HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1926 $tuJÌi Eton (¡»larirr Our Baby Section t, I Many stories have l.cen told about ■ I the young boy'« love for hl» dog, but I thia ia one ai-ut a young woman's love *" I for ber cat. r| Acrompanieil by relative». Mrs. Julia c | k . I >■ venport wa« u»et «ml compauioa of el the family. “Smokey” was a birthday ■ gift to Mr». Davenport from ber | mother. | “Smokey Miller” is not a big cat. r | But eight months old. he might be 11 classified a« a kitten. He 1» an aristo­ crat, none of that starving kitteu «tuff . for him. He mi»* from pedigreed | »lock, hl« father having graced a unui- I ber of national Mine exhibits. I On their way down, Mrs. Davenport | and relatives «topixd over for a few | day« at Willows, Calif, securing accom- I modstIons at tbe auto park. "Smokey Miller’s” long silky hair, musical mew I and engaging munners made him a pet I of the entire camp. When they were ready to break camp | and continue the journey southward, I there was no "Smokey” to greet them. HC had «imply disappeared. Efforts to I locate him were of no avail and it I looked very much as If he had been tbe I victim of a carefully planned kidnaping I plot. Mrs. Davenport could not eat I tor worrying over her pet. I Failing to find any trace of the mlaa- I Ing pet, Mrs. Davenport left word with I the camp superintendent to l>e notified I in event tbe cat should turn up. A few» days ago ahe received a telegram I from Willows that her pet had been picked up by children and was in a »Carving and exhausted condition. She J immediately wired back to ship •Smokey” down by express C. O. D. • When “Smokey” arrived at tbe ex- ( pre»» office, boxed in an empty ketchup case, his mistress wbh there to meet j him. Long before be was out of lite box he recognised tbe voice of his owner. In a language only understood by those who love animals, “Smokey” told hla mUtreas how glad he wa« to be back, though be failed to give a Mila- * factory explanation of his mysterious ® absence. 1 Ye«, there’« something the matter with heaven, And here la where I I m «, For there isn't a mention In it Of a place tor a friendly dog. —The Old Stockman Theologian By Beu Hur Lampman. A PARKING SUGGESTION City Traffic Officer Morrison come* forth thia week with a suggestion to city folk about Saturday night park­ ing. A h all of na know, Hood River ia a Saturday night town. Our rural renldentn are accustomed to vialt the city that night and do much «hopping. A« a result all of the parking apace of tbe pr!n<1|>al biiHinean streets, eapccial- ly Oak «tree*, ia needed for their auto­ mobile«. Mr. Morrison Mays that city dwellers ought to do n little thinking and not utilise the parking «pace with their own <-ars. Give the country <• mains n Watch Baby** Weight— In our Infants’ De­ partment will be found accurate scales so that every baby’s weight can be noted regularly. Free of Charge—Bring Baby. Special - Ladies’ Silk Shirtwaists Special - Ladies’ Khaki Shirts and Blouses Socks in silk and lisle. Hats, Hoods and Bonnets, shirred and ruffled in all the light shades; Sweat­ ers, 8aeques, Caps and Booties; Soft, Downy Blan­ kets and Silk Padded Quilts; Dresses; Silk and Wool Vests; Nightgowns, Rubber Pants and Bibs. Special - Ladies* Dress Goods In fact, you’ll find this the largest and most complete Infants’ Wear Department outside of Portland and our prices are the lowest We in­ vite you to come in and see. '2nd Floor. In plain colors and plaids; a good assortment of desirable shades to choose from. Big values at 85c and 89c. This will make up most satisfactor­ ily foy school dresses. Special tne yard........ S9c PINE GROVE Truckmen Attention We have all the necessary blanks for Pub­ lic Service Commission requirements and will be glad to help you with them. We write the required Insurance In a good responsible stock company, $29 for the 1-ton trucks and $39 for the larger ones. Short term rates. If desired. OREGON-WASHINGTON PYTIIIAN HOME (I rat ion ottki-H and «looking rooms, tn , addition to a well-arranged auditorium, equipped with «tage and appurtenance« ' fur the »bowing of motion pictures, are all combined unmmodatc lunch will be taken along and all will ■tructlon of the new Cloud Cap Inn beds. building thia year. Directora of the three or more beds. Spacious living Join in a picnic dinner on the ground«. inn company, accompanied by A. E. Doyle, architect, and a contractor, will visit the hostelry site Saturday and make a final inspection, according to Lealie Butler, who in president of the corporation. While the detaila of in­ corporation and anaembling of finance« have lieeii brought to tbe point that make poexible* the letting of the con­ tract, nome fear« are felt that construe- tlon work should be held in alieyance until next auminer becauae of tbe nenr- nenn now to the storm season on the mountain. At a meeting of the directorate in Portland Tuemlay the following execu­ tive committee. which will be active In management of affairs of the company, was appointed : J. II. Joyce, Rodney Gllaan and L. R. Wheeler. Mr. Butler will, ex officio, be a member of the Roditori Grange Calendar committee. Friday. Augnai IS, Il«rd Tinx>»O1<1 Time Itanre. Wed.. August 1% Home Economica. Friday, August ». Modern iMnce. Friday. August W. Social Grange.