The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 12, 1926, Image 2

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$tuJÌi Eton (¡»larirr
Our Baby Section
t, I Many stories have l.cen told about
■ I the young boy'« love for hl» dog, but
I thia ia one ai-ut a young woman's love
*" I for ber cat.
r| Acrompanieil by relative». Mrs. Julia
c | k . I >■ venport wa« u»<ftoring from Hood
I River to Hpeml the numiuer lu^tanta
J Ana. Included In the traveling party
I wa» “Smokey Miller,” » dher gray
r I i*er»lan cat, the |>et «ml compauioa of
el the family. “Smokey” was a birthday
■ gift to Mr». Davenport from ber
| mother.
| “Smokey Miller” is not a big cat.
r | But eight months old. he might be
11 classified a« a kitten. He 1» an aristo­
crat, none of that starving kitteu «tuff
. for him. He mi»* from pedigreed
| »lock, hl« father having graced a unui-
I ber of national Mine exhibits.
I On their way down, Mrs. Davenport
| and relatives «topixd over for a few
| day« at Willows, Calif, securing accom-
I modstIons at tbe auto park. "Smokey
Miller’s” long silky hair, musical mew
I and engaging munners made him a pet
I of the entire camp.
When they were ready to break camp
| and continue the journey southward,
I there was no "Smokey” to greet them.
HC had «imply disappeared. Efforts to
I locate him were of no avail and it
I looked very much as If he had been tbe
I victim of a carefully planned kidnaping
I plot. Mrs. Davenport could not eat
I tor worrying over her pet.
I Failing to find any trace of the mlaa-
I Ing pet, Mrs. Davenport left word with
I the camp superintendent to l>e notified
I in event tbe cat should turn up. A
few» days ago ahe received a telegram
I from Willows that her pet had been
picked up by children and was in a
»Carving and exhausted condition. She J
immediately wired back to ship
•Smokey” down by express C. O. D. •
When “Smokey” arrived at tbe ex- (
pre»» office, boxed in an empty ketchup
case, his mistress wbh there to meet j
him. Long before be was out of lite
box he recognised tbe voice of his
owner. In a language only understood
by those who love animals, “Smokey”
told hla mUtreas how glad he wa« to be
back, though be failed to give a Mila- *
factory explanation of his mysterious ®
Ye«, there’« something the matter with
And here la where I I m «,
For there isn't a mention In it
Of a place tor a friendly dog.
—The Old Stockman Theologian
By Beu Hur Lampman.
City Traffic Officer Morrison come*
forth thia week with a suggestion to
city folk about Saturday night park­
ing. A h all of na know, Hood River ia
a Saturday night town. Our rural
renldentn are accustomed to vialt the
city that night and do much «hopping.
A« a result all of the parking apace of
tbe pr!n<1|>al biiHinean streets, eapccial-
ly Oak «tree*, ia needed for their auto­
Mr. Morrison Mays that city dwellers
ought to do n little thinking and not
utilise the parking «pace with their
own <-ars. Give the country <• mains n
Watch Baby** Weight— In our Infants’ De­
partment will be found accurate scales so that
every baby’s weight can be noted regularly. Free
of Charge—Bring Baby.
Special - Ladies’ Silk Shirtwaists
Special - Ladies’ Khaki Shirts
and Blouses
Socks in silk and lisle. Hats, Hoods and Bonnets,
shirred and ruffled in all the light shades; Sweat­
ers, 8aeques, Caps and Booties; Soft, Downy Blan­
kets and Silk Padded Quilts; Dresses; Silk and
Wool Vests; Nightgowns, Rubber Pants and Bibs.
Special - Ladies* Dress Goods
In fact, you’ll find this the largest and most
complete Infants’ Wear Department outside of
Portland and our prices are the lowest We in­
vite you to come in and see. '2nd Floor.
In plain colors and plaids; a good assortment
of desirable shades to choose from. Big values at
85c and 89c. This will make up most satisfactor­
ily foy school dresses. Special tne yard........ S9c
Truckmen Attention
We have all the necessary blanks for Pub­
lic Service Commission requirements and will
be glad to help you with them. We write the
required Insurance In a good responsible stock
company, $29 for the 1-ton trucks and $39 for
the larger ones. Short term rates. If desired.
(I rat ion ottki-H and «looking rooms, tn
, addition to a well-arranged auditorium,
equipped with «tage and appurtenance«
' fur the »bowing of motion pictures, are
all combined un<H*r the one roof. The
I fixture« and fumlahiuga are in keeping
J with the magnificence of the building,
all finit-claaa in every respect. The
I kitchen and refrigerating equipment ia
' said to be a model of its kind, the
kitchen being equipped with every
. labor-saving device imaginable. The
acem« like a deaeemtion to eat one.
We note by the current weekly report
of the Oregon State Board of Health
that Hood River county I h now free
from contagiouH dlacwao«. let uh hope
that the record will be maintained
through the apple harvest.
How morbid does human curiosity
sometime« become! What n spectacle!
Mobs fighting to gain adnilsHion to the
The bridge road is finally ander con
at ruction.
Cloud Cap Decifiion Saturday
It will tie definitely decided next
Saturday whether to pnxeed with con-
while other« will ac<x>mmodatc lunch will be taken along and all will
■tructlon of the new Cloud Cap Inn beds.
building thia year. Directora of the three or more beds. Spacious living Join in a picnic dinner on the ground«.
inn company, accompanied by A. E.
Doyle, architect, and a contractor, will
visit the hostelry site Saturday and
make a final inspection, according to
Lealie Butler, who in president of the
corporation. While the detaila of in­
corporation and anaembling of finance«
have lieeii brought to tbe point that
make poexible* the letting of the con­
tract, nome fear« are felt that construe-
tlon work should be held in alieyance
until next auminer becauae of tbe nenr-
nenn now to the storm season on the
At a meeting of the directorate in
Portland Tuemlay the following execu­
tive committee. which will be active In
management of affairs of the company,
was appointed : J. II. Joyce, Rodney
Gllaan and L. R. Wheeler. Mr. Butler
will, ex officio, be a member of the
Roditori Grange Calendar
Friday. Augnai IS, Il«rd Tinx>»O1<1
Time Itanre.
Wed.. August 1% Home Economica.
Friday, August ». Modern iMnce.
Friday. August W. Social Grange.