HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, JUNE 2ft, 1934 PUDDLE JUMPER TO * length—Dependability=Long Life=Freedom from Repairs=Low Upkeep Expense—True Economy i n • ■ 18 ’SR" p Jewett’s greater weight— i 2805 pound*—makes possible a heavier and stronger rear axle —heavier and stronger frame — heavier and »trongcr universal joints—heavier, strong' _ er and more powerful motor—a heavier and stronger car through* out. That’s why Jewett Six is sturdier and longer-lived than lighter cars. Ask the weight of any car before you buy. Compare its sturdiness with Jewett’*. And all thi* at the price of a light sixl Touring Brougham DEVIN & SON After May 1st, our phone number will be 8811. We have installed a double trunk phone system by which we are able to give you better service. HOLMAN & SAMUEL SANITARY MARKET & GROCERY P hone 8811 . J. R. Ellison, of the Ellison-White chautauqua circuit, while here last wvek visltiug at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Keck, recommended that local folk attend the lectures to be given at the local cliuutauqua by Homer 8. Hulbert. Mr. Ellison said that no man of Amerh-a today is bet­ ter posted on the affairs of the fur east than Mr. Hulbert, who waa for a number of years practically the rul­ er of Korea. •'Mr. Italbert-.’* said Mr. Ellison, “is a man who speaks eloquently, and he knows what he In talking about. His lwtures are worth while, for they give one an insight Into the lntricaclea of affairs tn Japan. China and Korea. It will be well worth tlie while of any­ one to go and. bear Mr. Hulbert.". OAK GROVE Walter 8. Shay, who wss named one of the delegates from the department of Oregon to the national American lægion convention to be held at St. Paul, will drive to-the convention city in the unique miniature automobile, a. feature of the recent Portland state convention of the Legton. Mr. Hhay, who built the small automobile, which has bee» ehriatened “The Puddle Jumper," created much aim men t for the local Legion Post with the little machine. “The Puddle Jumper” has been made neat by a polishing up- process. It arouses the comment of tourists as Mr. Shay drives it through the city. MOSIER Mrs. Fay Boater and daughter, of Fort Wayne, Ind., arrived last week nml are visiting at the home of W. A. Husbands. They are touring Oregon and California, expecting to lie away from home about four months. Mrs. Frank Stewart, of Maupin, S|>ent .the ,week end with her mother, Mrs. Plercey. L. A. Root and Mrs. W. A. Hus­ bands were in The Dalles Saturday on business. - —“ Fayette Oakley was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Straura Satur­ day evening. Hooctacnlar for a time, caused only a nominal damage. It was caused from sparks falling on a shed erected over a pump. The tar papier, oil and dry planking burned merrily for a short time, bnt a bucket brigade, on reaching the scow made quick Work of extinguishing the fire. away for joyous vacation pleasures The Oregon caves, Crater Lake, Tillamook »nd Newport beaches —indeed, alt your favorite haunts are available to you through Southern Pacific low round-trip vacation fares. For the “Oregon Outdoor»” booklet and full “vacation days” informa don, comm un icate with All kinds of Trouble Shooting 1 yWork a Specialty Bungalow Regular Price, $12.50 tritely Canadian Piwific Rockies Comfort and old clothe* go hand in-haod in these Care- tre« bungalow camp* —fnv is tach ddfrrrt^ aad du- hiumx Canadian Pacific Hospitality and tervice ■< mint ecosoln ■Cal wrakly rata* Call ar wnta for oar maoal FoMar W. H DEACON Cast A smi . Pu*r D»«t MultnoMh Howl Building SS THIRD *T PORTLAND ORt Phone 2153 You have already seen or heard of this marvelous little stove that cooks a complete meal at once—frying, boiling, toasting and broiling—in beautiful solid aluminum and nickel plated vessels. Hot days are coming soon and you’ll surely enjoy using one of these economical and convenient cookers. For a week, beginning Saturday, June 28th, we offer them at a saving of almost a. fourth. EVER PITCH HORSESHOES? Thia old game is coming into favor every* where. We’ve »old barrel* of specially made shoe*, regulation size and weight Just opened a fresh keg. Get your set to take along »■»» on camp trip, at each............................ vUC CROQUET SETS . Four-Ball Set Complete, in strong Eight-Ball Set, Regulation Sizes........... fkff «JOsX^ -J Six-Ball Professional. Beautifully fin- <7 ished Mallets and Balls...................... $ / iZj