The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939, October 02, 1936, Image 1

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Delivered by Mail
S Week's Thought
Every Friday
jKS will si‘-t y °u
but non pcrformiince
¡Bthem intc cnrmks.
Beniamin Franklin.
Three Months for
MIMMI l(|\| I)
>0. M
li A G I I : G lil U K G I T S
th Rock
ay Mark
« « fo o t
m a rk
Orirn» B lrhrm elrr
^jctructmn crew« P»*«* up a
IfgoUgr in the raat anil »a»«
1 nek tunnel «limit» equal to
thM half the length of the
ted tunnrl
It *l»o were contractor» and
n over the poentblllty that
T«uld mi«» tha «hattarad for-
•rparating aaat and want
^aitlon» which made aurh a
of the Union P a cific raii-
unel farther down I to« k for
It becoming iou nd tr «»n both
but »till differ», ao th ere II
, be at leant one more ch an g e
anon before the tunnel IN
r* expert the n r*t 60 fai-t
I the e«»t will »how w hether
the «hatter formation will he
will soon t>e pouring
it tor the weal |x«rtal, w herr
dt I* pretty l«x,w- an«! seam y
Hon tl *i*o nearly com plete
70-foot half viaduct which
road be*! from the we«t por-
the highway atonic the hank
mry wall cast of the ea»t
U rapidly taking eha|ie
[foiling and mucking crew »
i their prawnt pace the tun-
)jr be done within »even week»
fry one ronmrii-d with th e
i» keeping hi«
fin g ers
for fear some trouhla»«ime
'*k*i »ill turn up unexpectedly.
T h e atnte o f Oregon laat w.-.-k
turned over to the C O.C the 2k-
tra ct
w hi.h
north Went Of the Columhta R iver
highw ay d irectly <>|>|M<»|tc the O B S
O ffice»
cr.'W « Will he kept
bu»y thlN w inter putting In a road
to the lrn«-t along E agle creek under
highw ay
bridge«, tearing out old building*,
erectin g tah le* fireplace« and r.n t
room» T h e new tract will «upplr-
ment the picnic and cam p ground«
on the south wide of the highway,
on which much work lm . lie.-n done
thi» year
About fidi feet of riprapping ha»
I w n put tn along the new eartip
roa.l <-a»t of kagl.- creek, und the
rem ain d er o f the jo b will be com ­
pleted by c c c
labor, a» now more
governm ent fund» arc a v a lla ti, for
contra« t labor C C C worker« have
a!»o tieen putting in culvert» and
d raining d itches in the Kagle creek
cam p ground», preparing for th. fall
Church Plans
Rally Day
W ith the cl««*«- of vacation season
opening of
ville Com m unity church
und« r Rev
K J A»« henbrenner m inister, has
nam ed tbe com ing Sunda> R ally da\
In an .-ff.irt to get all person* in­
terested tn church work regardless
o f th eir a ffilia tio n s eli.« where aetive
In th e ch u rch 's a ffa ir* The Rev.
Mr As« hcnbrcnti' T report- atten d ­
ance at all services is greatly in­
creased . nnd he hop«-* that Sunday's
n tt.n d a n c e will hr- >k all roc«>r<!» t.>
A ssts'tr.g him an- Sam uel L a n ca s­
ter, Sunday school superintendent ;
fratic campaign hcn.lqunr
K eith Hill. C hristian Lnd« av«u pres­
the Lock* precinct
Krward «'lark, song lead er;
|iet up thi* week m the Konrx-
Mrs 1. W M iller, church pianist,
ikn- Chronicle office In Can
and M argaret Miller, Sunday school
I1'*"* with Mr» Ju a n ita M-w
>» charge, u*u»t<i| by Mr» V pianist
Sunday school is held r< gulurly at
“* * Anyone desiring to con-
10 A M . morning worship at 11
lune to the Democratic com -
A M C hristian Knd«-ivm at 7 I’ M
" lnv>bd to call at the o f- :
Hot Ire*. news tlm u nn<1 mf1. and chorus p ractice Ktlday* at . d
I* M All services a rc held in the
“’cut* for the Chronicle m ay
civ ic auditorium
‘ the office with Mr«. l.ew -
t Up Demo
llle Democratic cam paign
•rter» were opened In H er-
°'d "tore, at the caat end o f
*** ^cupied by th.- Roosevelt
Safeway store \t |K>th of
"cc literature. pouters. cam -
, ,
*n'! badges for work-
c'Od* of the enum.
