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About The Dam chronicle. (Cascade Locks, Or.) 1934-1934 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1934)
I HK D,\M CHKONH I.H THE DAM CHRONICLE INiblished Every Friday at l'as cade Lock*, Orr*** w ww ~ . n r r i, EAGLE CREEK b* Mrs Hugh » * l t O-J m » ami Mi « Kti * 4l lhf j„hn ingrriuiid h.nw Mi and V .* ^ a %) (l m A A A A.A " 'I Union Pacific Stages « *Me" «•*> Slllld.») ISe Divtbkxl \meruan \rtrt- Haiwn Untie ami -»!•*•* »>*h aaa of ike World Wai «Ul have xlr (lli, xtt, | mm 1 M Cl MUIS' . . . .UjiWjfcf i ih h annual I Me Not drive ,, Editor M. A. S hield #, . . iin ihi* locality on bn*lay awl hat ||Uj \|f., J.,mr» M*l»>«an unlay, Sept. .’ l and 22. The I*10- IIU| M,n have menlly niovrf Ivir Sl’BSl'RlPTION RATES I creds *>< the drive p v ' to the du tfu|M paMdciu. 50 ablrd veterans for rehabilitation —-O — Thrr» M>*nth», by nuil l iw Work» ami various other thing» to SU Months by mail Mrs J-uk Standish Mr» J Ont Vrir, by nuil . . - .......... 2.001 hrl|> the veterans and their lanu- Milkman, Mrs I l ik.van ami lies. Mrs. Ileveiy se n t 1 ur**la> In —o — The Chronicle serves Eastern Hood Koer Multnomah county and Western Mr. | M lotkran and Miss Hood Ktver county. It is dis- Rate Cochran from Uak liruveawl Xj fx | %(| But lluiner Mrs ! ari net u p rnding tribute*! to all cam|»s housing em Mr. ami Mrs. Ernest 1‘oppe from L wrrk^ l Indies ployes on the Bonneville l>am. Salem were Sunday visitor* of Mr. t> and Mrs. K K Rudolph. ! an,| Mr*. \r«hie Amlers.*. —O— . Mr and Mr* Ernest Anderson ami FRID A Y,SEPTEM BER 21. IW4 Mrs. ,\H*ert \Vt«rndanger ami K,n Virgil. Mr awl Mr* I d Me* daughters Chro Ann and Alice rt,v amj Mr ami Mr* John John STA TE SHOULD ACT. |ami North*litie. the hace to their in enjoyed a trip arouml th* English publisher, used to sav that INsrtla^ after the sum- highway SumUy \mericans were the most patient "ter Mr \\ .«endanger at «hr Bus to Park at Station (iroole in the world. .And the most ranger station. he girls are go patient of all patient Americans m# 10 Jefferson III. Through courtesy of I teut l* i..e *n Cascade Locks. Proof of S. Itorlindu. the ( .i*»a«fe l *»k* this may lie observe*! daily by the Mr. and Mrs. Roliert Mcllii- Bonne* die bus t« now running visitors wh*> has occasion to use vary s^wnt the week end at tlietr through the reservation at the »kam the state highway, which forms the home in \ ancouver. as far a* the Atkin«>n tamp main business artery of the town. —o-— Lieutenant t->rlmski In* go en Long m*>nths ago the state high- Mr. an,| Mrs. E. P. Cosby en- l1. i ce '>wtwr the b*»v way department purchase*! a the week end in I‘ur I land [<rnnv*i<>n to )*.irk at il*e raih -»*1 right-of-way through the business Vl^tcd with Mr and Mrs. K E station ! hi» rtuild« the bu* tim district with the avowed intention Dye. Also Mr. and Mrs. K. As- er» to pi* k up the men at the of widening and straightening the tofry anj Mrs. g. I*, Iciry. vamj»». at the engineers ollur ami road and taking the grad« out of _o- - on the )<>b It. Mr. and Mrs L. A Belanger Two months ago the state ob- ^ ^ thls wrfk Mr ant, tamed federal funds with which Mrv ,, „ Hrigmann and daugh- * «r to improve hghways. An alkxa- ((.r 1>aulinr (fom ,.„rlUnd ,,n hr, Ha tion ol >>0.000 was made to l as- , . . , . , . . , , , . . , day, and bun day guests were Mr. « * cade Locks. But the Lord gneth ", .« , ... . ...... awl Mrs. I harl« Mi (atom ami W e II tell al»>ut it nr»( w rrk and the Dird taketh away. lhe ... ... ... cco/wi , a • . *•»« and Mr ami Mrs. Ireman >*0 000 was withdrawn and is to .... , %l ... , ... . . . \ an Dubb and Mr and Mr* Ale* tie stient on a new highway which . . . . ... ,, •ii i u •> _ i . . .. 