The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 05, 1924, Image 1

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* J
These subjects and other lu tercet lug topics will, be thoroughly
cussed by Head Hepraoentatlve from New ïork ou BEMIANO.
• ■ t- »
4 ^--3 .<
A Free Lecture arn^ Démonstration to be given at
Personal, individual attention to every call for
service is the rule of this Bank—and the successful *
application of this rule is proved by the hosts of
friends who today are numbered among our patrons.
• •
The Men’s Forum of the Upper Val­
ley United church and the Women’s
Auxiliary have act hext Thursday
evening as the date for the strawberry
festival. A committee, compost'd of
8. G. Gibson. E. C. Etiwer and Geo. W.
Blodgett, has been appointed to aelect
a festival queen. The jmlgi-a have
announced that bobbed hair will not
be an Isaue in selecting the queen.
The Knights of Pythias bund will
participate in the festival, which, It
1« anticiiHited. will draw a large dele­
gation from thia city,.
The entire evening will be character-
ited by many unique entertainment
features. Those In charge of the pro­
gram are working out many novelties.
The entertainment will be staged In
the grove adjacent to the grade school
and the gueats are assured that every­
th teg will be «lobe to make the evening
enjoyable. The committee wauta it to
lie understood that though a nominal
charge will be made for refreshments
the desire of those sponsoring the
event is to make the festival a social
success rather than a ttuanclal gain.
The proceeds will be used iu aid of
«-omaiuuity work. The program, which
is free to all. will commence at 8 p. tn.
and an Invitation la extended to all
sections of the county to particti«ete.
A Purcluse here Cerries Tlut Pleasure Of SatbfKUM
The First National Bank
itamins S'
is one of the best tonics, easy
digestible and quick acting
The bonds are in denominations of $100 and $600 and are
¡yable aerially beginning June 1st, 1927, the last bonds maturing
me lit, 1941.
JOHN KOBERG, P roprietor
he thinks of it
This is about what
before what it was to
Make the Grange Store
your buying place
while in the
Come in and we will help yon
plan one for your home.
We not
We give
be& quality, be& prices
and read service.
We have real specials
■B on groceries at
all times
only handle all materials for Screened
Porches, but also we
Screen Doors and Screen Windows
to fit your openings.
Everyfhin# to Build Anything
X KILLER cap in every hue In the
rainbow to match your bathing suit,. ▲
style and shape for every taste and pur­
pose. Water Wings, Rubber Sponges, etc.
TW t MILLER Beach Ban with you.
I have installed several seta of these wonderful pistons
in the last three months, and their performance is won­
derful. Drop in and let me tell you about them.
» A
- The Flrat National l>ank «Tfebrated
II h 2<Kh birthday Monday. 0. C. Crew
olHH*rv<*d the event by placing In the
financial inatitHtlon’a show
exhibit that is creating as much inter-
eat as any display ever mode here.
He secured a number of picture« of
Nlne«y-two memhere of the First
pioneer events. In the center of the Christian Church and frienda assem-
«Itspbiy Hiqa-ara one of the first edition«« bted at the home of Mr. and Mra. O.
of the II ckx I River Glacier. The pi­
oneer paper, puldlabéd June 8, 1889.
with Geo. T. Prather as publisher non and Mr. and Mrs. <J. W. Nash.
and J. II. Cradlebaugh aa editor, car­ Ker. Johnson baa Jnst resigned lite
ried the story of a great fire at Heattie pastorate of the chure+i to accept a
and tbe tragedy of tbe-Johnstown, Pa., «all to the Odell chart*. Mr. and
flood. The Glacier next week, ta qele- Mr» Nash and faintly are leaving tor
bratlon of its own blrtiutay, will pub­ I.« Grandi* to make their home.
lish «tortea from the'fiMt team*. .Which
Tablea bad been act among the ehade
wa* loaned to the lutak-by S. F. Rlj^be treee of the lawn. Vari-colOred Ughts
Tbe collection of plot a res arranged amidst
.. . foliage
In the bank window by Mr. •• Crew in-
to-' 1
ctadaa ctaMMs at -the- Mafirett aafi Bark
street schools. In tbe Barrett picture!
