink <7> L F <3» T a m ura win» tIT) c <41 H W nJkor form s are in place. pVOgT dll KG U5> R ay A full-page featu re in the Sunday B*nbum i2> 1 . • 6i N W a lk e r j Jo u rn al showed how the new high pdwar-l T ak n su m i I way project »'ill affect th** stretch 1 4 1 F a rris 1 west of Tooth rock from the B on Irr** Torn Johnson . Hood R iver neville sc hi* .1 to thi* jiotnt just east — of Bonny Villa A viaduct will lead point where th r road swing* down into the reservation 3 In Cascade I^ xks, at the drug- atore corner All th ier of theae crossing*. in ad dition to the Caacade Locka school rroaaing. are used with frequency. Motorist), are apt to forget that the Columbia llivei highway in rnor>t than a country road from Dodson eastward. although some 4000 per son* or more a r e living in the com munity of the region In any town tlie driver will alow down through habit or necessity, but he hates to t a k e hia foot o ff the throttle when he thinks he’s still out of the woods. Pedestrians around theae parts have h-arned to be pretty cautious. knowing the speed with which the •> is traveled Perhap it's time to give them an even break and make it unnecessary for them to dodge trucks the reHt of their nat- ural lives. must be refined in the cru cible of action. — Anon. F R ID A Y , N O V E M B E R 20, 193« HON N K V II.K K V IE W P O IN T W ILL GO W A Y O F ALL ROCK r n n r r p t p W nrlc ^ W ithin the next month the hug*' l viewpoint i o< k , up which countless ^ thousands o f tourists have trudged for a peek at Bonneville dam, will ] By Columbia Passes Peak * ________ a marked decrease in the am ount fee the shock o f dynam ite and t h e ! 0 f con crete poured by the Coumbia scrape of steam shovel scoops, as Construction com pany w as recorded workmen for C. T Maicom begin t last week when 18,800 cubic yards removal o f thr- rock under con tract ; w ere poured, although this to ta l is to the United S ta te s engineers. , .... . . . . , . . , still a t the leve o f a st vear s peak About 12,000 cubic yards o f stan d - 1 ir.g rock and 2000 cubic yards e f *,roduction rock already blasted will be in - 1 P ie r 5, still running ahead of the volved. The rock will be trucked i pack, stood at plus 18 feet W ednes- aw ay and storked on Bradford *| (]a y, w’ith form s n early ready to island, to be used ia ter for rip ra p -1 com plete the ogee section a t plus 24 ping near the spillw ay dam. feet and ca rry the pier itself to plus L ettin g the co n tract was b ■ 3C feet. P ier 1 was ready to have nounced last Friday. form s placed for the sam e pour*. P ier 3 stood at plus 18 feet but so R O W ENA IS SIT E O F fa r no stru ctu ral steel has been N E W BASIN-CLEARING placed. S tru ctu ral stepl in the piers not B a sin -clea rin g work. dormant only m akes less reen forcin g steel I while the governm ent was acquir- n ecessary, but tak es up much o f the j :ng additional lands which will be weight of the girder spans and a cts inundated when the Bonneville dam as backing fo r the tra ck beam s and is completed, was begun this week guide beam s, which will receive the on an 80-acre tra ct north o f the tremendous pressure o f the steel R e wen a look-out point betw een M o -j gateg against which the full w eight and T h e D alles, on property: Qf the Colum bia wiil be thrown, which form erly belonged to the U n -j T he revetm ent 8iab on the north ion P a cific railroad. I bank has been about tw o-thirds com A crew o f about 10 men, most of pleted. T h e four blocks fa rth e st up Minor Corman of Hood River, whom have done the basin -clearin g stream have been poured as high a s president of the O regon-W ashington work before, is on the job. Slashing thev are to go, while the oth ers will telephone company, was reelected and burning is the biggest part of be carried two “lif ts " h igher than a t president of the Mid-Columbia chatn- the task. present. A tra ct n ea r W yeth will be tackled b,.r of commerce at the annual meet- T h e w ingw all stand s a t plus 43 mg this week at the Colum bia Gorge next. feet and the cu to ff wall was ready hotel, attended by 270 men and to pour to plus 43 W ednesday. T he C H R O N IC L E SO L IC IT O R B U SY women delegates from 20 com m uni fishlock block has been poured to Mrs. Maude B ro llia r, who has ju st zero level dow nstream and to plus ties of the region. More than 40 residents of Cascade completed a very su ccessfu l sub four feet upstream . Lock* attended the dinner and m eet scription solicitation in the w est end C arpenters are busy buiding form s ing Among those seen by the co r o f C ascade Locks, this week sta rts to ca rry the en tran ce bay higher, respondent were W . J . Carlson, O s on the m ain business d istrict and but no pouring has been done on it ca r Hyde, W H Pope, Mr and Mrs. the e a st end. recently. C F Lew allen. Captain C harles Nel- Mrs. B ro llia r is bringing all delin T h e fishladder itse lf got under : ks w h i p s c . c . c . due east from tlie point across T a n -, son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson, quent subscriptions up to date and Is w ay th is w eek with con crete going ner creek paralleling the railroad Claude Chapman. Mrs. M argaret tak in