The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 26, 1924, Image 6

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* length—Dependability=Long Life=Freedom
from Repairs=Low Upkeep Expense—True Economy
• ■
Jewett’s greater weight—
2805 pound*—makes possible
a heavier and stronger rear
axle —heavier and stronger
frame — heavier and »trongcr
universal joints—heavier, strong'
_ er and more powerful motor—a
heavier and stronger car through*
out. That’s why Jewett Six is
sturdier and longer-lived than
lighter cars. Ask the weight of any
car before you buy. Compare its
sturdiness with Jewett’*. And all
thi* at the price of a light sixl
After May 1st, our phone number
will be 8811.
We have installed a double trunk
phone system by which we are
able to give you better service.
P hone
. J. R. Ellison, of the Ellison-White
chautauqua circuit, while here last
wvek visltiug at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Keck, recommended that
local folk attend the lectures to be
given at the local cliuutauqua by
Homer 8. Hulbert. Mr. Ellison said
that no man of Amerh-a today is bet­
ter posted on the affairs of the fur
east than Mr. Hulbert, who waa for
a number of years practically the rul­
er of Korea.
•'Mr. Italbert-.’* said Mr. Ellison, “is
a man who speaks eloquently, and he
knows what he In talking about. His
lwtures are worth while, for they give
one an insight Into the lntricaclea of
affairs tn Japan. China and Korea.
It will be well worth tlie while of any­
one to go and. bear Mr. Hulbert.".
Walter 8. Shay, who wss named one
of the delegates from the department
of Oregon to the national American
lægion convention to be held at St.
Paul, will drive to-the convention city
in the unique miniature automobile,
a. feature of the recent Portland state
convention of the Legton. Mr. Hhay,
who built the small automobile, which
has bee» ehriatened “The Puddle
Jumper," created much aim men t for
the local Legion Post with the little
“The Puddle Jumper” has been
made neat by a polishing up- process.
It arouses the comment of tourists as
Mr. Shay drives it through the city.
Mrs. Fay Boater and daughter, of
Fort Wayne, Ind., arrived last week
nml are visiting at the home of W. A.
Husbands. They are touring Oregon
and California, expecting to lie away
from home about four months.
Mrs. Frank Stewart, of Maupin,
S|>ent .the ,week end with her mother,
Mrs. Plercey.
L. A. Root and Mrs. W. A. Hus­
bands were in The Dalles Saturday
on business.
- —“
Fayette Oakley was a visitor at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Straura Satur­
day evening.
Hoo<l River visitors Saturday even­
ing were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evjins.
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Davidliizar und
E. D. Jones and family,
Paul Bailey and faniiljn Earl Bailey
and family and C. O. Bailey and fam-
lly. of Oak Grove, spent Sunday with
Harold Foaberg
and Esther, of Portland, spent Satur­
day evening here visiting Mrs. Johnson
and n^her friends.
Joe Weller entertained the Nindorf
brothers, of Portland, with a trip to
Badger lake and vicinity.
Dick Wilcox and family motored to
Hood Rivet Saturday.
Among the recent arrivals at the
nuto camp was Judge Anderson, of
Baker. Judge Anderson is an old
friend of Mr. Blanchard.
Tlie Paramount people of Balt Lake
City were patrons of the Mosier auto
park last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Vensel and Mr. and
Mrs. TaggMell spent several days
last week on the North Fork of Hood
* Peacock Beauty parlor, Richard’s
apt» Tel. 2921.
Dr. Janies Fraser, who baa been
pastor of the Presbyterian church at
Rawlins, WyoM has been called to
Riverside Community church, to suc­
ceed Dr. W. H. Boddy, who la bow
In Chicngo, pastor of the Woodlawn
Presbyterian church. Dr. Fraser, who
la a Nova Scotian, will preach his
first sermon at Riverside Sunday, July
•fl. He and Mrs. Fraser are expected
to arrive here the latter part of the
__ _
____ _
Arrangementa are being made for
the four-day series of clinics to be
held July 7, 8, 9 and 10 under the aus­
pice* of the Publie Health Association.
Mrs. Bickford, public health nurse, has
made tentative pique to hold the clinic
July 7 in Parkdale, for Parkdale,
Mount Hood and Middle Valley chil­
dren ; the 8th in Hood River for Pine
Grove. Dee and Hood River districts;
the 9th In Odell to roach the Odell and
Central Vale territory, and the 10th
at Hood River for Oak Grove, Barrett
and Frankton. Dr. Estelle .Ford War­
ner, of Portland, will be present for
the clinics, and the local doctors will
be asked to assist so that all the chil­
dren limy lie examined professionally,
and without too great delay.