Sonnevilie com m ittee
worker* who have not
evidence m B onneville
\ ™*y “PP'y 'it the Demo-
; »d'iu»rt«ra. which will ar-
_ r "baente* balh.ta In th e ir
VV H Pope, recently o f Missoula
I; th< n ew t addita u t1'
C arcad è Lock»' growing frr «-rnitv
o f husin.-ss men Pope has opened
a hardw/ire and new and used fur
n itu rc store in the local ton « S o
Ç lodfi R er
- to ie. b etwe« n 1 1 1 ■ ■ i b a -
drop Inn and the YY'lut«* S|»ot
Pope, « ho van burned out o f a
sim ilar business In Montana »•am«.,
to Oregon looking i-«i •>
“ ' 0
Iv n T ' * ArninK<-riu-nt» will
heard o f C lo .lfeller s Uaatioii and
" , * fur w'»rkmen who de-
hmight ii without delay
.Tot* *" Portland
Th*1 n. w store will carry a coin
mayor,tl,y «"•» m C an­
p let« Im«- of h a rd s are. ; »» ’" r
between M ayor
[ «»'¡cheM.-r Rn<| W llliam fix tu res, h u n iers' and fisherm en m
council bertha nr.- supplie*, a s well as furtiiliire. china-
w are and oth. r household goods
iarro-s v ! K," '" n>r- S ,lv rr **»r-
H«i jo.. rr,,rl- VVilluim C lark
Ihg f„r
7 <, ,ion M,*r-
A H, fJfard. E " » ln
AufolHt Ppteiwerv,
City pj,' "
» rin k .
v J r " rl" r,n
^PPosed f,
V' rn s Pr **ktic
ror redaction.
\ K T k TO NOM IN »
Thi> V etera n s of poreign W ar-.
B onneville post, will m«*et Monday, j
O ctober 5, in PTench's tavern for
tli.-lr reg u lar business m eeting and
to continu e nom ination of otti*
T h e eleetlon will he held at the
m eeting follow ing, on October IK
W Mil Mil hs,
Okehs Inland
Company Plea
Assuriin«'«- that th«- dam area and
other upriver points will have reg ­
ular w ater transport service via
common ca rrier was received Tu es-
«lay with the announcement from
W ashington. I> C . that the Inland
Navigation company had been au ­
thorized by tin- In terstate Com m erce
Commission to operate a g en eral
freight buxine*
on the Columbia
and W illam ette rivers between P o rt­
land and Y’aneouver, W ash., and
T he Dalles
In .>r«l.-r to hold the right to oper-
nte the company must actually i-n-
gag.- in w ater transport betw een
Portland and The Dalles not la ter
than Fe bruary 17« 1937. and provide
term inal facilities at the latter point
by that date
Th«- I9d f««.’ Do «1 boat designed
bv the company to initiate, its tr a f-
fI«* is reported alm ost half com plete
at a Sea ttle plant while steel is be­
ing assembled for a t«-rminal and oil
storage tanks for The Dalles.
Tog«-tii*r with com peting railroads,
th« company was ordered to set up
through rat«-- ami join t ra tes for
th.- transport of grain, gram prod­
ucts and petroleum products in in-
•••r.-tate and foreign com m erce b i-
fore May 1. 1937.