7 . . Mekher, all from I’ortland. will link l ortland to the coast by a new route. Until Parmenteir » i* a buone-o The state has «filly dallied and One-half Mile W eil of done nothing toward improving visitor in Portland Wednesday. Bonneville Mr. ami Mrs. M. C. Koetgr the highway from the bridge to and family, Miss Ohne Hurley, the Craigmont hotel. And indica tions are that it will do nothing Mr. ami Mrs. P. E. Duncy, all ICE CREAM CANDY until the town demands action. from The Dali«, s}ient Sunday Improvement of the road rests with Mr. and Mrs. bred bnider. CIGARETTES — o— with the state. Perhaps a delega tion of business men can shame Mr and Mr*, t). J. Bcrgrr from BLITZ. WINEHARD the highway department into fu^ Portland Wfcre SumUy guests at filling its obligation. Under any the Jack Cummngs home. and HOP GOLD circumstanc« the presence of a delegation at the capital can do no Beer on Draught and Mr W illiam Morton sjwnt Sun- harm and might do much good. ¡day in Portland. i'( \ im i \ n & Suiti ns. PuNùkers famous returned home BONNY VILLA —o— CANCEL THE IN T E R E ST Ted Ccller>, Mrs. M. t eller and A--<* iateil P r e s s disiwtth« brin;; ti«“ information that the next 4 >ns' ‘ J '' 1,1 frijgeTlun<i iml national convention of the Amer- ,üuKh,cr « « * **•«* h in Lcgioa w.ll forego a .k-mand on **'"'*»> for imme*liate cash [>ay ment of the Mr. ami Mr*. Bill Rrrte were bonus« due to the veterans. i his will not surprise veterans, Tuesday visitors with Mr. ami for neither the conservative repub Mrs. Jack Cummings. lican political leaders nor the pr«- Mr. and Mrs. H Christianson ent administration at Washington want to lie worried with another have moved to their new home at bonus campaign. j Knquists. But to ignore a wrong do« not —o— right it. I he veterans have been Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carpender long suffering and have not com- ami daughter Anne s{jent humDy plained more than is the custom of in Portland, soldiers. However, they observe —o— the inter«t on loans obtained on Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Kissinger their insurance polici« growing enjoyed a trip to Pendleton over steadily year after year, and many the week end taking in the Round of them are coming to the reali/a- Up ami spending Saturday night tion that unless the polici« are with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lutkin* paid off in cash that there will lie near Heppner nothing left at due «late. I q J ne government may not lie in Mr. ami Mrs. John Smith from a position to cash the bonus« Condon were gu«ts this week at after having spilled billions of dol- the Lyle L. Hit km k home, lars on this and that, but it can, - 0 and should forego the interest Mrs. Jatk Russel is spending a which it is charging veterans who few days at her new home in Eagle wire forced to borrow money. ( reek Heights. If the national convention of the 0 American Legion do« not demand M r and Mrs. I^orurd Snider the cash bonus it is to lie hoped and Rose Mary from The Dali« that the organization will requ«t were Sunday visitors with the.r congress to cease taking the pound brother and brother-in-law Ered I Snider. \nm>ume .»ddittonal ««he« hi Ir* l* -t* . f . ^ k » I he I »all« li ght I E U E (MM «/»/ l u P 'iLigf f ^ j k $ (6 a. m. s ^ « ^ 12»* V IS a in 12.35 p. i w. i23| *m T S 10 p m y 21 p m. 11 00 p m. S 5 a A. 40 9.31 12 H 5,11 5:53 0.31 II 20 ij u l a m. ». m. a m pm p m p m pm p m lo h IW J , X* I J II f h o \ \l I //// Tt*f /t«»»-li /<> ••« *.%..! tc You Can Eat, Drink And Be Merry at the RAPIDS CLU ER ICK E JU C K s o S , hvptuiM R E G U L A R MEA1_S S H O R T O R D ER S \*>u will ettjuy our !«■■*! and our v t i x r I doer fig thr U dir* lo ral \ au II EM RICH and SA LE M BEER ON TAJ Bed» in Our Hunk house* 25c a D ij Sheet*, » h o t t e r * , heat, liRht, elc. Quiet . . . Clean . . . Chwe In A N D A REAL PAWiï EV ERY ERIDA^ NIGHT Bottled Beer LUNCHES Sit and Sip by Our Ope* Fireplace” Clearance Sale H O U SE DRESSES 79c Each Good Range Sizea, Good Style. Well Ms* Tables for Ladies Open All Night MERRILL’S BARBEQUE AMMUNITION Full Line for Sportsmen R. E. A N D R E W S &C0.I J. A MERRILL, Prop. WEINHARD S and ALT HOLLYWOOD DAIRY H EID ELBERG on TAP JO S E P H A. B U C H E R . Prop- MEALS and LUNCHES I w>» deliveries daily morning ami evening ^fr^* p-i out own in*|iet trd herd of (lurrnsey », ilellverwl ,f"® •'» Wyeth. Phone H U , Bonneville, «»r leave * market! asradr Locks. MILK—C R E A M - B U T T E R M I L K - B u r n Our milk ia on tale af all the store*