Kent Riioemaker, then a mere beginner
The pleaaant. j«arty wsa* an entire
at scholastic du tie«, ta shown carrying surprise to Hev. and Mrs. Johnson
a drum almost as large aa himself.
and Mr. and Mrs. Nash. On thHr ar­
A picture of a picnic at tbe Wau- rival at tho Ebl homo about 8 o'clock,
Guln-Guiu. Robert Rand's phmeer re­ they were greeb-d by abuuts of tluise
sort, taken in the 80«, shows the style« who had arrived earlier. They were
of the day. In this picture aiqwara made to run the gauntlet of their
Bert Htranabau wearing a “dicer’’ hat, frienda aa they emerged from their
that would win - him his fortune, if i automobile«.
• ’ ”
apfries were selling well, in a presenta­
All first aaoemhled ' In the living
tion at the Rialto theatre.
room of the Ebl home. Mias Huth
Company A, Girl Scoots, an organ!-« , Garrett preaented each of the couples
xatlon of tbe Hpautah-Amerlcan war with a handsome bouquet of rosee,
__ __ a
period, are repr«-«ented. Major J. H presentation »qtee^h to each couple be­
Booth drilled the girl«’ organisation.
ing made by MI hh Ruth Oliver. After
The window display carries a card iMmga by a quartet composed of Rev.
which shows that the hank's capital , .Lohnaoii. It. <>. (’ooper, K. J. Beck and
and surplUH Jun«* 1, 1904, waa 83IUNM). Alfred Neal, the party repaired to
Today It la 8120.000. The total assets the table«. A aumptnoru luncheoig
Jun« 1, 1904 reschwl »35.000. Todav waa served. R«*v. C. R. TWepInc pre­
they reach 8LO49.867.
, sented the gifts. After he had finished.
Mra. Neal «ailed on various others of
the assctybled |uirty for remarks.
Among th<we expressing keen regret
nt the departnre of the couples were
Hanford Hmlth and H. E. Hteele.
Sleep Soundly and Really Rest
------ 4-----------
The full.issue is $60,000 and the bonds are secured by a First
Mort age on the entire property and holdings of the Farmers Irri-
Tbe present value of the property, aecuring these bonda
more than $200,000 and the population served by this oonipany
•bout 1600.
This is the oldest Irrigating System in Hood River Valley
and it serves one of the best and most highly developed districts
in the County.
Farther information on application. .
>’• Antihan fe­
Pythian Bud Win
Pby Fer Crevd
To one and all we give sincere thanks for the
hearty endorsement of our service indicated by their
We offer and recommend aa a desirable
investment the new 6)4% bonds of tbe
Farmers Irrigating Co.
aad W<
nte Yalhy
in and attempted to waken him. Fail­
ing in this, physicians were called and
said be apparently had died shortly
after 3 o’clock.
Mr. Furnish formerly resided at
. r
Pendleton, and went to Portbiud In
1909. Until bls health began to fail . ‘ . - ,. —■ /
several years ago be waa premiaei-t
in Republican politics and in 1902 waa CROWDS FROM MANY QTIRS OOMG
Republican candidate tor governor, a
position he failed to achieve by less
than 400 votes. He served two terms Nernmkm to Get T m ef H mf -
aa sheriff of. Umatilla county wbou a
Street Parade Starts at 1 P. I.
young iuan and waa noted for hl« cool­
ness and courage -in running down
All Stone to O cm
«•attic rustlers and bad men who then
iufested what was a frontier country,
ATUpThns have beep completed for
latter lie served aa vuyor of Pendleton.