Slack w ater which will lx* occa-
sion«-d by the completion of the B o n ­
neville dam
was cited by
company in requesting’ permission to
the com pany
sought to operate as fa r inland as
Ix-wiston. Idaho but the com m is-
sion held there is no assu ran ce that
navigation proje« !- at l m atilla «and
fa rth er upstream will go through
H earings on the company s appli­
c a t i o n for a common ca rrier ce rtifi-
' r
w a held in Portland last May. S e v ­
eral present nverboat operator» and
veteran n verboat navigators te s ti­
fied against the company.
l t ONM. YI I . Lk
n i n i : s c o u t s w in
I 9 S«
I Work on Dam
Far Ahead of
Last Year
m em bers
Scou t I
troops 3k9,
Bonneville, and 390, !
C ascade Locks, received aw ards at 1
a cou rt o f honor held W ednesday
Steel placem ent and co n crete pour­
night in the Bonneville school gym ­
nasium . with W. F . Jo h n so n of ing in the north cofferd am a re a a re
Hood R iver, d istrict field execu tiv e, about two w eeks ahead of b est pre­
a ctin g as clerk. W. H. C arlson and
vious exp ectation s and n early a
J e f f Olsen served a s chairm en a n d ,
M L. M organ, C harles R obertson, ; nr,onth and a h a lf ahead of la st
J W . M eyers and A. R . F oo te as y e a r's operations, it was learned
the court.
th is w'eek.
H arrell K ar.zler of Troop 3k9 won
Apron section s 6 to 1 have been
L ife ra n k . Joh n T eerin k and Albert
completed, and sectio n s 7 and fc are
Joh n son . 389, first cla ss, and H arry
Sm ith, 3S9, second class. F irs t cla ss *n
im m ediate o ffin g . Hal fie sec-
m erit badges were won by H arrell tions 6 and 5 are com plete excep t
Kanzl.-r, L e ste r Nelson and Norman b a ffle s and som e b a ffle guides h av e
W aggoner, 389, and W illiam Mor­ been placed. Steel fo r b a ffle section
gan, 390. while second cla ss m erit 4 was placed T h u rsd a y ; it will be
badges went to David Noah and placed for section 3 the firs t p a rt
Joh n T eerin k, 389. and Jo h n Carlson o f n ex t week, for section 2 th e la st
o f the week, and fo r section s 1, 7
and H arrison YY'ade, 390.
and 8 later.
Section 5A (pier section ) is n early
ready for pier steel. Section 4A will
be ready by the middle o f n ex t w eek
and oth er sections th e re a fte r at one
w eek in terv a ls.
• ^
T h e upstream heel is com plete ex -'
cept for section C. T h e cu to ff w aif
has been poured to elevation, m inus
A whirlwind 16-act program by a
7 an<l steel is ready to go in to
troupe o f 30 or 32 young showmen
bring it to plus 23. T h e wingw&li h as
and show-women will be put on F r i­
been poured to elevation m inus 2.
day night. O ctober 9. a t 8:30 P.M. in
B onneville
civ ic
auditorium T he fish lock block is well started ,
having beeen brought to elevation
when E rn est Am bum brings his
m inus 18 upstream , with four pours
Young O regonians here for a first
and th e firs t pour having been
ap p earan ce in th e dam a rea. Ar-
in the dow nstream section.
ran g em en ts w ere m ade through Ed j
T h e B eth leh em
Steel com pany,
C lark, ch airm an o f th e com m ittee on
for placin g an
com m unity service. Bonneville post
day o f r e ­
No. 88, A m erican Legion, which is
en fo rcin g steeel through the month
sponsoring the event.
Follow ing is the te n ta tiv e pro­ o f Septem ber, h a s been p lacing 15
to 30 tons per day, and has run as
gram :
F iv e-p iece o rch estra , composed of high as 47 tons, with a to tal force
Jin «;..y R oss, m arim baphone ; Alger o f 54 men.
On th e south side, th ree girder
F itch , b a n jo : Eddy Lehv, sin g er;
from piers 13 to 16, a re com ­
Harold W eeks and Harold Boone,
s is the plan for abu tm ent
piano and saxophone duet.
Toe and H ungarian dancing, Olga 2 to pier 17. Th e span betw een 16
and 17 will go in n ex t w eek. T h e
Bolobonoff and Ruth R iekm an.