g subscriptions in advance at in for footings in sections 4 to 9. and OU TFIT W F D N F S D A Y tra ck s instead of swinging south Rankin Calendine. Mrs. C. L Ran- the reduced ra tes now in e ffe c t. U n for the counterford proper or bu t HP.tig the banl i at present No kil Mr and Mrs Ja m e s M errill, der these present ra tes a six months tressed retainin g wall in section 15. klthoug i a ere outw eighed new underpaid will be needed Where A T. Stew art, W illiam K eeler. J . B. subscription m ay be had fo r fifty a t the fish w ay en tran ce. G raveyard Ijumped and outnum bered, the the road en ter- the reservation, but Laber. Ira Owen. G E M anchester, cen ts or a y e a r's fo r one dollar. sh ift w orkers W ednesday poured the footings in section 1, fa rth e st up 1 ' ■ ’ ' ketball team w as an S-shaped curve will be un- Miss Beth M anchester. G. E. Mtller 100 B O O K S U SE D stream , above the dam. Foo tin g s outfought when It played the der the new section of highway to and G N. Hesgard Seven hundred books, o f which 503 have also gone in for pier B . part of Resolution Number 10. calling for C. C C. team on th e I^ocks ( allow autom obile* to enter or leave h school floor W edneaday night the reservation without crossing any naming the inland sea to be .m- were fiction and 197 non-fiction, the north approach support, above . . , pounded bv Bonneville dam "C a s- w ere tak en out of the Bonneville which will be storage and repair pits he Lock* came out ahead , 1« to| linen o f . tr a ffic K ___________________ cade Lake, w as passed unanimous- library last month, according to the for dam g ates. in a rough, heated stru g g le th at „ T \ ( t k ii P A R T Y ly and is likely to cause more discu»- lib ra ria n 's sta tistic s. Tw elve foreign * *he local boys overcom e a one- n* half-time ileflrlt fo edge out T h e Bonn.-» ille P -T A. will hold sion in the next six months than any language books are included in the BING R ETU R N S H O M E tad th e .r fir*, card party of the season of the other actions o f the delegates, to tal, as a re books sp ecially re*- A F TE R LO N G JA U N T **nk Brink was high m an for the tn the civic auditorium Friday, No- Principal speaker at the m eeting quested from thse Portand library. Ir • /( (;/ / h C; Corman Will Head Chamber Group Again o ~*1' with seven points, C urly Hel- n following With five. No C. C. C. ui »core,i that m any, as lr» of the] JHh lu,! • i o-d in the course the g»m,. be 2K at 8 P M was Lloyd s Pen cer- S ea ttle advertis- 'T m e s ' w i l l I..- given and refresh- 1 ng man. who kept the audience In an m ents s e r v e d A m a ll admission will uproar with a string o f jokes, wind- m n b«* charged kuch of the excitem ent o f the •ne was i ontributed by the fans. outdiii them selves in producing i»e whenev-r either side scored. w . SM ITH H U R T . I Kill i n IN COLLISION Arthur Smith o f Bonneville <*riv,'r of one autom obile in a M offett creek 1 k« whiili rrsuted In the dentil ( Raymond Nielsen. 2388 N orthw est V,J"> street, Portland, and inju r- " hi'r ■ if and V icto r A scensl, ij, *' *1,11 1 1,ir»«l, driver o f the other ' suffering only from * n M,IS an<l Ascenzi, who r e -' ' 1 broken leg, arm and nose, tw in concussion, w ere tak en to 8arn^ritan hospital. i "• ^ Smith is the w ife o f a B o n - worker. * Almost too good to be true w as M iss L eila Lyon o f H aw aii has the retu rn o f th e w andering Bing, been v isitin g Mr. and Mrs. E lm er shepherd dog belonging to Mr. and M vers in C ascad e Locks. (Continued on Page Sixteen' Mrs. H. C. N utting o f E a g le C reek. B in g showed up yesterd ay morning a t his ow ner's residence a fte r an absence o f eight days. Mrs. N utting had ju s t finished te ll ing the Dam C hronicle reporter how- B in g had disappeared last week a f ter follow ing Mr. N utting to w o rk; how unlike him it w as to be g on * for more than a day or so a t a tim e . how much she feared he had been On the left we see an actu al photograph (sligh tly reduced) of run over or picked up by stran g ers. the turkey Johnny W alk er is giving aw ay to som e lucky tripper Cam e footpads on the front porch, of the light fa n ta stic at the dance a t the C olum bia G ardens in and a doggy whine. Your co rre s C ascade L ocks Saturd ay night. pondent opened the door, and th ere stood B in g , legs caked with mud. The bird will be plucked and dressed, and the w inner m ay eyes bloodshot, looking as though he call for it at the C ascade m ark et any tim e a fte r the dance, had traveled a long, rough road to W alk er announces. He is also giving aw ay 10 com plim entary reach home. B in g trotted a cro ss the room to tick ets to the following w eek's shindig. Mrs. N utting and paid his r « • r W alker is m aking preparations fo r a big crow d a t the G a r to her. then, still w hining, explored the house for his m aster. No* E nd dens Thanksgiving night. He w arns his cu stom ers not to eat ing him, he returned to the living too much for T h an ksgivin g dinner, because h is band is going room and lay beside the stov** g ra te ful for w arm th a fte r h is long outing. strong and dancers will be in fo r plenty o f exercise. Walker Bags Turkey; Somebody To Feast