Furnish was born at Rente, Mo.. the big Woodmen of the World eete-
August Iff. 1863, and came across the bratioi) and initiation today.
plains with bls parents when he wan committee lu clmrga has spared no
three years old. He spent hia boyboo«! I link* and exiteus«* to make thia a great
in the Willamette valley and began event, one, that, will long be remene-
his business career as a grain buyer bered by the citlseua of Hood River
In Portland. lu tbe late 70s he went as w« n aa many other ettiee la this
to Pendleton as a grain, buyer. He state- and the state of WashlagUm.
quickly realised that UmatUla county Visitors l-egan arriving “la«t evening
was destined to be a great wheat and early this morning and from *fi
growing region, and became interest«*«i indicatloua the expected 8,000 will be
lu tbe o|x*ration of farms. Later be here The largest number of candi­
purchased the old Pendleton Having*« date« from any of the 11 cittee repre-
Bank, which he built into a large and aented will be from Qoldeudale, Wash*
which «ectired more Hum 75, Hood
imecesaful lustitutkm.
Meanwhile he acquired thousand«* of It I ver being a close second. The pro­
acreji of wheat land and at hia death gram for the day wHI start with a
was the owner of extensive wheat and big street parade, whirl» will form M
orchard proia*rtiea in various part« of riiuM*ntb street and Cascade aveaue
at 1 p. m. After parading tbe prin­
the Pacific Northwest,
He took an extremely active part in ciple streets of the city, led by the
developing eastern Oregon. Among hi- local K. B. band, the vtaitora win re­
constructive ent erprlsea ta numbered turn to tbe picnic grounds at the foot
the lO.UOOacre* Furnish irrigation of Thirteenth street, where the aftee-
proj«M-t at Htautteld. Thia regluii waa ma>n will be given «ver to ethletie
a desert when Mr. Furnlali with a few event« of all. kinds. At 8 p. m. one
frlemla decided to make U productive. .ton of baked Cotumhla river salmon
Today hundreds of homes dot the laud "will la* nerved free to all who attend.
and orchards and alfalfa have re At 8 p. m. <MM> cnndMatee win be te-
itlated. There will be uiuate and
plac«-d the sage brush.
Mr, Furnf
Hah was a member of a dundng all during tbe day and even­
nlimiter of 1 fraternal arderà, including
_____ _ ing. The public la Invited to attend. .
the Pen diet OU lodge of Elks. He re­
sided at 5<»3 (Tifton street and la sur­
vived by hia widow, a aon, William
Eldon Furnish, of Portland, ajad a
daughter, Mrs. Stewart J. Moore, Qt
thia city.
a,»—is» a« . —n.
Every year of contact with tbe farmers, bum
men and home life of Hood River has shown us
ways of improving our service.
W. ft W. Hi
(ten air tiw Faw. Da W mbm Shew Their Agef It ta, Why?
Hew to Bofimve U ms anti Wrinkle«. Shetad Waeam U m DeaMetiea?
The First National Bank opened its doors—twenty
years in which it has been a helpful, stimulating in­
fluence in this community.
' “fi*
Mrs. Pet Gallagher was the victim
of a clever bunco game last week,
when a woman, who gave the naum of
Mary G, Alien, appeared at her home,
purporting to he in search of rooming
nccommodatiitns. She selected quar­
ters and sought to make a de|M>sit.
However, she had no funds, and Mra.
Gallagher was unable to cash a check.
She so manipulated her conversation
ns to request Mra. Gallagher’s signa­
ture on a piece of paper, in order, as
she said, that she might mak<* arrange­
ments to pay her by check, if ahi*
The woman then visited the First
National bank, seeking to cash a
check for 845. Wlien the request was
made that she he Identified, she said
she knew no one, but Anally she appar­
ently recollected tbat she had the sig­
nature nf Mra. Gallagher, which she
presented to G m * paying Leiter, who
recognised It. The wiynan stated that
she could secure Mrs. Gallagher’s en-
dorseqient to the cheek, which she did,
securing the cneh front the hank. Hh<*
failed, however, to appear to take
IMMtaeasion of her rooms, and Mra.