R eadings, dancing and singing. C olum bia section s o f the fish w ay
Sh irley Je a n F erlan d (L ittle Miss have been completed.
Legion Post
Bills Young
P ortlan d ).
Violin solo, Je a n S h ep ard ; reading,
Ja n e
C a m ero n ,
h arm onica
m es
A peculiar quirk in postal regu la­
- :
tions has just come to light in ihe
local postoffice, following the ap­ nilla Corroda nr.d Jo y c e W a tso n ;
p e a r a n c e o f a number of letters in tap d an cers d elu x *. B illy and Bobby
the m ails With the words. "R ep e a l R eishm an.
C irls' tum bling and pyramid te a m :
Has F a ile d ", imprinted with a rub­
M em bers o f Boy Scout trc< p .390,
H ynes,
B ev erly
ber stamp in the lower left hand L enore
A rvella H escock. Phyllis W agner, C ascad e L ocks, w ere ju b ilan t th is
com er,
Explanation of the slogan now ap­ Arlein H urst, E u g en ia Jo h n , G ladys week when they learned th a t the
pearing on thousands o f letters go­ J a m e s ; tap dancing, K eith E ck - C lark wood com pany had turned
ing through the m ails is found in strom .
W hile
adm ission
w ill
be: over to them an a cre o f g n ..nd a
the fact that approxim ately 30.000
h alf-m ile south o f the highw ay b e­
rubber stam ps have been circulated charged, a collection w ill bo tak en ,
tw een the C raigm ont hotel and
for this purpose by E th el H u b le r., at. the L egion is going to much ex-
pense for tran sp o rtatio n and oth er P e n n 's tav ern , w here they j an to
editor of n tem perance paper in Los
incidentals. T he Legion wll also give i build a lodge.
Angeles. Fnlif.
the you n gsters a dinner at Bonne-
F ra n k C lark also tcld the troop
P ostal r.g u 'n 'io n s, it was discov-
■, ille. Advance in terest in the event they could have prim e log- fo r <he
ered. forbid the use o f n gummed
a packed audi- lodge a t a cost o f h a lf a cen t per
stick er on the front o f first cla ss gives prom ise
lineal foot, or 15 c e n ts for a ('-foot
mail hut permit the printing or rub-
pole. T h e boys plan to build a 0 by
!ier sta ir an. o f such m atter on the
30 foot lodge room o f h gr with
left band sole o f letters, providing j
Fun eral serv ices for Mrs. Hilda sh a k e roof and sleeping q«.; rte rs in
,! does not in terfere with the adress. j
K aroline E rickson w ere held last the lo ft. A 10 by 14 foot k ith *
• It s our way of m aking Post- ’
Saturd ay from the C ascad e L o ck s be constructed inside the building,
,nn ter F a rley help us bring back
T h e land made av ailab le by the
church, w ith the R ev. L. G. W eav er
prohibition. " Miss H ubler said, in
o fficia tin g . In term en t w as in ihe wood com pany is largely cleared , a l­
• xpti-ining the
"te p e a l-h a s-fa ile d " j
though th ere a re a few clum ps o f
C ascad e cem etery.
rubber stam p crusade. _____
— I At the service M rs. J a c k E im er trees It is an ideal s itu â t,> • with
s in g , accom panied by Mona Burt w ater within easy ca rry in g <i -la n ce ,
I ’ irrison. A w om en's trio, composed nnd nines can be laid to the U«dge
Mrs. Ja m e s R asm ussen , M rs. M. with little d ifficu lty.
Joh n son and M iss B eth Man-
S co u tm a ster M. L. M organ says a
C h ester, also sang.
plank roadw ay w i’l be a. ross
P a llb ea re rs were M essrs. C b a tle s the low pasture lead in g to the 'ed ge
Nelson, W illiam Sund sten. L
L. site, as it becom es boggy during
Sprague, Ju liu s C arlson, E ric HagR- wet w eather. T h e lodge will be be-
birm and \V. J . C arlson
gun im m ediately.
Register by
October <3!
Locks Scouts
Get Site
For Lodge