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About The Bonneville Dam chronicle. (Bonneville, Or.) 1934-1939 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1934)
!><<•• s'Kvm.K h a m CANNISTER S E T S ................................. .. b o w l s , set of 3 .................................... .. TOWELS 25c LATEST IN OIL CLOTH, per yd................... 35c OIL CLOTH S C A R F S .............................. .. WASTE PAPER B A S K E T S ......................... 25c F I M 1 E R ELECTRIC & VARIETY STORF Caacad« l<o«ka. Oregoa The Chronicle has a well equipped plant and is prepar ed to turn out commercial printing on short notice. Just phone 211 for service. nntoNici.R MILLER STARS AS LOCKS HIGH TRIMS VISITORS If need arises | " Y o u 'll have to wait.” aaid th« To compel the deportation of guide. " I can’ t ahow you 'round every alien who cannot become a l t h e gallerlea yet. Krnoklng lan't good Anterlcau citizen. allowed.” The payment of our war debt« "Hut w e r e not «makin g.” «aid without further poatponement or the vtrltori. rtuluctioil lUilt Miller'» Iasi . second 1 ) 4-14 K'i.1 brought victory to Cascade k« high school over ih«- fresh- m.n <) nl n t •«( of the Portland Branch of Albany college by a 20- IR score on lh<- local court a Hat* ur4ay nig hi. *’ '* » '• h Authrlcth'a Pirate*. 4i<»n #-4 at lh«- Ural quarter, 13- U at half lime anil 17-1# In th* third period, rami- from behind l » l c r In Ih« final seven rnlntiti-a •>f play to knot lb#- count, winning '•ui a. Mllb-r Intercepted an A l bany puaii at mid-court uni aank a cripple pilot Juat at the gun Howard llarrlaon. Ihougb he failed to Bcore, wn* eually the out- atatiding performer for the win ner«. bla i 1 > in .* checking game ut K N TK IiT AIM H F ltlK M M t the guard position bringing rounda of applauae Mr. and Mrs. L. O. l-add. who A aee-aaw battle e n a u e 4 enjoyed tin- night life o f Portland throughout the opening three per Saturday, entertained 13 at an In- j iod«. but the Pirates, though formal dinner last week. Those at •hooting from all point* of Ih* tending were Mr. and Mrs Tony floor, never went Into the lead In llanzler. Gresham Mr and Mrs the Initial quarter they knotted ('o rb t'ndewood. Cascade Locks; the count l ¡ill. but quickly fell be Mr and Mrs Klwood Morrison, hind Portland; Scotty, Dan and Jo* Juit an the final quarter itnrled Ifrtce. Portlnad; Tom Price, Alas Jim JohttMin. high point man for ka; Mr. and Mr«. Joe Canto, P o rt the winner«, with aeven counter«. land; and Mr«. Chappie Chapman | sank a foul «hot to tie the count and »on. Virgil, Cascade Locks a, 17-all -------------------------------------------- Albany went right hack Into the lead, however, a« Johnson double fouled McKenna and the latter'« second free «hot landed squarely j In the hemp Stalling desperately, Ih « visiting hoopsters ihre,, time« were forced. -FIGHTS- I 24 FAST ROUNDS I OF BOXING! In call for tim e out as Cascade j ' Ix>ck> a«nt every man Into Albany j territory In an effort U> break up the visitor«' clever passing. SIX ROUNDS— 138 POUNDS M U H IK Spina vs. McCafferty SIX ROUNDS— 135 POUNDS Y o r * « J II A lili* *“ >** w,v Shaw vs. Ranbeau FOUR ROUNDS— 175 POUNDS J IM M Y H ' K ,n B r o o k s vs- Carrol FOUR ROUNDS— 155 POUNDS IMI H III! K l-ary, sii twit Itute Portland for ward passed too r|n«e to Miller, i land lhr Cascade lavck* forward, outdistancing Clark und Corfer, guard«, picked up the hall Just at I the outside line, and with a quick t l s * netted Albanyj lawks I bark (20| ward push «hot, the H. Baldwin F 1» I hall. Johnson. 2 4. Glllard F Miller, r. Summary 3. McKenna C J Johnson. 7 1. Clark Cram blet. 6 O Corfer 1 G Harrison Substitutes For Cascade Ixvcks, Jenkins. Klubbefleld. for Albany. | ! t-acy ( 2 I Referee Rill Hrlnk. Cascade A m erican le g io n FOUR ROUNDS— 145 POUNDS Johnson vs. M cK in n e y AT THE (by DAVK M A R V IN » Immediate payment of adjusted service certificate«, commonly mis called the bonus, as an effective relief and recovery measure. The fourth point In the Four- Point program to assure that In no event «hall the widows or de pendent children Of deceased World War velerans be without government protection A universal service law provid ing that In wur capital. Industry and man power shall be conscript ed. w ith special privileges and pro fits for none. A strong national defense, not lo foment war but to assure peace. Making Americanism I he pri mary thought of American citizens and the primary duty o f the Amer. Icon Legion. Promotion of child welfare, ab olition of child labor and encour agement of healthy youth actlv- I Itlcs ROOSEVELT THEATER ON THE RESERVATION Under the Management of Fred T. Mcmll I am " replied the Individual and col! ctlve com munity service In the highest sense Withdrawal of recognition to Soviet Russia and the banishment of uM un-American doctrines from our land. Protection o f our educational system at all hazards. I Rumination of dlacrlmlnatlon I against World War veterans In all forms and wherever found. To make stir« that aliens enjojr- , in* American benefit* sh ill also 1 bear arms In defense of America OAK FIREWOOD WHEN YOU CAN GET DRY OLD GROWTH OAK FROM W . N. H U L S E AT THK Milepost 48 F.xpert and Reliable Watch Repairing at the BONNEVILLE GIFT SHOP on the Reservation Any Day is FISH DAY OYSTERS HALIBUT SALMON SM ELT Order Your Chicken Now for That Sunday Dinner A N D R E W ’S MEAT MARKET Q U A L I T Y ME A TS A T P O R T L A N D PRICES Next Door to Carcadè Food Store C A S C A DK LOCKS B R IN G I US YO UR CARS EXPERT M EC HA N IC S N E W EQUIPMENT BATTERY CHARGING Electric and Acetylene Welding Any Type of Automotive Service Power Wrecker SERVICE GARAGE CECIL M A L L O R Y GEORGE BL AI DSD ELL ' V ■z-.,pr n w * r * | MB but fîsfcsët 'vi mmm. 1 lavck* Wills vs. Mack 4«mNNV No, Humiliation of «uhveralve lutlu- guld» encea from our Inalltutlou« of Patronize our advertUera. learning, high and low. T o keep partlaan politic« out of veteran'« atfalr«. To promote anfety and the el imination of tfaffle hazard« on our highway«. The above and other mandate» were adopted hy the Mlama con vention o f the American le g io n and National Commander Frank N. lielgrano. Jr., slate« that with a strong, united membership they «hall he obtained. Bonneville poat No ft#, American Legion, want« all eligible ex-servire men In th!» WHY FREEZE community to Join In fighting for these objeclves They are worth WITH WET WOOD fighting for Nkr>