Fiftyeight are enrolled in the class­
es for home hygiene and care of the
sick conducted by Mrs. II. L. Bickford
iu Odell, Oak Grove and Pine Grove.
The Odell clara meets Tuesday and
Thursday nfternoon. Pine Grove Mon­
day and Friday, and the Oak Grove
class Wednesday. Later on the Oak
Grove clara will have two meetings
each week.
Claases will be continued July 7, 8,
9 «nd 10, when clinics are to lie held
in various ¡tarts of the valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rtewnrt, Of
Condon, were at the O. !. Keizure
home Friday of last week, Mr. Stew-
art and Mr. Keizure are cousins.
At the school meeting Monday of
last week W. T. Hukari waa elected
director to succeed C. E. Graves, who
has moved away. He lias an unex-
plred term of two years to aerve. Mrs.
R. L. Banks was elected as the new
director with a th^ge-year term. Frank
Fenwick was reelected clerk.
The health clara In Oak Grove will
meet hereafter Wednesday only of each
weeek instead of the twn days aa pre­
viously stated. Ro far the clara here
hasn’t is'en as well intended aa In the
other communities. AJ1 the ladies in
tlila district are urged Wednes­
day afternoon for the heelth class and
to try to be there promptly at 2 p. m.
John Jones is home again after .a
visit with relatives in The Dalles.
Mrs. Noel Davis and children, of
Judge'Wilson Gives Address
Grants Pass, are visiting Mrs. Davis'
sister, Mrs. Otto Horn. Monday Mrs.
Judge Fred W. Wilson, president of
Davis received word that while driv­
the Oregon State Bar Association, at­
ing home her husband's car caught fire
tended the annual convention of the
and burned the back part of it. He
Washington state bar at Spokane Sat­
was able to go on to Grants Pass.
urday, where he had been invited to
address the delegates. Judge Wilson
Thursday evening of last week a
is scheduled to be here today for a
crowd of young people journeyed to
«‘raion of circuit court.
Pine Grove to welcome Mr. qnd Mrs.
Donald McLeod with various musical
Instruments such as dynamite, saws
and iron Lars, tin cans. etc. Some very
Tlie residence of R. L. Aldridge on
pretty tunes were played before they
the Hally place near Ilmrum eaught
were invited in and served with de­
fire fr<tin a defective flue Saturday
licious refreshments.
and was totally destroyed, together
Relatives and frienda of the W. T.
with a iMirt of the home orchard which
Hukari family gathered at their home
was ruiry-d by the flames, fanned by a
Hunday for a picnic dinner. After
high wind.
dinner a ball game was played be­
tween the East Ride *gd West Side.
Hail Insurance. See R. E. Scott. mtitf
Although the umpire wss a West Rider,
the East Ride won. There was talk
of a bribe being paid, so maybe that's
the reason.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horn and small
son made a business trip to Portland
Wedneaday of last week.
Friday morning Oak . Grove was
startled by the mill whistle blowing
at fl o’clock. A small fire was discov­ Specialist Guarantee* Complete Relief From Every Form
ered in one of the lumber piles. Quick
of Asthma Within 24 Hour*—Or No Cost
work with the fire hose soon put it out
The fire startai from shavings blown
.that agonizing coughing, gasp-' gnspiug, wheezing and that terriblg
from ths sawdust pile. The damage ing All and
wheeling goes within 24 night strangling—la controlled within
was slight.
hours. and you sleep the night through 21 hours.,
at once without a break—through a' Every Asthma snffdrer Is urged to
rkafije new internal prescription at leaat try Kinex. It is the only
B. J. Montgomery, who is under the devebqtcd by a‘Cleveland specialist. | Asthma treatment on the market orig-
It doesn't matter how long you have hinted and developed entirely by phys-
care of physicians, is stifying in Hood
hnd Asthma or what your age. this iciana under scientific clinical condl-
River at the home of Mrs. Crapper.