Gallagher grew snspidous. Tlte bank
Anally began an Investigation and dia-
«■overed tbat the cheek, drawn on a
Central la. Wash., bank and signed by
Geo. W. Allen, was worthies«.
When city au<l county authorities
were notiAed and began to check the
cam*, the woman wus discovered to
have arrived In the city in an automo­
bile of a certain description, 8 nr-
roqndng cities were Immediately noti­
Aed, and a car waa halted at Arling­
ton. A woman waa returned from
there, but she failed to At the dea-
«Tfptlon. Sheriff Rdtck Immediately
sent circular descriptions of the Allen
woman to a|l Northwest points.
. -r-
V .
News Tuesday of the sudden death
| of William Jeffers Furnish came as a
aeveei* shock to his friends here. Mr.
Furnish became interested In Hood
Hirer real estate some eight or nine
Veara ago. He also p u r cha se d a Work
of atock In the First National Bank.
He was a frequbnt visitor here.
Mr. Furnish was In bls otftce alone
Tuesday afternoon
He apparently
had been working at hia desk and had
retired to his conch for a nap as was
hia habit. He had been dead only a
few minute« when Max Leuderniann.
bis real estate representative, stepped
Tlie eagle will wriMin In the mid­
Columbia July 4 st Park Grange ball
in the West Hide orchard district. <3om-
mitteea are now busily eng. '**d in
preparation for a big Fourth oZ July
celebration. H|>eaker« of the day have
l<eeti announced as follows: Governor
Her«* and M. D. Odell, tbs bitter the
oldest native born Hood River coanty
man and nia«<t<-r of Pomona grange.
The afternfton will I* devoted to open
air dances and various sports.
Chairmen of committee* «(>l>o Inled
to stage the Independence day celebra­
tion Include: L. B. Glheon. publicity;
G. A. Palmiter, program In hall; 8. G.
Oxborrow. de«-oratlonH; E. M Lape.
gnmoK and sports: E. It Moller, park­
ing; Aatto Annala. carnival; Mrs. II.
T>. Eleele ami Mra. (’. M. Ilurlbnrt,
solicitation of prizes; Mrs. G. E. Mer­
rill, dining Imll; H. E Wylie, hot dog
stand: Mrs. F. N. Taylor, Mra. Mc­
Clain and V. A. Crow««, ice cream. Soft
dr I like« etc.; F. N. Taylor, treasurer,
arid L. L. Gooch, dancing. The exec­
utive committee consists of A. Q. Wing.
H. E. Wylie, Mrs. E K Moller, F. N.
Taylor, W. T. Forty, G. A. Palmiter
and I. L. Gooch.
A. W. Stone, who June 1 terminated
hia connecttou with the Apple GeowMm
Aasociatlon, immediately began the
task of converting the Mosier Frait-
growega Association into an organisa­
tion eftaracterised by strictly coopera­
tive lines. The Mosier asaoeiattoa,
which Is one of the few aalaa cuaoans
of tbe Northwest with which the
growers of the district are afflUated
10O per cent, was formed on corporate
tinea that will DM permit It to fe»
numerons exemption« that apply ta
agencies that are entirely coepsirativa
Mr. Htone, who wlU daaata hia entira
time hereafter tn tbe Interest of grow­
ers i’ cooperative Institution«, spent yea-
-day at
-may. he says,
... Mosier.
... He
. ____
later establish an ofllce in
Mr. Rt.
came to Mood River ta
■ health. He purahssed
uw etaS«M
ticaidK ysAm
— ----------- - to
m u
attorney In Buffalo, N. T.. when* he
effected -the ratvesafnl cooperative or­
gan ¡ration of independent ail concaaw*.
He A rat became Interested la cooner-
ntlve efforts of apple growers ta 1MK
when, because of bls experience ta
financial matters he undertook tbe re­
financing of the old Hood Hirer Appto
Growers Union, lie was one of the
prime movers in tbe organisation of
the Apple Growers Association, which
succeeded the Union and other fruit
sales Interests here. Mr. Eton« pre­
pared tlx* by-laws and eoastitutien of
the sales agency, the first of Ito kind
in tbe United Htates to incorporate a
dofible system of voting, tonnage and
membership franchise ls*ing combined.