new treatment allays the severest tions, manufactured by reliable, eth-
O. Wagenor, of eastern Oregon, vis­ simsma in 30 minutes or less, and is leal manufacturing pharmacists, and
ited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Keys. ixisitively guaranteed to bring com-' approved and prescribed by physl-
piete relief within 24 hours—or It costs clans. And It is guaranteed. Money
Geo. Keeling. Mr. and Mrs Earl Kee­ you nothing.
ling and Harold Keeling came up from
Science now proves that Asthma is
Portland to visit the latter's wife, not a mere external disease but is
who has lieen visiting her father, Robt. due to a fundamental internal condl-
Leasure, the past week.
ti< hi — protein sensitiveness of the sys­
Just now, through a special intro­
Mrs. B. J. Montgomery spent a few tem. Most remedies—burning powders ductory arrangement, you can obtain
days last week with her husliand In and tbo like—are merely temporary, a trial treatment entirely FREE.
and do not at nil prevent the trouble Simply go to the drug store named
Hood River.
| I h -I ow and aak for a trial package of
The Mt. Hood ball team played the from growing worse.
Bnt this new treatment, known as RIN'EX. No obligation at all on your
Mosier team here Sunday and beat
Rinex, ,<d*nd taken In simple capsule f»rt. Bat be sure to aak for your
tliem by a score of 12 to 7.
form, ghe» direct to the internal cause free treatment within the next three
Our Bunday school Is planning a and
neutralizes it completely’ — without daya—tiilr offer la limited. It may
picnic up the I<oop highway in the harmful
drugs or bad after-offa-ts. be obtained In this city at the Krerae
near future, together with the Park- So every symptom—all the coughing. Drug Co.
dale and Mt. Hood Bunday schools.
The date will proltably be given next
Come to*Bunday achool next Sunday
and find out what is being done—at
10 o'clock. Preaching at 11 o’clock.
End of the Problem
' 9
Your tire problem ceases to
be a problem when all four
wheels are shod with AJAX
Cords. The best way to
arrive at four is to start
\ '
A few days ago a big Portland manufacturer, needing ready
cash, offered to aell us a quantity of the finest 1W% Pure Japan Ka p ok
(Bilk Floea) inalXreseesat a price that would enable us to retail them
for lera than the regular wholesale «»st. We snapped him up and
ordered twenty-five. They're here and we ray without hesitation that
no finer mattreraee have ever come into our store. Read the descrip­
tion, rememtierlng that this store has never exaggerated in its adver­
tising. Then try to find the equal of these mattresses anywhere for
lera than $28 to $35.
Scow Fire Damage Light
Flames on one of the big scows of
tlie .Gilpin Construction Co. aroused
observers ia the city Saturday. The
fire, although sp<>ctacnlar for a time,
caused only a nominal damage. It was
caused from sparks falling on a shed
erected over a pump. The tar papier,
oil and dry planking burned merrily
for a short time, bnt a bucket brigade,
on reaching the scow made quick Work
of extinguishing the fire.
for joyous vacation pleasures
The Oregon caves, Crater Lake, Tillamook »nd
Newport beaches —indeed, alt your favorite
haunts are available to you through Southern
Pacific low round-trip vacation fares.
For the “Oregon Outdoor»” booklet and full
“vacation days” informa don, comm un icate with
All kinds of
Trouble Shooting
1 yWork a Specialty
Regular Price, $12.50
Comfort and old clothe* go
hand in-haod in these Care-
tre« bungalow camp* —fnv is
tach ddfrrrt^ aad du-
Canadian Pacific Hospitality
and tervice ■< mint ecosoln
■Cal wrakly rata*
Call ar wnta for oar maoal FoMar
W. H DEACON Cast A smi . Pu*r D»«t
MultnoMh Howl Building
Phone 2153
You have already seen or heard of this marvelous little stove that
cooks a complete meal at once—frying, boiling, toasting and broiling—in
beautiful solid aluminum and nickel plated vessels.
Hot days are coming soon and you’ll surely enjoy using one of these
economical and convenient cookers. For a week, beginning Saturday,
June 28th, we offer them at a saving of almost a. fourth.
Thia old game is coming into favor every*
We’ve »old barrel* of specially made
shoe*, regulation size and weight Just opened a
fresh keg. Get your set to take along »■»»
on camp trip, at each............................ vUC
Four-Ball Set Complete, in strong
Eight-Ball Set,
Regulation Sizes...........
«JOsX^ -J
Six-Ball Professional. Beautifully fin- <7
ished Mallets and Balls...................... $ / iZj