The itlan baa since be«*n adopted! by
various growers' organisations.
Mr. Etone Is-came the Association's
first manager and Served io thia ct-
pacliy until the end of the fiscal year
in 1923. For the past year he waa
traffic mauager. Tbe Association
started without a dollar. At the time
lie left It as manager it bad a fund of
8230.000, ulilixed In the purchase of
aiippli«*« for mexnliera. It had amassed
a buildtag fund that reached 8280,000.
Th«*se properties were ««a-ured through
asat-Mnu-nta no higher than growers
had paid to private shippers for ser­
vice«. Tbe property, in case of dis­
solution of the sal«*s agency will re­
vert to tbe growers, u division being
made on the basis of tonne««’ furnished
the organization.
Before the Apple Gruwtws Associa­
tion was formed it bad lieeo customary
for directors of cooperative aasocia-
tlons to give personal endorsement to
not«*s signed for funda ueeded In ad­
ministration of tbe bustaesa. Ths sys­
tem of contracts aigne<L. by affiliated
gj^wers of the AswM-iation. however,
girt«* the ma mi cement power to pro­
ceed with financing, and tbe mattar of
borrowing funda and floating bond
laanes liua always ls*en carried out
suceeaafully. During the war period,
when interest rates soare«!. ths Asso*
clatliiu always procured fuu«ia at seven
per cent inter<*«t.
Because of Its strict «-ooperativs or­
ganization. the Aaaociation has SO-
capsd state and federal Income tax.
Originally the federal department
ruled that the Aasoelation would be
liable for bicome tax; Mr. Htone made
a trip to. 'Washington and finally ne-
cured total exeinptlen. If the tax bad
l»een applied th«* organisation would
have been seriously hampered.
The aix-innu tennis team from Port­
land, ejugag«*d here Sunday with metu-
l>era of the tennlM team of the Hoed
Hirer Country <iul>. won every event
In which they participated. A. B.
McAlpin, who la-camp inter«*nt®d In
golf, defaulted hia game to Stewart J.
Moore. Tn the singles the men, the
visitors Arat mentloDe«!. Were matahed
a« follows: James Mu<kle versus Kay
W. Sinclair; Robert Kendall versus
J. R. Norton; Randolph Bingham ver-
ana Ernest C. Smith; Ralph Moores
versus John Annnla, and Janma Beatty
versus Etna Annaln.
Mackie amt Kendall rtcftmtc«l Harry
T. DeWitt and J. R. Norton in doubles.
Moores and Bingham won in their
doubles match with Annala brother«.
The visitors were loud in their
praise of the Oak Grove courts of the
country club.
Although they have
t»een In use only a few weeks, the
Multnomah _ players
said they were In
excellent oonditton.
Tn a 10-liinlng game the Hood River
t>«set>all team Sunday defeated Tbe
Halles tram by a score of 4 to S. An­
derson and llewey fornu*d the local
battery. The local team Is maintain­
ing sr«w>d plac«* in the mld-<V»lumbla
league. The boosters of th« ’earn,
cheered by th» gains made since An­
derson and Hewvy wero placed on the
aggregation, expieaa tbe hope of whi­
ning the pennant.
Next Sunday the Goldondale team
will play the locals on Paradise dia­
mond here. With “lefty" Schwarts
pitching for the visitors, the game, it
towntieibated. w» be <>ne- of tba hard­
est fought of tbe season.
Walter Hhay la huay eqntoplng a
nrw type "f mldgvt sutomobHe to bu
nacd In Portland at the Rose Festival
ncxt week in advertfsing the Mount
Hoo«l IzOglon cilmb. The machine ta
a hnnidtngcr and wtll attraet ho smaU
attention In the metropoito.